Soul Warriors

Chapter 4: Chapter 3: Demon vs Beast

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Asaga maintained his fighting stance as he carefully analyzed every detail of the beast that was rushing toward him.

Komodo was covered in armoured skin that was nearly a meter thick and as hard as steel. The armour was also studded with hundreds of sharp spikes that jutted out in all directions, making it nearly impossible to get close. Asaga knew that he had to deal with these spikes before attempting to break through the armour.

He took note of Komodo's movements, observing the speed and power with which the beast charged at him. He also kept an eye out for any weaknesses or vulnerable spots that he could exploit.

With each passing moment, the distance between the two closed, and Asaga's mind raced as he tried to find a way to overcome this formidable opponent. In a split second, Komodo sprang into the air, arms extended and spikes shining, as he let out a horrific roar.


As Komodo's arm swung him, Asaga quickly deployed his four demon wings and disappeared when the arm was only a few millimetres away from him. He swiftly dodged to the side, anticipating that the enemy would not be able to turn around quickly.

Komodo opened his eyes wide, bewildered at what had just happened before crashing headfirst onto the ground. Asaga had the opportunity to attack again, but instead, he simply flapped his wings and retreated, keeping some distance between himself and the tyrant.

“Where… where is he?”

Komodo woke up in a coma, propping up with his left hand. The other hand was slapping hard on the chest to let the mouth cough up all the dirt that was still in the throat. He felt that against an opponent with such a fast reflex speed, the best thing to do would be to end the battle with a single attack.

Then, he turned his head from all directions and saw a strange black shadow in front of him. Komodo narrowed his eyes and discovered it was Asaga.

That dodge made Komodo extremely indignant. A ferocious roar rumbled:

“Coward!... Divine Duo... Dishonour!”

A classic move from the Lizardwar, which used words to shatter his opponent’s spirit, but it appeared to be losing more and more value. Asaga’s mind was completely in a different state, unable to discern what Komodo had just said.

Asaga kept a watchful eye on Komodo's movements as the beast charged toward him. However, the result remained unchanged - Komodo's speed was simply too slow for his opponent.

Frustrated and feeling teased, Komodo stopped in his tracks, allowing Asaga to examine his body. After a moment of close observation, Asaga made a mental note of the beast's strengths and weaknesses. He took his time analyzing every aspect of Komodo's armour and movements, determined to find a way to overcome this opponent.

According to that young warrior analysis, he assumed that Komodo's most significant advantage was his massive size and immense physical strength. A single scratch or punch from the beast could easily end Asaga's life, making it imperative for him to approach his opponent with caution. That was why he cannot recklessly approach his opponent without knowing a little about their abilities. A deliberate opponent like Komodo needed an ever more cautious attitude.

Despite Komodo's appearance, Asaga noticed several key weaknesses in the beast's movements. Due to his immense weight, Komodo was slow and clunky in his attacks, often leaving himself open to counterattacks. However, this weakness was offset by the formidable armour covering his entire body, making it difficult for Asaga to land a successful strike.

Asaga also noted that the beast's attacks were unpredictable and lacked any clear pattern or strategy, which was reasonable for a wild monster on a rampage, with no sequence, no theory, or no calculation. Komodo in his mad form was a massively powerful opponent that relied solely on pure physical strength.

As for Asaga, he was overwhelmed on the physical strength side. But there is a great advantage in mobility. With the wings on his back which increased maneuverability to a whole next level, he could easily dodge any attack from Komodo.

Using this advantage wisely, Asaga could cause Komodo to corrode his energy. When he was exhausted, that would be the right time for Asaga to strike back.

The young warrior was confident in his tactics. Asaga clasped the sword in his hand and pointed it straight at Komodo, provoking:

“Komodo! Come and get me!”

Asaga's calculated words seemed to trigger a response in the monster. Komodo jumped to his feet, gritting his teeth so hard that they nearly crackled, and charged towards Asaga with a menacing roar of "Die!"

