Sold To An Alpha

Chapter 179: He Was Totally Wrong!

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Leia and Adrik walked away from the fun section after having a few rounds of the ride. They strolled towards the hotdog stand and bought two, each for themselves. Currently, it was already seven pm, and the sky was completely enshrouded by darkness, with a half-moon and thousands of stars in it.

"Did you have fun?" Adrik glanced at Leia with a smile on his lips, and she nodded vigorously at him. 

"Piggyback me." She abruptly blurted out, and Adrik turned to stare at her. "You want me-"

"Yes." She nodded with a cheerful smile on her face and moved to stand behind him. A deep breath left Adrik's nose, and he slightly shook his head. He bent down a bit for her, and she climbed on top of him, wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. He chuckled and began to move forward in complete silence.

Leia took a deep breath of relief and laid her head on his back. They walked for a little while before Adrik suddenly halted and let out a low whiff. "Little wife."

"Yes." Leia lifted her head from his back and tilted it to one side to glimpse his face.

"Have you ever wondered about who your father is?" He asked, and Leia's eyes fluttered in bewilderment. "Mhmm... I have, but then I decided not to think about it. Maybe, who knows, I might meet him one day." She shrugged and adjusted her arms around his neck.

"I see..." Adrik nodded at her and he gazed out into the unknown.


Shawn, who was done buying the things he needed, smiled at the salesgirl, then proceeded to leave the park. However, as though it was a perception, a voice that he knew very well resounded in his ears, and he abruptly halted. He took a deep breath with his eyes shut and hoped it was not who he thought it was. 

The voice reverberated yet again in his ears and, slowly but steadily, he turned around and, the instant his gazes fell on the couple, the bag of goodies he was holding onto, slipped from his hands and fell to the ground. His eyes fluttered as they stared at Leia, who was piggybacked by Adrik, and his heart drummed rapidly within him.

As though every anger, envy, and hatred he had buried deep in his heart was revoked, hot breath began to exit his nose and his hands balled into a tight fist. He was wrong! He was completely wrong! He is not over it and he never will be! He is hurt and will never move on from it! His decision was totally wrong!

He shut his eyes and lowered his head, taking deep breaths to calm himself down. When he felt he was relaxed enough to control himself, he lifted his head and, without giving any reaction, he turned around and walked out of the park, leaving behind the goodies he bought. 

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He walked straight to his car and stepped in, then shut the door. He started the car's engine, carelessly reversed, and drove out of the area.

He rode at a high speed, allowing him to arrive home in less than an hour. He parked the car, stepped down, then shut the door and locked it. He strolled into the mansion with a miserable look on his face, and the moment his mother sighted him, she rushed up to him and abruptly halted when she saw the agitated look on his face.

"Son, everything okay?" She inquired, with deep concern evident in her tone.

A deep breath left Shawn's nose and he shifted his gaze to his mother. His heart ached on seeing the apprehensive look on her face, and he couldn't help but force a smile on his face in order not to worry her. "Nothing, mum. I am just unhappy that I wasn't able to get you the goodies I promised."

"Aiii...son, you don't need to worry about that." She smiled tenderly at him and cupped his cheek, placing a soft kiss on his forehead. "Come, I prepared dinner. You need to eat something." She led him to the dining room and had him sit down at the table. Then she fed him by herself, till he was full.

"Mum, I am not a kid anymore." Shawn pouted with an embarrassed look on his face, and his mother frowned. "No matter how far you grow, you are always a kid to me. Understand."

"Yes." He smiled lovingly at her and pulled her into a hug. He drew back after a while and took a deep breath. "Mum, I have somewhere I need to go right now." 

"Where? It's late already." His mother's brow creased deeply, and he immediately grabbed her hand and stared at her with eyes that held pleading. "It's my friend's place. He's really sick right now, and I need to visit him. His sickness just got worse, and if I don't visit him today, I don't think I will be able to sleep peacefully. " 

"I see..." His mother rubbed her forehead and slowly nodded at him. "Alright, but make sure to call me, so I can be sure that you're okay."

"I will." He hugged her tightly one last time before hurrying out of the mansion. He boarded the SUV and, without any more delay, he drove out of the compound and onto the road.

He glanced around each turn he took to make sure he was going the right way. Finally, after two hours, he arrived at his destination and smoothly pulled over into the familiar compound where he had left this afternoon. He parked the car, stepped down, then shut the door and locked it. 

He shoved his hands into his pockets and proceeded to walk towards the entrance. The tall door pushed open the moment he got there and he stepped in.

The first person his gaze fell on was Ileus, who was seated with his legs crossed and that attractive smile hanging on his face as usual.. He was clad in a black suit, instead of white, and may he compliment how good he looks in a black suit.

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