Sold To An Alpha

Chapter 106: Succesful

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"I see..." Mr. Fernando nodded his head and playfully tapped his fingers on the table. "So... what exactly is the problem?"

Victor cleared his throat and fiddled with his hands. "Well... I um... I want to take her on a date, but I absolutely have no idea how to do that." A wide smile made its way to his lips, and he gazed awkwardly at Mr. Fernando.

"A date..." Mr. Fernando plucked his beard in contemplation and a smile made its way to his lips. "That is very simple. I can hold one for both of you." 

"What!?" Victor felt his heart rush up to his throat and back to its position. His eyes trembled, and he couldn't help but take a deep breath. "Um... uncle, you don't have to... I can do it by myself. I just need your ideas, that's all. " 

"Kid... I just want to, okay. It's been so long since we last saw each other, and I know I was an ass then. So I want to make up for it." He placed his hand on his shoulder and tapped him on the cheek. "Besides, I want to meet your girlfriend too. It's wonderful news to know my nephew finally has a girlfriend and is no longer a playboy."

Victor's eyes blinked with nervousness, and he smiled widely. "Okay, whatever you say, ha ha ha." He laughed awkwardly as he slightly nodded his head. 'What have I done?' The urge to slap himself couldn't help but overwhelm him, and his hands balled into a tight fist.

Mr. Fernando patted him on the shoulder and took a deep breath. "Anything else?"


"James, are you not done yet?" Leia, who was already becoming very anxious, couldn't help but ask.

"Almost done, just a few seconds," James replied without sparing her a glance. He stared at the laptop screen, and as soon as the files were completely extracted, he pulled the USB out. "Done." He said, and a deep breath of relief exited everyone's mouth.

He organized everything on the laptop back to the way it was before and shut the laptop. Then, together, they walked out of the office, shutting the door.

"Victor, we are out." Leia notified him, and he smiled sheepishly at Mr. Fernando, who sat opposite him at the table in the cafeteria.

As though he had suddenly choked on something, he began to cough uncontrollably. He lowered his head in the guise of needing to calm himself down and quickly whispered to the three. "Started coming out. I can't stall him much longer." 

"Are you okay, kid?" Mr. Fernando asked with concern written all over his face, and Victor raised his head to look at him. "Yes, I'm fine." He nodded, and a smile made its way to his lips. "I don't know what's wrong. I've been having a very bad cough since yesterday, but as I said, I'm fine."

"I see... but still, I would like to prescribe a few doses for you." Mr. Fernando suggested, but Victor furiously shook his head in disapproval. "Don't worry, uncle; my father has already prescribed one for me."

"Ahh... I see." Mr. Fernando nodded and plucked his beard.

Victor parted his lips to say something, but his eyes suddenly spotted the three who were already about to exit the hospital, and his face brightened up. He turned to Mr. Feenando and smiled widely as he stood up from his seat. "I would like to take my leave now. As you can see, I am a bit tired. Thank you very much for your offer. " He took a slight bow and hurried out of the hospital, without hesitation.

Mr. Fernando, who was staring at his disappearing back, nodded his head and stood up from his chair.

He grabbed his bag and proceeded towards the hallways. 

He arrived at the door of his office and pulled his key out of his pocket. As though something told him to, he turned the handle of his door and the door pushed open.

His eyes dilated in confusion, and he immediately stepped into his office.

How? It was impossible! His door was always locked and he was the only one that held the key to it.

He is certain that he didn't open this door, and since he didn't, it meant that someone else was here. 

His heart pounded within him, and he immediately rushed to his laptop. He opened it and turned it on. Everything seemed normal. He unlocked it and went through every file, realizing that everything was in order just like he left it to be.

"Hmmm..." He glanced around the office, and his eyes couldn't help but narrow. He is a hundred percent sure that someone came in here as he could smell someone's perfume inside his office. However, what he's confused over is that nothing was missing. Everything was in order. Just what exactly, was the person looking for?

