Sold To An Alpha

Chapter 159: Take Your Hands Off

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Leia went silent for a few minutes before a malicious laugh erupted from her throat. [This is perfect. Continue with it. This is so perfect! Haha] 

Rita's brow arched as she couldn't understand Leia's plan. What exactly is the real plan? Because at this moment, she's beginning to feel like what she was told wasn't Luna's main plan.

[Just trust me and carry on with the plan, okay?] Leia spoke after not hearing a word from her for some minutes.

A deep breath escaped Rita's nose, and she slightly nodded. "Okay."



From behind her, Adrik wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her on the neck. "Let's go out and eat today. I feel like having my breakfast at a restaurant." He nuzzled her neck, and Leia took the ultrasonic speakers off, then turned round to gaze at him. "Hmm... okay, but hold on, let me have my shower." She planted a soft kiss on his lips, then walked past him, proceeding towards the bathroom. Today will be a perfect opportunity for her to tell him about Shawn.

Adrik, who had already had his bath and was now swathed in black suit pants, a white shirt, and a long black jacket, took his seat on the sofa, then crossed his legs. He turned his phone on and began to browse through it.

His brow abruptly furrowed when he saw an unknown email on his phone, and without delay, he clicked on it and it opened, revealing the message. [Sooner or later] This was all he saw. His eyes narrowed and he glanced at the name to find out who the sender was. It turned out to be from an unknown email user.

Not caring to bother much about it at the moment, he turned his phone off and stuffed it into his pocket. Nobody will spoil his morning or piss him off. He shook his head and patiently waited for Leia to be done.

It took a few more minutes before she stepped out of the bathroom and went into the dressing room. She ransacked through the clothes and grabbed a pair of blue tight jeans and a white shirt, then slid into them before making her way out.

She slipped her feet into white sandals, then gave her hair a neat fix before walking to Adrik. "I am done."

Adrik smiled and stood up from the couch. He kissed her on the lips and interlocked his hand with hers, then together they made their way out of the mansion. 

They strolled towards the Rolls Royce and stepped inside, shutting the door afterward. Adrik started the car's engine and swiftly drove out of the compound and onto the road.

A smile formed on Leia's lips, and she reached out her hand to tuck a strand of his hair behind his ear. "Where are we going?"

Adrik turned to glance at her and a low laugh escaped his throat. "You will see." He returned his gaze to the road ahead of them and raised the speed of the car a bit.

It took about forty minutes before Adrik slowed the car down, and swiftly but slowly, he turned towards a huge building and drove in. He parked the car in the parking lot, turned the engine off, and grabbed the key. He stepped down and shut the door, then locked it.

He walked over to Leia, who was gazing at the tall building with the name "Eat Up!" boldly carved atop it.

"I have never been here before." Leia turned her head to glimpse at him, and he patted her on the head. "I know you don't like expensive things that much, so... I brought you here. It's not too expensive nor too cheap, so I guess you will enjoy it. Their food is really good."

"Really?" A smile formed on her face, and she turned to glance at the building again. "You are different from other rich men." Adrik turned his head to look at her, oblivious to what she had said. "Why... do you say so?" 

"You know, this place is not lowly at all, it's expensive, but... for the fact that it is not among the top five best restaurants, Mr. Adolpho will never step foot here." She shook her head and turned to look at him with a smile hanging on her lips. "Do you now understand why I say you're different?" 

Adrik raised his brow and slightly nodded, then smiled behind the mask he wore. "I am not really different. I mean, I have lived for hundreds of years. What do you think? These kinds of things don't really bother me anymore, nor do they pique my interest. They don't just matter to me. There are many more important things that I have to take care of than these kinds of things. Also, the food, In less expensive restaurants is always better than the ones in expensive restaurants." He chuckled softly and interlocked his hand with hers. "Let's go."

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Leia smiled at him, and together they began to stroll into the restaurant.

The glass door was pushed open and they stepped in. Their gazes fell on different people seated at different chairs. Some were seated alone, while some were seated with their families and friends, enjoying their food. 

At the notice of them, the people around them turned to glance at them, and their eyes instantly dilated, almost about to pop out of their sockets. Impossible! Mr. Avalanzo, at this restaurant! Their jaws fell, and they fixed their attention on him, not bothering to look away. 

Leia ignored their stares and looked around. She spotted a chair by the window, and without delay, she dragged Adrik towards it and had him sit down opposite her. 

At the notice of the couples, a waiter hurried towards them and bowed deeply in respect. Gosh! This was such a huge honor for them! The richest man in the world at their restaurant! Even when they see him right in front of their eyes, it's still unbelievable to them.

"Wh-what would you like to order?" The waiter adjusted his glasses that were about to fall off the bridge of his nose.

Leia glanced at Adrik and turned to smile at the waiter. "Just give us your best dishes."

"Okay." The waiter nodded vigorously and turned around, hastily returning to the kitchen.

A deep breath left Leia's nose and she relaxed back In the chair, then fixed her gaze on Adrik. 

Adrik raised his brow at her and couldn't help but ask. "Why are you staring at me like that, little wife?" A smile spread across his lips behind the mask.

Leia smirked and folded her arms. "How are you going to eat today with your mask on? I mean, we are not at home."

Adrik blinked his lashes and abruptly shrugged. "I won't mind taking it of-" The door to the restaurant was pushed open, causing the bell to ring, and Leia and Adrik turned their heads at the same time.

The instant their eyes fell on the person, Leia became motionless and her body began to tremble. Adrik's face altered into one of anger, and he turned to glance at Leia only to see her body shaking. "Little... wife." He slowly called her name in what unexpectedly came out as a whisper, and his face darkened when Leia didn't spare him a glance.

He turned his head to gaze at the person who was none other than Shawn, and his eyes narrowed.

Shawn who just stepped in felt someone's gaze on him, and he turned his head only to meet with Leias' gaze. His lashes fluttered, and what seemed like happiness coursed rapidly within him. However, it all dissipated when he noticed someone else with her and it was none other than the man he hates.

His hands balled into tight fists, and without thinking twice, he stormed over to them. He roughly grabbed Leia by the wrist and pulled her up from the chair to his side.

A deadly glint flashed in Adrik's eye at his action, and a deep breath left his nose. You can't lose it! You can't! ' With this, he told himself to calm down. 

"Take your hands off my wife!" He said, in a deep, cold tone that sent chills down Shawn's body, but even still, he didn't let go of Leia and held tightly onto her.

"Shawn, let me go!" Leia glared at him and tried to free herself from his grip, but he held tightly onto her, not letting go.

"Your wife?... haha." Shawn broke into laughter, attracting everyone's attention. "You took someone's wife from him, and you have the impetus to say, "Your wife." He shook his head in disdain and turned his head to look at Leia. "C'mon, let's go." He turned around and proceeded to drag her along with him. However, a strong hand grabbed onto his, preventing him from taking a step further.

He turned, only to see Adrik's hand holding onto his with a darkened expression on his face. "Didn't you hear me?" His green eyes glared viciously at him. 

"In your dreams.. She was my fiancee and you took her away from me! " Shawn sneered and proceeded to free his hand from his grip.

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