However, Asaga was ready for the beast's attack. He waited until Komodo had taken a leap, then swiftly dodged to the side. Despite the monster's best efforts, he continued to miss his target and eventually tumbled face-first onto the ground.

He immediately rushed up and, determined not to give up, gouged all the dirt out of his mouth. The consequences kept repeating, like an infinite cycle of reincarnation.

The tension in the match dissipated as Asaga watched Komodo struggle to get up. The beast's entire body was drenched in sweat and he was panting heavily, his tongue lolling out of his mouth. His eyes looked as though they were about to lose consciousness, indicating that he was completely exhausted.

Asaga could not help but feel a sense of satisfaction as he saw the outcome of his plan unfolds before him. He had successfully worn down his opponent and put himself in a position of advantage.

The monster could not stand up any longer. Because of that, Asaga approached him calmly with no precautionary plan. As soon as he got close to Komodo, the tyrant suddenly stood up, clasping his hands while he lifted it high and slammed it down.

It was so sudden that Asaga had no time to spread his wings or jump aside to dodge. He had no other choice but to block Komodo’s stomp with his sword directly.


With a thunderous impact, the first blow tore the sky in half, sending shockwaves throughout the land. The sheer destructive power was felt for miles around as the earth beneath the two warriors shook, subsiding beneath the force of each consecutive blow. Asaga's sword vibrated under the tremendous weight of each strike, but he refused to back down, continuing to defend against two additional slams in a row.

The ground trembled and the air roared with the ferocity of the fight, a testament to the sheer might of the two opponents.

Asaga's hands were throbbing with pain, and even his legs were trembling from the shock. He surveyed the surroundings, suddenly realizing that towering earthen walls now surrounded him and Komodo.

Three consecutive blows from Komodo were so intense that it had caused the earth to cave in, forming a deep crater that was as deep as ten meters. The sight was a testament to the sheer power and destruction wrought by Komodo's strikes.

Asaga spread his wings and flapped them with all his strength, creating a gust of wind that sent him flying into the sky. Komodo had knocked away, and smashed himself into the wall, causing the crater to shake violently and crash into several large bumps.

The young warrior skillfully dodged each of the dirt blocks that fell towards him, nimbly maneuvering his way through the chaos created by Komodo's impact.

As he soared higher into the sky, he looked down to see Komodo struggling to get up, still trapped in the massive pit that had formed from his brutal assault. With a smirk, Asaga gave one final beat of his wings and safely landed on the ground, leaving the enraged tyrant far behind.

Komodo raised his head and looked at those large boulders falling to the bottom of the pit.


As soon as Asaga landed, he could not resist but turned back and had a look at the hole. The deep pit was now more than half filled, a result of the fierce battle he just fought. He felt a warm smile spreading across his face as he gazed upon his victory over the brutal tyrant of the Replord Empire. Was it finally over? Was the Nightmare Terror finally defeated?

Asaga's joy was short-lived as the ground beneath him suddenly shook with a powerful earthquake. He stumbled and fell, quickly scrambling back to his feet and turning his gaze towards the half-filled crater where he thought he had defeated the brutal Komodo.

To his surprise, the surface of the pit was now covered in dozens of deep cracks, and a loud explosion echoed across the sky right after. A huge sandstorm erupted from the hole, engulfing the surrounding desert and obscuring everything in a dense cloud of smoke.

Despite everything, the tyrant's shadow could still be seen looming over the mayhem, demonstrating his persistence and dominance.

Asaga was filled with frustration and disappointment as he hovered in the air, looking down at the still-standing Komodo. After all his efforts, it seemed as if the brutal tyrant of the Replord Empire had not been defeated after all.

The young warrior clenched his fists, feeling the anger rise within him. He had put everything he had into Komodo, only to come up short.

