Sold To An Alpha

Chapter 144: Do You Know?

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"I see..." Shawn nodded his head with a disdained look on his face. "You guys are fucking hypocrites. I never would have known the truth if her family hadn't told me." He shook his head, with hostility in his eyes. "Leia really played me well, and I applaud her for that." He scoffed and proceeded to leave. However, Kiesha grabbed him by the arms, pulling him back and glaring dangerously at him. "Mr. Man, you haven't answered my questions. Don't think you can talk about my best friend like that and walk away without giving me some explanations." Her eyes narrowed viciously, and she tapped her snickers on the ground, waiting for him to speak.

Shawn parted his lips to say something that would not come out nice. However, when he saw Victor and James walking to stand beside Kiesha, he swallowed his words and gazed at them.

"Look men, you're our friend, but Leia is our best friend. You can't just talk about her like that and expect us not to demand an explanation. Whatever shit you just babbled here has left us in shock and we really need an explanation. " James folded his arms and fixed his gaze on him.

"Exactly." Keisha scoffed, and her gray eyes glared at him.

Shawn stared at them for a few seconds before he turned around and began to walk into the building, totally ignoring them.

The three glanced at each other and then at him and hurriedly followed after him into the building.

He pushed the door to Victor's apartment open and walked inside, plopping down on the sofa. A low, painful breath escaped his nose and he raised his eyes to stare at the three who were gazing down at him with displeased expressions on their faces.

"You guys should stop looking at me like that. It's disgusting how she's in the wrong and y'all are defending her." He scoffed and folded his arms in resentment.

"What are you talking about? What exactly did she do wrong?" Kiesha's face altered in deep confusion, and she glanced at James and Victor, who were also clueless.

"Drop the act. Don't pretend like you didn't know how she threw me in the trash and went ahead to marry that scarred dude." He ridiculed them in contempt, and their eyes couldn't help but blink vigorously in dumbstruck. "I know I'm not as rich as that guy, but she made me feel like a loser by jumping on him and forgetting about me just like that." A low sigh left his lips, and he lowered his head, covering his face with his palm.

"Okay,.. let me understand what is going on here." Kiesha chuckled dryly, her hands pointing at Shawn. "You think she left you to marry Mr. Avalanzo because he is rich?" Her lashes throbbed in utter disbelief, and Shawn raised his head to gaze at her. "Yes." He shook his head and averted his gaze from her.

"And who exactly told you that?" Victor, who had moved to sit down on his one-man sofa, asked in a displeased tone.

"Her family." Shawn turned his head to stare at Victor and interlocked his hands. "I went to see them yesterday because I thought Leia was there, so I could propose to her just like I told you. However, they spilled it to me that she was married to that dude. Worst of all, they shattered me by telling me that they tried to stop her when she said that she would marry him, by reminding her about me, but she threw me away and said that it was never written that we would be together. "His heart squeezed tightly within him as he recalled all that and he lifted his eyes to glance at the three. But, the shock and disbelief he saw on their faces had his eyes twitching furiously. "What is wrong with you guys?" He asked, in complete confusion.

The first to take a deep breath was Victor, and he stood up, then walked to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. He gulped down mouthful after mouthful, and finally, when he was satisfied, he dropped the bottle, turned around, and walked back to them. 

He took his seat, then interlocked his hands and fixed his intent gaze on Shawn.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Shawn asked, but Victor's face altered into one, that was enough to cause confusion to whirl in his mind.

"Do you believe that you're very stupid and dumb?" Victor asked, in a tone that held no friendliness at all.

Shawn's jaw fell, and he glanced at each of them, clearly confused as to why Victor would ask him such a rude question.

"Stop glancing around and answer my question. Do you believe you're very stupid and dumb?" Victor asked yet again, and this time it sounded as though he was angry and irritated.

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"Don't ask me such insulting questions. Shawn's face darkened in umbrage, and he unfolded his folded arms, clearly annoyed by Victor.

"Fine! Let me answer it for you then. " Victor smiled and relaxed back on the sofa. "Shawn, you're a very stupid and dumb human being. Do you want to know why I said so? " He asked, with a smile still visible on his face.

Shawn's face turned ashen, and he stared at Victor with eyes that would shoot him to death if it were a gun.

"Alright, I will take that as a yes." Victor interlocked his hands together, and the smile vanished from his face, replaced by a cold expression. "If you weren't stupid and dumb, as I said, I don't think you'd be here babbling nonsense. You and Leia were once in love with each other, and you know very well about the problem between her and her father, yet here you are believing the shit they said about her." 

"Leia never threw you away nor played you, but rather she suffered and you had completely no idea about it. Mr. Adolpho tortured and humiliated her every day of her life, and finally, when he was in a tight position regarding a deal he had with Mr. Avalanzo, he sold her off to him. What did you think she could have done? Reject or what?" His eyes turned bloodshot in fury, and he stared at Shawn with resentment and contempt in his gaze.

Shawn's heart stopped for a moment, and he tried to process all that Victor had said. Sold? Why? Why would they sell her off to that man? They knew that he was going to propose to her when he returned, yet they sold her off! Worst of all, they even lied to him when he asked them about her.

His head shook in disbelief and anger, and he clutched his head. How could they have done this?! Why?! His body trembled uncontrollably in outrage, and hot tears dripped from his brown eyes. "Leia..." He whispered her name and her image emerged in his mind. "I am very sorry. I didn't know. " He breathed heavily and raised his head to stare at the three. He stood up from the couch, and without saying anything, he sauntered out of the apartment, making his way downstairs.

Kiesha, James, and Victor stared at the door, and they couldn't help but shake their heads in sadness. "Our Leia has really suffered." Kiesha sighed deeply and sat down on the sofa beside James.

They all took a low breath and went completely silent.


Leia, who had returned home, sat inside their room, patiently waiting for Adrik. It was already 5 pm and he was yet to come back. She grabbed her phone from the bed and dialed his number. A few seconds passed before Adrik picked it up.

[Little wife] 

"Why aren't you back yet? It's already 5." Her face changed with a bit of displeasure, and her tone sounded quite cold.

[I am sorry, little wife, but I am in a meeting. I did tell you that I won't be coming home on time, so please just wait for me okay ] He cut the call before Leia could respond, causing her eyes to blink in disbelief. 'He did not just do that.' She sneered internally, and just as she was about to drop her phone, an incoming call popped up on her screen.

She picked it up and placed the phone to her ear. "Aunt Megan."

[Good news, little pumpkin. Mr. Bob has agreed to speak with you and he will meet you tomorrow. I believe I don't have to give you directions to his warehouse]

"Yes. I still remember the way." A cheerful smile emerged on her face, and she tightened her fist in happiness. "Thank you so much, Aunt Megan. I owe you one."

[It's my pleasure. I want to see that old ass pay for his crimes]

A low breath fled Leia's nose, and they exchanged a few more words before she hung up the phone. She threw her phone on the sofa and plopped down onto the bed, lying on her back and fixing her gaze on the ceiling. 'It will work..' She said to herself and slowly shut her eyes and drifted off to sleep minutes later.

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