His brow creased deeply, and he began to snap his fingers. His eyes narrowed and he began to carefully scrutinize his entire office.

His gaze halted on the wall where he pinned the photos of his patient, and as though noticing that something was missing, he walked closer. 

He stared instantly at the wall, and his face darkened when he noticed that one particular important photo was gone.

The photo of Mrs. Irene Adolpho

"No! no!." His eyes quivered nervously, and he walked back to his laptop. "Who could have come here?"

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Seated inside the car as Leia drove down the road, a low breath escaped their noses. They were all in the SUV except Victor, who was following behind them in his car.

"I am glad this is over." Kiesha relaxed on the chair and placed her head on James' shoulder. "I'm so sleepy." She mumbled, closed her eyes, and slowly drifted to sleep.

Leia glanced at her and half-smiled at James. She drove silently, and the rest of the ride was a quiet one.

They arrived at Victor's apartment in less than an hour, and Leia stepped down from the car.

James gently laid Kiesha on the seat and stepped down. Then he carried her out of the car and proceeded to walk into the building with her in his arms.

Leia stood beside the SUV and patiently waited for Victor, who didn't take long to drive into the compound.

Victor parked his car and stepped down, then shut the door and locked it.

He glanced at Leia and smiled at her, then together they ambled into the building.

They walked into the apartment and found Kiesha sound asleep on the couch, and James, seated on the one-man sofa with his head resting on the chair.

"Guys, you don't have to sleep there. You can spend the night in the guest room." Victor notified them and walked towards the fridge to grab a bottle of water.

"Oh, thank goodness." James stood up from the sofa and walked to the couch on which Kiesha was lying to haul her up from it. He carried her in a bridal style and took her into the room, then gently laid her down on the white, soft bed. He covered her with a fluffy blanket and strolled out of the room.

He stared at Victor, who was drinking water, with a raised brow, and Victor could help but stop drinking and ask. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Um... were you actually expecting me to sleep in there?" James's eyes fluttered in disbelief as he asked.

"Well, no..." Victor shrugged and proceeded to finish his water.

"I see... well... I am off to sleep." James also shrugged and made his way into Victor's room, shutting the door behind him.

"Bro, don't break my door, else..." 

"Shitty door." James' voice reverberated from the room and Victor's expression couldn't help but shift in annoyance.

He dropped the bottle of water on the dining table and proceeded to his room.

A deep breath escaped Leia's mouth, and she couldn't help but chuckle softly. She pulled out the USB from her pocket and glanced at it. She nodded at herself and stuffed it back into her pocket.

She walked to her bag that was still on Victor's table and unzipped it. She pulled out her phone and turned it on. 

Glancing at the screen, her jaw couldn't help but fall. 'Twenty-six messages.' Her eyes fluttered vigorously as she thought, and she immediately typed a reply to him. 'Hahaha... so many messages. I told you I would be fine.' 

As though he was waiting for her response. He replied to her message immediately. [I know, but I still couldn't help it. I was dead worried]

Leia chuckled and proceeded to video call him. He picked her up immediately and a wide smile formed on his lips when he saw her face. "Are you okay, little wife?" He asked her, a concerned expression appearing on his face.

"Yes, I just miss you, that's all." She replied, and the smile on Adrik's lips widened. "I miss you more than you can imagine. I will squeeze you with a hug tomorrow when you arrive home." He said, and Leia couldn't help but laugh happily. "Till tomorrow." She took a low breath and gazed at him through the phone.

"Is everything all right?" Adrik asked, with worry evident in his tone.

Leia stared at him for a while, and a charming smile made its way to her lips. "I love you so much." She blew a kiss at him, and Adrik caught it. "I love you too."

"Alright, I have to go now. I am so sleepy. " She chuckled softly and waved at him. "Bye-bye."

"See you tomorrow, little wife." He bade goodbye to her and they ended the call. Leia glanced up at the sky and proceeded towards the guest room. She got into the bed beside Kiesha, who was sound asleep and shut her eyes.. The clock ticked and she gradually fell asleep.

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