"I thought I had killed that bastard...dammit!" he muttered, his voice filled with regret. With a powerful flap of his wings, he tried to dispel the smoke surrounding the monster. The sight of the unharmed Komodo only added to Asaga's despondency.

The good news was that almost every thorn growing on Komodo had been cut down, meaning getting close to him would not be difficult anymore.

But there was one problem.

“You are good… I have… underestimated!”

With the beast's voice becoming clearer, it was evident that the beast had regained his sanity, and the situation had become even worse for Asaga. The young warrior steeled himself, gripping his sword tightly, and braced for the next attack from the revitalized Komodo.

Imagine a scene where that overwhelming power remains the same, but its owner was Komodo in his original mind. The ability to defeat him was extremely low, even zero. Frankly, it was impossible!

Asaga moved with urgency, knowing that he had limited time to strike. With every step, he felt the weight of the situation bearing down on him. The clock was ticking and he needed to end this before Komodo regained full control of his power. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he picked up the pace, the crimson sword in his hand glinting in the sun.

With a vicious determination, Asaga charged toward Komodo, ready to unleash the full extent of his strength and end this once and for all.

Asaga slid forward like the wind. It was a complete surprise attack, just as Komodo had finished speaking.

A sword line flashed. Immediately after that, his hand felt a shock from the impact between his sword and his. Komodo blocked his extremely precise attack. It was a pity that Asaga’s timing of the attack was perfect.

Asaga's eyes were in shock as he realized that his attack had been effortlessly blocked by Komodo with his bare hands. The young warrior felt a pang of disappointment wash over him as he realized that all his hard work, all the preparation, and effort he put into this showdown, had been for nothing. He felt the weight of defeat settle upon him as he stood there, sword in hand, facing the seemingly unbeatable monster.

To block it in such a timely manner was no longer a normal person’s reflex. But since he was confronting Komodo, the tyrant who had terrified generations of Soul Warriors, so it was not that surprising.

Komodo shook his head with a sigh of boredom, then fixed his eyes on Asaga with a sneer, taunting the young warrior with mocking words.

"Child! Do you truly believe you can defeat me with such half-hearted attempts? Your delusions are pitiful. Cease this foolishness at once!"

Komodo then snatched the sword from Asaga's grip and with a swift motion, sent the young warrior flying with a dismissive toss. The tyrant would not allow his opponent to get close to him again and repeated his devastating attack, lifting his massive hands above his head and crashing them down upon the ground with all his might. But Asaga, nimble and quick, managed to retreat just in time, dodging the blows and avoiding being buried in the deep hole left by Komodo's assault.

Komodo's rage rose as the young warrior persisted in weaving his agility around the beast. He was unable to make a single strike on the agile warrior despite his enormous bulk and force. Asaga expertly avoided and swerved around the slow-moving fists with each punch delivered, always remaining one step ahead of the Lizardwar.

With each failed effort to strike Asaga, Komodo's breathing got more laboured. The young warrior, however unaffected, continued to dance easily around the enormous animal, keeping a sharp eye out for any abrupt changes in Komodo's movements. The young warrior proved to be far too quick for the Lizardwar, who was increasingly frustrated at his inability to even touch him.

What the tyrant desperately wanted was to get rid of the four demon wings on the boy’s back. He swore to himself that with just a mere touch of his hand, he would savagely rip the wings apart, piece by piece, and chewed it like gum. The thought fueled the tyrant's bloodlust.

On the other hand, the young warrior knew that he could not let the tyrant get close to his demon wings, as they were his source of power and the key to his survival. He had to protect them at all costs.

Asaga's eyes were fixed on Komodo's movements, waiting for the right moment to strike. He knew that he could not afford to make any mistakes, as the slightest mistake could mean the end of his life.

Asaga quickly flew behind Komodo, who was still struggling to catch him.

The shell that covered Komodo’s back on both sides, and the middle of his spine was completely naked. The only explanation for that would be from the moment when the tyrant hit his back to the pit's wall so hard leading the armoured skin on that part broke apart.

