Sold To An Alpha

Chapter 126: Mr. Robert/ Dr. Robert

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Leia stroked her back to comfort her, but she suddenly pushed Leia away and stood up from the couch.

She ran to the door and opened it, then walked out and shut it behind her. She glanced from her left to her right and saw James walking towards the elevator. Her eyes fluttered, and she hastily ran after him, rushing past him and stopping to stand in front of him.

She spread out her hands, blocking him from moving forward, and raised her head to stare at his face.

James' face altered in annoyance and he gazed down at her with a questioning look on his expression.

Kiesha took a deep breath and allowed her arms to fall to her sides. She gazed at him and bit her lower lip. "I am... sorry. I know I messed up and that you're very angry with me, but... hear me out. " She breathed softly and began to fiddle with her fingers. "Yes, you guys are my best friends, but... it is not as easy as you think to come to you guys and tell you my problems. I can't keep bothering you guys with my dilemmas and all. I just... wanted to solve this by myself because I thought I could, but I realized I couldn't. Everything was just piling up on me, and I was scared of letting my sister down. "

Teardrops fell from her and she used the back of her hand to wipe them off. "Anyway, what I am trying to say is that... I am really, really sorry. I totally understand why you're ang-" She was yet to finish her words when James leaned down abruptly and captured her lips with his. He cupped her cheek with his hands and kissed her tenderly.

Kiesha's eyes widened, and her body became motionless. What was happening? Her body trembled, and James broke the kiss. Thinking that was all, he unexpectedly pulled her into a tight hug, and Kiesha's breath hitched.

"I love you, Kiesha." He whispered into her ears, and Kiesha's body stilled. She was so shocked that she couldn't even hug him back but just stood like a tree. This was totally unexpected.

James, who got no reaction from her, pulled back from the hug and gazed at her blank face. He caressed her cheek with his hand and took a soft breath. "I always have, Kiesha."

A deep, sharp breath escaped Kiesha's mouth, and she raised her eyes to stare intently at him. A smile slowly emerged on her lips, and she bit her lower lip. "You... really do?" She asked him, and he nodded his head at her. "I always did."

Keisha immediately jumped on him, hugging him tightly and resting her head on his shoulder. "I love you too. I really do." She laughed heartily and pulled away from him. "You know, I have always had a crush on you from the first day we met till the day we became best friends. But I couldn't tell you, because I thought you might reject me or something like that. I don't-"

"Kiesha," James said, stopping her from speaking and smiling at her. "You're talking too fast. You might bite your tongue."

Keisha chuckled awkwardly and looked past him when she heard two people clearing their throats.

"That was unexpected, but I am so happy for you guys." Leia smiled as she walked towards them and nudged James on the shoulder. "Nice move, bro. Nice move." She complimented him and gave him a thumbs-up.

Victor, who also arrived beside them, punched James on the shoulder and exchanged a bro hug with him. "I'm happy for you." They both laughed softly and turned to stare at Kiesha, whose eyes were darting around.

"I am sor-"

"Group hug." They all pulled each other into a warm embrace and chuckled afterward.


They were currently seated inside the living room, their heads resting back on the couch.

A low breath escaped Kiesha's nose, and she raised her head to glance at Leia. "Girl, now that I recall it. Why the hell is your husband growing such long hair? I mean, I don't doubt that it might be touching the floor soon. " Everyone else also turned to stare at Leia. It was really weird for a man to grow such long hair. I mean, if it was a woman, that wouldn't be weird, but...

Leia glanced at each of them and abruptly cleared her throat. " see, he can't cut his hair for a reason. He said his grandpa made him grow his hair from childhood, and before he died, he asked him to never cut it. Yes, that's the reason." She chuckled softly as she nodded her head.

They fluttered their eyes in disbelief and slowly nodded their heads at her. "O...kay." They averted their gazes from her and returned their attention to their phones.

Leia exhaled deeply and stood up from the sofa. "Um, guys, I've got to go now. I need to be at the hospital in time for the DNA test. " 

They nodded at her, and Kiesha turned to smile at her. "Let us know once the test is done."

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She nodded at her and bade them goodbye, then exited the building and drove out of the compound.

She arrived back at the mansion in an hour and strolled into the building. When she stepped into the living room, she found Adrik seated with his legs crossed, and his eyes scanning the documents in his hands.

A smile emerged on her face, and she walked up to him. She leaned down and placed a soft kiss on his forehead.

"Welcome back, little wife." He raised his eyes to glance at her and smiled tenderly at her behind the mask that was latched onto his face.

Leia plopped down beside him on the sofa and wrapped her arms around his waist. "What are you reading?" She asked as she glanced at the file in his hand. 

"This? Ah, it's nothing. Just some company paperwork that I have to sign. " He stared intently at the document and dropped it on the mini table.

"So are you ready to go, or do you want to shift it to tomorrow?" He cupped her cheek as he asked, and Leia shook her head. "No, I'd like to go today. I want to get it all done and over with. "

"Okay then, Go grab the things you need from the room. I will be waiting for you here." Leia stood up from the sofa and made her way to the second floor using the elevator.

She spent a few minutes in their room before returning downstairs and finding Adrik still seated on the sofa. "I'm ready." She said to him, and Adrik stood up for the divan.

He walked to her and interlocked his hands with hers, then led her out of the mansion.

They boarded the Lamborghini, and Adrik drove them out of the compound.

"Which hospital are we going to?" Leia asked him as they sped down the road, and Adrik turned his head to glance at her. 

"Save Life Hospital." He replied, and Leia's brow raised in cluelessness. "Which hospital is that? I have never heard of it."

"It's Mr. Robert's hospital. Not popular but awesome at what it does better than most of those popular hospitals." Adrik shrugged, and Leia nodded her head.

"Actually, I chose to take you to his hospital because I felt you would be more comfortable there than at any other hospital. I mean, you have come to know him quite well and are comfortable around him." He glanced at her and smiled behind the mask on his face.

They shortly arrived at their destination, and Leia gazed at the quite big hospital that had people walking in and out of it. 

Adrik carefully parked the car, and they stepped down, shutting the door and locking it. He walked to Leia and interlocked her hand with his, then began to lead her towards the stairs that led to the door.

They climbed up the wide stairs, pushed the glass door open, and stepped into the hospital.

A bright, vast room that had nurses, patients, and people walking up and down came into view, and Adrik grabbed her by the hand, then took her to the receptionist's table.

They signed a document provided by the receptionist, and after a few minutes, they were called in by Dr. Robert.

Adrik pushed the door open and they stepped in, then walked towards the two chairs at the table, which was obviously Dr. Roberts's table, and sat down. 

A few seconds passed, and the door was pushed open. A middle-aged man with glasses on the bridge of his nose walked into the office. He ambled to his seat at the table and sat down.

"Mr. Avalanzo, please forgive me. I had a patient I really needed to give treatment to, and that's why I had to keep you waiting. Do pardon me." He explained with a pleading look on his face.

Adrik shook his head at him. "It's fine, I don't mind." He said, and Dr.. Robert took a breath of relief.

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