Sorcerer of Creation a Harry Potter Fanfic

Chapter 1: Waking up as Harry!?

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Waking As Harry

I experience a strange sensation that feels like your falling, but you don't have any idea what direction your actually falling in as if you where simultaneously falling both up, and down while also spinning in every direction all at the same time. I continue falling for awhile, but admittedly I'm not entirely sure how long as I can't see anything and have no way to judge how much time has passed.

'Oh is something happening it feels like I'm speeding up.'

And with a final rushing sensation I awaken rather abruptly, and with mild alarm realize almost instantly that this is not the bed I fell asleep in. Keeping my eyes closed and making sure to stay still I start to try to figure out what's going on. Listing carefully for the sound of someone nearby and hearing nothing out of the ordinary some of the tension is released from my body and I relax slightly as I begin to process my situation.

'Okay their doesn't seem to be anyone nearby or at least in the room with me for the moment.'

'So what is going on? This definitely isn't my bed or my room, then where exactly am I and how the hell did I get here without being woken up?'

I start feeling a stabbing pain in my back as I think about my current circumstances.

'Ow, what is up with this bed. It actually hurts just to lay down on it!?'

The bed I awoke in and am currently laying on is so uncomfortable compared to what I am familiar with that I personally believe it would be preferable to sleep outdoors, on a stone gravel driveway, with no cover, in a thunderstorm. Deciding to open my eyes I look up and see an unfamiliar ceiling.

While letting out a groan I sit up, feeling the discomfort from sleeping on what should be classified as a torture device from hell that's being cleverly disguised as a bed. Feeling a bit dizzy I take a moment for the world to stop spinning and for my thoughts to clear, which happened surprisingly fast considering the strange situation I find myself in.

'Well I'd better start figuring out what going on.'

I think to myself as I begin looking around, noting as I do the mess of broken objects that are scattered all about the room.

'Wow this place is messy.'

'And why are there so many broken toys, and old video game systems in here?'

I wonder as their are multiple busted video game systems like the Super NES, and Sega CD scattered about the room.
I spot in the corner an empty circular cage near a window which causes me to pause.

"What the?"

I mutter in confusion as I wonder

'Why is there a big cage in here?'

As I think about it I whip my head around and I look towards the door to see that the door has a cat flap installed. Putting two and two together, my eyes widening in realization as a startling possibility occurs to me, my mind starting to race.

'Oh shit! wait!? Is it oh shite now? You know what, never mind I will think about it later.'

'For now lets go through the facts one at a time. Horrific bed, check! bunch of broken toys and electronics, check! a large bird cage near the window, check! and a cat flap on the door, check!'

Taking a breath to calm myself down, I come to the conclusion that.

'I'm Harry Freaking Potter!'

And as that realization begins to sink in I start to remember what I thought was just a dream.

'I remember their was something about harry potter and, what was it again?'

Gather my thoughts I close my eyes trying to remember precisely what happened.

'That dream seemed too vivid and precise now that I think back on it I should have known something was off.'

*Enter Generic Reincarnation Scene Here*
*MC now remembers everything that happened*

Now that I have remember everything, I start grinning to myself as I let out a small chuckle.


Calming down I take a moment to start thinking seriously about everything that I remember happening.

'So I'm in an AU where Harry died in the graveyard at the end of the Triwizard Tournament after Voldemort was resurrected but when he was given the choice whether to move on to the afterlife or live again this Harry choose to as Dumbledore would say move on to the next great adventure.'

'And while I do feel bad for what Harry had to deal with all his life, he chose to move on and be with his parents. So I'm also happy for him at the same time because now he is with his family again, and it was pretty cool that I got to talk to him and his parents and got their blessing before they moved on. And since this is going to be my life now I'm going to live it to the fullest.'

While remembering what happened I start to think about all the cool bonuses I got for agreeing to take Harry's place.

'If I'm remembering correctly I got the Super Harry package with a couple of extras that so as long as I don't do something completely foolish I shouldn't have any worries about dying anytime soon.'

'Now that package included...'

Thinking of what I should do next considering where I am on the time-line.

'Hmm for the time-line today should be the day after Harry returned to the Dursleys for the summer after 3rd year. But I should probably get out of bed first.'

Getting up I walk over to Harry's now my wardrobe deciding to get dressed for the day. But looking through what I had available for clothes to wear, I conclude that everything that Harry has in his wardrobe should be burned as soon as possible, and I'm not a clothes snob by any account but seriously circus tent level baggy and stretched out clothes and even more terrifying Duddly's discolored hand-me-down underwear is a definite no go in my book.

