Sold To An Alpha

Chapter 135: An Intruder

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Leia woke up the next day feeling light-headed. She shook her head and blinked her eyes open, then turned beside her to see Adrik lying so tiredly with his hair scattered all over the bed. She raised her gaze to peek at the clock on the mini table near their bed, and her eyes widened in shock.

Her brow furrowed, and she leaned down to have her face close to his. Hmm, it was already eight and Adrik was still sleeping. This is not like him at all. I mean, he always wakes up before her, so why was he sleeping this much?

Her face altered in worry and she placed a soft kiss on his lips, hoping that he would wake up. However, Adrik moved not an inch but lay motionless on the bed.

Panic suddenly devastated her and she nudged him, but still, he didn't move.

"A-adrik." She tenderly tapped on his cheek, but he still didn't move, and deep worry overwhelmed her.

She proceeded to climb down from the bed; however, when she glanced around the room, her body couldn't help but still. 

This room was different from theirs. It wasn't as vast as their room, but moderate. The wall was ashen in color, and a tall lantern stood at two corners of the room.

A deep sigh fled Leia's nose when she recalled what she did yesterday. She lowered her eyes and stared at her pale palms. Just what kind of non-human is she?

She shrugged and threw the thought to the back of her mind, as she already knew she wouldn't get an answer. She got down and walked over to stand near the bed, beside Adrik. She squatted down to his level and used her hand to wipe off the sweat on his face.

"Adrik..." She shook him with a half-playful smile on her lips. "C'mon, wake up. It's enough already. " She patted him, but Adrik still didn't move and lay motionless on the bed. He was still breathing, indicating that he was alive. But what she can't comprehend is why he's unconscious and sweating profusely.

Her face instantly turned pale, and she stood up, then hurried out of the room to grab a bowl of cold water and a towel.

Arriving out in the living room, she immediately halted on her steps when she saw someone she hadn't seen in a few months. "Alex..." A slow smile formed on her lips, and her eyes blinked.

"Mrs. Leia." Alex strolled towards her with a friendly smile on his face and bowed deeply to her. "How do you feel?" He inquired, and Leia fluttered her eyes. "Huh?" Was she not okay before? Her brow wrinkled a bit as she questioned herself.

Alex cackled softly when he saw her furrowed brows and shook his head. "Last night, you and Supreme Alpha were not in a good state when I arrived, so I am worried." He smiled at her and Leia nodded her head in understanding. "I am good, but... I don't think Adrik is."

"What do you mean?" Alex's face changed in deep concern, and he stared at Leia with eyes that held apprehension.

"I woke up this morning and tried to wake him up, but he wasn't moving an inch or making any sound. He's just lying motionless and sweating profusely." She explained with a voice that was a bit cracked, and a smile emerged on Alex's face.

"Why are you smiling?" She questioned with a darkened face, and Alex shook his head, then hurriedly proceeded to clarify. "Pardon me, Mrs. Leia. I am smiling because you're worried about nothing. His Supreme Alpha is totally fine and healthy. He is just in a temporary coma which will last at least a day. " 

Leia's lashes blinked vigorously at his explanation, and she gazed intently at him. "Temporary coma? Why? " Her face altered in deep confusion.

"I believe Supreme Alpha ran past his limit last night and overexerted himself, which now leaves him in this interim coma," Alex explained, and Leia stared at him with a blank expression on her face.

"Ran past his limits..." She muttered to herself, and her body abruptly shuddered when she recalled last night at the bridge. The silhouette who had unexpectedly grabbed her by the belly, knocking her unconscious. 'T-that was Adrik.' She took a deep breath and turned her attention back to Alex. "So he is fine and nothing is wrong with him?"

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"Yes, he is." Leia took a relieved breath and Alex nodded. She smiled at him, then turned around to proceed back to the room. This room was downstairs.

She pushed the door open and stepped in, then shut it behind her. She slowly walked to the bed and climbed in, moving closer to lie down beside Adrik.

Her pitch-black pupils stared at his sweaty face, and she reached out her hand to caress his cheek. "I love you, Adrik." She whispered to him and placed his hand on her chest, hugging it.


In his second apartment, where he lives alone by himself, Victor sat on the sofa with his new laptop on his lap and a can of beer on the mini table near the couch.

A knock suddenly came on the door, and he lifted his eyes from the laptop to glance at the door. Another knock came, and he dropped the laptop on the divan, then stood up to walk to the door.

He peeped through the small hole but saw nobody. "Hmmm." His eyes narrowed into a thin line and he stepped away from the door, then turned around and proceeded to the kitchen. He grabbed a long steel spoon that he saw and ambled back to the living room.

He then slowly walked to the door and decided to check again before taking any action. When he did, he still didn't see anyone. 

Uncertainty arose within him, and he inhaled and exhaled deeply. His grip on the spoon tightened and, with a bit of hesitation, he pulled the door open and raised the spoon, ready to hit the hell out of the intruder. However, when he saw who it was, the spoon slipped out of his hand and fell with a loud noise onto the floor.

Victor's gaze fixed on the person standing in front of him, and his body could not but shudder. "S-shawn." His lips trembled and the person who was Shawn smiled at him. "Wasn't expecting me, eyy." He chuckled softly and yanked Victor into a hug. "It's been a while. Glad to see you. " He pulled away from the embrace and walked past Victor, into the apartment, and plopped down on the sofa.

"You gave this place a new look." He nodded his head as his eyes glanced around. He halted his gaze on Victor, and Victor awkwardly smiled at him. "Are you this surprised to see me?" He raised his brow as he noticed Victor's awkwardness. 

Victor cleared his throat and strolled to sit down on the sofa opposite him, then interlocked his hands. "I am really surprised. I mean, it's been four years since I last saw you."

"Well, that's true." Shawn nodded his head in agreement and relaxed on the sofa. "I feel really happy to be back." He rested his head back and spread his arms to either side of him.

"Why? Isn't being abroad comfortable? " Victor arched his brow as he asked, and Shawn lifted his head to stare at him. A smile emerged on his face, and he slightly shook his head. "No, abroad is a very fun place to be. However, I am happy to be home because I can now fulfill a promise I made to someone four years ago. " His gaze became distant, as though he was thinking of someone.

Victor's eyes fluttered, and he adjusted in his seat. "I see..." He smiled awkwardly and took a deep breath, then raised his eyes to stare at Shawn's face, which held a wide smile. Nobody needed to tell him, as he already knew who Shawn was talking about. But hold on... he could be wrong. Maybe Shawn is referring to someone else. I mean, it's been a long time and he must have found someone else, right? He fiddled with his hand, then took a slight breath. 

"Um, Shawn..."

Shawn, whose gaze was distant, snapped back to reality and turned to stare at him with a just raised brow.

"May I ask who the person is?" Victor stared intently at him, and he began to chuckle softly.

"Are you joking with me?" He asked, and Victor shook his head at him. "I don't think I am."

"Oh... I see." He nodded slightly, and a warm smile emerged on his face. "Well, it's no one else but Leia. I promised her I would marry her once I returned home, which you know, and that's what I'm going to do. " A sigh escaped his lips, and he lowered his head. "After I left, a robbery took place, and I lost my phone and her contact. Since then I haven't been able to get her number. After a few days, I recovered my sim, but when I tried to reach out to her, I found out I was unable to. I tried many times, but I couldn't, so I decided to leave it all till I returned home.. " He smiled and lifted his eyes to gaze at Victor.

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