Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 364: 364. Jessie Please Be Okay.

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"Why do you look so surprised to see me? Is it really that shocking that we would come to the same person for help? Though I'd have to say that our circle is quite small." Patricia said smiling at Jessie retreating frame.

"What is he doing to her?" Jessie asked, ignoring the sting on her plams caused by her nails.

"Whay do you think? He is pretty certain is was her idea to run away, apparently she is a repeat offender" Jessie scoffed at the statement, her lips parted as she stared at Patricia straight face. "And he is coming for you next."

"Well he won't get to her" said Lenora, "because Jason will get here first... with the police." She added bluntly. 

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" Patricia spat her eyes narrowing. "Do you not care about your life?"

"I'm doing this because I do care, more than you know, so if I were you I would get the hell out of here before the cops come get you." 

"You will pay for this I swear, trust me" Patricia said, turning around to walk away, "this isn't the last you are going to see of me." 

Lenora bit her lower lip and nodded "hmm... normally I would say bring it on, but I think this is it. You should go."

After Patricia surprisingly undramatic exit Jessie placed her hand on Lenora shoulder, "are you sure?"

"I am, I think I finally understand what Jamie really deserves, not the woman that would do despicable things to be with him but one who would sacrifice her happiness for the better of others" she said.

Jessie sighed, "who are you and what have you done with Lenora?"

"Skip the crap, you do realize that I was bluffing earlier when I said I called Jason right?" 

Jessie inhaled sharply, "you what?!"

"Look we can still go out and find a phone because that bitch destroyed mine and my laptop too. But I will be Frank with you, George will probably get to you first." 

"Lenora" Jessie breathed out her voice shaky, shutting he eyes she let all the fear that filled her mind flow away, now was not the time to be scared. "I need to help Jocelyn, she doesn't deserve what she is getting, she's been in there so long she thought I was still dead."

"Take this" Lenora handed a black ball to Jessie and she reached over and took it.

"What is this?" Jessie asked.

"A bug, the moment you get somewhere with wifi it will record everything that happens around you, audio record." 

"Ahhh, why are you giving this to me?" Jessie asked.

"Incase, just incase George gets to you first. The whole world would hear everything that happens to you, getting rid of you then would not be able to help them in court." Lenora stated bluntly,  "the evidence would be to big and too large to ignore."

A small smile.played across Jessie's lips, "we can bring down the entire Lee corporation with this." 


"But do not get caught Jessie, no matter what, do not get caught. We would hear everything that happens to you but I cannot assure your safety, if he finds that he will kill you." 

"I'm scared Lenora, I am honestly terrified, and there is nothing I want more than to just see Jason. Even if it's just a glimpse anything, I just want to see him." Jessie replied combing through her hair she sighed in exparation. 

"Then go to him, I will tell him you are coming so go to him."

"Thank you Lenora, and I have no idea what Patricia has aganist you but thank you for doing this. You are brave, I don't think if Jasom was on the line I would be able to make the sacrifice you are making."

"You would, because you are a better person than I am." 



"What the hell are you doing?!" Katherine screamed into darkness, thrashing and struggling she threw her legs everywhere and nowhere with no sense of direction. She knew she was in a moving vehicle, a very fast one at that, with how often she was jerked from side to side she was probably moving g way past the road restrictions. The last thing she remembered was walking out of her car in the parking lot of the hospital and next thing everything went black and she was tossed into this vehicle. "Let me go" she screamed, trying to jerk her hands free from the binds behind her back.

"Who are you? Who sent you? Do you know how big a mistake you just made? I have really rich and influential friends that will definitely look for me if I am missing!" She threatened, "no answer? You're not answering me? Bastard!" 

"Fine, let me go right now and  I won't go to the cops I promise, I will be as quiet and as normal as I was before this happened. Hmm? Let me go already, you won't let me go? Let me go right now!" She yelled again, huffing and puffing.

Suddenly there was a firm grip on her upper arm and although she couldn't see a thing her feet touched ground and she was pulled along the ground, she couldn't tell anything or make out her situation. There was no noise, her captors had said absolutely nothing since they kidnapped her. 

She was silent as she walked, they was not point struggling now, she was probably heading to the culprit soon so she would have her answers then. But wrecking her mind she couldn't place anyone at all, who would do this to her? 

"Ooof! Be careful will you!" She hissed as she was sat rather harshly on what was a very cushy seat.

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The black bag that sat on top her head all the way was yanked away and she squinted as her eyes got used to all the sudden light flooding her eye balls.

"Hello Katherine."

With a scoff she sat back, rubbing her recently freed wrists. "I should have known, I blame myself for being to naive, of course this is the way you do things." 

"Why am I here? Mr. Lee?"


"Jason! Where the hell have you been? I have been so worried come back to the office already my weak heart can't take this?" Paul whined into his phone.

"Have you seen the news?"

"Jessie has been found?" Paul asked, his voice full of hope.

"Tch... I wish, it's not about Jessie but Katherine."

"Katherine? Why is Katherine on the news?"

"Xavier Lee is giving her he's entire wealth, the companies, the money all his property he is giving it all to her." Jason replied. 

"What? Like he is announcing her his heir?" 

"No, it's worse than that, he is giving it all to her, there is not being an heir first, he is just leaving everything to her." 

"Shit have-"

"I have to go, I'm getting another call, thanks for everything but you should go to her now" Jason stated cutting of the call.


"Jason? I'm I speaking to Jason Kang?" 

"Yes, who us this?"

"Lenora, Lenora Hastings the reporter for last time."

"Ahh, yes can I help you?"

"Actually I can help you, I know where Jessie is and I already sent Jamie the-"

"Is she with you?!" Jason interrupted. 


"Then where is she?"

"If you just stop interrupting me I will tell you" Lenora replied through gritted teeth.

"... sorry, go on."

"She was in my house a few moments ago, and so was Patricia, just listen. She is in danger because George.already knew she was here like an hour ago so he has a head start but he doesn't know where she is going. She said to tell you to meet her at the place where she was the most heartbroken, her manager Tony's grave." Lenora said. "It's not very far from my house so you should go there as soon as possible." 

"Shit, shit I am on my way, you said George was already on his way to you?" 

"Yeah, but Patricia would have told him that Jessie is no longer here so it basically just a race to get to her at this point. It's better for you since you know where she is headed to just go there. Alright?" 

"Sure thing thanks a lot, I am on my way." Jason said turning uis car around in a screech.

"Just be okay Jessie please be okay!"


With her hair whipping around her head violently Jessie struggled to keep going she had to get away from here and to the cemetery as fast as she could. Her steps slowed as she began to tire out and she struggled with her breathing but even whilst her chest burned she refused to stop moving. She didn't suffer all this while to be sent back to George, somehow at the back of her mind she had a perfect picture of what would be happening to her if George got to her first and the thought was horrifying enough to keep her moving.

Soon her hurried steps took her farther and farther from people until she was no longer around civilization. Just the creeping of the sun, as the dark sky began to lighten giving her new hope for freedom.

"Ahhhh!!" She screamed as a car rammed into her, sending her to the ground with a heavy thud. She was confident when she ran into the road, she hadn't been expecting cars at this hour. "Owww" she exclaimed as she sat up whilst rubbing her elbow.. The driver quickly getting out to run to her, but another door opened and someone else got out of the car as well, it took a moment but after a few blinks her vision cleared, there was no mistake, "oh my god."

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