Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 87: 87. Claim My Throne.

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"You're early." 

"Really? Because it seems everyone is already here." Jason said walking to the opposite end of the table, he stared into the man eyes and pocketed his hands.

Mr. Reginald Choi, the most powerful man in the country. He was basically the president. Jason eyes moved round the room, looking at all the people that were really in charge of the country, but did it from behind the sidelines. Out if the spot light. And now the man that questioned him, he was the godfather of politics in the country. No one could become a president if he didn't approve, his mother told him about Reginald Choi. He couldn't believe he was now his boss.

"I don't think I have to introduce myself. You all know who I am right?" 

"Jason Kang, nobody that's somebody in this country doesn't know that name. Heir to the Kang empire and the son of Dominic Kang." One woman said. She was the prime minister wife. 

"Wrong,  I will not be known as the son of my father here, since I'm here to claim my throne, you'll refer to me as Jason Kang, Veronica Parks' son." He stated. 

The room erupted into murmurs. But he never broke eye contact with Reginald. "Quiet down now, we all knew this day was coming. So Jason, why did you decide to come now?"

"My mother told me it was my duty to protect Paradise, especially from my father. In order to protect this... gathering and all your identities. I stayed away." He said.

"Still doesn't answer my question." Reginald replied. 

"Yeah, what's different now?" Another man asked.

Jason looked at Matt and nodded. Matt clicked on his laptop and the projector behind Jason turned on. Jason stepped aside so they could watch the news. 

"An emergency board meeting has been called in the KE holdings, to discuss the dismissal of chairman Kang."


"Jason?" A beautiful woman walked over bare footed to her child who was busy beside the water to pay her any attention. 

"What are you doing?" She asked the the little boy that was only focused on his sand castle. 

"It's a sand castle, see?" He laughed. 

"Aren't you too old to be playing with sand?" She teased him.

"No, I'm only seven. I'm not too old." He pouted. She smiled at him, and patted his head. Bending beside him she inspected his work.

"Jason do you like the ocean?" She asked.

"Of course." He chirped.


"Because it's beautiful, like and endless watery paradise." He stated.

"Wow, Jason. I'm glad you said those words, you see, this world is full of bad people very bad people. That hurt all the innocent and helpless people." His mother told him.

Jason frowned, "why don't the police shot all the bad people?" He asked.

His mother laughed, "that would be easy right?" He nodded. "Well you must always remember not everything is as it seems Jason. The police aren't always your friends. You must become so strong that you wouldn't need help from anyone. You would be strong enough to protect the people you love."

"Like you mummy?" He asked.

"Yes, see there are people, very powerful people that have taken it upon themselves to ensure that this world remains safe and those in power don't exploit poor and helpless people. They are like the ocean. Beautiful and endless. But also very dangerous and scary."

"I don't know if I like them." He said. 

"Are you sure, mummy is part of them." 

"Really?" She nodded. 

"And you will too, when you're grown up."

"How about daddy, is he part of you guys?" Jason asked.

"Oh no Jason. You must never tell your father about this, promise me. You must never tell anyone okay?" She said sternly.

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Jason nodded. "But I don't even understand mother?"

"Look mummy is part of a top secret organisation called Paradise. They hold so much power it's almost invincible, and that belongs to you." His mother informed him.

"Me? Why?"

"Because you are my son, but even though Paradise is very powerful it's also very fragile, you must protect it with your life. Because it's much bigger than all of us. Okay?" 

"Okay mummy, I think I understand."

"That's great Jason, I love you." She kissed his head.

"I love you too." 


"This does not prove anything, you're still not in charge yet." The prime minister's wife said.

"Oh it does, I say with absolute certainty that by this time tomorrow I will be in charge of KE holdings." Jason stated curtly. 

"And how are you so sure? You can never really trust people to keep their words." Reginald said.

"Oh I know, that's why I invited all the people that will betray me to my office today." Jason stated.

"You see, it's pretty simple actually, only those that wish to double cross you will agree to give all their shares to someone that they spoke to for less that an hour." Jason continued. 

"And you know this how?" Another person asked.

"Because I'm my mother's son. You all had unconditional respect and trust in my mother. I ask that you try to look past my surname and father and do same, because my mother was the one who raised me." Jason said. "Besides it's not like you have an option, I am the heir to Paradise." He looked back at Reginald Choi. "I believe your sitting in my chair?"

Reginald scoffed and got up, gesturing for him to come take his place. Walking over to another chair. Jason to swift strides to the chair and sat down. 

"Well now for the reason I called the meeting." He said slowly and some of the members gave him questioning looks. 

"You don't think I called a meeting here because I wanted to introduce myself, as you said earlier there's nobody here that does not know who I am." Jason said with a sinister smile. "I'm here because I need everyone of you to use all your connections if need be to find that woman." He pointed at the screen.

"You want us to look for the dead actress? Isn't she dead?" One man asked.

"Apparently, but I have concrete proof that she isn't." Jason replied. 

"And what is this proof?" 

"The fact that until the day before yesterday she was living in my penthouse." He stated bluntly. 

Yet again the room erupted into another bout of murmurs.

"So you want us to look for your girlfriend?" Reginald asked.

"She's not my girlfriend" Jason said. "Not yet any way, and don't worry this isn't only personal." He got up and walked back to the front of the table.

"Jessie Marin was framed for murder and passed off as being dead. While in actuality she was kidnapped and into a slave market." He said. 

"I'm not sure how that is any of our problems, you do realise we interfere with problems that are at a national level." The prime minister wife said.

"Oh did I forget to mention? The Lee's are behind her entire demise, Patricia staged the kidnapping and everything. She was sold at the auction house, it is owned by the Lee's. I believe that has been something that Paradise has been trying to get their hands on right?" Jason said. 

"Is all this true?"

"It is. This is the perfect opportunity to destroy the tyrant Lee family don't you think?" Jason asked them.

"How are we sure it isn't for your personal gain?" Another man asked.

"At this point does it matter? It is true I want the actress back, but we can't give up on such an opportunity." He stated. 

"So I hope we are all on board, first we have to find Jessie. That will be all for this meeting, get to work then." Jason said.

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