Sold To An Alpha

Chapter 20: Tough Little Wife

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Leia's face obscured the moment she heard those words. She stared into his eyes and glared at him. "Your wife?-" She crazily chuckled and threw her head back. "-I believe it will be more fitting to call me a slave because that is what I have been since being sold to you." She scoffed as she threw him a disdained look.

Adrik looked at her and gazed into her pitch-black eyes. An unknown glint flashed in his eyes and it narrowed. He was hurt! Fuck!, a human girl dared to hurt him. So what if he bought her? That still doesn't mean she can hurt him! This is one of the reasons werewolves reject their mate if they turn out to be human. Humans never feel the mate bond. If she wasn't human, she probably understood that he didn't buy her but just wanted to keep her by his side.

He took a deep breath, and his emerald green eyes turned a little shade of gold. He shut his eyes immediately and swallowed hard. Why can't he or Kai control themselves around this girl? Is it because she's their mate?

Leia, who still had her wrist tightly gripped by Adrik, arched her brow and proceeded to snatch her hands, but his hold on them was very tight. "Let go of my wrist!" She wriggled her hand, trying to set it free.

Adrik opened his eyes, which had returned to their green color, and stared at her. He leaned down so their faces were close enough that if he moved any further, their noses would touch each other. "You are my wife, and we are going to be sharing the same room whether you like it or not!" He elucidated with clenched teeth.

Leia smirked, and her eyes dangerously glared at him. Really?" She nodded her head with a wicked grin on her face, and in the next moment, she lifted her knee and fiercely struck Adrik on his manhood, hoping to inflict an injury.

Adrik, who was kicked, instantly stilled, and lines of veins popped up on his neck. His face grimaced in pain, and his grip on her wrist loosened. He glared at her and shut his eyes. The pain was touching his bones. He let go of her wrist and clenched his fist, resisting the urge to groan.

Leia snatched her hand and rubbed her wrists. She raised her eyes and scowled at him. "Next time, I won't just kick it, but I will also make sure to break your balls!" She hissed at him and grabbed the bag on the floor, then rushed out of the room.

[Fuck... Adrik, how could you have let her do that to you?] Kai sealed his lips to resist the urge to laugh out loud. "

"You better shut up!" Adrik clenched his fist in anger as his breathing became unsteady.

[Haha... Don't tell me you're going to let our beautiful mate run away from us] Kai let out a light laugh and grinned.

Adrick's balled fist became tighter and he opened his eyes, which were now pure golden. He turned to gaze at the door from which Leia left, and his golden eyes became darker, as though they could burn whoever stared into them.

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He creased his brow and walked out of the room. As he walked towards the compartment that Leia ran into, each step he took was heavy, a sign of just how angry he was. He stopped in front of the door and turned its knob, but it didn't budge, indicating that it was locked. His frown deepened and he furiously pulled the knob, separating it from the door.

The door slowly opened, revealing Leia, who was now swathed in jeans shorts and a bra covering her little mountains. Her grip on the shirt which she was about to wear tightened as her eyes gazed at Adrik standing by the door. 

She swallowed hard, and her brow crinkled. The way Adrik stood by the door with his hands tightly balled into fists looked a bit scary to her. What was he going to do to her? Her heart jumped in her throat when she saw him suddenly start walking towards her. She immediately proceeded to run to the lantern on a mini table in the hope of using it to defend herself. But before she could even get close, an arm wrapped tightly around her stomach, preventing her from moving any further.

Adrik's face darkened more, and he placed his hands on her back knee, then scooped her up into his shoulder. Leia's eyes dilated, and she struggled to free herself. "Put me down! " She punched his back with gritted teeth and furiously kicked her legs. 

Adrik ignored her, and with her on his right shoulder, he turned around and left the room, not bothering to close the door.

He carried her back to their room and laid her on the bed. "You want to be a tough little wife, don't you?" He smirked at her behind the mask on his face and began to unbutton his white shirt.

Leia trembled, and her eyes fluttered nervously. Was he going to do that to her? Her heart skipped a bit, and she swallowed anxiously. She began to back away when he started walking towards her with his upper body bare, showing off the wolf tattoos drawn on his shoulder down to his abdomen. "Stay away from me!" Leia pointed at him, and her eyes darted around, searching for anything like a weapon.

Adrik grinned and his brow arched. "Not so tough anymore, huh little wife?" He smiled behind the mask on his face.

"Fuck you!" Leia gave him the middle finger and hatefully glared at him.

Adrik's amused face dimmed instantly and his golden eyes, which had returned to their normal green color, glared at her. He slowly climbed onto the bed and moved closer to her.

Leia nervously flinched back, almost falling off the king-sized bed. However, Adriks' hand wrapped around her waist, catching her on time and pulling her into his embrace. He hugged her tightly, not letting go of his struggling little wife.

He laid her on the bed, and with him lying beside her, he tightly curled his arms around her waist, not giving her any chance of breaking free.

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