Soul Of Flames

Soul Of Flames

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Soul Of Flames

Review: 8/10 from 6 ratings

Someone who was born to be at the top, and has reached the very top, and now has the mission to do it again, but not alone this time.

Watch as a now wild gremlin, and her blond company go around the world seeking to get stronger and in the process find out about the secrets of the 'supernatural' world, and as she goes, one day maybe reaching others worlds as well.


☆Book 1: Zero Isn't Where It Starts (COMPLETED)

☆Book 2: Soul of Flames(ONGOING)(Multiverse)


(A/N: She will not be 100% like before, she's now having her own body will affect as she acts, and I want something more chill, I will try smaller time skips, so it can vary from very long chaps to short ones.}

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