Sold To An Alpha

Chapter 153: A Sobbing Angel

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They ambled out of the mansion and the first person they met was Alex, who was dressed up in black jeans and a black hoodie. He gave a respectful bow to Leia and couldn't help but examine Rita from head to toe. His eyes fluttered and he averted his gaze, then pulled the door of the SUV open for them.

They stepped into the car, and Alex took his seat in the driver's chair. He started the car engine and, with a careful reverse, he drove out of the compound. Currently, it is 5 pm, so before they reach their destination, it will at least be 6 pm. 

A low breath fled Leia's lips, and she leaned her head against the window. Her eyes gazed up to the sky, and a slight smile emerged on her lips. Hopefully, everything will go according to her plan today. 

Alex drove for an hour, and just like Leia estimated, it was 6 pm when they arrived. 

An enormous, expensive-looking building that was painted gold came into view. The luminous lights that were turned on inside reflected outside, beautifying its body. Within the center of the compound was a tall, wide fountain that was spraying out water in a unique way, and around the building were luminous yellow lights fixed around it. In the parking lot were different types of cars, and at the gate stood security.

Alex parked the car and they stepped down, shutting the doors and locking it. They stared at the building, and a deep breath escaped Leia's nose.

"Rita, take this." She stuffed her hand into her pocket and grabbed a tiny ultrasonic speaker, then handed it to her. "We will be communicating through this." She fixed hers in her ear and Rita nodded as she received hers from her.

When they were all done plugging the speakers into their ears, Leia turned to glance at Alex and then at Rita. "We will go in first, and once we ask you to come in, you proceed in, alright." Rita nodded at her.

"Remember the plan." With that being said, she dragged Alex with her, and together they began to walk towards the entrance of the building.

Leia came to a halt as they approached the stairs leading up to the massive red door. She took a deep breath and covered her eyes with her black shade. Then, with a light nod at Alex, they walked up the stairs and the security pulled the door open for them, letting them in.

Leia smiled at the security man, and together they stepped into the interior of the casino. The first thing that their eyes fell on was a large room that had people packed in it.

Six chandeliers that were situated far from each other hung up on the ceiling, emanating luminous, lustrous lights. At each brownish-colored game table, there were up to eight chairs, which were occupied by men, with women sitting beside them.

Different sections played a specific type of game, and not one of those sections was devoid of people.

Leia took a low breath and glanced at the bar, which had a bartender standing there with a smile hung on his face. She grabbed Alex by the wrist and began to walk towards the bar. While she was making her way there, someone grabbed her attention, and she shifted her eyes to the person who was none other than Mr. Adolpho. He was seated in the section that played Roulette with a smirk hanging on his face. As usual, he was clad in an expensive ash suit that always fits his demeanor.

Leia's face darkened and her eyes narrowed behind the shades she wore. They arrived at the bar and took a seat on the stool at the counter. 

The bartender, who was brown-skinned with gray eyes, moved to them and smiled friendly at them. "What can I get you two?" He asked in a very calm and friendly tone, and Leia smiled at him before she replied in a boyish tone. "Cocktails." 

"Alright." He swiftly slid away to get their order ready.

Leia took her specks off and wiggled her brows at Alex, signaling him to turn and glimpse Mr. Adolpho, who was now laughing crazily like someone who had just won the lottery.

Alex glanced at him, and his brow creased a bit, and he turned to glance at Leia. 

Leia slightly shook her head, letting him know it was not yet time for Rita to step in.

He nodded and proceeded to inform Rita not to step in yet.


Rita stood near the car, impatiently tapping her heels on the ground. A low breath fled from her mouth and she bit her lower lips.

She blew on her fingers, trying to find something to distract herself with while she waited for them to call her in.

Two minutes were enacted, and finally, in the fourth minute, Leia's voice resounded in her ears, letting her know she could commence coming in.

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Her heart instantly skipped a bit, and she took a long, deep breath, then walked towards the entrance. She walked up the stairs and stood before the tall red door.

She bit her lower lip, and her face instantly altered into one that looked as though she was about to tear up. She began to walk into the casino, staggering on each step she took as though she had been hurt.

Tiny drops of tears emerged in her eyes, and they slowly dripped off, falling to the floor.

From afar, Leia and Alex watched her, and they couldn't help but compliment how good of an actress she was.

Noticing the beauty that stepped into the casino, almost everyone turned to stare at her, including Mr. Adolpho.

The dress she wore hugged her body tightly, displaying her beautiful curves, and her face looked like that of an angel. However, that face was not happy at all. It was stained with tears.

Mr. Adolpho's eyes fluttered, and he watched her stagger to a non-game table that was currently devoid of anyone.

His heart trembled as he suddenly felt pity for her when he saw her place her forehead on her arms and sob uncontrollably. What could have such a beautiful angel sobbing this much? This he couldn't help but wonder about. Should he go and see what the problem is, or mind his business? He contemplated it in his mind, and his brows furrowed. Well, he can't leave such a beautiful angel in that state. The least he could do was to find out what was wrong.

He cleared his throat, and with a bit of hesitation, he stood up from his chair to proceed towards her.

Leia's eyes narrowed as she spotted his movement, and she commenced to inform Rita. "He's approaching you."

Rita took a deep breath and made sure to sob more as she felt his presence becoming closer and closer.

A light coughing sound had her raise her head and glimpse a man who was obviously Mr. Adolpho. She sniffed and used her pinky to wipe off the tears at the edge of her eyes. "H-how may I help you?" She inquired in such a gentle tone that could melt a man's heart.

Mr. Adolpho's eyes fluttered, and he slowly took a seat beside her on the table, then turned his head to face her. "Sorry if I am disturbing you, but I just want to ask why you're crying."

Rita raised her brows at him, and he innocently waved his hands at her. "Oh no, don't get me wrong. It's just hard to ignore such a beautiful woman like yourself crying. It touches me, and that is why I can't help but ask." He explained it with a charming smile on his lips.

Rita stared at him for a while and broke out, sobbing uncontrollably, as though whatever was making her cry was breaking her more.

"Oh no, don't cry angel." Mr. Adolpho's eyes flickered, and he immediately grabbed the handkerchief from his suit pocket and helped her dab off the tears that were flowing down her face. "C'mon, pretty, tell me what it is."

Rita sniffed and turned her face to stare at him. "It's nothing... I'm perfectly fine." She blinked her lashes as she spoke in an accent that hooked him.

A low sigh escaped Mr. Adolpho's lips, and he reached out his hand to cup her hands. Rita, pretending as though shocked, raised her eyes and turned her head to stare at him. He smiled at her and caressed her hands. "Just tell me what is wrong, pretty. I believe you do know who I am."

Rita nodded at him and averted her gaze.

"Then tell me what is wrong. I believe it's not something I can't solve." He said it in a tone that held a plea.

From afar at the counter, Alex's eyes fluttered, and he turned his head to glance at Leia. "Wow!" He exclaimed in a tone that held both shock and disbelief.

"Humph! He's the best at his thing." Leia scoffed in disdain, and Alex slightly shook his head.

"Miss, your cocktail." The bartender called for her attention, and she turned to him, receiving the cocktail. Alex also received his and they returned their attention to the two.

"Do you think she will be able to pull this off?" Alex inquired out of curiosity.

"She will. We just have to believe in her.." Leia grinned widely and sipped on her cocktail.

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