Special Operations Forces In The Other World

Chapter 39: Chapter 34 – The Aggrieved Fabricator

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"Recording log..."

"Week 2"
“0547 hrs.”
“Yormford City, Almeda Kingdom”

Outside of DUSTROOM, the three FOXTROT Operators are hiding in an alleyway, waiting for running people to pass by.

As they hear the loud explosions that tore the Archives Building down, the townspeople are awakened by the explosions at the Archives Building.

Some people are running in fear. Others are looking at the big cloud of smoke coming from the demolished building.

" WAAAAAAAA! " as some people run for safety.

" OI! WHAT'S THAT? " as a random man looked in confusion at the big cloud of smoke.

" WHA-WHAT HAPPENED? ARE WE GETTING ATTACKED? " as a random woman asked her fellows.

" I DON'T KNOW! QUICK! GO INSIDE! " as some of the people are getting inside of their houses.

... ...

As FOXTROT 01 peeks through a sidewall, he contacts DUSTROOM.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 ] : " *whispers on comms* DUSTROOM, FOXTROT 01. Can you read me? Over. "

DUSTROOM ( FOXTROT 10 - Felipe ), still on the radio table, is adjusting the final adjustments on his radio antenna and picks up FOXTROT 01's transmission.

He makes a glad face as he hears FOXTROT 01’s voice on the radio.

[ DUSTROOM ] [ Overwatch Element ] [ FOXTROT 10 ] : " *radio* FOXTROT 01DUSTROOM. Glad to hear your voice again sir. Are the other two also alright? "

[ Stealth Elements ] [ Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 ] : " *whispers on comms* Yeah. We're good. Just a little bit dirty from the explosion back there. Hey. Can you give us some guidance? Make sure that there's no blockage on your site. "

[ DUSTROOM ] [ Overwatch Element ] [ FOXTROT 10 ] : *radio* Roger that sir. "

FOXTROT 10 then monitors the situation inside and outside of the inn, using the small surveillance camera they've placed earlier.

He saw people running away from the blast site, some with their children. Some are panicking and some are just staring at the big smoke cloud.

Inside the inn, FOXTROT 10 saw that some of the people inside the rooms of the inn were packing up their belongings and running outside.

He even saw a man stumble on his toes while running to the exit...

[ DUSTROOM ] [ Overwatch Element ] [ FOXTROT 10 ] : *radio* Pft Ahahahaha. What the fuck are you doing lad? "

On the radio, FOXTROT 01 hears FOXTROT 10’s laugh.

[ Stealth Elements ] [ Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 ] : " *whispers on comms* Hmm? What happened? "

[ DUSTROOM ] [ Overwatch Element ] [ FOXTROT 10 ] : *radio* Ah. Nothing sir. I just saw a man stumble on the ground. Make me chuckle. Anyway, the people inside the inn are now clear. Standing by for your disposition. Over. "

[ Stealth Elements ] [ Lead ] [ FOXTROT 01 ] : " *whispers on comms* Roger that. "

FOXTROT 01 then checks the area outside of the inn.

... ...

After it's clear and out of people, they quickly rush inside of the inn and into the DUSTROOM.

As they make their way inside of the inn, the lobby and hallway are clear just as FOXTROT 10 reported.

... ...

Inside DUSTROOM, all FOXTROT Elements have been accounted for.

As they proceed inside the room, Felipe then sips a coffee.

[ Felipe ] : " *sips* Good job! "

The three FOXTROT Operators raise their NODS. Fox then locks the door and stares at Felipe.

[ Fox ] : " Likewise. Also, good job for the base support. You definitely saved us back there. "

[ Felipe ] : " Thank you, sir. Anytime. So, the operation might get extended due to what happened? I assumed due to the loud explosions over there, that PRIMERA 2 had bombed Alpha-Bravo to kingdom come. "

[ Fox ] : " Probably. Yeah. We might still continue gathering valuable intel inside high-value buildings. But we will now take extra precautions and extra strategies from now on. "

The FOXTROT Elements then lay down their gathered intelligence to the floor.

Fox and Flora carefully organize and inspect the gathered intel, while Finn and Felipe resume guarding the door and surveillance.




0610 hrs.

At the Demolished Archives Building...

Some knights are securing the area around the now demolished and destroyed Archives Building.

They conduct various investigations, search and rescue, etc. as numerous dead knights are scattered nearby and inside the demolition site.

Because the blast site became the center of attraction in the city, some knights are also guarding their established perimeter against the curious crowd of townspeople.

