Sold To An Alpha

Chapter 234: Please Leave

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[Girl, get up. You can't stay here sobbing forever.] Her wolf, Elise who had been quiet for a while, abruptly spoke, and Selena wiped her tears away with the back of her hand. She slowly stood up from the ground and glanced around the area. Her eyes halted at the canopy and the scattered decorations and tiny tears couldn't resist falling from her eyes.
She pessimistically lowered her head, turned around, and proceeded out of the area, then flagged down a taxi and rode back to the apartment. 
A deep breath exited her nose as she stared at the building, and with the bit of courage left in her, she walked in and took the elevator to go up to the second floor.
She stepped out when the door opened and slowly began to amble towards Victor's apartment. She stopped in front of the door of his room and gradually turned the handle, opening the door.
She walked in and shut it behind her, then raised her eyes to see Victor standing by the window with his hands stuffed into the pocket of his pants. She slowly strolled towards him, but before she could get close to him, Victor's harsh voice resounded, stopping her in her step. "Don't come close to me!"
She bit her lower lip and still stubbornly walked closer to him, then reached out her hand to touch him, but Victor unexpectedly slapped her hand away and glared viciously at her. "Didn't I tell you not to come close to me?" He asked in a tone that portrayed just how enraged and furious he was. 
He stared at her with disdain in his eyes and, with a shake of his head in disappointment, he turned around and began to walk to his room. However, Selena immediately rushed to him and grabbed him by the arm, stopping him on his track. "Victor, please let me explain. I know you are angry with me now, but please just give me a chance to explain myself to you." She pleaded desperately, and Victor shut his eyes as he found his anger reaching its limit.
"I am so sorry for lying to you. I really never meant to. I was just afraid of losing you, because I know if I had told you in the beginning, you would have never let me stay with you or even loved me."
"Victor...I loved you the moment we met. I loved you the moment I saw you, and I knew that I could never let you go nor stay without you, and that is why I couldn't help but lie to you."
"I have searched for you for hundreds of years. I yearned for you and finally found you. Did you think I was going to let you go or risk losing you? Of course, I wouldn't. If having and keeping you means lying to you, then I would do it one mo-" Before she could finish her sentence, Victor grabbed her by the wrist and waist and pushed her against the wall. He stared deep into her eyes as his chest rose and fell in a rage, and as though he didn't know what to do, he unexpectedly broke out into a cry, lowering his head to avoid her gaze.

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"Fuck it!" He angrily punched the wall near her head and glared at her. "I love you, Selena, but you're hurting me like this!" He bit his lips to stop himself from crying but found himself unable to do so. Is this how it feels? Is this how much it hurts?
"Victor, I am sorry for lying to you, but this does not change the fact that we love each other," Selena explained, with pleading evident in her gray eyes.
"It does, Selena. It fucking does!"
"You're the one that thinks it do-." Victor's lips unexpectedly slammed against hers, and her eyes dilated as she didn't expect it. He kissed her so lovingly, as though that was the last kiss that he was going to give her. Diminutive tears fell from his eyes onto her cheek, and she reached out her hand to hug him, but he, however, broke the kiss and gently caressed her cheek with his thumb, then took a step back from her.
He stared at her from head to toe and abruptly chuckled. "You're so beautiful and I truly love you-" He smiled lovingly at her and his blue eyes admired her. "-But... we can't be together." Selena instantly shook her head when she heard his words and walked to move towards him. However, Victor stepped back and half smiled at her. "We are two worlds apart, and we can never be together. You're a different being than I, who is just a powerless human. I have a family who expects a lot from me, and they absolutely will never accept you. We should part ways and get over each other than hurt ourselves. You don't have to worry. You will find a guy who will treat you better and then you will get over me. That I know. " He smiled pessimistically at her and his face turned red, showing just how much he was hurting inside.
Selena slowly shook her head and burst out crying. "You don't understand, Victor! I can't get over you, nor can I love another man. You're my mate!! How will I ever stop loving you? How can you expect me to give you up after waiting for you for hundreds of years?" She questioned him, completely enraged and hurt.
Victor's eyes fluttered, and without saying another word, he turned around and walked towards his room. He halted and turned to face her. "Please leave." With that being said, he stepped into his room and shut the door, locking it.
Selena ran towards the door and banged furiously on it while uncontrollable tears fell from her eyes. "Victor!!" She called out to him, but Victor stayed silent and uttered not a single word. "Don't do this to me, Victor.. Please don't hurt me this way!" She pleaded desperately, but not a word came from him.

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