Sold To An Alpha

Chapter 181: Mammon

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With his hands behind his back, Lucifer stood on a green field devoid of trees, with his eyes gazing up at the dark sky. A smirk emerged on his lips, and he laughed softly. 

The cold night wind blew vigorously around him, and his smiling face switched to a stern one. "Why are you here, Mammon?" He questioned, with displeasure visible in his tone. 

"Your Majesty." The presence that was Mammon bowed deeply and straightened up when he turned around to gaze at him. He was clad in a gray robe, and his black shoulder-length hair, which was let down, complimented his golden-colored eyes. 

"What are you doing here?" Lucifer, who was swathed in blue robes, as usual, questioned in deep irritation.

"Forgive me, your majesty, but we were unable to find the coffin." Mammon lowered his head, not daring to look up at Lucifer, who was already fuming in anger. 

"And where is Belphegor?" Lucifer took a deep breath and asked in a tone that held a bit of rage.

"He decided to continue with the search, while I report to you that we are unable to find the coffin after looking for years." 

Lucifer let out a frustrated breath and swerved around to have his back facing Mammon."Go back and continue the search with Belphegor. That coffin must be found, no matter what!! " His voice thundered, and Mammon hurriedly turned around and disappeared into the unknown.

Lucifer gazed out into the distance and chuckled softly. "No matter where you have hidden all these years, I will find you. Nothing can be hidden under me." He laughed loudly, and with a swift turn, he vanished into thin air.


The clock ticked and the minute it struck seven o'clock, Leia awoke from her sleep and stretched her whole body. She yawned and glanced at Adrik, who was lying down beside her. 

He had asked her to wake him up in case he didn't, as he had somewhere important to go today. She reached out her hand and tapped him on the cheek. "Wake up, Adrik."

Adrik turned on his side on the bed and yawned tiredly. He blinked his eyes open and sat up on the bed, then turned his head to glance at her. "Did you sleep well?" He asked, with a sweet smile on his face.

"Yes, I did." Leia nodded at him and moved closer to peck him on the cheek. "You did say that you have somewhere important to go today."

As though recalling, Adrik hurried down from the bed and rushed off into the bathroom. Leia's brow arched a bit, and she shrugged, then proceeded to climb down from the bed. 

She slipped her legs into her slippers and moved towards the second bathroom, as Adrik had already taken the first one. She shut the door behind her and strolled towards the sink, then began to gaze at herself in the mirror.

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A few seconds passed, and her brow suddenly creased deeply when she felt her gum begin to itch badly. She hissed at how it was bothering her and brushed it with her tongue.

Her fingernails abruptly began to itch too, and she hastily looked down at her hands, only to see the gum area red in color. Her face altered in confusion and fear, and she proceeded to call for Adrik. However, what happened next had her eyes dilate and her body still. Her fangs were slowly stretching out and brushing against her lower lip. Her face trembled, and she turned to face the mirror completely.

She raised her lips, allowing her to see her two fangs that were bearing. Her eyes blinked vigorously, and her heart began to beat rapidly within her. As her fangs stretched to their limits, Leia lifted her hands to touch them. 

She felt its sharpness, and a quick breath left her nose. She gazed intently at it through the mirror and couldn't help but graze it against her lower lip. "Whoa..." She exclaimed softly and unexpectedly flinched a bit when her fingers itched so badly like never before. 

She immediately glanced down at her hands and instantly swallow hard when she saw her fingernails stretching out, longer than their real length. What mesmerized her the most about this was its sharpness and edges. It was so pointed like the tip of a sword.

It looked so sharp that with one slash to one's throat, it would be the end of that person. She lifted her hands to her face and examined it, and a soft mocking chuckle left her nose. She turned out to be something she never believed in, even though her mother taught her all about them. 

A deep breath escaped her lips, and she turned to stare intently at herself through the mirror. A few strands of her hair slipped, falling over her face, and she couldn't help but raise her eyes to glance at them.

The moment her gazes fell on them, she instantly winced, knocking down the glass cup on the sink and slipping and falling on her butt to the ground. 

Adrik, who heard the noise from the bedroom where he was, rushed into the bathroom and hastily moved towards her, seeing her on the floor. He pulled her up to her feet, then gazed at her with an apprehensive look on his face. "Little wife, is everything okay?" He inquired, but instead of answering, Leia grabbed those few strands of her hair and showed them to him. 

Adrik's gaze shifted to her hair, and his eyes fluttered vigorously. "Why is it... gray?" He inquired with a questioning look on his face, and Leia slowly shook her head. "I don't know, I just saw it now." 

Adrik reached out his hand and grabbed the particular strands that were gray. "This... is beyond me." He said with deep confusion in his voice. "Did you dye your hair or-"

"No, I didn't," Leia replied with a serious tone, and Adrik slowly nodded at her. "This is strange..." He whispered to himself in a low tone and grabbed her by the shoulder, turning her so she could face him. He stared into her eyes and took a deep breath. "Little wife, can you have your fangs stretched back in?" 

Leia's eyes fluttered, and she slowly shook her head. "Not at all..."

"And why not? If you were able to stretch it out, why not in?"

"Because it bore on its own. I came in here and the next thing, I felt my gum itching, then I saw my fangs and nails elongating." She explained, and Adrik lowered his head to glance at her fingers. A deep breath left his nose on seeing her stretched out fingers, and he lifted his eyes to stare at her. "Did you, by any chance, have the thought of your fangs elongating when you came in here?"

Leia's eyes blinked twice, and she slowly nodded at him. "It was just a random thought..."

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