Sold To An Alpha

Chapter 151: Will Do Worse

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"You!!" Leia stormed into the apartment and grabbed him by the collar, glaring viciously at him. "Did you have any idea that Shawn was back? " She asked with gritted teeth, and Shawn's eyes darted around awkwardly. "Uhh..."

"You knew, didn't you?" Her face altered in deep fury and she harshly pushed him, causing him to fall into the sofa. "What the fuck is wrong with you?! Why didn't you tell me?!"


"Keisha and James are aware too, right?" Her breathing became unsteady and she glanced around the apartment for any sign of them. However, they were nowhere to be found. "I see... good they escaped today!" She nodded her head in wrath and turned to Victor.

"You know, you're very crazy!! Why the hell didn't you tell me?! What if I had been with Adrik when we met? How would I explain things?!" She gazed at Victor with rage-filled eyes.

Victor took a deep breath and stood up from the couch. "I am sorry. I just forgot." He apologized, with guilt evident in his tone. "I have been caught up in a lot these days and I jus-"

"Forget about it." A deep breath fled Leia's nose, and she plopped down on the divan, then folded her arms.

"I'm really sorry." Victor apologized again to her before taking his seat on the one-man sofa. He shut his laptop, then fixed his attention on her. "So when did you guys meet and how did it go?"

"Not good at all." A low groan erupted from her throat, and she threw her head back on the couch. "I don't know what is wrong with Shawn." 

"What do you mean?" Victor inquired in a tone that held curiosity.

"Well, he was being all weird, talking about finding a way of setting me free from Adrik and getting us to marry." Leia's face altered in irritation, and she straightened up on the sofa. "Does he think that is even possible? I still love him, but as a friend. Adrik is the man I truly love, and no matter what, I won't leave him."

"This is what I'm trying to explain to him, but it's as though he isn't even listening to me. Ahh!! " A deep annoyed groan fled from her throat and she threw her hands on either side of her.

A subtle breath exited from Victor's nose, and he relaxed back on the chair. "You can see he's obsessed with you; he isn't willing to believe any of it. We told him the same thing, but he didn't agree with us." He shrugged and grabbed his phone from the mini table. "You know, I won't really blame him because it's really hurtful and heartbreaking to return home and find the woman you have loved for years with another man. Plus, he was so happy to propose to you, I found it hard to tell him you were married that day." 

"I just couldn't bring myself to do it... Honestly, I would do worse than what he is doing if I was in his shoes." He slightly nodded, and a deep breath escaped his nose.

Leia lowered her head and deep guilt flashed in her eyes. True, it wasn't her fault, but... she really can't blame Shawn. He truly loved her and still does. 

A low sigh escaped her lips, and she stood up from the couch, then walked to stand at the window. She really has to find a way to solve and settle all this, or else it might cause a big problem.


Shawn sat in his apartment's living room, staring at the wall. He was so lost in thought that five consecutive knocks came on his door and he didn't hear or notice. It was on the seventh knock that he knew and turned to glance at the door. 

He stood up from the sofa and walked to the door, then pushed it open. His eyes fell on a young girl clad in black leggings and a yellow blouse. Her black hair was tied up into a bun, and her face held a bit of makeup.

"Jenny." He spoke her name with surprise evident In his voice, and the girl who was Jenny smiled simply at him.

"I need to talk to you about something." She said and he narrowed his eyes before he nodded slightly at her. "Come in." He stepped out of the way and allowed her to walk in.

Jenny made her way towards the divan and took her seat. She crossed her legs and watched Shawn as he strolled over to take a seat opposite her on the couch.

"So... what is it?" Shawn asked, with no emotion apparent in his tone. Honestly, he has developed a dislike for the Adolpho family, both father, and daughters.

Jenny simply smiled at him and took a deep breath. "It's about Leia."

The moment she mentioned Leia's name, Shawn parted his lips to say something, but she cut him off. "They lied."

Shawn's face altered in confusion and he stared at her in a questioning manner. "What do you mean?"

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"My family deceived you...Yes, I never liked Leia that much, but... it isn't fair. Leia never threw you away or anything of that sort, they said. She was actually sold off by my dad, and I can't talk about the cruel things he did to her."

"I am here to tell you this because I felt really guilty. It's not fair at all. She did nothing wrong, and it's something I will never deny."

"Listen, don't hold any grudges against her. The same goes for my sister. She only lied because she wanted you for herself, so don't hate her too, please. " Jenny explained, with a pleading look on her face.

Shawn stared at her for a moment before he slowly nodded at her. "It's alright, I won't. Thank you for taking the time to come to find me." Yeah, he already knows, but it's still very nice that she came to find him and let him know. That alone has raised his respect for her.

"Ahh, speaking of that, how did you find my apartment?" He asked with an arched brow and a slight smile on his lips.

"Erh... your mum told me. I went to see her" Jenny shrugged with a smile on her lips.

"I see... anything you care to have?" He got up from the couch and Jenny smiled at him. "Just a bottle of Coke. I like soft drinks."

"Okay." Shawn chuckled at her and went to the kitchen to get her a bottle of coke.


The tall door that leads into the mansion was pushed open and Leia walked in with a young teen who was none other than Maya beside her. Her brown curly hair, which matched her brown skin, was beautifully tied up in a messy bun that made her look cute. Her body was draped in a short flair skirt and a blue short-sleeved shirt.

They strolled to the living room, and Leia gestured to her to have a seat on the sofa. "Thank you." She smiled at Leia and took her seat.

Leia turned around and called for Rita, who immediately ran out of her room and arrived before her in the blink of an eye. She shook her head at her and turned to introduce her to Maya.

"Maya, this is Rita. Rita, this is Maya. "

"Nice to meet you." With a simple smile that caused her dimples to be visible, Maya stood up from the couch to exchange a handshake with Rita.

Rita smiled warmly and nodded at her. "Nice to meet you too."

"She's the makeup artist that's going to transform you into something that no man will be able to look away from." Leia winked at her and waved her hand at them both to follow behind her.

She led them into a vast room that had just a table and a chair, then a few white sofas positioned perfectly. The walls were painted white and a lantern hung from the white ceiling.

"Alright, before she begins with your makeup, wear this first." Leia snapped her fingers and two maids pushed a mannequin that was dressed up in a white short dress with a v-neckline and a black fringe wig into the room.

"Whoaa." Rita's jaw fell as she scrutinized the dress. "This looks so expensive." A sharp breath escaped from her nose and she turned to gaze at Leia.

"It's yours now." Leia shrugged with a smile on her face. "Take your time and change into the dress and the wig. You will be leaving for the mission by 6 pm. "

"Why do I have to wear a wig?" Rita asked, with a bewildered expression on her face.

"Do you want to be recognized?" Leia threw back a question at her with her right brow raised.

"Not at all." She shook her head with an awkward smile on her face.

"Then get on with it."

She nodded vigorously and took the dress and wig off the mannequin, then rushed off to her room.

Leia plopped down on the sofa and crossed her legs, then rested her head back on the edge to patiently wait for her.

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