Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 51: 51. Nervous.

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"So remember we let them lead first with their accusations" Jessie said as she pushed the elevator button to take them up.

"Yeah, I'm sure the only thing they'll have is the video you posted." Katherine nodded.​​

"Yeah, we'll just tell them that it's a different doctor besides they can prove anything if our faces aren't showing." Jessie said.

"What if they recognize my voice?" Katherine asked.

"We'll tell that it is impossible because we weren't even there today, at the hospital I mean. That's where the pictures come in handy."

"And if they ask us for what we bought let's just say we took it to my apartment hence the traffic." Katherine smiled.

"That's a splendid idea. Wow sure that will work." Jessie nodded.

"You know, I honestly don't know why we are even stressing ourselves out. Like I said earlier we have the right to live our lives the way we want to. We don't need to explain ourselves either way." Jessie huffed.

"You really think they'll let us walk away with that weak ass feminist speech?" Katherine laughed.

"It doesn't matter it's still the truth." Jessie pouted.

"Fine fine alright we're here." Katherine said as the elevator dinged open. They walked out and stood in front of the door. Jessie walked and held the door handle but didn't turn it.

"Don't you know the code?" Katherine asked.

"I do."

"Alright then Jess, let go in." Katherine said as she stood in front of the door.

"Sure of course" Jessie said again, still not moving.

"Hey Je-"

"Hello ladies" Paul opened the door, interrupting her. "I'm sure I don't need to invite you to come in?"

"Of course not." Jessie said as she walked in. Her eyes locked with Jason's he stood by the chimney twirling what she assumed was bourbon in a glass.

'He got another bottle' she thought ruefully.

He laid the glass on the chimney and turned to face her completely. Jessie couldn't understand his gaze but what she understood was that she was starting to remember all the things her body seemed to dull during the day. All the things she felt yesterday as his lips met hers, all the passions he awakened last night. She bit her lips and looked away. She couldn't be getting all putty right now, they was a battle to be won.

"Where were you today?" Jason asked.

Jessie looked back at him and tilted her head. "Why do you ask?"

"Hey Jason" Paul called but Jason raised his hands to stop him.

"Answer the question Jessie."

"I don't know what you want me to say Jason, I was out." Jessie said panicked, she did not expect to come in to questions. If anything she was absolutely sure Jason was going to spitting out accusations at her and she was prepared for accusations. She expected him to yell and threaten her, and she was more than prepared to defend herself. But he was acting calm, and cold. She that was any indication, she was unnerved and nervous.

She wiped her palms on her... his pants and stepped back.

"Jessie why are you smiling that?" Katherine whispered in to her ear from behind her.

"I'm nervous, my face does this when I'm nervous." Jessie whispered back.

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Katherine honestly didn't know what to expect, they have been fewer times than the number of her fingers that Paul had ever been angry with her. And all those times she hurt herself, or in some way put herself in dangers way. She didn't think she did anything of the sort today and she couldn't really gauge his tone or attitude today, he was always transparent with her. Smiling when her was happy, crying when he was sad, and she knew when he was angry because his experience showed it. The only unknown was Jason. He was a difficult man to understand. But Jessie was confident about everything.

When Paul opened the door smiling she didn't feel so anxious, plus Jessie had come up with a meticulous plan, she looked so confident. Katherine didn't see need to worry as much.

But now, she had this.... smile, on her face. Katherine knew nothing was fine. And it was bad, really bad if she got nervous she became a blabber mouth. In her attempt to save herself she might just spill the truth so she couldn't get nervous. She pushed Jessie lightly from behind.

"Get a grip of yourself Jess, don't you see? His trying to unnerve you." She whispered.

"What are you two whispering over there?" Paul asked walking around the couches to stand beside Jason.

Jessie shook her head and cleared her throat, Katherine was right she had to get a grip. She's an actress, an a damn good one at that. She could do this. 'Just think of it as improv Jessie, you're good at improv.'

"Is this about the Patricia Lee video online?" Jessie asked.

Jason gave her a pointed stare and raised his chin anticipating her next statement.

"We had nothing to do with that." Jessie said.

"Really?" Paul asked.

They both nodded.

"Okay, if you ladies wouldn't mind then, where were you the whole day?" Jason asked.

Katherine smiled but Jessie was a bit cautious. He agreed to easily, she expected him to counter attack with obvious facts from the video but either way they were still prepared.

"At the Choong department store. Doing some much needed shopping." Katherine said.

"Oh? Where are the things you 'shopped?'" Paul asked putting air quotes on the shopped.

"At my place."

"So Jessie didn't get anything?" He asked.

"I didn't want anything." She replied curtly.

"Ahhh..." Paul nodded.

"So you went to a store and still did not get any clothes?" Jason asked as Jessie still wore his clothes. He didn't mean anything by his statement infact he loved seeing her in his clothes. How she managed to find ways to wear his clothes everyday surprised him. Not she was wearing his shirt as a dress, the shirt fell past her thighs and settled a little above her knees. He had no idea he was that much bigger than her. But the sight of it only made him feel extremely hot.

"We didn't go to a boutique, we were about to but Paul sent that text." Jessie said.

"So you weren't anywhere close to the hospital?" Jason asked again.

Jessie sighed and rolled her eyes. "I already told you no."

"Even you Kat? You were supposed to be on call today." Paul said.

Katherine nodded. "My shift ended this morning."

Jason sighed rubbing his temples. "Fine, if you weren't there can you explain who these are?" He said gesturing to his laptop.

Jessie and Katherine looked at each other then walked to the laptop that sat on the table. The two of them watched each other play switch-the-doctor. In Patricia's hospital room.

"Any ideas ladies?"

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