Sold To An Alpha

Chapter 227: We Will See

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Adrik leaned in to rest his back on the head of the bed and gently began to stroke Leia's hair. A pessimistic sigh exited his nose, and he lowered his head to place a soft kiss on her lips. "I love you, little wife..." He whispered to her and at that moment, Leia's fingers twitched violently, and so did her body afterward.

Adrik's eyes fluttered in bewilderment, and he proceeded to caress her hair, but just like before, her body shook so violently that he immediately sat up on his knees with deep confusion apparent in his eyes. "Little wife..." He called her in a panicked state, but Leia responded not and continued to shake uncontrollably.


Before her, Adrik stood with a deadly look on his face. His eyes, which were deep red, glared hatefully at her and the whip that was in his strong grip shook energetically. 

"A-adrik..." Leia's eyes fluttered vigorously and she eyed him from head to toe, clearly unsure of why Adrik was staring at her in such a way with a whip in his hand. "What is going on with you? Did I do something wrong?" She inquired in a confused tone, but contrary to her expectation, Adrik raised the whip and appeared before her, then mercilessly bashed the whip on her body, causing a scream to escape her throat.

She immediately fell to the ground and began to crawl back away from him. What was going on? Why was Adrik hitting her? Her brows creased deeply, and she glanced at her clothing, which was torn by the whip that landed on her body, showcasing the deep red mark on her body.

"Adrik, what are you doing?! You're hurting me!" She yelled at him, but as though the Adrik standing before her couldn't hear her, he moved yet again and cruelly whipped her, causing her skin to rip apart, and blood to start oozing out. 

Her eyes blinked violently, and her breathing became rapid. She immediately stood up from the ground upon seeing him ready to whip her again and began to run. However, that's when she suddenly came to realize that they were in the backyard where the white swing she loved was.

She glanced around and at the dark sky, then turned around to see Adrik walking towards her. Her heart skipped a bit and she began to draw back, tears welling up in her eyes. "Adrik... why? Why are you doing this?" She questioned him, but instead of replying, Adrik arrived before her and grabbed her by the throat, hoisting her up into midair and beginning to strangle her.


Adrik's eyes dilated as he stared at his little wife, who was floating in midair with her neck turning purple as though an injury was being inflicted on her. "Little wife." He immediately stood up from the bed and wrapped his arms around her to bring her down. However, a scream exited from Leia and before he could anticipate what would happen next, her body flew away, crashing heavily onto the wall.

"Little wife!" He rushed off immediately and lifted her from the floor and stared at her head, which was beginning to bleed again. His eyes fluttered in confusion, and he suddenly found himself unable to breathe. 

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What in the world is going on? What is happening to his little wife?! Could someone just fucking explain it to him? Hurtful tears steamed up in his eyes and they fell the instant they came. As though his tears had stopped something, Leia fell helplessly into his arms and he hugged her tightly, gently caressing her hair. "I am sorry, little wife. I am so sorry I couldn't protect you!! It's all my fault. I shouldn't have let you go." He proceeded to kiss her forehead but then realized that her head was bleeding. He immediately carried her to the sofa and opened it, turning it into a mattress. Then, gently, he put her down and rushed into the bathroom to grab the first aid kit.


"Ahhhhhhh!" The old woman yelled in annoyance and angrily pushed the books on the table to the floor.

The middle-aged man seated beside her scoffed in rage and stood up from the stool, then turned to point at her in displeasure. 

"I thought you said you could do this, Magrida. What is going on?! Why did the spell break suddenly?" He asked in deep anger and the old woman, who was Magrida, stood up from the stool and turned to stare at him. "I have no idea either. Everything was going perfectly fine, but it just suddenly stopped as though someone broke it." Magrida's eyes darted around in confusion, and she halted her gaze on the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man pinched between his brows and waved his hand at her, ordering her to try once again.

Magrida respectfully agreed and moved to seat herself on the stool. Her hands hovered above the orb, and she began to chant the spell once again. "Apkana Magna dazia!!!" She continuously chanted this word, but before she could anticipate the danger coming ahead, a violent power instantly hit her, sending her flying back to crash into the wall. She fell to the floor, and a deep groan of pain escaped her mouth. 

The middle-aged man turned to glance at her and shook his head in dissatisfaction. "Such a waste of time!! We will continue tomorrow! Better be prepared then!" He scoffed in slur and exited the old house at an extraordinary speed.

Magrida glanced at the door and her face turned red in anger. With the support of her hands, which were pressed to the floor, she stood up and pulled out a rough old tiny stick from her clothing, then elegantly swirled it as though trying to cast a spell.

Slowly, the books on the floor rose into the air and began to float towards the shelves, arranging themselves into them.

She dusted her clothing when she was done and walked towards the orb, then sat down on the stool and gazed intently at it. "Humph!! We will see."

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