Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 53: 53. Break Up.

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"So what do you have to say for yourself?" Paul asked Katherine when they were finally alone.

"I don't understand what you mean" Katherine shrugged sincerely.

"You don't understand what I mean? Why did you do that?" Paul asked.

Katherine sighed, "I did a lot of things today Paul, you're going to have to be more specific."

"What Patricia was saying in that video was it true? You threatened her?"

Katherine frowned "is this some kind of test? Didn't you already see the video?"

"I'll admit that I saw you with her but I don't want to believe you'd do that. You know better Kat, you know not to get involved with one percent and rich people like that." Paul said, walking over to her.

Katherine frowned, her chest constricting with rage.

"It's not like you Kat, did Jessie put you up to this? You don't have to do anything she says, honestly it's not like you to threaten anyone." He said reaching to hold her shoulder.

Katherine stepped back and swatted his hand. "It not like me? I should keep being a pushover? Do you even know me at all?" She asked, her voice slightly rising.

"Who said you were a pushover? Katherine." Paul warned.

"What? Am I such a dud that I need Jessie to even tell me when to yell or not yell at someone? Do I seem that pathetic to you?" She asked.

"That's not what I meant" he blurted out. "You know that's not what I meant."

"I don't care what you meant Paul, I don't have to stand here and take this from you. I only did what was needed in that situation." She said.

Paul scoffed. "Do you realize that just puts you on Patricia Lee's radar? Do you realize the kind of danger you're asking for yourself?"

"I could care less Paul. Yes I was always careful with rich bastards like her. I always felt so small and insignificant everything I did, nothing would be enough. Because I am not fortunate to be born like you guys?"


"No Paul, weather or not Jessie was the reason I don't care. My eyes are opened and I refuse to shrink myself to fit you people's stupid standards. I will not."

"You know I've never seen you that way!" Paul spat.

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"Really? Is that why you're here yelling at me right now? Telling me I shouldn't act out of line? I get that the Lee's are dangerous and I had no idea it was Patricia Lee when I threatened her earlier. But I could care less at this point. Is that why your mother keeps on hounding me constantly that I'm not good enough for you?" She asked.

"Why are you bringing up my mother? It's not as if we have anything going on between us." He stated.

"Exactly, there's nothing going on between us so you don't have the right to question my actions or in actions Paul. You're my friend so don't cross any boundaries." She warned him.

Paul bit his lip and pocketed his arms. Sighing her looked at her, "why do you always do this? Push me away when I try to protect you?"

"Because Paul! You don't need to do that so don't. Let's respect the boundary and stay there. You don't need to protect me, I'm not some eighteenth century english damsel swooning due to excessive heat. This is the 21st century, I'm damn able to look out for myself." She said.

Paul was taken aback, he stared at her with confusion and slight sadness. Why did he feel like they were breaking up? And more importantly why did he feel like his heart was breaking? Katherine was the sweetest and kindest person he ever met. Thinking back when they were still kids, she was so timid back then, she only spoke freely when it was with him. She was rarely ever angry with anyone and completely trusted him to vent her frustrations to him. But her actions today not only shocked him but scared him as well. He knew her for more that 15 years and she always knew to be cautious and bite her tongue around the one percent, anyone powerful and rich. She didn't like unnecessary trouble is what she would say.

He had looked out for her for so long, it had become second nature. Now she was here asking him not to, it made him feel a certain kind a way, a feeling he couldn't explain.

"Look I'm grateful for everything you did when we were kids, always protecting me. Especially when Jason was being so mean to me. But I don't need you to that for me anymore. I can take care of myself Paul." She continued saving him from having to form the words.


"I will be careful I promise. I don't know exactly how dangerous the Lee family is but I tell they are from the way you guys are freaking out." She said. "I'll be more careful." She said, grabbing the purse she shed off when she walked in.

She walked to the door but turned around before she opened it. "Do me a favour, help me explain to that pig headed friend of yours. Tell him that he shouldn't dismiss Jessie's feelings like that. I can't imagine the rage she's feeling. A few hours with that suffocating bitch even I feel like killing her. What must Jessie be going through? None of us can relate. So tell Jason not to be too stubborn and try to understand her."

Paul looked into her eyes and Katherine's heart hurt, she hated seeing that look of hurt etched across his features. The way he looked at her with those deceitfully innocent eyes of his, or how his lips were slightly opened and his face has worry written all over it. "I have three days off, don't go to the hospital looking for me. Mirae told me you went over there today, I'm taking a break so don't go to my office I won't be there."

Paul nodded, "I told him about the equipment. The board of directors were incredibly pleased with the suggestion." He said softly.

Katherine gave him a small smile. "I'm glad."

"You should be, it was your idea after all." He said.

She laughed "Well CEO Choi can never find out. He'll definitely fire me."

"Like I'll let him." Paul replied.

"Goodnight Paul." She said walking out.

Paul watched her go, but he felt so heavy. Why he felt so much emotions left him confused. Why did he feel like this was a breakup?

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