Rumors start to spread among the crowds of townspeople about a possible "Dragon" is the likely suspect for the destruction of the Archives Building. Some are also starting to rumor that some spies from the Riman Nation made the demolition.

" Waaa. Look at this! " a random man spoke among the crowds.

" I know right! The building is almost torn into pieces! " a random man replied.

" No! I definitely saw it! " another random woman spoke.

" Hmm? " as the two random men look at the woman.

" I saw it! I saw it with my own eyes! " the random woman replied as she looked at the crashed building with horror.

" What is it? What did you see? " the two random men asked.

" ...I saw a dragon! "

" WHAT? " the two random men shockingly said.

" Are you kidding? Dragons don't exists! Enough with the make-up, believe stories, woman. "

" No! You two don't get it! There's a dragon out there! It attacked that building with its - “breath of fire”! It spits a single - thing - leaving a trail of flame. It spits out 6 times, and just disappears! " as the random woman said in horror.

The two random men then looked at each other.

They make a concerned face. It's not because of the rumor. But the woman itself. They think that the woman is insane. So they just ignore it.

... ... ... ...

At the blast site, knights from various cavalries are performing investigations, and search and rescue.

They search from chucks and piles of debris of wood and stones.

... ... ... ...

Outside of the blast site, in the crowd, Aida is also watching among the crowds. inspecting the destroyed building.

She is also awakened by the explosion, and due to the fact that the blast site is just close to their home, she and her father felt the shockwaves from the ordnance PRIMERA 2 unleashed earlier.

She only went outside when some people were now going to the blast site.

[ Aida ] : * What the hell happened here? * she thought.

Then, as she ganders by the corpses and some on the stretchers, she makes a surprised face.

Aida then hurries back inside their makeshift tent.

... ... ... ...

At their makeshift home...

Aida, panting from running, speaks with her father.

[ Aida ] : "*pant* *pant* Dad! *pant* "

Her Father, preparing their breakfast, looks and asks Aida.

[ Aida's Father ] : " What happened Aida? What are the explosions all about? "

[ Aida ] : "*pant* Dad! The knights.... "

Her Father then makes a worried face.

[ Aida's Father ] : " What about the knights? Did something happen to them? "

Aida then looks at her Father.

[ Aida ] : "*pant* The knights that are guarding the Archives Building are dead! I saw most of them scattered across the area! As for the explosions, I don't know. All I saw was the Archives Building in crumbles. "

Then, her Father smiles and laughs.

[ Aida's Father ] : " Hehehehe. AHAHAHAHAHAHA! SERVES HER RIGHT! FUCKING BITCH! AHAHAHAHAHA *cough* *cough* "

[ Aida ] : " DAD! Keep your voice down! No need to overjoy yourself. "

Aida then sits her Father by a chair.

Her Father then makes a contented face and looks up.

[ Aida's Father ] : " Haaaaah. Finally, May those poor souls are at peace. "

Aida then makes a sad face and looks at her Father.

[ Aida ] : " ....Dad. "

[ Aida's Father ] : " Hmmm? Ah, it's alright, Aida. They are now at peace. I've got to thank the person or the people who did it. Sets me at ease now. "

Her Father then flashbacks his past memories.

- memories of when he was still a High-Ranking Knight Commander.






“Unknown. Entity. Log. Detected. “

"Rewinding Entity log..."


"Month 05"
“0600 hrs.”
“Capital Knight Base”
“Almeda Kingdom Capital - Pridel”


Inside the knight barracks building, sleeping trainee knights are awakened by the loud bell ring outside signaling that it's time to continue their daily exercise and combat practice.

As the novice knights awakened and dashed to put their training uniforms in, Aida's Father came inside.

He came to assess and watch the newly come trainees.

Then, after some trainees realize that Aida's Father was watching them, they doubled up and fasten their actions and preparations.

Random Trainee 2 : " *whispers* Oi oi! A high-ranking officer is watching us! Quick! "

As Trainee 2 hurried to put on his training uniforms.

Random Trainee 3 " *whispers* I know! I know! "

The Random Trainee 3 replied as he also hurried up putting on his training uniforms.

Then, one by one, the trainee knights are now leaving the building by line formations.

Aida's Father then follows them into the training field. There, he continues to assess and observe the trainees. He also sometimes gives them instructions and orders while in the training course.

But also sometimes, the trainees are scared by the menacing stare Aida's Father is making.

