Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 45: 45. Masked Woman.

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Jessie jaw dropped, she let out a sarcastic laugh. "That bitch never learns, I guess the spa wasn't enough to teach her some humility huh." She blurted angrily.

"I know right, she such a bitch!" Katherine wrinkled her nose, slowly coming into realization of what Jessie said.​​

"Wait a minute... what do you mean by the spa." She asked, remembering the gossip in the doctors lounge about a patient that came from a massage parlor with severe skin infections and burns. "Did you that?!" She gasped, her hand flying to her mouth. "Jessie! What were you thinking?"

Jessie frowned at her. " Oh please, she more than deserved it."

Katherine scoffed "So you don't even regret it?"

"Why the hell should I?" Jessie jutted her chin.

"Ahhh.... that's why you're here, what more do you want to do? End her?" Katherine condemned her.

"Would that really be bad?" Jessie stated matter of factly.

"Jessie!" Katherine warned.

"What? I'm kidding, death would be to kind a sentence for that vile woman." She scowled.

"Didn't Paul and Jason warn you not to get involved with Patricia? You promised." Katherine affirmed.

"I was never sincere, besides none of you had the slightest idea what I'm going through. And since that pig headed Jason wouldn't let up I had to win in my own way. "Plus, why are you acting the saint? You were the doctor that threatened the life of your patient."

Katherine sighed in admission. "Correct, I'm not any better. Maybe I should have thought before doing that. I'm probably going to lose my license and go to prison." She said sadly. "But in all honesty I don't regret it either."

Jessie sighed, "You're not going anywhere. I'm going to help you."

"What exactly could you do to get me out of this right now." Katherine asked "it's over, my name is on the list for people who were on duty this morning, I'm not even done. One look and she'll know."

"Not if I'm you." Jessie smirked mischievously.

"What do you have in mind?" Katherine asked with skepticism.

"Just trust me and get me one of those scrubs." She said. "Oh and we'll need a third person."


Patricia sat on her bed with so much rage. This people were making a fool out of her! Who did they think she was, she knows what she saw and heard and remembers very vividly. If anything she was always certain of her memory, she never forgot a face.

The was a light knock on the door and the hospital director walked in with a woman behind him.

"Miss Lee, I'm so sorry to keep you waiting but we've managed to find the last doctor on call this morning." The director bowed slightly.

Patricia rolled her eyes. "It would be good for you if this woman was the culprit, if not I swear I'll bury you all. Fools!"

The woman stepped from behind him, "This isn't her!" Patricia yelled. "I've seen you before, what kind of sick joke is this?"

"Oh I didn't mean her" The director said. "She's our chief of surgery. The doctor will come in now." He said.

"Dr. Park." He called.

And a masked woman walked in. "What is this? Take off you mask!" Patricia screeched.

The woman waited till only Patricia eyes were on her and she pulled the mask down.

Patricia gasped when she saw the face. She became white and sweat beads formed on her head. "Jessie?" She muttered.

"Miss Lee?" The director called to her, as she stared straight her face pale and her expression full of shock.

"What the hell is this? What the hell is this?!!" Patricia screamed. "What is she doing here!"

As the director and chief of surgery wanted to turn around. A flower vase at the other side of the room broke. They all turned to it, and by the time they turned to look at the source of Patricia Lee's terror.

It was only the masked woman there.

"Take off your mask!" Patricia screamed.

The woman took off the mask and looked at Patricia with a confused expression.

Patricia's eyes widened and her jaw dropped in disbelief. "Bu... but... who the hell are you? Wha... what.. ha..." She stuttered unable to form coherent words.

"Miss Lee?" The chief of surgery called out to her.

"No... no that's not right."

"Miss Lee is this the doctor that threatened your life?" The director and chief walked over to her bed. She looked at them and nodded.

"Are you sure miss, that woman?" The chief asked pointing to her.

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Patricia looked at the woman again to confirm, perhaps she was just seeing things. But she knew that was the woman. She looked at the face and saw a different person again. A face that spoke terror to her.

