Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 72: 72. You're Going To Be My Wife.

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Jason, Paul and Katherine walked to Paul's car, when Jason's phone began to ring. He pulled it out of his pocket and groaned as he saw the caller ID.

Paul narrowed his eyes at Jason who held his index finger to indicate they wait. He walked a distance from where they stood and answered the call.

"Father." He said curtly.

"Jason." His father replied in the same manner. "You seem to have forgotten you are an engaged man."

"I assure you the fact hangs heavy over my head every day father, is there a point you're driving with this?" He asked struggling to mask the disgust he clearly felt whenever the topic was brought up. Which was basically all his father spoke about these days.

"Your Fiancee has been sick and hospitalized for three days now and not once did you go visit." He father spat.

Jason groaned inwardly and palmed his face, of course.

"I've been busy." He stated bluntly.

"Don't give me any of that crap, boy." He father sneered.

Jason frowned, he hated when his father referred to him in that way. It was like he was constantly reminding him that he was still very much in control of the family business. And still in control of his life.

"I'm not giving you any crap, father" he said, emphasising on the last word. "I am indeed busy running your business."

"Oh so now it's my business? I remember the long lecture you gave me the other day, now it's my business?" His father intentionally provoked him, but Jason had enough experience with the man to know not to react.

"It's seems it's your memory that's faulty, father. If I remember clearly you said the Kang empire was never going to be mine if I never succeeded to one-up you. Especially now that a brother I never knew existed has come into the picture." Jason said.

"Ha! If you think Jonathan is your only competitor you are denser than I imagined. Every ambitious person in this country is vying for a seat at the head of our empire." His father snorted.

"I'm well aware of the power I currently possess father, no need to remind me. Besides no one can ever take away this business from me, no one except you father." Jason said through clenched teeth.

"Aha, I see you've finally realized who really has the power here." He said.

"Trust me father, if I wanted it I could take it. But I wouldn't because unlike you I'm like my mother." Jason warned.

"That's why you'll always lose to me, you're weak and compassionate." His father replied.

"No father, I'm honest. And remember just because I've not found a legal means of taking my company from an old man that doesn't realise his reign is over doesn't mean it will never happen."

"Pfft. I will be the happiest person when that day comes, but since it hasn't you still answer to me. Go to Patricia Lee, don't make me say it again."

Jason cut the call and fought the urge to throw the phone against the pavement.

He turned around and walked back to Paul and Katherine. "I'll be taking my car."

"Why the suddenly change of heart?" Paul asked.

"An annoying problem, you'll probably be leaving the hospital before me so it's better this way." He said walking away before they could ask him for clear details.


Jason walked into the hospital and headed straight for the receptionist. She hadn't noticed him yet, he cleared his throat to get her attention and her head immediately snapped up.

Gasping she struggled to hide her reddening cheek with an obvious cough. 'Oh my goodness!'

Jason clearly used this kind of behaviour from women, rolled his eyes and frowned. "I'm here to see Patricia Lee."

"Ah.. oh yes, sure." She stuttered, checking the monitor in front of her she pushed her glasses up her nose. "Room 1103."

Jason thanked her and walked away from the breathless woman.

Knocking he entered the room, without waiting for permission.

"I thought I told you I do not want to be dis- Oh look what the cat dragged in, if it isn't my fiance!" She gasped.

"Hello Patricia, you're standing so that's good, you must be recovering." He said curtly.

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She gave him a sweet smile, "thank goodness right?"

"Sure, why not." He said walking over to the chair beside her bed but she stopped him.

"It's such a lovely day, don't you think a walk is better?" She offered.

"Only if you well enough for it."

"I am." She stated, "great it's settled then." Pressing the button on the remote for her nurse, the nurse put her IV drip on a stand and she was ready.

"So do you have any idea of what happened to you?" Jason asked breaking the long silence that loomed over them as they made way out of the building.

Patricia eyes softened as they took in the beauty of the gardens, it truly was a lovely day. There were other patients scattered about in hospital clothes with their care takers. She saw a group of children by the fountain, this garden was pretty.

"What did you hear?" She asked.

"That you were apparently attacked while getting treatment." He said looking at her, "an irony I must say, you went in there to improve your appearance but came out with injuries." He said motioning to the bandages that covered her upper arms.

"Well that seems pretty accurate, and I was attacked. It wasn't apparent." She said.

"Fine, I'm sorry." He apologised. "So no suspects?"

"Why are you so interested in knowing about the culprit?" She asked.

He wanted to know if she blamed Jessie for it, how much of the truth she had realized about Jessie. After her, foolish prank or whatever she wanted to call the hospital scene. He needed to know how much danger she was in at the moment. But he couldn't tell Patricia that.

"You're my Fiancee, you're going to be my wife. I'd like to know how many enemies you have and how far they would go against you." Jason said.

"And? If I have a lot? What's that going to change?"

"Ignorance." He stated bluntly.

"People say ignorance is bliss." She said.

Jason scoffed "are you feeling very blissful right now? If anything ignorance is the road to one's destruction. If you knew about the attack wouldn't you have prevented it?"

"Touche' I do have someone in mind. But it's only going to sound crazy to you." She said.

Jason didn't bother to ask her who was in her mind, because she wouldn't tell, not that it should surprise him. They were any thing but allies or friends, infact sworn enemies is a prefect way to describe the relationship between the two families.

"You're being polite today, did my future father-in-law threaten you by chance?" She asked with a small smile.

Jason pursed his lips and pocketed his hands. "It's called etiquette Patricia, perhaps you should give it a try."

"Coming from the guy that walked out on me during our last dinner. With no excuse or apology." She gave him her sweetest smile but he could her the malice in her statement.

It was a big deal what he did the last time, he was even surprised it didn't become a whole issue. She most have felt embarrassed that night.

"I had my reasons, I'm sorry." He said plainly.

"Of course you did, you wouldn't walk out on me for no reason." She snarled, she also wouldn't ask what his reasons were because he wouldn't say. This wasn't that kind of relationship.

"You head back, you look tired." He said.

"I am."

"I'll walk you back." He said, another deafening silence falling upon them as the made their way back to her suite.

"Well shall I thank you for fulfilling your duty?" She asked.

Jason gave her a small smile, "no need. Good bye Patricia. I'm glad that the attacker spared you face." He stated completely out of the blue.

Patricia laughed, "didn't coin you for a vain man Jason."

"I'm not, I'm just picky. Good bye, get well soon."

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