Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 69: 69. Screwed.

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"You sent out the staff?" Paul asked as he walked in, with Katherine by his side.

"Yeah, I can't exactly know who will or will not recognize Jessie." He shrugged.​​

"I cannot believe you're here though, since when do you shop?" He questioned.

"I could ask you a similar question, since when does Katherine wear your clothes?" Jason raised his brow, assessing Katherine outfit.

"Hey Jessie wears your clothes all the time" Paul pointed out.

"So? She doesn't have any clothes, Katherine does."

"There was a situation this morning, it couldn't be helped." Katherine smiled at Jason sarcastically. His skeptical gaze didn't waver though and she sighed. "His mother visited while I was there" She explained.

"Hmmm... it's just ten, how early did you-... I don't understand." He stated, rubbing his chin.

"Well that's why we're here, to help you understand." She said, already getting tired and slightly annoyed with the questions. Jason normally didn't pry, but she knew why this was different. They knew each other almost Twenty years but he never trusted her. Or just probably the fact that she didn't have money and they did, it was always something of the sort with Jason.

He was the type of person that wouldn't associate or even entertain the thought of mingling with people he thought were beneath him. It was pathetic in her opinion, but again who was she to judge?

"You came here to tell me about your run in with Mrs. Song?" He asked.

"You know what? I'm done, where's Jessie I need to find her." She bowed ans walked further into the store.

"I don't understand why you two behave like this towards each other" Paul shook his head.

"Whatever, what so important?" Jason asked walking back to the armchair he was sitting in.

"I believe the Lee's are making their move" Paul said.

"Their move? What move exactly?" Jason questioned.

"Against Jessie, and now Katherine is on their radar as well." Paul stated seriously and Jason's brow furrowed.


"Steve's dead Jason, he was murdered last night. In my hospital." Paul said slowly.

Jason tilted his head, "Steve? Wait a minute the nerdy guy that always had a thing for you?"

"The very one." He said sounding heavy.

"Oh man, I'm so sorry. Do they know who did it?" Jason asked.

"No" Paul shook his head. "There's nothing, no lead, no suspects nothing."

"There's nothing like a perfect murder." Jason murmured. "How does this connect to Jessie?"

"When we walked into the room, he was... he..." He cleared his throat. "After he... anyway, we... Katherine and I saw a video of her on repeat. A video of her threatening Patricia Lee."

"Didn't you... sorry didn't Steve already delete their video?" Jason asked.

"He did, but I had no idea there was the video of Katherine threatening Patricia. Some how I still didn't believe it." Paul shook his head.

"I don't know why you seem so shocked." Jason shrugged.

"You only saying that because you don't like Katherine."

"Sure whatever makes you feel better." Jason shrugged. "So you guys don't have any leads? Steve didn't say anything before he died or was he already dead?" Jason asked, his voice softened.

Paul pursed his lips and squinted. Thinking back on his last encounter with Steve. "Wait a minute" he snapped his finger. "He mentioned something about his pocket!"

"Maybe he was talking about his phone?" Jason asked.

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"No, no his phone was on the desk when and the police took it. That wasn't it." Paul replied. "Katherine! Oh my gosh, Kat!" He yelled getting up to go look for her.

Jason followed behind him, and his eyes widened when he saw the scene before him.

Jessie was holding a sobbing Katherine, he looked at Paul then back at the ladies. As he opened his mouth to speak Jessie mouthed and motioned him to keep shut. So they all remained silent until her sobs became quiet and she calmed down.

"I'm sorry" Katherine whispered.

"It's okay, are you going to tell me what's going on now?" Jessie asked but her gaze was going back and forth between Paul and Jason.

"Jason will fill you in, I need to speak to Katherine." Paul said walking Katherine out of the room.

Jessie looked at Jason and lifted her brows.

"It's not important, don't worry about it." Jason said firmly.

"Seriously, it's not important and Katherine bursts into tears as soon as she tries to tell me?" Jessie frowns.

Jason sighed, pocketing his hands he pursed his lips. "Look Jessie trust me, you don't have to know about this, nothing good will come out if it." He stated, afraid she might blame herself for Steve's death.

"You know me enough to know that I'm not going to stop, so will you tell me or shall I find out myself?" She asked.

"Okay then, no matter what, just remember that it's no fault of yours don't blame yourself okay?" He said. He narrated the story as Paul told him. After he finished, Jessie stared at him blinking.

"Jessie? Are you okay?" He asked walked closer to her.

"I... I'm dead." She blurted out Jason furrowed his brow, hesitant about moving any closer. Jessie turned around palming her face she walked to the door. Turning around abruptly she scoffed in disbelief and alarm. "I should've listened to you, I can't believe Patricia is so...

dangerous? It... It's like I'm walking into a gunfight with a stick! Oh my goodness Jason, I'm so screwed, I cannot believe I even dragged Katherine into this, I-I I killed someone" She told him, whispering the last part.

Jason looked confused, he was confused. He expected her to scream, shout, cry even. But she was acting eerily calm it kind of freaked him out.

"Jessie, are you okay?" He asked, unsure of his statement.

"What kind of stupid question is that? How the hell can I be okay!" She yelled, clearly outraged.

"Okay, okay my bad" He raised his arms in surrender. Feeling slightly relaxed, she's yelling that means she's angry. He could work with angry.

"Jason! We have to rush to the hospital. Steve did mention his pocket." Paul rushed into the dressing room.

"I'll come with you guys." Jason said and Paul nodded.

"Me too." Jessie informed them.

"Absolutely not." Jason shut her down.

"What?! How can I not come? Patricia killed someone to hide what she did to me?" She huffed.

"I'm not arguing about this with you Jessie, trust me you will not win. While I'm trying to be understanding and graceful just stay put." Jason warned from clenched teeth. "Besides we can't have you anywhere close to that hospital until we know who exactly is responsible it's too dangerous and someone could recognize you." He stated before she could say more.

He gestured to Paul and Katherine and they left a stunned Jessie in the store. She frowned and put on her mask and cap. Wearing the black hood she just purchased she followed after them until she was out of the store.

"Where's the nearest salon?" She asked on of the staff that stood by the side of the store.

"We have a very good one, right by the corner. Shall I escort you to it?" The woman offered.

"Yes please, I do hope they are discreet."

"Of course miss."

"Good let's go."

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