Sorry That I Am The Last To Come Here

Chapter 46: Chapter 46 Blast It!

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5th Sukurach of Meruriel 1237

Belgrynd's POV

Urgh... where am I... My head hurts... 

" Finally, we thought you were a goner. You have been asleep for 3 days! Just what happened there!" I heard Flux yelling. Urgh, stop yelling so loud. My head hurts a lot...

As I sat up, I can feel one thing... did I get taller? Before if we both sat down, I would only be looking below his shoulders. Now I am looking slightly above his shoulders... is it because I got more mana now? It could be... but I don't really want to think of it now... I'm hungry...

" Oi, where are you going!" I heard Flux yelled as I walked out of my room. Noisy... I went towards the storeroom and took out some of the meat and ate it directly. I don't want to wait for it to be cooked yet. I just directly eat it as if I haven't eaten for months. 

After gulping almost 2kg of meat, I finally felt satisfied. Now, I really need to know what has happened to myself. I wiped my mouth clean of the blood from the meat and went back out to the main hall.

" You really scared me you know... you wake up after being unconscious for a few days and directly rush out..." Flux said, with Frux nearby. He wasn't there just now...

" So... what happened... when we saw you, you fell unconscious immediately and Jasper went missing..." Flux said.

" Jasper betrayed us, he stole a gun that contained a substance called anti-mana that could cause mana-based beings to go berserk. I am not sure why I haven't gone into berserk yet, but I can feel that if I got hit any more I will also go into that state." I said...

" So... you killed him," Flux asked and I nodded. This caused all three of us to stay quiet for a while.

" If you want, you both can go bury him. I brought his corpse here..." I said, which the both of them looked at each other for a while and nodded. I guess they really treated him well huh. I wonder why... I follow them outside which they start to dig a grave for him. Does this guy really mean to them this much...

After the burial for Jasper, we went back to the hideout. The situation became nerve-wracking quiet again.

" So... why did he attack you. You didn't attack him right?" Frux said. Seriously... if I were to attack him, I would already do so on the first day. No need to wait until we are months into this only to attack him... Do you seriously side towards him rather than me... I guess that's actually normal... you are a human, between a human and a demi-human, of course, you would choose the former... I won't really blame you for that. It's just... a bit sad.

" No... we were heading back to meet you guys. Then a random cultist who isn't dead from the blast tried to ambush me. He failed though, the moment he crawled out of the debris I killed him. Then I believe that is either he looted that gun from the corpse or the prince managed to sneak in and gave him that gun, which he then proceeds to shoot me. Because of the mana berserk, I felt my mind went cloudy for a moment. It is that time that I start shooting at Jasper. After confirming that he is dead, I landed down and try to regain my composure from the mana berserk. The prince and someone else then came to me, they thought that I am unconscious because of that shot and said that they are here to capture me back, and they blamed Jasper for not doing it thoroughly as they realized I am still half awake...which I then shot the prince which then they escaped. I remember heading towards you guys after that... but I lost consciousness halfway. Then when I know it, I'm here already." I explained what happened without missing anything important... I think. The two just look at me without saying anything. Then the room went back to the quiet situation it is before.

" Well can't be helped, we already suspected him for a while, I guess we both had our guard down. Can't really blame you. If we didn't ever talk about bringing him in, you probably wouldn't be hurt by that," Flux said, though, from his tone, I can still say he forced it out. He probably never thought Jasper was a spy huh... Can't blame him, Jasper first came here as a guard that is being oppressed by that fat noble. Though, if they knew Jasper pushed that noble into his death instead of the opposite, they would probably have a different opinion.

" So what are our plans now... With the Prince targeting you clearly, and you hurt him, it is sure that he will send armies to subjugate you. They might even start sending their armies here already." Frux said in a worried tone with a hint of panic. Well... I don't know either... if they have thousands of people using that kind of gun, I don't think even I could dodge them... 

Suddenly, I noticed one thing... my inventory is now larger, it can now hold 15 items, but there are now categories for it... Each category has around 20 slots... how many categories are there... Food, Metals, Drinks, Herbs, Wood, Raw Ore, and Money... that is neat... I can just store all of my stuff inside! But the equipment uses the 15 item slots though but it doesn't matter, similar equipment can now stack! That is the best part of it now! But... there is something in there that I don't know. It is a note... I took it out and read it...

" As you can see, your inventory is now expanded thanks to your soul being fixed. The skill has also upgraded from [ Creation Inventory ] to the now [ Manufacturing Inventory ]. Your soul's fixing progress has reached 2/3 so I could improve your wish now. Though it is not a complete fix, I can at least give you another wish that you had before. Use Status to check your stats now. Though I won't be making it like the games you played before, it should be similar as if you wanted to be stronger, you would need to train for it. Your skills are also listed there so you can check them out later. Do note that you should not take too many hits from that substance that you are suspicious of. Too many of those would kill you so be careful. I added a counter for you as an apology service to show you how many more shots you can handle before going mana berserk. Try not to die before I completely fix your soul. You still have friends waiting for you after all. They would be arriving on the east coast within a few months~ Good luck Beno or should I call you Belgrynd - From the God that helped you before." 

That... is quite strange... but is good.  But by my friends... is it Luca and the gang? I still remember them but there are still some pieces of memories that felt weird... well, at least I can now think of them without having a headache, so I guess it is progress. So, we will need to head to the east side huh, I guess we could make that as our goal. I am not really in the condition to fight the humans now. So I guess a temporary retreat is in order...

" Frux... Flux... say, are you interested in leaving this continent?" I asked them. 

