Sold To An Alpha

Chapter 122: Introductions

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The next day arrived, and it went so fast that it didn't take time for darkness to start clouding the sky slowly.

Maids ran from here to there, setting up the table for the guests that would be arriving.

Leia walked to Adrik, who sat on the sofa with his laptop on his lap, and leaned down, placing a soft kiss on his forehead.

"I will be going now." She said to him, and Adrik nodded without sparing her a glance. His eyes were focused on the laptop, and his fingers were typing quite fast on it. 

Leia shook her head as she smiled at him and made her way out of the mansion.

She walked to the car and unlocked it, then stepped into the driver's seat and shut the door. She started the car engine and drove out of the compound, then onto the road.


Seated on the white sofa, Kiesha and James had a can of beer in their hands while Victor was busy with his phone.

A low sigh of annoyance escaped Kiesha's mouth, and she shifted her gaze to Victor. "When is she arriving? I'm dying of boredom here."

Victor raised his eyes from the phone to glance at her, and an irritated expression made its way to his face. "You can fly there if you want to." He smirked as he shook his head and returned his attention to his phone.

Kiesha rolled her eyes and scoffed. She rested her head back on the sofa, and the moment she was about to shut her eyes, the door to the apartment pushed open, jolting them.

They turned their heads to see who it was and their eyes fell on Leia, who was clad in blue tight jeans and a white cute top.

"Sorry, I am late. Was caught up in traffic." Leia apologized immediately and glanced at all of them. A smile made its way to her lips as she saw how good they looked. Kiesha was clad in a red knee-length dress and her curly afro hair was banded up in a ponytail style.

James was outfitted in black sweatpants and a white polo, his shoulder-length hair tied up in a bun. And Victor, he was swathed in blue jeans and a white, mixed with yellow, colored polo. His mixed-colored hair was combed to perfection. Of course, the silver earring clasped to his ear wasn't missing.

"You guys look really good." Leia chuckled, and they rolled their eyes at her. "Thank you." They managed to say something, and she shook her head at them. 

"Let's go." They ambled downstairs and out of the building, then boarded the SUV. Leia drove out of the compound and raised the speed as they sped down the road. 

It only took them an hour to arrive at the mansion, and Leia slowly drove in and carefully parked the car.

They all stepped down, and their jaws couldn't help but fall at how big the mansion was. No, not just that, it was all painted white, so it was already a white house. At the center of the compound was a big wolf sculpture that had water spraying out of its mouth, and it was what caught their attention the most.

"Whoa... that's a huge sculpture," Kiesha exclaimed and slowly shook her head as she examined the wolf sculpture. 

"Common." Leia waved at them, and they followed behind her as she walked towards the entrance.

The moment they arrived there, the tall door opened by itself and they stepped in. The second they did, a vast living room that was almost as bright as the star came into view.

Their gazes traveled up to the diamond chandelier, and their eyes couldn't help but dilate at how elegant and huge it was. 

'This is definitely a White House.' This thought emerged in their minds, and they shook their heads as they glanced at the white-colored furniture.

"Ahem." Leia cleared her throat and their eyes moved to a long white sofa within the living room, which had someone clad in complete white casual clothing seated on it. He was outfitted in a white shirt with the hem of its sleeves rolled up a bit, and white suit-like pants. His feet were covered in black shoes that had a white design on them.

Their eyes fluttered, and they glanced at each other.

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As though noticing them, Adrik averted his gaze from the laptop and turned his head to glance at them. His eyes flickered, and he dropped his laptop on the glass mini table, then stood up from the divan.

He shoved his hands into his pocket and strolled over to them.

He wrapped his arms around Leia and pulled her into a tight, warm hug.

Leia pulled back from the embrace and smiled at him.

"Adrik, these are my best friends, Kiesha, James, and Victor. Guys, this is my husband, Adrik. " She introduced them to each other, and Adrik nodded at them.

He outstretched his hand to Victor and they exchanged a handshake. "Nice to meet you." Victor smiled as he nodded his head.,"Nice to meet you too, Mr. Avalanzo."

Adrik turned to James and did the same, then turned to Kiesha. A glint flickered in his eyes, and he couldn't help but chuckle softly as he recalled the first day he met her. "Hello, Kiesha, nice to meet you again." He outstretched his hand to her and they exchanged a handshake. "Nice to meet you too, Mr. Avalanzo." Kiesha smiled softly, and Adrik nodded at her. "There is no need for formalities. Just call me Adrik."

Kiesha nodded and couldn't help but notice how short she was. This man really is tall.

"Make yourself at home." Adrik smiled at them and interlocked his hand with Leias', then turned around to proceed towards the dining area.

The eyes of the three couldn't help but widen in shock as they stared at the length of his hair. It was tied up in a ponytail, but it still reached his butt. 'How long would it be if it was let down?' This question swirled in their minds, and they glanced at each other and noticed the confusion in their eyes.

They fluttered their lashes and silently followed behind the couple.

Adrik pulled out a seat beside him at the table for Leia and took his seat. James, Keisha, and Victor also took their seats, and they couldn't help but inhale deeply at the amount of food that was served on the table. 'God, how many people are going to be eating this food? It's too much. ' Keisha smiled as she thought and raised her eyes to stare at Leia.

"Help yourselves out." Leia smiled at them and they nodded. They picked up their cutlery and proceeded to eat.

A few minutes of silence passed and Leia abruptly coughed sharply, then raised her eyes to look at the three. "Guys, mind introducing yourself more specifically?" She smiled widely, revealing her jade-white teeth.

They nodded at her and Victor cleared his throat, then turned to Adrik, who had his hands interlocked together. "My name is Victor Donovan. An engineering student, about to graduate from university. " Adrik nodded at him as he smiled behind the mask latched onto his face. "That's nice." He turned to James, and James swallowed the food in his mouth.

"James Yang, an engineering student, about to graduate too. " Adrik nodded at him and turned to Kiesha, who unexpectedly began to cough uncontrollably.

"Are you okay?" Leia hurriedly passed a glass of water to her and she gulped it all down in one go. She raised her head and smiled awkwardly at them. "Sorry, I got something stuck in my throat."

"It's okay." Adrik nodded and fixed his gaze on her.

Her eyes began to dart around, and she cleared her throat. "Um, well... Keisha Mokeona, used to be a medical student but dropped out because my family got into some shutdown and now I work in a cafe to make some bucks and sponsor my younger sister in school. " She slightly nodded her head and twisted her lips as she said it.

Everyone but Adrik, at the table, gazed at her with fallen jaws, and their eyes fluttered the moment she was done with introducing herself. The shocked expressions on their faces showed they had no idea of what Kiesha had revealed just now. 

They had asked her why she dropped out of University before, and she told them it was because she didn't like the course anymore and wanted to switch to another course. Also, she wanted to apply to another university. She lied to them. Her best friends!

They slightly shook their heads at her in disbelief, clearly showing how disappointed and bad they felt. She chuckled awkwardly and fiddled with her sweaty shaking hands. Fuck!! She really messed up. Will they hate her?

She suddenly had the urge to cry and couldn't help but pinch between her brows.

Leia took a deep breath and smiled at everyone. "Let's, um, finish up our dinner.." They all nodded in agreement and began to eat in complete silence.

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