Asaga’s sword blazed with a brilliant flame as he aimed with deadly precision at the exposed middle of Komodo's spine. His hand moved with lightning speed, slicing through the air with a sharp whistle that echoed throughout the battlefield. The precision of the slash was unmatched, and the force behind it was enough to shake the very earth beneath their feet.

Asaga watched in horror as the once mighty Komodo fell to his knees, blood pouring from his wound. The sight was gruesome, with thick streams of blood flowing from the deep gash in the tyrant's back, almost split in two halves, drenching the ground beneath him. The scream that echoed from Komodo was deafening, filled with so much agony and pain.

He was momentarily stunned, his mind grappling with the reality of what he had just done. Asaga had struck down a foe who was once considered unbeatable. But despite the overwhelming emotions that threatened to consume him, he stood his ground.

Finally, what he had been wanting all along was done, admiring the scene of the beast responsible for his parent’s death, suffering, and dying. He looked up to the sky with an expression filled with satisfaction, tears in his eyes.

“Mom, dad... I have succeeded, finally succeeded!”

“Hahaha, do you think this is the end? You are just like your parents, underestimating my strength. How delusional and stupid! Kill me as soon as you can, boy, otherwise ... I will show you what hell truly is.”

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He laughed while dragging himself, wearing the wound on his back that was bleeding profusely. Asaga stood firm, unshaken by Komodo's words and his maniacal laughter. The warrior's eyes gleamed with a fierce passion for a battle he had been fighting for years.

With his sword still glowing brightly, Asaga marched towards Komodo, taking slow and steady steps. The tyrant's body was covered in sweat and blood, but his laughter never stopped.

"Just shut up and go to hell."

The next moment, without hesitation, he clasped the sword in his hand and charged. Wanting to put this to an end once and for all, Asaga immediately put her body in a ready position to launch a decisive slash.

Although he had witnessed the terrifying attack speed of Asaga with his own eyes, Komodo still blatantly kept his disdain for his enemies and showed a willing face to respond. That made Asaga smile at how stubborn he was. Perhaps, Komodo was ready to accept death.

“Do you even know how pointless and wasteful it is with the power that the Soul Warriors you use? That power isn’t what makes you feel a responsibility to fight for your friends, relatives, and humanity.”

Komodo patted himself on the chest, reaffirming his thoughts:

“It’s simpler and more terrifying than you think. The answer is that it is used to dominate, conquer, and eliminate those who stand in your way!”

Asaga did not mind what Komodo had just said but concentrated on finishing him.

“You should be concerned over your death more than those bullshits!”

“That’s sad. Such a pity for a brat like you!”

Komodo went mad while he pulled his arm back and punched hard forward. Komodo thought he was going to hit Asaga, but that warrior instantly disappeared.

[Death Cross]


Asaga’s sword suddenly attacked Komodo from all four directions. An unbelievable four-slash move. He could get even faster. A completely unexpected attack, Komodo did not lose his temper either.

He took a deep breath to brace himself. Unfortunately, he was too late. On Komodo’s body, two crossed black lines intersecting suddenly appeared in the middle of the chest. Not feeling any pain, he curiously dabbed it with his hand.

Those two black lines immediately ripped open his chest to pieces, blood spilled everywhere. An excruciating pain stabbed all over Komodo’s body. He knelt in trembling. His body felt as if someone had torn him to pieces. The tyrant had reached the limit of endurance. Komodo collapsed to the ground, lying in a pool of his blood.

Asaga approached the wounded Komodo with measured steps, his eyes blazing with fierce determination. The cold blade of his crimson sword was poised at the tyrant's neck, ready to deliver the final blow. Komodo lay there, gasping for air and clutching at his bleeding wound, yet even in his dying moments, his eyes were filled with a dangerous glint.

With an unwavering voice, Asaga asked, "Any final word, Komodo?" The silence that followed was filled with a palpable tension, as the fate of the tyrant hung in the balance, waiting for his response.

