Spawned as a minor god in a magic world

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

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In a very dark place, freezing and cold,a blue flame blazed.

And within the blazing blue flame was a crystalized egg.

Gentle footsteps echoed far , as feet met ice.and when the person got within a 5 meter radius of the egg gently suspended in the void by unknown principles, a clear and majestic phoenix cry resounded.

"Even though I have time , I'd like it if this could be as quick as possible. Hurry." The man in an exquisite well ironed black suit with Leather brown vest , a black top hat and a long straight coat above it all said to the egg . In one hand he held a cane and in another a finely made bracelet.

On time the blazing flames and crystalized egg imploded ito nothingness. The entire world ushered in a suffocating darkness with absolutely no light.

Not a sound , not even the sound of the man's breathing could be heard.

And then there was a grandiose explosion of colours that illuminated the darkness,from that explosion emerged a 7 coloured phoenix with it's immense wings spread wide.

The gentle man in victorian attire on cue threw the bracelet and backtracked his steps with beautiful accuracy to avoid the scorching heat.

The bracelet latched onto the phoenix's feet and melted. But it's purpose had been served . The 7 coloured phoenix turned inyo a beautiful woman with olive skin and lengthy red hair like Merida from brave.

When the heat had subsided a bit the man tossed over a cloak to cover the nude model-like body without flinching or ogling it.

The woman's eyes were as mystical as the deep blue ( a sea) her nose pointed and lips flush and plump. A world class beauty.

" You should not rush these things, it's not everytime I get to experience a rebirth."

Her sweet melodious voice rung across the emptyness

"With every rebirth of yours chaos creatures come along into the main world . Where is it?" The gentleman just avoided her complaint altogether causing her to pout .

Suddenly the cries of a baby sounded in the desolate environment. The aftereffects of the explosion was over so there was no light .

"A baby?"the woman asked surprised.

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"We should be thankful a baby is easier to kill than a monster"

And just when they approached to kill of the chaos creature baby, the gentleman found something he did not expect to find.

"This baby is , he's like me "

" What do you mean?"

"He cannot die. I might end up making an immortal enemy if I provoke him at his most vulnerable stage." The gentleman answered 

"How is that possible?, Why do you even know this?"


The man stepped back , and the woman lighted the environment with a crimson red flame. She saw a baby boy with very dark skin (chocolate),silver curly hair and eyes covered under layers of pure titanium.

"What is this ?" 

The woman couldn't feel any magic fluctuations at all .

" I'm afraid your rebirth must have pulled a minor god into existence this time "

" This is strange.  What are we going to do about this.?"

" I and him are of the same kind, I'll take him under my wing and raise him until he can become of use to us"

" Of use?"

" Yes, how useful am I ? He might be just as useful In a hundred years or two from now " the man with crystal clear emerald eyes said

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