Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 55: 55. Refugee Actress, Broke Secretary.

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Karen and Krystal stared speechless at each other and Jonathan's gaze zeroed in on the picture on her phone. "Jason?"

Krystal let out a loud sarcastic laughter in an attempt to shift the attention of the room elsewhere. Motioning for her sister to walk away from the room.​​

Karen cleared her throat and switched off her phone, putting into her back pocket.

"Wait a minute, my brother is the handsome face you can't sleep without?" Jonathan asked.

Krystal grimaced ofcourse he heard everything and would repeat it to them. She put her thumb aganist her neck and dragged it across the length staring daggers at her sister.

Karen looked for words but they as treacherous failed her, she looked at Jonathan's face and smiled shyly. "Are you going to tell?"

Jonathan tilted his chin to the side "I don't know, should I? I'm sure my very serious and fun killing elder brother would love to hear that a pretty teenager needs to see his face to sleep."

"Ahhh.... can you please forget you heard that?" She pleaded.

Jonathan laughed looking at Krystal. "I hope it's my face you need to sleep." He said, at first Krystal thought he was being serious but as she met his playful gaze she relaxed and smiled at him.

"But ofcourse boss, you are always on my mind."

"Gosh you're the perfect secretary" Jonathan pouted. "I hope you don't mind my intrusion but I needed to know you were okay."

Krystal gauged his statement with his expression, he was indeed being sincere but she couldn't sense anything deeper that cordial and gentlemanly affection. He was really the definition of the perfect gentleman.

"Well we're fine, I'm fine." She said.

"Great, I'm truly sorry for my brother's behaviour, throwing you out like that was too much even for him." Jonathan said.

"Nah I'm sure Krystal was at fault. My oppa can never do anything wrong." Karen said before dashing into her room, fearing her sister's wrath.

Jonathan laughed. "Oh! Mind my manners I haven't offered you a seat, please make yourself at home." Krystal said.

She walked to her sister room and tapped on the door. "Karen?"

"What do you want? I'm not leaving this room, I have more sense than that." Karen replied.

"Come out, I promise not to hurt you. I can't even do that not with COO here. Please you're a better host than I am so please.... we've already embarrassed ourselves enough." She said.

Karen opened the door and gave her sister a suspicious look, "remember I play taekwondo." She warned.

Krystal pursed her lips and stepped aside for her sister to pass.

She went to the living room and saw Jonathan perusing through the pictures hung around. Clearing her throat she drew his attention away from the picture of her complete family.

"I didn't know you had a brother" he said cautiously.

Krystal nodded "He died in a car crash with along with my parents." She said curtly.

Jonathan didn't pry any further, he saw that she wasn't exactly affected by the topic but still it wasn't something that anyone would love to talk about.

He sat in the couch she motioned him to seat in, placing his hands on his lap, she sat beside him.

Karen walked into the room with a tray of snacks and soda. "I hope you like this, if not we have some noodles..." she suggested but her sister shook her head, frowning at the clueless teenager.

"This is fine." He said. "Well before things get any more awkward I'll get straight to the point."

Krystal looked at her sister then back at him.

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"How much do you know about Jessie Marin?" He asked.

Krystal blinked at him, surely he didn't actually come here to ask about a dead actress.

"What I mean to say is much information have you gathered on her?" He expantaited seeing her blank look seeming like she didn't understand his question.

"What you mean to ask is what information does she not have on Jessie Marin." Karen said, Krystal thought her voice held a tiny hint of pride? No! She must be imagining it, her sister would never brag about her, especially when it came to fangirling.

'She must be criticising me' Krystal concluded.

"That really can't be what your interested in, is it?" She asked, finding quite suspicious how many times the actresses name seemed to pop up this days.

"Actually it is." He said.

"Alright, uh.. I know her very well. Not many people know that she is a cooperate heir, or that be an her family have an estranged relationship." She said.

"Estranged? In what sense?" He asked.

"In the sense that her family didn't even make any effort to claim her body, when she passed." Krystal said.

Jonathan sighed, she really has had a difficult life, "do you know why their relationship is so strained?"

"It's just speculation but I heard her family was not in support of her acting career."

"What about Patricia Lee?" Jonathan asked.

"I don't know very much about her, only that they've had a specific animosity towards each other." Krystal said.

Jonathan looked at Karen then back at Krystal contemplating within himself. Should he tell her Jessie was alive? No! 'It's too risky for the actress' He decided.

Karen interpreting his gaze as he wanted her gone stood up and bowed. "I have homework, it was nice seeing you again Mr. Kang."

Jonathan nodded, although it wasn't his intention he was glad to have the pair of ears less.

"I have a job offer for you."

"Huh? Can you do that? I'm certain your brother isn't going to let me work in your company anymore." Krystal said skeptically.

"No it's not my company, I need your talents right now." He said.

Krystal gave him a questioning look and he continued. "Your fangirl talents."

"My fangirl talents?"

"I need you to find out everything about Patricia Lee, her past, present and possibly what her next moves are."

"May I ask why?" She asked.

"I've gotten interested in the Jessie Marin case, and I hate being curious. Help me please plus I really feel bad about my brother firing you. I need to appease my conscience." He said curtly.

"So you're offering me a make believe job doing the one thing I'm extremely good at and enjoy, to appease you conscience?"

"Don't get me wrong I didn't mean it like that." He said cautiously.

"I love it! Thank you so much boss!" She yelled, jumping up and down.

Jonathan smiled, he really was good at business. Killing two birds with one stone. He could help the refugee actress and the broke secretary.

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