The moment of victory had come. The blade in red represented the passing of a time of gloom and pain. All those who had been oppressed by the former ruler of the Replord Empire found inspiration in the glorious hymn of good triumphing over evil as it reverberated throughout the skies. The last seeds of a brutal regime would be eradicated and peace would be restored. Asaga had the opportunity to change the course of history by putting a stop to Komodo's insanity once and for all.

“I’m such a good actor!!!”

Asaga's triumph quickly turned to shock and defeat as he realized that his finishing blow had not actually been successful.

"How... this... can be!?"

To his surprise, Komodo, the tyrant, jumped to his feet and overpowered the young warrior, grabbing him by the neck and lifting him up.

The once confident Asaga could not understand how this was possible, as the blow he had delivered should have been fatal. But as he looked upon Komodo, he saw that the tyrant's whole body was still intact, revealing that his victory had been nothing more than an illusion. The realization hit him hard, leaving the young warrior feeling helpless and defeated in the face of Komodo's absolute power.

The mighty Lizardwar let out a triumphant growl, his neck craned to one side as he spoke in a rage-filled voice:

"What a pitiful being you are. I offered you the opportunity to step back, but no, you chose to confront me. And as you can see, without your parents, I am unstoppable, the world will once again bend to my will. Do not grieve too much, young one, for you will soon be reunited with your beloved parents in the depths of hell."

Komodo's jaws clamped down on Asaga's horns, crunching and crushing the appendages into fragments of bone and tissue. The sound echoed throughout the chamber as Asaga howled in pain, desperation written all over his face as he struggled to escape the tyrant's brutal grip.

Every twist and turn of his body was met with a savage grin from Komodo, relishing in the agony he was causing his victim. It was a truly horrifying sight, one that would haunt Asaga for the rest of his days.

Asaga’s mouth groaned in pain while his body was convulsing continuously. The young warrior struggled with a fierce protest:

“Stop! Stop!”

This feeling was strange… It was like an electric current was flowing through him. A young man like him suddenly let out a groan. The eyes were closed for the exhausting strength.

That just made Komodo feel excited, he nodded his head with an offer:

"I will stop, but only on one condition. If you can endure the pain I am about to inflict upon you without shedding a single tear, I will spare your life. Good appetite!"

With those words, Komodo opened his maw once more and bit straight into the four demon wings that sprouted from Asaga's back. A searing, unbearable pain coursed through the young warrior's body as if he were being pierced by dozens of sharpened iron spikes at the same time. The tyrant's teeth sliced through skin and flesh with brutal force, cutting up and down like a chainsaw carving into Asaga's back.

Asaga screamed in extreme pain, tears streaming down his face as he desperately tried to push Komodo away, but it was a futile effort. The tyrant's bite was relentless and merciless, tearing into Asaga's flesh with a ferocious hunger that knew no bounds.

“Why are these wings so tough? My jaw is feeling tired already.”

He pressed his head close to his back and continued to bite the four wings at the same time. Then, he grabbed both of Asaga’s biceps with both hands and pulled them out hard. This was too much for the young man. He could not handle this terrible pain any longer, Asaga screamed painfully like he was going to cry. He begged Komodo to stop:

“Please stop! I beg you... STOP!”

The sound of bones snapping echoed throughout the desert as Komodo forcibly ripped Asaga's wings from his back. The young warrior's anguished scream filled the air as he begged for the torture to end.

Blood and flesh flew as Komodo viciously chewed on Asaga's wings, savouring the taste of his victim's pain. The relentless tearing and chewing continued, causing Asaga to scream in unspeakable agony.

Finally, Komodo swallowed out the remains of Asaga's wings and tossed him aside like a broken toy. The young warrior lay there, writhing in pain, as the brutal tyrant stood over him, a twisted expression of satisfaction on his face.

