Sold To An Alpha

Chapter 2: Psychiatricc Hospital

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Mr. Adolpho's eyes narrowed into a thin line, and he intently watched Leia. "What is your problem?" A deep frown emerged on his face.

"You want to know my problem?" Leia blinked her eyes, pretending to be surprised. "Well, you see, I just want to ask you why you killed my mother." Her lips curled into a smile, and she intently watched Mr. Adolpho, just like he watched her.

"I told you, your mother died of-"

"Liar!!!" Leia's eyes dilated, and her chest rose and fell in anger. This was what he always said. She died from this! She died from that! "You killed her!" She raised the bat, ready to smash it into the car window.

"You don't dare!" His cold and husky voice resounded, sending shivers through everyone's bodies. His steady breathing became heavy, clearly showing he was angry.

"Haha... You think I don't dare," Leia halted the bat and turned her head to look at her father with an amused face. She clicked her tongue and shook her head as though someone was looking at a stupid person. "I am not afraid of you." She pouted with a puppy face.

"Let me see you try it then," Mr. Adolpho said, narrowing his eyes and forming a dangerous smile on his lips.

Leia chuckled softly and revealed her jade-white teeth. "Father, you're looking down on me." 

Mr. Adolpho ignored her and placed his hands behind his back. "You're just as foolish as your mother," he said, his eyes dwindling and a half-smile creeping across his lips. He threw a disdained look at her.

Leia's amused face vanished, and it turned completely dark the moment she heard those words. One thing she will never condone is someone insulting her mother, and right now, Mr. Adolpho just did. She raised her eyes and dangerously stared at Mr. Adolpho.

A wicked smile crept up her lips, and in the next moment, she furiously smashed the front window of the car while crazily laughing. "Didn't you say I don't dare? Well, here you go!" She threw a vicious look at her father and proceeded to do more than just shatter the glasses.

Mr. Adolpho's eyes narrowed malevolently and his face turned ashen. He walked over to Leia and harshly grabbed her by the arm, tossing away the bat she held in her hand.

He violently punched her, causing her to fall to the ground with a little blood on her nose. He walked to her and sent kicks after kicks to her stomach, kicking her till she began to spurt blood. He grabbed her by the collar and angrily slapped her across the face, causing Leia's nose to bleed. "Useless child! Do you think it's easy to earn money? " He raised his hand and sent another hit to her face, and a slight groan escaped her mouth.

Leia coughed and spurted out the blood in her mouth. She turned her head to stare at her father, and with a smirk on her face, she gave him her middle finger. "Fuck you, old man." She crazily chuckled and threw her head back. 

Mr. Adolpho's hand tightened on the neckband of her clothes, and he fiercely banged her head on the concrete ground, releasing his grip on her collar afterward. He stood up and kicked her on the stomach, causing her to fly back and hit her back on the car tire. Leia groaned in pain and spurted a mouthful of blood. She lifted her head and smiled at Mr. Adolpho, revealing her bloody teeth to him.

This was a painful experience for her, but it was worth it. She had always wanted to infuriate this man, to confront him and do something crazy. She had always wanted to stand up for herself and tell him to his face, 'Fuck you old man,' and she finally did it, and she is proud of herself. 

Leia felt her vision become blurry and a half-smile formed on her face before she lost consciousness in the next moment.

"Take this trash out of my house," Mr. Adolpho glanced at his unconscious daughter and clapped his hands together. He took a deep breath and adjusted his suit, then walked away. He ambled past the maids who had their mouths covered with their hands and halted in front of his two daughters, "You two, get inside." His eyes glanced at the maids and viciously stared at them, indirectly telling them that if a word about this gets out, they know the consequences that will follow.

The maids blinked nervously and swallowed hard. Jenny and Amy glanced at Leia with a little concern in their eyes and followed their father into the mansion.

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Men dressed in a black suit carried Leia up from the ground and walked towards the car. They laid her on the back seat and drove out of the mansion.

They rode for nearly an hour and finally slowed down in front of a building that everyone who saw it knew was a building for insane people.

A few nurses hurried out with a wheelchair, and the black-dressed man sat Leia on it. They took her to the psychiatric hospital, and after exchanging words with the doctor, they left.

A young nurse pushed Leia, who was unconscious in the wheelchair, into a private room and laid her on an iron bunk with a small bed on it. She injected something into her body and stepped outside after she was done, then locked the door and left.


The light bulb hanging on the ceiling of the empty room glitched continuously.

Leia's fingers twitched, and her whole body did the same afterward. Her mouth erupted into a painful howl, and she clutched her aching stomach. She opened her blurry eyes and tried to perceive her surroundings.

She brought her legs down from the small bed and raised her eyes to glance around the room. Her face instantly turned a few shades darker and her hand balled into a tight fist. "Where in the fucking world am I?" She glanced at the ceiling and the diminutive window in the room, and she couldn't help but feel disturbed.

She stood up from the bed and proceeded to walk to the door. However, something held her back, preventing her from moving any further. She glanced at her hands only to realize that her wrists were chained. Her eyes narrowed viciously when it trailed from the chain and stopped on the iron bunk bed. This chain was attached to the iron bunk, preventing her from moving. 

"You bastards!" Her eyes widened, and she screamed in outrage. She pulled the chain, but it didn't break; rather, it hurt her wrist, turning it a few shades of red. "Ahh!!!" Leia roared in annoyance and fury. Her body trembled in rage, and she pulled the chain furiously.

She took a deep breath to calm herself down, and she sat back on the bed. She stared at the chains on her wrist and a deep hostility flashed in her eyes.

The door to the room opened, causing her to raise her head and see a young nurse walking towards her with a steel tray in her hands. The young nurse placed the tray with a syringe and a bottle of drugs on the table and beamed at Leia.

Leia sat still with her hand balled into a fist and watched the nurse fill up the syringe with drugs. "What is that?" She asked the nurse who was already preparing to inject her.

"Oh, this is just to help you relax." The nurse smiled at her and reached out for her arm. "Don't worry, it won't hurt," She positioned the syringe on Leia's arm and injected the drug into her body.

Leia narrowed her eyes and a dangerous glint flashed in her eyes. She knew this nurse was lying. This was not a relaxing drug, but something else. Her eyes peeked at the bottle and creased when she saw it had no name or label on it.

She suddenly felt lightheaded and clutched her head in her hands. What in the world did this woman inject into her body? She raised her eyes and viciously glared at the nurse, "What did you inject into my body?"

The nurse smiled and patted her on the shoulder, "Don't worry, it's just a sleeping drug. You will be fine once you take a nice nap." Leia stared at the nurse and rubbed her eyes, which were becoming blurry. Her head went into turmoil and she knocked the steel tray down before losing consciousness.

The young nurse stared at her with pity in her eyes and shook her head.. She took the tray without bothering to pick up the syringe that had fallen off and exited the room, closing the door behind her.

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