Soul Evolution System

Chapter 420: Chapter 417 Kenichi World Tournament 8

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(POV Renka )

"A-Alexander- kun will be fine, right?"
", I think the right question is if... the other boy will be fine, right?"
When both of them begin to exchange blows, it is inevitable that some nervousness sets in the atmosphere. Even though I and the other girls who cared for his safety knew his abilities well, watching him fight was a bit disturbing. So it wasn't strange why Miu was asking that, which was perhaps more of a rhetorical questioning.
I don't know who is the one who speaks after her, but… it seems that the others were more in agreement with that way of seeing things. Well, it's probably true that the person most at risk in that ring was the other guy… and that becomes more obvious when the two exchange blows.
Despite the fact that this boy was quite aggressive, none of his attacks managed to hit Alexander. All his movements were perfectly blocked or dodged by him, and even that boy ends up receiving a counterattack by making him take several steps back.
“…Hey, isn't that boy's attacks to try to kill his opponent? They were all targeting quite sensitive areas. "
“ Hahaha, well… Kokin is probably a bit motivated in this fight~ Even so, it seems like you all did a good job training that boy, his defense is pretty good.
You have done a good job training your disciple, Apa~"
" Apapa~ Apa always hit Alexander as serious as he could be~!"
"" ... ""

As Sakaki-san says, that was one of the reasons why the atmosphere had become tense. That boy's attacks could be considered murderous moves… if one of them managed to hit Alexander, that would be bad enough.
As for that boy's Master's response, his words did not represent the seriousness of the things that were happening in the arena. On the contrary, it seems that it was a normal meeting between two martial artists who only exchanged pointers showing their skills, nothing that was dangerous.
At this, the other Masters frown a little, probably a little disgusted by his attitude, but the atmosphere quickly breaks down by the words of Apachai-san... probably, for him, teaching defense has the meaning of hitting the person who teaches... I don't know which one of the two of these masters of Muay Thai is more dangerous now.
“H-Hey… wasn't the boy supposed to be one of you from the“ Fist of Life”? Why is his killing intent so strong?! How many people has that boy killed! "
…Then for the first time the smile on that Muay Thai Master's face breaks. The reason was none other that, suddenly in the whole place, the temperature seems to drop a few degrees... also, there was a suffocating sensation.
And that was even though this aura was not directed towards any of us. So it wasn't surprising that the person this was focused on was now totally paralyzed with a completely pale face devoid of any color.
As for that Master's question, this time it was the turn for the Ryozanpaku people to look away avoiding having to answer him. Some even tried to whistle while still eating some of the things that were offered to the spectators of the tournament.
...I must say that it was quite disgusting to see how some pieces of food were spit out while trying to whistle uselessly, that's why I would like them to stop doing it.
On the other hand, I don't think the Ryozanpaku Masters knew exactly how many people Alexander had to kill to have that rather dark killing intent. From what I heard from the girls on Gaia, in a world they visited before, they had to kill almost every day to survive.
Because of that, even some girls who were quite calm and looked like they wouldn't kill any flies had to get their hands stained with blood there... now if you also put Alexander who was quite a determined person in the same place, surely he would style a path full of bodies and blood wherever he walked.
And seeing how heavy his killing intent was now, it seems that is precisely what happened there...
Without a doubt, if you are based on the standards of this world, Alexander was a dangerous person that others should try to avoid. Even I can't help but wince for a few seconds when I feel that killing intent ...
The good thing is that I can recover much faster than the others since I understood a little more about the world where he and the other girls lived. Unlike here, it was not a place governed by laws and principles... there the only thing that mattered was to be stronger than someone else.
"...Do not worry, I know that Alexander is not a bad person. He's just a little different from the people of this world."
Also, even though the environment around Alexander was now quite dark, I know that he was not a madman who was killing anyone who annoys him or crosses his path. If so, there probably wouldn't be so many girls around him, right?
So seeing Miu get quite flustered when she sees Alexander like that and, perhaps being the most surprised by this, those words come out of my mouth to reassure her as I hold her hand.
It was something almost involuntary since, if I think about it, it would be better if she gave up on Alexander, right? Interestingly, I felt uncomfortable knowing that someone else was afraid of him and considered him a bad person. And more if that person was a girl that he cared about.
…I wonder if that's because my feelings for Alexander are stronger now than before? A part of me wants everyone else to think of him as a great person!
" Renka-chan, you..."
" Hmn ?"
While I was thinking about those things, suddenly my father speaks to me. Until now he had been silent as he focused his gaze on me, so… that made me quite nervous! It was like he could see right through me!
So when our gazes meet, I feel my body tense involuntarily… and it seems my fears weren't unfounded, his next words were even more effective than Alexander's murderous intent to take my breath away!

