Sold To An Alpha

Chapter 98: Park

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Thinking that was all, she came to realize that her body was full of scars as if whipped severely. The wounds were so deep that even though she knew that her mother was whipped, she still found it hard to believe that it was just a whipping.

A deep breath escaped her nose, and her hands balled into a tight fist. She gazed directly at her mother's coffin, and a dangerous glint flashed in her eyes. Even if it costs her her life, she will make the damned bitch pay.

Her lips curled into a grin, and she turned around, pushing the close relatives surrounding her away. She stomped on every step she took and walked into the mansion.


Walking down the stairs, Leia had her arms interlocked with Adrik's arm. They were both dressed casually today. Adrik was clad in a white, skin-textured jacket and a white top, and blue sweatpants. His hair was neatly packed up into a ponytail while leaving a few strands falling over his face.

Leia, as usual, wore her normal blue jean shorts and white shirt, then covered her feet with white sneakers. Her short hair was combed neatly. 

A low breath left her nose as they arrived at the entrance, and a smile emerged on her lips. She glanced at Adrik and just as they were about to step down the staircase.

Leia's body instantly stilled and her eyes dilated as she darted her gazes around. At that moment, when they were about to step down the staircase, something like a man's shadow had whisked with extraordinary speed in front of her to the point she couldn't even glimpse who it was, nor how he looked.

Adrik, who saw how motionless she stood and her dilated eyes, nudged her on the shoulder with concern written all over his face. "Little wife, is everything alright?" He asked and turned her head so she could look at him.

"Did you notice that?" Leia asked, with anticipation in her eyes. Sure, she can't be the only one that saw this. Definitely, Adrik must have noticed and seen something.

"Notice what?" Adrik's brow creased in bewilderment, and he gazed at her with confusion written all over his face.

"You're not serious, are you?" Leia's face became awkward, and she turned her head to glance in front of her. "Adrik, someone ran past us a moment ago. How can you tell me you didn't notice?" Her face altered in disbelief, and she stared intently at Adrik.

Adrik's face turned awkward and he parted his lips to say something, but not a word came out. What is his little wife talking about? Why is she suddenly acting strange?

He pinched between his brows when he saw her eyes fluttering as though she was getting a bit mad, and he took a deep breath.

He pulled her closer to him and embraced her. He caressed her hair and kissed her softly. "Okay, little wife, take your mind off it. We can't let anything ruin today." He scratched her hair, but she slapped his hand away. "You're messing up my hair." She scoffed and ambled to the car, leaving Adrik, who had an awkward expression on his face.

Adrik chuckled softly behind the mask he wore and shrugged as he walked to the car.

Leia sat beside him in the front seat and he started the car engine, then drove out of the compound and onto the road.

Her head rested on the car window, and she gazed out to the sky as though thinking of something.

Adrik glanced at her and his face couldn't help but change in worry. He reached out his hand and grabbed hers, placing it on his lap. "Little wife..."

"Adrik, I know what I saw." She raised her head and turned to gaze at him. "I don't understand why you didn't see it, but I saw it. It was a man's shadow, although I couldn't glimpse his looks or anything." She breathed heavily, as though disappointed that Adrik wasn't believing her.

"You know what, never mind." She shook her head and proceeded to snatch her hand from his grip, but Adrik held tightly onto her hand and kept his face straight as he drove.

Leia's brow creased and she tried to yank her hand, but Adrik held onto it, not letting go. "Let me-"

"I won't. Just sit there and let me hold your hand. I love you." He said it without sparing her a glance. Leia's eyes blinked, and she bit her lower lip. She took a low breath and relaxed back in the chair, letting him hold onto her hand.

They rode for an hour before arriving at a park with people doing different activities in it. Couples, kids walking their dogs, and flying kites were everywhere.

Leia immediately sat up when she saw where they were, and she turned her head to look at Adrik with glowing eyes. "A park!!." She suppressed her excitement and immediately pushed the door open.

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Adrik chuckled at her behavior, and he couldn't help but wonder if she had a fun childhood. I mean, these kinds of things make her excited and delighted, as though she had never experienced them before. He will make sure to ask her about her childhood. He feels as though there are things he should know of.

He pushed the door open and also stepped down. Then walked over to her and smiled as he stared at her face, which was glowing with excitement.

"Fuck, I have always wanted to come to a park." Leia's eyes gleamed in enthusiasm and she smiled widely.

"Huh, you've never been to a park before?" Adrik's brow furrowed in disbelief, and he couldn't help but ask.

"It's not that, just that... It's a long story. Anyways, I am so excited to be here." She cupped her hands together and darted her eyes around, admiring the beauty of the surrounding area.

Adrik gazed at her for a while and slightly nodded. "Okay, let's go then." He stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jacket and began to walk forward. However, he abruptly halted when he noticed that Leia wasn't following behind him.

He turned around only to see her standing with her arms folded and staring at him with a bit of displeasure on her face.

Adrik's eyes blinked in confusion, and he innocently spread his hand, asking her what was wrong.

"Piggyback me," Leia said with no expression on her face, and Adrik dilated his eyes in surprise. "You... want me to piggyback you?" He asked, with disbelief apparent in his tone, and Leia nodded at him.

"I see..." He nodded and shrugged as he walked back to her and turned to have his back facing her. "Hop on." He chuckled and bent down a bit.

Leia smiled and climbed onto his back, wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck.

Adrik held onto her legs and began to walk towards the park.

"You have become quite heavy." He said, and the next thing that occurred to him was a painful knock on the head.

"Who is heavy? How am I heavy? You're just weak, period." She mumbled and tugged on his hair, causing Adrik to pinch her thigh. "If you do that again, I will pinch you." He warned as an ouch left Leia's lips. "You're not the only one who can do shits to people." He said and chuckled at her.

Leia's eyes narrowed, and she slightly nodded her head. "Alright then." She grinned viciously and laid her head on his back.

Adrik laughed softly, and a low breath left his nose. "So, little wife, anything you want to do?" He asked her, and Leia nodded. "Mhmm, first off, I want cotton candy, then we watch the fish in the pond. Also, we will sit on that bench and just watch the fine sky. " She said and pointed at a bench in a certain direction.

"Haha... Okay." He nodded at her and proceeded to stroll towards a man selling cotton candy.

He arrived there and asked Leia to come down, but she shook her head in disapproval. "Just buy the cotton candies." She clicked her tongue and rested her head on his back.

Adrik slightly shook his head and turned to the salesman, "A cotton candy please." The seller nodded at him and proceeded to make one.

Leia's face puckered, and she tugged harshly on his hair. "Why one cotton candy?"

"I don't like sweet things that much." He answered and pinched her thigh. "Didn't I tell you not to tug at my hair?" He pinched her yet again on her thigh, and as though the pain touched her bones, She abruptly slapped his head. "That is painful!" A deep breath escaped her nose and her eyes fluttered in pain.

Adrik chuckled and caressed the back of his head. "What a painful hit." He took a deep breath and received the cotton candy that the salesman was giving him. He paid the salesman and they moved towards the pond, where many others were standing watching the fish that were swimming about.

Leia got down from his bank with the cotton candy in her hand and interlocked her fingers with his. 

They walked closer to the pond, and the minute the people standing there noticed and glimpsed them, they turned around with their eyes dilated in surprise.

Adrik and Leia paid no attention to them and just watched the pond.. People really are weird. Why are they so surprised to see them at a park? I mean, aren't they individuals who came to the park just like them?

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