Sold To An Alpha

Chapter 79: Sparks

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He glanced at her with a bewildered look on his face, and Leia bit her lower lip. "I want you to... bathe with me." She blinked her eyes and gazed at him.

Adrik chuckled softly and patted her on the head. "Okay." He slid out of his underwear and slipped into the bathtub to sit behind her. He wrapped his arms around her belly and pulled her closer to sit with her back facing him.

"Relax." He said to her, and Leia nodded as she laid her back on his bare chest, leaving her head to rest on his shoulder.

Adrik placed his chin on her head and caressed her arms.

Leia pressed herself against him, and a low breath escaped her nose. She raised her hand and grabbed his hair as he laid soft kisses on her neck. "Do you feel better?"

"Mhmm." Leia nodded, still enjoying the pleasure his kisses on her skin were giving her.

His hands went down to her breast, and he gently fondled it. "I can't get enough of you." Both his hands grabbed her breasts and rolled her nipples in-between his fingers.

"Adrik..." Leia moaned and bit her lip as she found herself tangling her hands in his hair. "Adrik." A deep breath escaped her nose when he suddenly stopped fondling her breast and kissed her on the neck.

"Let's get you, cleaned up." He scooped up a cup of water to wash her body and grabbed the sponge. He gently scrubbed her skin while pouring water on her hair.

"Adrik." She called, and he answered in a low tone. "Last night, when you bit me, was it just a bite?" She raised her eyes to look at him. "I don't know, that spot has been itching really badly and stinging on the inside."

Adrik rubbed the sponge on her body, and a low sigh left his lips. "Little wife-" He turned her head to have her look at him. "-Do you, by any chance, know about the word "mate" for non-humans?"

"Huh?" Leia blinked her eyes in confusion and slowly shook her head. "No."

"Well... let me explain to you then." He gently turned her around to have her facing him and placed her head on his chest. "A mate for non-humans is like a soulmate, but stronger than that."

"Every werewolf, vampire, demon, have their mate." 

"Demons, vampires?" Leia's eyes dilated, and she stared at Adrik in a questioning manner.

"Yes, they exist, even amongst humans, just like me." He nodded at her.

"Oh... kay... So, how do you guys identify your mate? "

"Mate Bond." He scooped up a full cup of water and poured it on her body, then resumed scrubbing her skin.

"What's... a mate bond?" Leia inquired curiously, with an arched brow.

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"Touch my chest." He smiled at her, and Leia nodded reluctantly.

At that moment, she touched his chest. Something like a spark coursed through her hand, to her entire body like electricity and she instantly retracted her hand, then gazed up at Adrik, with a bizarre expression on her face."What the hell was that?"

"Sparks." Adrik nodded at her and relaxed back in the tub after he was done bathing her. "Once mates find each other and touch, this occurs. It is one of the ways we can find our mates."

"Whoa." Leia slowly nodded her head, and her brow suddenly crinkled. "Wait a minute... does that mean you have a mate?" Her heart raced rapidly within her as she asked. She really wants to hear a no, because just the thought of sharing Adrik with another woman is already causing her heart to squeeze inside of her.

Adrik, who was stunned by her question, blinked his eyes and suddenly began to laugh in a way that Leia had never seen before.

Her eyes fluttered in astonishment as she watched him laughing with his head thrown back. She just realized that this was the first time she had seen him laughing so hard and happily at that. Other times, he either smiles or smirks, nothing more than that. How much she wished she could video him.

Adrik, who was laughing uncontrollably, pinched between his brows as he shook his head in disbelief. "Little wife." He squeezed her cheeks and kissed her softly on the lips. "If I had a mate, do you think you would be by my side today?" He asked her with a questioning expression on his face.

"Huh?" Leia's brow furrowed in confusion. "If you don't have a mate, the-"

"Little wife." He cut her off and looked into her eyes with his hands cupping her cheek. "You are by my side today because you're my mate."

"Your mate?" Leia shook her head in doubt. "How is that possible? I mean, I am a human."

"Silly, some of us are mated to humans, but it's not much, just a few." He smiled at her and caressed her hair.

"I see." She nodded her head in understanding and suddenly raised her eyes to gaze at Adrik. "Adrik, if I wasn't your mate, would you still fall in love with me?"

The moment Adrik heard her question, he sat still and gazed blankly. Leia's brow creased and her face puckered. "It's a no, right? Haha...I was already aware of th-"

"Little wife, let me tell you this-" He leaned down so his face was close to hers"- If you weren't my mate, I wouldn't fall in love with you. Why? Because you will never love, accept, or even look at me and-"

"Adrik!!!" She yelled his name and cut him off before he could finish his sentence. "How could you say that? How do you even know that?!" She glared at him as her hand clenched in displeasure. "I told you, I love you, whether with scars or not. Your looks don't matter to me, but you... matter to me, and that's it, so don't you ever- " 

Adrik's lips unexpectedly slammed on hers before she could finish her sentence, and he traced his hand down her neck to her shoulder. "I'm crazy for you, little wife." He said it against her lips and bit her lower lip before pulling back.

"Back to what I was trying to point out. What I did to you last night is called "marking." It's something we, non-humans, do to let others know that this person is claimed and owned."

"So right now, you are marked, and any werewolf or other creature who sees you will know you are claimed and only mine."

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