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"My little Renka has grown... now she has become a woman completely~ Papa is sad but happy at the same time..."
Thanks to his words, everyone's eyes meet me! Some simply did not fully understand what these implied, but others quickly see through those words and grasp the meaning in them!!
I could only stand there with my mouth open not knowing how to respond to that! I wanted to block my father's mouth so that he couldn't continue speaking, but the only reaction my body could do at that moment was to blush and shake a little!!
So, as if the situation wasn't bad enough already, my father continued with the subject!
" ...Papa maybe will be a grandfather soon now?"
… Damn, it was as if he wanted to make things clear so that people who still felt doubts would finish understanding what he was talking about!
""W-What?! ""
Finally, the awkward silence is broken by the voices of various people... and thanks to that, now the looks of the others towards me of perplexity were even more uncomfortable! Especially Miu who was beside me and who I held her hand... she looked at me with his mouth open as if she were still processing what my foolish father said!
Although before a part of me wanted her and the other two girls close to Alexander to know this, now I understood that it was not something for which perhaps I could puff up my chest to speak with pride... although it is true that I felt a bit of superior over Miu and Shigure-san, or other girls, it was still quite embarrassing for me they to find out about this.
Well... I think it wasn't as bad as I thought. Shigure-san just looked at me with a little curiosity in her eyes, and Kushinada-san just seemed to be evaluating me with her gaze. Perhaps because Miu was the only one with an age close to mine among the three and also I identified with her the most, her gaze was the most difficult with which I had to deal.
...I could only look away from those eyes that seemed to want to dig out the whole truth of that matter!
Damn father! Couldn't you talk about those things when we were alone?!! It was my father, so I knew that sooner or later we would probably have to talk about it... and I was preparing for it. I didn't expect him to bring up that topic so suddenly… much less, while we are surrounded by other people!!
No, I think my father is not that stupid... or so I want to believe! So most likely my fool father used me to break the gloomy atmosphere from before by the fact that Alexander showed his killing intent.
" Hey boy, don't just stand there and hit that fucking Alexander! No, better kill him!!
Hey you, can't you make your disciple do something and not stay stupidly still there?!! "
"" ... ""
Well... there were also some people who, instead of focusing on me, directed all their attention towards Alexander who was in the arena. Of course, it didn't seem to be for good reasons… that was clear from Sakaki-san's screams and claims. Furthermore, other boys constantly nodded to his words and also cast their eyes on Yami's Master as if wishing him to do something to make his disciple carry out his wishes.
…That man doesn't seem to know how to react to his sudden requests and can only set his eyes on the ring again.
The good thing is that when I had the urge to run out of the place to avoid everyone's gaze, Alexander once again caught everyone's attention... most of them refocused on what those two below were doing.
“ Apa… did you also teach that style of Mue Tai to that boy? That is quite unexpected. "
"A-Apa didn't do it because he helped me go to the zoo to pet the animals there~!"
"…I see, so he basically bribed you to teach him that."
"N-No! Apa believes that Alexander-kun was a good disciple and I only had that left to teach him! A-Apa will go for more food~ "
…He tries to escape when everyone's gaze falls on him and they ask him those things. Yes, in any way that you look this, it was obvious that Alexander had bribed him.
Watching what was going on in the ring now, Alexander's stance had changed now. He normally used Chinese Kenpo as his main base and incorporated the movements of other disciplines on it, but now his posture was that of someone who practiced Mue Tai...
Seeing that bothered me a bit... maybe it was because of my own pride as a Chinese Kenpo practitioner that made me think that it was an art superior to the others... or maybe I just liked seeing him take a position like that since it made me feel closer to he.
Also, not only the movements that Alexander was showing were more focused on the Mue Tai, as Yami's Master says, it was the same style that that boy had shown before! So when his disciple witnesses this, his body starts to shake more.
“This is bad…"
"" Alexander / Alexander-san !! ""
Suddenly, seeing that Alexander began to attack that boy, his Master throws himself into the ring causing several other Ryozanpaku Masters who were with him to move behind that man while Miu and I got up from our seats to scream worried.
" Ohh~ It's a shame, it seems that Kokin is disqualified because his Master ended up intervening~"
A few seconds later, Alexander had retreated several steps while Kushinada, being the first to arrive there, watching the other two in the ring… Yami's Master had his eyes on Alexander, and his disciple now seemed to have fainted.

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