Patricia squinted to make sure she wasn't seeing things, "Jessie?"

"No Miss, her name is Park, Katherine Park." The director corrected.

"No that's definitely Jessie Marin. I'm sure of it!" She screamed tears falling down her face.

The director and chief looked confused as the turned back to meet with the familiar face of their Dr. Park. "Miss are you sure you're okay?" The chief asked.

"How can she be Jessie Marin? She's Katherine Park." The woman explained.

"No! No I saw her I swear!" Patricia cried. "You know what I don't care anymore. Arrest her! Whoever she is, Jessie or Katherine arrest her!"

The director looked at Patricia with worry, was she losing it?

"Miss are you sure you aren't mistaken?" The director asked.

" How dare you?! Are you questioning me?! I said arrest her now!" She ordered.

The director left the room, motioning for Katherine to follow him.

"Dr. Park a hefty accusation has been laid on you." The director said.

Katherine looked at her feet, her heart thumping loudly against her ribcage. Did Jessie's plan really fall through? Was she really going to prison?

"But it appears she is not in her right mind." The director sighed and a ray of hope shined Katherine's way.

"Of course director, her claims cannot be accepted. She is defined just making it up, how would I ever do such a thing?" She said "I'm a professional and you know that without a doubt sir." She stated pointedly trying to stifle her smile.

"Indeed I do, but you see she is a very powerful person we can't just dismiss her." He sighed.

"What does that mean?" She frowned.

"You will have to be arrested Dr. Park" he concluded. Katherine eyes widened and she opened her mouth to object but he stopped her.

"Only to appease her. Please understand we cannot start a war with the Lee's. You will be bailed out almost immediately. I promise this won't be a big problem. We won't allow it go to court." He tried to assure her.

"What do you mean? We are talking about that crazy woman in there! She is not going to rest until I'm sentenced!" She yelled.

The director winced and motioned for her to calm down but Katherine wasn't having it.

"Well it's too late now, we've already informed the police. Dr. Park please, just go with them, I give you my word nothing will happen." He stated firmly.

"This isn't fair." She said sadly.

The director walked back into the room, Katherine in hand and bowed.

"She will be arrested Miss Lee. Please do not sue." The director pleaded.

Patricia scoffed. "Not on you life" she sneered.

Patricia glared at Katherine. Almost immediately the security was there to get her.

"Wait. I want her to kneel before me and beg. Maybe I won't sue then" she said. "I'll even forget the entire thing."

Katherine's eyes widened, the director and chief looked at her with pleading gazes and urged her to do as she said.

Katherine turned around and got on her knees, gripping her coat tightly and biting her lip so bad it bled.

She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath, she looked back up. "I'm not sorry, I didn't do anything wrong and to hell with this." She spat getting up.

Patricia eyes widened and her superiors looked at her like she was mad.

"Arrest me if you want, sue me if you want. But remember you are the one that was screaming the name of a dead actress. Why would you be seeing her? Maybe you're guilty of something. We have a lot of psychiatrists in this hospital I'm sure they'll love to take in a new patient. And the fact that you were willing to let me go if I kneel means you're only making it up and I'm innocent. Sure, call the cops lets see who the investigate at the end." Katherine said glaring daggers at Patricia.

Patricia laughed sarcastically at the woman in front of her. "Do you not who I am?"

"Is that important right now?" Katherine asked. "Because you're rich and influential does not mean you should use the law in the wrong way."

"Are you two idiots going to watch her taunt me like this!" She yelled at the two people at the other side of the bed.

Katherine held her hand up to stop her superiors from talking. "You've been nothing but pure evil to all the staff treating here and you still have the heart to accuse and innocent woman." Katherine said.

"Innocent! Why you little wentch!" She grabbed the remote by her hand and threw it at Katherine.

Katherine flinched as the remote hit her, she touched her head and felt moisture. She was bleeding.

"Take her away!" Patricia screamed and the security people dragged her out. As she walked out of the room and her eyes searched for Jessie, nodding to her she went on to jail.

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