" But... won't other demi-humans prosecute us? From what I heard, they all kill humans on sight. Which is why we did the same before too..." Flux asked. Well, I'm guessing they will be wary of them since humans also killed a lot of demi-humans before.

" I can convince them. My friends are coming to get us! I can tell them that there are good humans too! I am sure they would know that!" I said as I convince them to follow me. We have been through so many stuff after all, it wouldn't be nice if we separate ways now.

" I guess we could do so... when are they coming?" Frux answered. Nice, now I just need to gather most of my stuff back and we can get out of here and go to the east coast.

" My inventory has increased, so I am going to collect the items that I left at my other hideout first. Then we could start heading towards the east coast." I said.

" Say, how many hideouts do you have Bell..." Frux said, hrmm, why are they interested in that? But I guess I could tell them since we are leaving after all.

" 35 on the plains, 12 near the coast, and 2 on the plateau, so a total of 49," I said, weird, why is Flux grinning so hard while Frux is a bit angry and dejected...

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" That's a lot little girl! I didn't think you would have that many, and even on the plateau too! Must be hard to do things there!" Flux said happily while he pats Frux's back... they must have made a bet... did they bet on how many hideouts I have?

"Let's move, we have a lot of roads to cover. I won't be getting the stuff at the plateau as you two cant fly, and the coast as I think it's best to have some leftovers here just in case. But that still leaves us 35 places to go. Let's go before we miss our ship!" I said as I start packing up the stuff within the hideout. Since the equipment is also stackable now, I took all of them with me. Logs, food, metals, all of them into my inventory.

While packing up, I look into my status that says the number of hits I can get... 12... not much but it's better if I don't get hit at all...

4th Sukurach of Mazriel Year 1237

May's POV

Oh boi... this is fast... very fast... but at least it doesn't shake that much. Thank god that Petrasha developed stabilizers...

" Hey is that the demon's navy?" Christine asked while pointing at a lot of ships. Those look like frigates...and a lot of them, I think there are around 70 of them... that is really a lot of ships... truly fitting to bombard an entire continent. The numbers and sizes really dwarves the previous invasions of the humans.

" So many ships... and so huge... how could we even fight against this..." ah yes, we brought the princess too. Excelia I think... doesn't really matter. We brought her in case that Beno wanted to punish her for using her scales as armor.

" Yes they are, I already told the merfolk there that we are heading towards the waiting point. Once they finish bombarding and made sure that there aren't any humans left there, the merfolk there will send a signal to me and we will land on the coast." Jasai said. It is nice that he helped us. Having a former Earthling here to assist is way better than asking locals. Not because of communication, but because if it's the locals, they won't know some of the terms we use.

" Just make sure that if you guys cant get back here before the night, remember to tell us ok, I don't want this technology to fall into human hands," Neo said. I wonder why Christine's vocal instructor is here too, but since he is a siren, he is acting as a communicator between the various aquatic races for both sides. Though he seems to be reluctant for this operation. 

" I'm sure, Christine will be here watching the boat while me, Amy, May, and Lucy will be going to save Beno," Petrasha said. The reason why we let Christine back is that even if someone really dares to steal the yacht, we can just let Christine release the demonic voice of hers.

" The human continent within sight. The demons said that they are going to start bomb-" Before Jasai can finish his sentence, a lot of explosions happened at the coastal towns... the heck is going on there?

" Well, how do I say... we don't really need to find Beno now..." Amy said. Wait... you don't mean... I tried to focus on the town and I saw a silhouette... a flying silhouette...

" Petrasha go nearer! I can see something flying! High probability that its Beno!" I yelled towards Petrasha and she drove the ship towards the coastal towns.

We got close to the town, and what we saw, are only what's left of the former town... the entire place is literally carpet-bombed...

" Yo... I guess? Long time no see..." a dragon girl that has light blue hair and red-cyan heterochromatic eyes said... the exact same girl that is flying just now.

" So these are the friend of yours? I don't really think you all are really connected." A human said which caused all of us to prepare to fight him.

" Wait wait wait timeout, these two are allies, friends! Weapons down please!" Beno said while standing between us and the humans.

" Since you guys came and retrieve me, let's just go on and I will explain these two guys ok? I promise they are good ones, we have been together for almost a year I think. Let's just keep calm and talk things out. This place isn't the safest place to talk so let's go away first please?" Beno said in a way that I never expected her to say... she talks like a 12-year-old kid... definitely what I expected out of him...

" Fine... but keep in mind that all of us will be monitoring you two," Petrasha said. Well, nice handling there.

" Now let's go~ I cant wait to get out of this hellhole~," Beno said. For real... is this really Beno?

" Did Beno hit her head or something..." Christine said which made all of us ponder... maybe?

" Oh, by the way, you guys must be hungry right? Since I heard Kevin's stomach grumbled a bit there. What kind of meat do you guys want, the crafting system I got is pretty neat, it can even cook food!" Beno suggested... damn Christine you glutton.

" What meat could you even have... there are no animals here," Amy asked. Which somehow the two humans raised their heads up and making hand signals that probably translates to... NO DONT ASK IT. Erm... what meat could it even be...

" Oh, Humans and my own meat! Dragon meat stays fresh for a long time so you don't have to worry about bacteria and stuff! So how would you like it to be cooked?" Beno dropped a bombshell that none of us expected... human meat I can believe... dragons tend to eat humans in fantasy novels.... but your own meat??? How the heck did you even get those? Did you really cut yourself? As I wanted to ask, I can see the two humans once again, signaling me to not ask... I guess they are good guys... they did tried to prevent bombshells... I guess we can ask them later...

Just what happened to you Beno...

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