Sold To An Alpha

Chapter 124: A Shadow

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"A legend..." Adrik repeated it to himself, and his face crinkled a bit in thought. "What has she told you about this forest?" He asked, and Leia turned her head to stare at him. "Well... she said that, um, I don't know... that many creatures live in this forest and that any human that goes in never comes out alive, which is why humans have never dared to come here for ages." 

"I see..." Adrik slightly nodded and took a deep breath. "What kind of creatures did she mention?"

"Uh, well, Faes, Elves, Demons, Vampires, Mermaids, and werewolves, just like you. You know, I found it superstitious and funny then, but thinking about it now, I kind of have a feeling she might be telling the truth. I mean, you're a werewolf and she did mention your kind, so-"

"We have arrived," Adrik whispered to her, and she swallowed the rest of her words.

She stepped down from the car and shut the door, then shoved her hands into the pockets of her sweater as her eyes darted around. "This feels... I don't know, familiar."

Adrik turned to look at her, his brow raised in bewilderment. "Familiar?"

"Yes, It gives me this homely feeling. Like as though, I have been here before." She took deep breaths and walked forward to stand beside him.

Adrik interlocked her hands with his, walked away from the narrow path, and began to wander into the forest.

They ambled for a few minutes before they stopped near a huge tree. 

Adrik glanced at her and pulled his shirt off. "I am about to strip. You want to watch me or...." He raised his brows at her, and Leia shrugged at him. "I don't care." She folded her arms and fixed her gaze on him.

Adrik chuckled softly and took a deep breath. "Hold on tight," he said and stripped off his clothes. The moment he was done, a deep groan erupted from his throat and his bones began to crack, breaking. On his skin, white fur began to emerge and spread to his whole body.

Leia's eyes dilated, and she began to step back a bit. She didn't witness this the last time because she covered her eyes, but...this time...

Her eyes fluttered, and the next thing she saw was Adrik leaned down and standing on his four legs, in his complete wolf form.

"So huge!" Leia exclaimed, and she couldn't help but inhale deeply. Yes, she had seen his wolf before, but seeing it again, she couldn't help but be wowed by his hugeness.

The wolf, who was Kai, turned around and gazed at her with his red eyes. Leia's heart skipped a bit, and she swallowed hard.

She slowly began to walk forward as Kai shook his head at her, as though trying to tell her something. She reached out her hand to him and gently caressed his fur. "You're so beautiful." She whispered, and Kai heartily licked her face.

"Hahaha... that is gross." She chuckled and scratched his fur. 

Kai gazed at her, and she fluttered her eyes. She has no idea why he is looking at her.

He nudged her on her back and Leia smiled awkwardly as she still couldn't understand what he wanted.

As though annoyed at her, Kai vigorously shook his head, making his soft fur flutter. He bent down and laid down on the ground so he could be at her level. It poked her yet again and signaled with its head toward its back.

"Ohhhh." As though realizing what it wanted, Leia chuckled softly. "You want me to climb on your back? Alright." She grabbed onto its fur and, with much effort, she climbed onto its back and gripped him around the neck to avoid falling.

Leia's pupils dilated slightly as she focused her gaze on the distance she was far from. "So huge!" She couldn't help but exclaim yet again.

Leia wrapped her arms tightly around Kai's neck and before she could anticipate what would happen next, Kai scratched his paws on the sandy ground, and without any delay, it dashed off, whisking through the air that blew and fluttered its fur.

Leia's heart thumped widely within her, and she clutched tightly against his neck, shutting her eyes. Kai jumped over fallen trees, turning to his left to jump over a rock. Everywhere it ran, the leaves fluttered and the wind blew vigorously.

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His fur quivered furiously and wiggled as though it was dancing with the wind. He jumped over a lake and skilfully jumped over the huge fallen timbers.

Having adjusted to his speed, Leia slowly opened her eyes and her jaw fell in amazement.

Around her, bright fireflies were rising into mid-air as Kai stomped on the green grasses. Different beautiful flowers bloomed on each of his stomps, and the beauty of this place came to life. As though reaching his destination, Kai slowed and finally stopped at the edge of a cliff, which had water gushing out from the stones a bit distance away. It was such a beautiful waterfall that Leia gazed out at the scene in complete awe. 

"This is beautiful!" She exclaimed, and slowly slipped down from Kai's back. She twirled around as the fireflies surrounded her and the wind blew on her hair, causing it to flutter.

She smiled heartily and reached out her slender fingers to have one firefly perch on her middle finger. She chuckled softly and moved her finger, causing it to fly away.

She turned to Kai, who was gazing at her and jumped onto him, hugging him by the neck. She scratched his fur, and Kai licked her face.

A deep breath escaped Leia's nose, and she sat down on the green grass. Kai also did the same and cuddled up to her, wrapping his huge body around her.

Leia rested on his body and gently caressed his fur. "This is so peaceful." She smiled to herself and gazed up at the sky.

Her eyes stared at the stars surrounding the moon, and as though noticing a constellation, she began to connect the dots.

Kai watched her move her finger and he breathed out on her skin, stating he had no idea what she was doing. 

Leia laughed softly and turned to him. "Am connecting the stars to reveal the constellation." She said this, but Kai fluttered its fur, indicating that he still doesn't understand.

Leia smiled tenderly and began to explain. "All the stars that come out at night always form a constellation. You just have to try and connect the stars and it will be revealed to you. It also..." Kai gazed at her as she explained and raised his head to look up at the sky as though he understood what she was saying.

They stayed this way for a few more minutes before finally standing up off the ground. He leaned down to her, and she climbed onto his back, then held tightly around his neck.

With a swift turn, Kai began to run back. He ran past different trees, and as though something had touched her, Leia slowly opened her eyes and glanced to the side. Her eyes widened immediately and her heart skipped a bit when she saw a dark shadow running after them at an extremely fast speed that was, times faster than Kais'. It was as though it was holding back in order not to run past them.

It was sprinting on their right-hand side, also passing each tree they did. 

Leia's eyes narrowed, and she stared intently to try to identify the person, but she couldn't. All she could observe was that the person had very long hair that fluttered as he ran, and he was clad in something that looked like a robe that ancient people would wear. 

Kai suddenly jumped over the timber on the ground, and Leia couldn't help but look forward. When she saw that everything was fine, she returned her attention to her right side, only to realize that the shadow wasn't running after them anymore, rather it had stopped and was now gazing at her.

Her heart trembled and her eyes throbbed. The shadow was staring so intently at her that she could feel his eyes piercing into her soul.

She held onto her breath and almost screamed when Kai abruptly stopped. She inhaled and exhaled continuously, and finally, when she caught her breath, she glanced in the direction, only to see that the shadow was gone.

Her brow creased deeply, and she carefully slipped down from Kai's back when he leaned down.

She swallowed hard and clasped her arms around her body. As though noticing that something was not right, Kai walked near the tree where Adrik hung his cloth and allowed Adrik to take over and transform back into human form. 

Adrik immediately slid into his clothes and walked to Leia. He grabbed her by the shoulder and turned her so she could look at him. "Little wife, is everything alright?"

Leia raised her head to stare at him and slowly nodded at him. "Yes... everything is fine. It's just that, I saw a shadow running after us. "

"A shadow?" Adrik's eyes flickered, and she nodded at him. "It was extremely fast, that it was even slowing down so as not to run past us." A deep, anxious breath escaped her nose and Adrik pulled her into a hug. "It's okay, common, let's go." He interlocked his hand with hers and led her back to the car.. They got in, shutting the door afterward, and Adrik carefully reversed the car and drove out of the forest.

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