Sold To An Alpha

Chapter 110: Apology

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He loosened her towel, letting it fall to her waist, then poured a few drops of spirit on the cotton wool and gently began to clean her wound.

Leia hissed as the pain struck her and her hand balled into a tight fist.

"I am sorry, little wife." Adrik comforted her and, as soon as he was done with cleaning it, he dressed it up.

He stood up and walked into the dressing room, then grabbed a set of clothes and strolled back to the bedroom.

He helped her apply some oil to her body, then aided her in sliding into her clothing, which was black leggings and a white tunic top.

He pulled her up from the stool and gently caressed her hair. "How do you feel now?"

"Better than ever." She smiled at him, and he laid a soft kiss on her forehead. "Wait here, let me get you something to eat." He had her sit down on the sofa, and walked out of the room.

A low breath escaped Leia's nose, and she fiddled with her fingers. How is she going to face her best friends? Especially Victor.

Her face grimaced when she recalled how she slapped him and his laptop that she broke, and a soft sigh couldn't help but exit her mouth.

She shook her head and made up her mind to meet them the next day and apologize. 

The door slammed shut, jolting her out of her thoughts, and she turned around to see Adrik walking towards her with a tray of food in his hand.

He placed it down on the white mini table and took a seat beside her on the sofa. 

Leia glanced at the plastic white tray to see a bowl of spaghetti and meatballs. Next to it were summer rolls with peanut sauce placed on a flat ceramic plate.

Her eyes instantly glowed, and she covered her mouth with her hand. "My favorite..." She whispered, and Adrik, who sat beside her, chuckled softly.

He grabbed the bowl of spaghetti and turned to face her. Leia's eyes fluttered in confusion, and she tilted her head to one side.

"Remember, I said I would take care of you, so... I'm going to feed you." He said, and a wide smile immediately emerged on Leia's lips. She moved closer to him and stared at him with gleaming eyes.

Adrik laughed softly and placed a napkin on her neck. Then he rolled a few pieces of spaghetti with the fork and brought them to her lips. 

Leia happily parted her lips and the fork slid into her mouth. She chewed on the food and shut her eyes as she savored the taste. "This is so good." She said with a full mouth, and Adrik patted her on the head.

He continued to feed her and, contrary to his expectations, Leia finished everything. A deep breath escaped his nose and he turned to stare at her. "You're gluttonous." A smack landed on his head the moment he finished his sentence, and his eyes fluttered in confusion. "Why did you do that?" He spread his hands innocently as he inquired.

"Humph!" Leia scoffed and stood up from the couch. She proceeded to walk to the bed, but unexpectedly turned around and grabbed Adrik by the cheek, placing a soft loving kiss on his lips. "Thank you." 

She straightened up and walked to the bed, then climbed in and gently laid down on one side.

A low sigh escaped her lips, and she shut her eyes as though she was about to sleep.

Adrik stared at her and took a deep breath. He gazed up at the bright sky through the window and slightly shook his head.

He called for the maids, and they arrived shortly to clear away the plates.

He then proceeded to the bathroom and took his time to have his shower.

Time rapidly passed by, and the bright sky was soon enshrouded by darkness.

Leia, who was having her nap, woke up and sat up on the bed. She stretched her body and reached for her phone near the lantern that was on the white mini table beside their bed.

She unlocked it and went into her chat. Different messages from her best friends popped up on her screen, and her eyes couldn't help but flutter.

[Leia, are you okay? Please say something]

[Leia, is everything all right? We are worried about you]

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[Leia, I don't give a damn about my laptop, but what I want to know is how you're doing. How could you just leave like that?]

A deep breath exited her nose and she pinched her brow. She turned to glance at Adrik, who was sound asleep beside her, and she quietly climbed down from the bed.

She made her way downstairs and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, then walked to the dining table in the dining area and sat down to drink her water.

'I'm perfectly fine. I will meet you guys tomorrow, alright.' She replied to their messages, and a soft sigh couldn't help but exit her mouth.

A scene of them hugging her to calm her down flashed in her mind, and a warm smile formed on her lips. They are indeed her best friends.


The next day arrived, and the bright morning sun rose in the sky, spreading its rays across the land.

Leia yawned as she sat up on the bed and proceeded to climb down, but Adrik's arm, which was wrapped around her waist, held her back.

She turned her head to glance at him and her eyes fell on his long black raven hair, which was scattered on the bed. She tucked a few strands that fell over his face behind his ear and proceeded to retract her hand, but Adrik grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her onto the bed. "You got up so early today." He smiled at her, and Leia flicked her finger at his forehead.

"I had a nice nap yesterday, so...." She wiggled her brows at him, sat up on the bed, and then proceeded to climb down.

She made her way to the bathroom and brushed her teeth, then took her bath and outfitted herself with a set of casual clothing.

She walked to Adrik, who was seated on the sofa and leaned down to place a soft kiss on his lips. "I will be back in a few hours. I have to meet them to give a proper apology. " She smiled at him, and he nodded at her.

"I hope to meet your best friends one day." He said it without sparing her a glance, and Leia chuckled softly. She perked him on the cheek, and ambled out of the room, shutting the door behind her.

She moved downstairs and walked out of the mansion, then boarded the black Rolls Royce and drove out of the compound.

Leia arrived at Victor's apartment in less than an hour and drove into the compound, then carefully parked the car. 

She stepped down from the car and took a deep breath. She gazed up at the building standing in front of her, and with a bit of hesitation, she walked in.

The elevator took her up to the second floor, and she stepped out when the door opened.

Gradually, she began to walk towards Victor's apartment, and when she arrived in front of the door, she halted. 

She inhaled and exhaled deeply before raising her hand and slowly knocking on the door.

Seconds didn't even pass before the door was pulled open. She raised her eyes and they fell on Kiesha, who was clad in a fine blue short and white hoody.

"Leia..." Kiesha's voice sounded as she called her name and Leia parted her lips to say something, but an abrupt tight hug from Kiesha had her swallow her word. "Gosh, we were so worried about you yesterday." Kiesha drew back from the embrace and scrutinized her from head to toe.

"I'm glad you're okay." She grabbed Leia by the wrist and pulled her into the living room. "Guys, she's here." She announced, and James, who was seated on the sofa with his phone in his hand, stood up and stared intently at Leia.

Leia proceeded to say something, but immediately changed her mind when she saw Victor walking into the living room with his gazes fixed on his phone.

She lowered her head when his eyes met hers, and she couldn't help but bite her lower lip in guilt.

"Victor, I am really sorry... Okay, I will get a new laptop for you. I just hope... you're not mad at me. " She apologized nervously and raised her head in confusion when she heard him chuckling softly.

"Why... are you laughing?" She asked in utter confusion and bewilderment.

Victor shook his head at her and stuffed his phone into his pocket as a low breath escaped his nose. He walked up to her and grabbed her by the shoulder, turning her so she could face him. "Leia, you don't really think that I will make you pay for it, do you?" He inquired, and Leia fluttered her eyes.

"Common, we all understand that you have no idea what you are doing when you're in your raged mode, so I won't fuss much about it. Besides, I can still buy another one; it's not a big deal." He shrugged and patted her on the shoulder.

A smile spread across Leia's lips, and a deep breath of relief escaped her mouth. "You guys are the best." She glanced at them, and they smiled warmly at her.

"So glad we are all back to normal and fine.." Kiesha clapped her hand in solace and walked to the couch to take a seat beside James.

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