Sold To An Alpha

Chapter 139: Do That Again

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Leia walked out of the kitchen with a bucket of chicken in her hand and made her way to their room. She shut the door behind her and strolled to sit down beside Adrik on the sofa.

Adrik, who was busy with the laptop on his lap, sniffed and turned his head to glance at her. His eyes fluttered, and he cleared his throat.

Leia turned to stare at him, and her brow arched. "What?" She took a bite of the chicken in her hand and chewed on it with her eyes fixed on Adrik. "Why are you looking at me like that?" She swallowed it and asked afterward.

"Nothing, I am just imagining how you would look if you were chubby." Adrik shook his head and chuckled softly.

"What, you're not going to like me chubby, huh?" She took another bite and wiggled her brows at him.

Adrik darted his eyes around and shifted closer to her. He placed his fingers on her chin and stared into her pitch-black pupils. "I will always love you, no matter how you look. You're my little wife, and you will look very beautiful if you're chubby." He nodded at her and placed a soft kiss on her lips, then pulled back to continue his work on his laptop.

Leia slowly chewed on her food and intently gazed at him, as though admiring him. "You're so gentle..." She unknowingly whispered, and Adrik turned to stare at her. A smile formed on his lips, and he raised his brow at her. "Am I?" He asked, and she nodded at him. "Yes, you are." She leaned closer and delivered a soft kiss on his lips. "I have something I want to tell you." She pulled away and dropped the bucket of chicken on the mini table, then turned around to completely face him.

Adrik shut his laptop and kept it on the mini table, then crossed his legs and fixed his gaze on her, patiently waiting for her to say what she wanted to say. "So... what is it?" He inquired after a minute of silence passed without Leia uttering a single word.

Leia took a deep breath and began to fiddle with her fingers. "About everything that has happened, I have been trying not to think about it, but I find myself unable to." She bit her lip and lowered her head to stare at her hands. "It just doesn't feel right to me if I don't make him pay for everything he did to me and my mother, and for that, I want to get..."

"Revenge." Adrik raised his brow at her and a low breath escaped her nose. "Yes, I want to get my revenge. I know you won't let me go ahead with it, but Adrik I want to do this. I don't care how risky it is or-"

"What makes you think that I will stop you from getting revenge on the one who hurt you and your mother?" He cut her off, and his brow creased deeply.

Leia's eyes trembled, and she began to fiddle with her fingers. "Um... I don't know." I just felt that way. " 

Adrik gazed at her for a whole thirty seconds before he stood up from the sofa and shoved his hands into the pockets of his pants. Then he proceeded to leave.

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Leia's eyes blinked in confusion, and she hurriedly stood up from the couch, then rushed to him and grabbed him by the arm, stopping him in his track. She moved to stand in front of him, then stared at him with confusion apparent in her eyes. "Adrik, what's wrong? Why are you walking out on me? Did I say something wrong?"

Adrik lowered his sights to gaze at her, and a low breath escaped his nose. "Little wife, you already assumed I would stop you, so what more is there to say?" His brow arched, and as though realizing her mistake, her expression changed to a sad one. "I am sorry. I didn't mean it in that way." She bit her lower lip, and Adrik grabbed her gently by the chin and lifted her head so she could look at his face. He leaned down and planted a tender kiss on her lips. "Don't assume so quickly next time, little wife." He smiled at her and grabbed her hand, then led her back to the sofa. He had her sit on his lap, then asked her to tell him every single part of her plan.

Leia slowly explained her plans to him and how she intends to carry them out. Adrik nodded as he listened, and his eyes couldn't help but flutter in awe. "You're such a scheming little wife." He pinched her nose and laughed softly. 

"I know..." Leia wiggled her eyebrows and kissed him.

"Little wife, your plan is clever, but are you sure you will be able to pull this off?" Adrik inquired, with concern visible on his face.

"Yes." She nodded and smiled at him. "I know it's risky, but I know I can do it. I am going to ruin him, bit by bit, and finally, strike when he's at his most vulnerable stage." She grinned viciously and Adrik pinched her arm, earning an ouch from her. "What's that for?!" She glared at him and blinked her lashes. "You look so evil when you grin like that." He rolled his eyes and smirked.

"Omo... do that again." Leia's eyes broadened, and golden sparks flickered in them.

Adrik drew his head back in confusion and his eyes darted around. "What?"

"The rolling of eyes thingy you just did. Do it again. " She grabbed the collar of his shirt and gazed deeply into his pupils. 

"This." Adrik rolled his eyes, and she nodded furiously at him. "Yes, where did you learn that from? This is the first time I have ever seen you do this. "

"Eh... from you? I mean, you always do that when you're annoyed or when am talking and you feel bored by it." Adrik shrugged. "I kind of just did it. I don't even know why I did that." He shook his head in bewilderment, and Leia broke out into laughter. "You look cute when you do that." She smiled widely at him, revealing her jade white teeth. 

"Hahaha... that's funny." Adrik chuckled softly, and his eyes squinted vigorously when Leia abruptly wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.. He took a low breath and curled his arms around her, embracing her and stroking her back.

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