Sold To An Alpha

Chapter 183: Omega Wolves

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Adrik walked towards the entrance and the moment he arrived before the tall door, it pushed open and, with an adjustment of his clothing, he stepped in, followed by Alex and his men.

A vast, high hall that was completely painted white, with a few other things painted a light gold, came into view. Two wide stars led up to where a unique golden throne was situated, making it so that two people who use different stairs would still arrive at the same place, which was where Adrik's throne was positioned. In-between the two stairs was a slim flower fountain, which looked extremely attractive. Tall glasses that were covered by white-colored curtains were attached to the wall behind the position where the golden throne was situated.

On either side of the hall were expensive chairs, which obviously were meant for the ministers and the prime ministers. Before the stairs that led up to Adrik's throne were two bronze-colored chairs that were naturally meant for Ileus and his father. Above the high ceiling hung a massive diamond chandelier, which emitted luminous light, giving a dazzling beauty to the hall. On the walls were hung square-shaped lanterns that emitted dense light when turned on.

A low breath exited Adrik's nose, and he began to make his way towards the stairs. He placed his hands behind his back and proceeded to walk up using the left stairs. He stood in front of his throne, and with a turn, he adjusted his white jacket and elegantly sat down on the throne. A smile emerged on his face behind the gray mask he wore as he watched Alex walk up to stand beside him at the throne and the bodyguards stand guard at the end of each staircase.

"Let them in." He said this in a deep, unfriendly tone, and the royal guards at the tall white door pushed it open, revealing the ministers, who were grouped into two factions. The first group was clad in light blue suits, while the second group was clad in red suits. "SUPREME ALPHA!"

They all bowed deeply in respect and rose when Adrik nodded at them. They all matched in, and the first group walked to take their seats on the right-hand side, while the second group walked to take their seats on the left-hand side. 

Adrik crossed his legs and interlocked his hands, then looked down upon them with deadliness in his eyes. "Bring them in!" 

Alex nodded and waved his hand, and four of the royal guards standing vigilant near the door walked out of the hall. A few seconds passed, and the tall door was pushed open again, revealing two omega werewolves beaten into a bad state and held harshly by the four royal guards. 

The four royal guards dragged them into the hall and threw them on the floor before Adrik, who was seated on the high throne.

Adrik lowered his emerald green eyes to stare at them and the white criminal tattered clothing they wore, and a deadly glint flashed in his eyes.

Petrified by the sheer, dominating aura that Adrik diffused into the air around him, they began to shiver and cower back in fear. The prime ministers of each of the factions stared at the two omega wolves, and deep disdain couldn't help but ensue in their eyes.

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The bodies of the Omega Wolves trembled violently under Adrik's gaze, and they instantly laid flat on the floor. "Please spare us, Supreme Alpha, please spare us!" They pleaded while hitting their foreheads on the floor, hoping that Adrik would at least spare them.

Adrik's face darkened, and Alex waved his hand at the royal guards. At his command, they raised the spiked whip in their hands and bashed them against the body of the omega werewolves. A loud cry escaped their mouths, and Alex stomped his feet on the floor, causing them to instantly keep silent. "You don't speak without the Supreme Alpha's permission!!" He said in a deadly tone, and the omega wolves nodded their heads vigorously with deep fear in their eyes. 

Adrik relaxed back on the throne and gently tapped on the armrest of the throne. "Who gave you both the order to trespass in the territory of the vampires?" The moment the word left his mouth, the ministers and prime ministers, who were unaware of this, fluttered their eyes furiously and drew back their heads with dilated eyes, in disbelief. 'Tr-trespass the territory of the vampires!' They exclaimed in their hearts and turned their heads to stare at Adrik, who had a neutral expression in his eyes.

The Omega wolves fidgeted in deep fear and swallowed hard. They raised their heads to glance at Adrik, but another bash of whips landed on their backs, causing them to fall flat on the floor. The audacity they had to even try to glance up at the Supreme Alpha!!

"Speak!!" Alex yelled in a dangerous tone, and the omega wolves nodded vigorously as they whimpered softly. Seconds passed, but yet not a single word exited their mouths. 

Adrik, who was never a patient man, waved his hand at Alex, and Alex nodded respectfully. He turned to the royal guards and waved his hands at them. 

The royal guards bowed deeply and moved out of the hall. After a few seconds, they returned with a wooden chair that had four silver belts fixed to it. They dropped it before the throne, and Alex nodded at them.

They moved to the omega wolves and yanked them up from the floor. The omega wolves began to shake violently, trying to free themselves from the hold of the royal guards. "No! No! No!" They cried helplessly while turning their heads back now and then to glance at Adrik, hoping he would tell the royal guards to stop. However, Adrik stared at them with no emotion evident in his green eyes.

The omega wolves felt their spirits flee their bodies as they approached the chair, but just as the royal guards were about to have them sit down, the tall door swung open, and both Alex, the prime minister, and the ministers turned to face the entrance.

Adrik's eyes narrowed dangerously, and he slowly raised them to stare at the two people standing at the door with a dominating aura exuding from their bodies.

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