Sold To An Alpha

Chapter 142: Crossed

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Adrik outfitted himself in a black suit and neatly parked his hair up into a ponytail with Leia's help. He grabbed the key of the Rolls-Royce and gave Leia a perk in the cheek. "I will be back, but a little bit late. I need to settle some things at the company." He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her forehead, then smiled at her before he left the room, shutting the door behind him.

Leia took a low breath and pulled her phone out of the pocket of her blue hoodie, then made a call to Victor.

"Hey, Victor, have they arrived?" She asked the moment Victor picked up.

[Yeah, we are all here]

"I see... Alright, I will be there soon." She hung up the call and grabbed the key to the SUV from the table, then walked out of the room, shutting the door behind her and locking it.

She made her way downstairs and boarded the car, then drove out of the compound and down the road.

She took at least thirty minutes to arrive at the apartment, and she carefully parked the car, stepped down, then made her way into the building.

She took the elevator upstairs and strolled towards Victor's apartment, then gave three light knocks on the door.

The doorknob turned open and her eyes fell on Kiesha, who was clad in blue tight jeans and a small white tank top. Her curly hair was neatly tied up in a messy bun that made her look cute.

"Late ass," Kiesha smirked at her, and she rolled her eyes, then they walked inside, shutting the door.

Leia strolled to the sofa and plopped down on it, resting her head on its edge.

"Why do you look so tired?" Keisha couldn't resist asking, seeing the lazy expression on her face. 

"I am not tired." She replied with a bit of sarcasm in her tone. "Just dealing with a lot." A low breath left her nose, and she sat up straight to stare at them.

"So... how was the test? What was the result?" Keisha inquired, and all their attention fell on Leia.

Leia took a deep breath and interlocked her fingers. "Well... it came out negative. He's not my father."

Their jaws fell, and the first one to speak up after seconds of silence was Kiesha. "I knew it! I knew my instincts would never lie." She nodded her head as she said and shifted to sit closer to Leia. She wrapped her arms around her and gently stroked her back. "Please don't feel bad about it. It's all okay."

Leia turned her head to gaze at her, and she couldn't help but half-smile. "Thanks, but I am totally good. At the very least, I won't experience any emotions or anything of the sort." She shrugged, and they all nodded slowly at her.

"Does he know?" Victor, whose eyes were on his phone, abruptly asked, and Leia raised her head to look at him. "Who?" Her brow creased a bit in confusion. 

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"Your fath-I mean Mr. Adolpho, Does he know that you have found out that he's not your father?"

"No... why do you ask?" Leia arched her brow in bewilderment.

"Nothing, just that I am pretty sure he knows that you're not his daughter and that's why he doesn't feel a bit of guilt when being so animalistic towards you." Victor dropped his phone on the white mini table and turned to face her.

Leia lowered her head and pinched between her brows. "Yeah, I am pretty sure about that too." She took low breaths and rested her head back on the sofa.

They talked a bit more, then switched to another subject and couldn't help but reminisce about the punishable deeds they did back in high school, at times.

Leia took a long deep breath with a smile still hanging on her face and stood up from the chair. "It was fun talking to you guys today, but I've got to go. It's already 2 pm." She glanced at her watch and shrugged at them. "See you guys later." She smiled at them, then turned around and walked out of the apartment, making her way downstairs.

She strolled out of the building and towards her car, then stepped in and shut the door. She pulled out the key from her pocket and just as she was about to insert it to start the car, it unexpectedly slipped from her hand and an annoyed groan erupted from her throat. 

She bent down to pick it up, but at that moment, Shawn, who had walked into the compound, strolled past her car with his eyes focused on where he was heading and a stern expression on his face.

She raised her head after she picked the key up and inserted it, then turned it to the ignition point and started the car. She carefully reversed and smoothly drove out of the compound, speeding off onto the road.


Shawn strolled into the building and took the elevator upstairs. He stepped out when the door opened and shoved his hands into the pockets of his long brown jacket, then made his way towards Victor's apartment.

He knocked on the door and a few seconds passed before the door was pulled open.

He lowered his eyes to view the person and they fell on Kiesha, who was staring at him with a fallen jaw and dilated eyes.

"Kiesha." His deep voice resounded, and Kiesha's eyes fluttered in disbelief. She reached out her hand to slowly touch him on the cheek, and a deep breath escaped her nose. "It really is you." 

Shawn nodded at her and she stepped back to let him enter.

The stern look on Shawn's face never faded, and the moment his gaze fell on Victor when he stepped into the living room, anger burned in them.

"Shawn." James' voice, which held a surprise, sounded and he turned his head to stare at him. "Good to see you, James.." He said it in a tone that James completely understood, was not friendly at all.

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