Sold To An Alpha

Chapter 108: Open Wounds

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The SUV hastily drove into the compound, and Leia stepped down with a deadly look on her face and a death aura that even she didn't notice lingering around her.

The tears falling from her eyes never stopped as she sauntered into the mansion with her hands balled into fists.

She walked straight to the kitchen and saw Rita standing near the counter doing her work.

Rita's eyes fluttered as the death aura enshrouded her and sent chills down her body. She hurriedly turned around and jolted back in fear when she saw Leia standing at the door with a deadly and horror-looking look on her face.

"Alcohol! " A single word left Leia's mouth, and Rita's eyes darted around in confusion. She began to step back, trying to create a distance from her, when she saw her teary eyes twitching in what seemed like fury.

Deep fear arose within Rita's heart, and she abruptly moved forward to escape from the kitchen, but Leia's hand unexpectedly grabbed her by the arm and threw her back into the kitchen, causing her to fall on her bum.

"Alcohol!" She stated this yet again in a tone that not only sent shivers down Rita's body but also made her hurriedly begin to back away. Her body began to tremble in deep fear, and she had no idea when drops of tears began to fall from her small, pretty eyes. "Please, I am sorry. Don't hurt me. " She begged with her hands cupped at her chest.

Leia's eyes shook more violently, and she stepped into the kitchen. Thinking she was coming for her, Rita immediately crawled away, hiding behind the door.

Leia's bloodshot eyes glanced at her and then at the fridge. She walked towards it and opened it, grabbing three bottles of alcohol.

Feeling she had got a chance, Rita immediately ran out of the kitchen, making her way out of the mansion.

Leia glimpsed the direction she ran from, and without bothering to shut the fridge, she stormed out of the kitchen, proceeding upstairs.

She walked through the corridor that led to their room and stopped. She turned towards the door that led into the room, which she had run to the first time she came to this house and pushed it open.

Her body slipped in and she shut the door, locking it from the inside. She turned the lights on and slowly ambled towards the bathroom, with the bottles of alcohol in her hand.

Leia pushed the door open and switched the lights on. Then she walked towards the bathtub and dropped the bottles on the floor.

She took her hoody off, leaving herself with only a short white tube that covered her breasts.

She sat on the floor and uncocked a bottle of alcohol, then brought it to her lips and began to gulp down liquid after liquid.

Her wet lashes flickered, and more tears couldn't help but flow down from her eyes. She once again gulped down a mouthful of alcohol and shut her eyes.

"Mother..." She whispered, and the image of her mother emerged in her mind.

"Leia dear... Don't run too far, or you will get lost."

"Mummy, I won't! Hihihi."

"Leia! Listen to me! Don't go too far!"

"Fine, humph!" Her little legs carried her up and down as she hopped back to her mother, who sat down on a white wooden chair in their garden.

"Mummy, you never let me out of the house. Why?"

"My little darling.-" She took the little girl into her arms and caressed her hair. "-Because I want to keep you safe."

"Safe from what?" The little child asked, with confusion apparent in her large eyes.

"You won't understand now. When you grow up into a big, beautiful girl, I will tell you." The mother kissed the little girl on her forehead, and the little child wrapped her arms around her, hugging her tightly.

Then a scene flashed by.

"Mother, what is going on? Why are you vomiting blood?"

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"Leia-" The woman lying helplessly on the hospital bed began to cough painfully and drops of blood fell from her mouth.

"Mum!" The young girl rushed to her and supported her with her arms. She grabbed a cup of water from the table near the bed and helped her swallow some. "Mum, please, don't do this to me! Please stay with me! "

"Leia...n-no matter what happens, You know, I love you v-very muc..." The woman coughed painfully yet again, but this time she fell back on the hospital bed and her hands tiredly fell to her sides.

"Mum!!" The young girl panicked and immediately rushed out of the room. "Doctor!!! Doctor!!! Please, my mother is dying. You need to do something!!" She grabbed the male nurse she saw and begged, tears flowing down her eyes like a river.

The nurse followed her in and immediately began to check up on the woman. Doctors arrived and the young girl was asked to stay outside.

Minutes hadn't even passed when the beeping sound from the electrocardiogram was heard, and the young girl's heart skipped a bit. 

Her body trembled, and slowly, she walked towards the door and peered inside, through the glass. Her heart instantly rushed up to her throat the moment her eyes fell on the electrocardiogram, whose beat had slowed down and was showing flatlines. That means her mother was dead!

Before she could even think straight, the nurses inside the emergency room pushed the door open and dragged her away from the emergency ward.

They brought her away, and she angrily snatched her arms. Her head shook in disbelief, and she proceeded to move to the emergency ward, but the nurses held her back. "Miss, please, wait a bit; the doctor will come to see you by himself." They told her and the young girl shut her eyes to calm herself down.

Leia's eyes sprang open, and she inhaled deeply to catch her breath, then exhaled. Her lashes fluttered and tears flowed down her eyes.

She grabbed the last bottle of alcohol and slammed it on the floor, breaking it into pieces. The liquid flowed through the floor to where she sat and wet the jean shorts she wore.

Leia's hand trembled as she picked up a sharp piece of the bottle and stared intently at it.

She reached for her back and, with her teeth gritted tightly, she began to reopen her wounds! The scars he gave her!! She reopened them. 

Blood flowed down her body and onto the floor, tainting it.

"Ahhhhhhh!!!" A painful scream escaped her mouth, and she threw the piece of the bottle away and began to punch the floor. "This is all your fault!! This is all your fucking fault!! " She punched much faster until her knuckles became bloody and bleeding, tarnishing the white floor.

"Ahh-h!"A cry mixed with a chuckle left her mouth, and she laid down on the floor, ignoring her bleeding back.


Adrik carefully parked the Rolls Royce and stepped down. He looked up at the mansion and, as though something had struck his heart, he immediately clutched his chest and his face grimaced in pain. 'What's going on?' His brow couldn't help but wrinkle as he thought.

He took a deep breath and adjusted his clothing, then slowly proceeded to walk into the mansion. However, he was suddenly stopped by Rita, who jumped out of nowhere, with her body still trembling in fear.

"Supreme Alpha!" She bowed deeply, and Adrik's face puckered as he nodded in response to her.

"Why are you trembling?" He asked, and she swallowed hard. "Supreme Alpha... something is wrong with Luna."

"What do you mean?" Adrik's eyes narrowed in confusion as he asked and, without hesitation, Rita began to narrate what happened to her. However, before she could finish, Adrik pushed her out of the way and rushed into the mansion.

He arrived on the second floor in seconds and the scent of blood instantly hit his nose. His green eyes immediately changed to those of gold and he rushed to the door of the room in which Leia was.

Adrik turned the handle, but the door didn't open, indicating it was bolted from the inside. His face darkened, and he furiously kicked the door, causing it to break and fall to the floor with a loud bang.

He hurried into the room and glanced around, but saw no one. His eyes fell on the door of the bathroom, and without delay, he rushed up and pushed the door open.

The moment he glanced inside, his body stilled and, as though his brain exploded, the world around him stopped.

Within the bathtub, Leia lay inside the water that was bloody from her blood. The water had leaked to the floor, causing the floor to be tainted by it. Pieces of glass were everywhere, and the thick scent of her blood filled the air.

His expressionless eyes trailed to her face, only to see her eyes shut and her body motionless inside the water as though she was unconscious or dead.

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