The scene was a horrific display of violence and brutality, a testament to the immense power and sadistic nature of the Lizardwar Lord, Komodo.

Asaga lay motionless on the ground, his body battered and broken. The remnants of his demonic form still lingered within him, causing unbearable pain to course through every inch of his being.

The once proud horns on his head lay shattered, and the majestic wings that once graced his back were now reduced to mere tattered scraps. The young warrior's body was covered in bruises, a testament to the brutal punishment he had endured. The once fearless and confident Asaga had been reduced to a mere shadow of his former self.

“I have to be honest with you. I have spent part of my life trying to hold in my heart a belief, a hope in humanity. But now, not anymore.”

He spits saliva at Asaga and then continued:

“Humans are weak, pitiful, and feeble creatures. Why be human when we can be more than that... Become a Lizardwar!”

Komodo glanced down at Asaga's pathetic appearance and showed a recognition expression:

“But I must admit the Soul Warriors are quite determined and persistent. That is worth my admiration! But what about me? The concept of determination is simply stupid stubbornness, so...”

As memories flooded his mind, Asaga couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the sadness and tragedy of his past. At the young age of five, he lost everything he loved and held dear.

When the Replord Empire declared war on the Ford Anatist Kingdom, Asaga's village was caught in the crossfire and he was forced to witness the brutal murder of his neighbourhood. Despite his attempts to find solace and pick up the pieces, the Great Massacre took even more from him, leaving him with no one from his childhood to turn to.

The news of his parents' sacrifice during the fall of the Komodo Empire was the final straw for Asaga. He struggled to find meaning in life and sometimes felt that the world was cruel and unjust. He was filled with self-doubt, unable to shake the feeling of weakness and helplessness. He cried tears of sadness, feeling like he was unable to protect the people he loved most.

He thought he understood the cold, but he was wrong. Seeing how useless he was, unable to protect the people he loved, Asaga sobbed in sadness: "Why was I born into this world, just to experience so much pain and loss?" Asaga thought to himself, as he lay defeated, awaiting his inevitable demise at the hands of the evil Lord Komodo.

As Komodo approached Asaga, ready to deliver the final blow, he raised his fists high and sneered, "It's been a pleasure ending you."

But just as he was about to strike, a pillar of white light descended from the sky and struck Komodo directly. He writhed in pain as his body was consumed by the intense flames. Despite the searing agony, Komodo tried to lift his head and look up at the source of the light but was swiftly thrown far into the distance, landing with a resounding thud on the horizon.

Asaga shakily moved his eyes and beheld the radiant light shining down from the sky. A figure appeared, silhouetted by the radiance, and extended a delicate, white girl-like arm that was reaching out to him. The voice of the figure, with a tinge of urgency, echoed through the air.

"Asaga! Grab my hand, quickly!"

Following its order, Asaga weakly reached out, his hand slowly extending toward the figure. The astonished Komodo started to stir as he gradually regained consciousness. The tyrant screamed in rage as soon as he understood what was occurring.

"You think you can escape from me, you wretch?! ASAGA!?"

With a roar of rage, Komodo lunged at Asaga. Komodo's eyes were filled with a manic madness. He extended his hand forward and released a massive wave of force. The power was so strong that it created a vacuum, making the surroundings around Asaga spin crazily.

Asaga was barely holding on to the girl's hand. He could feel his body being pulled away by the force of the energy. He tried to grip tighter, but it was no use. The power was too much for him to handle. Asaga felt a surge of fear grip his heart.

"Hold on tight!"

He realized that this might be the end. But then, the girl pulled him closer with the light around them grew brighter, enveloping them in a cocoon of radiant energy.

At that moment, Asaga felt a sense of peace wash over him. He realized that he was not alone, that there was still someone out there who cared for him. He closed his eyes, ready to face whatever came next.

The distance between Asaga and Komodo decreased fast.

Komodo lunged forward and straightened out his hands, revealing a set of sharp blood-stained claws.



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