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"Well now I know the first thing to get, new clothes, and I thought they were exaggerating how bad these are but wow these clothes really are atrocious, seriously how did nobody point out how bad these are to harry."

As I say this I wonder

'Why did nobody think to question the fact that Harry was wearing hand-me-down clothes that look like he is wearing an ugly tent that's way to big on him to a ridiculous degree? Isn't Harry from The Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter in canon and should obviously have the money for new clothes?'

Pausing my train of thought I try and think of a solution for my current predicament.

'Putting that aside what should I do for clothes? As I really don't want to wear any of this, and I doubly refuse to wear that fat arse's hand me down underwear, seriously that's just disgusting.'

Pulling on some of my school robes as I think.

"Hmm Oh!"

*Cue Light Bulb Moment*

As an idea strikes me I quickly call out.

"Wait a sec. I wonder if I can call?"


And as I call out to Dobby not even a second goes by before theirs a,


And Dobby apparates directly in front of me making me jump back a bit in surprise.

Dobby is bouncing on the balls of his feet looking ecstatic that I called for him.

"Great mister Harry Potter sir called for Dobby?"

He asks in his excitement.
Looking at the over-excited elf I respond

"Yes I did Dobby but we need to be quite so please keep your voice down, I don't want to wake up my relatives."

With his eyes widening in alarm Dobby instantly clasps his hands over his mouth as if that would undo his previous excited outburst. After calming down Dobby lowers his hands slightly to speak in a much quieter voice this time.

"Dobby is sorry Harry Potter sir Dobby should have known."

Dobby says to me in regret and self-admonishment. I quickly reassure him that it's fine.

"That's alright Dobby it's fine you couldn't have known their is no need to be upset, And anyway to answer your previous question the reason I called you was I was wondering if you would be willing to be my personal house elf? because I have a lot of things I need to do this summer, and I'm going to need all the help I can get. So are you willing to be part of my family and give me a hand Dobby?"

"Harry Potter sir wants Dobby?"

Dobby asks in a tremulous voice slight disbelief etched on his face, as tears beginning to form in his tennis ball sized bright green eyes.

"Of course I do Dobby your a good friend of mine and I would love to have you be part of my family. And I really do need your help Dobby."

I respond with a smile, and then positively bursting with excitement Dobby agrees very enthusiastically leaping at me in a flying hug almost knocking my over, nodding his head so fast that for a second I thought that it might just pop off.

"Yes Yes Dobby would be honored to be the great and noble Harry Potter sirs personal house elf!!!"

Smiling brightly at Dobby's enthusiasm I continue.

"Thanks a lot Dobby. So how are we supposed to do this Dobby?"

I ask inquiringly.

"You just have to put your hand on Dobby's head Harry Potter sir. Dobby will do the rest."

Nodding in acknowledgment, I proceed to lay my hand atop Dobby's head, and Dobby begins to glow slightly as I feel a something settle into place inside my chest as the bond establishes itself. As the glow recedes I see Dobby standing there looking quite a bit healthier and a bit taller than how he looked just moments ago. Smiling radiantly up at me Dobby asks

"Now how can Dobby help you Harry Potter sir?"

Taking a moment to think I question Dobby.

"Hey Dobby can you get me to Diagon Ally from here?"

Smiling Dobby grabs my hand and with a shifting sensation we appear In an ally just off the main street.
I look to Dobby who gives me a cheeky grin and says

"Of course Dobby can Harry Potter sir."

Slightly stunned at this sudden mischievousness of Dobby's I shake it off with a quite laugh and respond

"Thanks a lot Dobby could you collect the rest of my things while I head over to Gringotts?"

Nodding at me Dobby says in response

"Dobby will go now sir, if Harry Potter sir needs anything whilst Dobby is away Harry Potter sir can call for Dobby and Dobby will come right away."

And without another word their is a slight *Pop* and he disapparated. Looking down the main ally at Gringotts I begin moving quickly toward my destination and as I reach the steps I see 2 armed goblins standing on either side of the entryway and the iconic plaque that read

Enter, stranger, but take heed
Of what awaits the sin of greed
For those who take, but do not earn,
Must pay most dearly in their turn.
So if you seek beneath our floors
A treasure that was never yours,
Thief, you have been warned, beware
Of finding more than treasure there.

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