Sold To An Alpha

Chapter 52: Unknown Man

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The sun showed signs of setting, and Adrik retracted his gaze from the sky. He stood up from his chair and adjusted his suit as well as put on his gray mask, then he glanced at Leia. "Let's go." He yanked his hands into his pocket and began to walk out of the office with Leia and Alex following behind him.


From a tall building near the company, a man clad in a black hoodie and black sweatpants, with a mask covering half of his face, stood beside an MTS 116m suppressed sniper rifle, which is considered one of the deadliest weapons.

He pulled out his vibrating phone from his pocket and picked up an incoming call.

[How is it going?] A lady's voice reverberated from the other side of the phone.

"Ma'am, she's not yet out, but I think-" His husky voice sounded as he gave his reply, but before he could finish his sentence, his gray eyes spotted three people, two males and a female, walking out of the company building, and he immediately stuffed the phone into his pocket.

He positioned the sniper rifle and eyed the female walking between the two males through the sight of the gun. He perfectly aimed for her, and a dangerous grin crept up his lips as his finger was placed on the trigger.


Adrik, who was heading towards the car with Leia following behind him with crossed arms and a displeased look on her face, halted and his eyes narrowed into a thin line. He slowly turned his head and gazed at the tall building near his company, and his brow creased a bit. Is it just his feelings? 

The unknown man immediately hid behind the pillar of the window he was standing near at, causing Adrik to avert his gaze because he couldn't see anything. His heart pounded within him, and he took a deep breath. 'Did he see me?' He couldn't help but ask himself and sneaked a peek at the three, only to see Adrik about to open the door of the car.

He positioned the sniper rifle once again and aimed for Leia, who was now saying something to Adrik. His eyes narrowed into a thin line, and his finger that was placed on the trigger, slowly pulled on it, and with great force, the bullet flew out of the gun, penetrating through the air with great pressure and rushing towards its target.

Adrik's hand, which was about to grab the car handle, halted as he felt immense danger, and with a swift turn, he grabbed Leia and hugged her, accidentally leaving his side to face the incoming bullet. The bullet pierced his side stomach with great speed, leaving blood oozing out of it.

Lines of veins popped up on his neck and he raised his eyes to gaze at the building.

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"Master!" Alex cried out when he saw the blood flowing out of Adrik"s side belly and he proceeded to rush up to him. However, another bullet flew towards Adrik and penetrated another part of his tummy. Adrik's face twitched in pain, and he couldn't help but spurt out a mouthful of blood, and Leia's face turned ghastly pale as she became motionless.

Adrik immediately let go of her and grabbed the gun in Alex's suit pocket. His eyes narrowed into a thin line as he glanced at the building, and he pointed the gun at it. Without delay, he pulled the trigger, and with great speed and force, the bullet escaped from the gun and surged towards the unknown man, who retracted his eyes from the sight of his gun in an act to avert the bullet. However, before he could avoid it, the bullet infiltrated without mercy through his forehead, leaving a wide hole as it came out from the back.

Nevertheless, before the unknown man became lifeless and plopped down to the floor, his finger that was still on the trigger pulled, and the bullet exited from the gun, whisked forward, and forcefully penetrated Adrik's stomach.

Adrik clutched his belly and the gun fell out of his hand. He spurted yet another mouthful of blood and his knee gave out, but before he could fall, Leia rushed up to him and allowed him to fall into her arm, causing her to plop down on her knee as a result Adrik's weight.

"A-adrik..." She glanced at his stomach, which was oozing out a lot of blood, and she hurriedly placed her hand on it in the hope of stopping the bleeding. "Adrik..." Lots of tears welled up in her eyes, and they fell the moment they came.

As Alex scurried towards them, Leia turned her head to glance at him. His eyes gazed at the three wounds on his alpha's belly, and great anger became apparent in his eyes.

"We need to call the ambulance." Leia stared at him with teary eyes and said behind sobs.

"No Mrs. Leia, we can't. We need to take him home right now." Alex stood up to walk to the car, but Leia stopped him with confusion visible in her large eyes.

"Are you crazy or something? We need to take him to the hospital or he might die." More tears streamed down her face and she yelled at Alex. However, Alex still adamantly told her that nothing would happen to Adrik and that he needed to be taken home.

Leia glanced at Adrik and caressed his cheek as her tears fell on his face. Adrik gazed at her and touched her hand. He shut his eyes in pain and breathed heavily. Leia immediately tore off her hoodie and used it to wrap up his wounds in the hope of stopping the uncontrollable bleeding.

After opening the door of the car, Alex scurried back to them and helped Leia carry up Adrik, whose body was as though it had been paralyzed. They carried him into the car, and Leia stroked his hair. "Yo-you're going to be fine." Her hands trembled and she proceeded to step into the car, but Alex stopped her. "Mrs. Leia, you have to drive him home. There is something important that I need to do." He took her hand and placed the car key on it. Leia shook her head at him. "Ale-"

"Mrs. Leia, please." He let go of her hand and hurried out of the company compound. Leia stared down at the key and glanced at Adrik, whose breathing was becoming unstable. Her heart ached within her as she could see how much he was fighting to live. 

She wiped the tears from her eyes and walked over to the driver's seat, then sat down.

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