Solo Beater

Solo Beater

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Genre :

Action, Comedy, Isekai, LitRPG



Status :


Solo Beater

Review: 7.4/10 from 6 ratings

"Oppose me and die!"

These were the last words the group heard before being brutally murdered by Bastildon, the Demon King.

Jinden, the leader of the group, that led his dearest people to their inevitable deaths inside the dungeon was traumatized, seeing his friends die right before his eyes. With his last breath, he wished he could make things different.

An error occurring during the initialization of his reincarnation, made Jinden start over with faint memories of the traumatizing battle still stuck inside his head. His new life begins with one goal in mind. Avenge his friends that he held dearest and make the demon pay.
If epic fights, complex, multi-layered magic systems, and mystical dungeons are your things, you may enjoy this one

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