This made the trainees train and work hard to pass the training session throughout the day.

… … … …


"Month 05"
“1800 hrs.”
“Capital Knight Base”
“Pridel, Almeda Kingdom Capital”

Inside his office, Aida's Father is sitting at the table and inspecting various forms of reports from his subordinates.


*knock* *knock* *knock*

Still looking in the paper reports, Aida's Father lets the knocking person come inside.

[ Aida's Father ] : " Hmm? Come in. "

The door opens up and a messenger from the capital goes in.

[ Random Messenger ] : " Greetings Lieutenant General Staniek Von Biuren. "

[ Lieutenant General Staniek ] [ Aida's Father ] : " Hmm. Did you get something to report? "

[ Random Messenger ] : " Yes, general. "

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The messenger then picks a paper report and hands it out to Lieutenant General Staniek.

Lieutenant General Staniek then took a gander in the paper report the messenger handed.

The paper report now piques his interest and takes the paper report.

[ Lieutenant General Staniek ] : " ....this is. " as he looks at the paper.

[ Random Messenger ] : " Yes, general. It's a new order from the capital. "

The paper report states that Lieutenant General Staniek will now be stationed in Yormford City as one of the leaders at the frontlines, due to the increasing intense tension happening between their kingdom and Riman Nation.

The kingdom is now preparing for a possible war.

Because of this, the lieutenant general then prepares for his departure and heads back to his home.

... ... ...


"Month 05"
“2030 hrs.”
“Lieutenant General Staniek’s Home”
“Pridel, Almeda Kingdom Capital”

As Lieutenant General Staniek comes inside his house, he is greeted by his wife and Aida.

Aida greets his father with a hug.

[ Aida ] : " Welcome home daddy! "

[ Staniek's Wife ] : " You're back honey! "

Staniek then makes a happy face and kisses Aida by the cheeks.

[ Staniek ] : *kiss* How are you, sweetie? "

[ Aida ] : " I'm fine, daddy! "

[ Staniek's Wife ] : " Hehe. Come on you two. Dinner's ready. "

[ Staniek ] : " Coming. Come on now Aida. "

[ Aida ] : " Coming up! "

Staniek, with his wife and Aida, then eats dinner.

At the dinner table, while eating dinner, Staniek discusses with his family the new order he just received from the capital about leaving the capital for a couple of months to manage and help to fortify a city just nearby the kingdom's border.

His wife approved of the new order. She also wants to help Staniek to pack up his things before his departure.

... ... ... ...


"Month 05"
“0900 hrs.”
“Lieutenant General Staniek’s Home”
“Pridel, Almeda Kingdom Capital”

It’s the day of Lieutenant General Staniek's departure to Yormford City.

By the use of a military knight caravan, Lieutenant General Staniek, with the help of his wife, put his belongings and baggage inside.

After that, Lieutenant General Staniek heads inside the caravan.

He waves goodbye to Aida and his wife which they waved back.

... ... ....


"Month 05"
“1210 hrs.”
“Lord Mayor’s Building”
“Yormford City, Almeda Kingdom”

The military knight caravan where Lieutenant General Staniek resides arrives at the Lord Mayor's Building of Yormford City.

The lieutenant general headed outside of his caravan, and with his guards, they went inside the Lord Mayor's Building.

… … …

Inside the lord mayor’s office, Lieutenant General Staniek, with his guards, reports to the Lord Mayor Lord Mayor Karen.

Lord Mayor Karen is sitting by a table. with her maids by her sides.

Lieutenant General Staniek quickly notices that there is something unusual with the lord mayor and the room.

The aura, atmosphere, and even the fragrance inside the room. It's too captivating, exaggerated, and with a little hint of "drugs". It's like the room is trying to lure anyone.

But Lieutenant General Staniek sets aside it for a while. He can't make assumptions, especially early on, and with no evidence.

Lord Mayor Karen then stares at the lieutenant general with seductive eyes.

[ Lord Mayor Karen ] : " Greetings, Lieutenant General Staniek. Welcome to Yormford City. I hope you'll suit yourself here just fine. "

From her tone of voice, Lieutenant General Staniek felt her bad aura. But he again sets it aside and pretends that he never minds it.

[ Lieutenant General Staniek ] : " Thank you, Lord Mayor Karen. I hope we'll get along well. "

The two then had a meeting for the fortification and military strengthening of Yormford City.

... ... ... ...


"Month 08"
“1700 hrs.”
“Lieutenant General Staniek’s Quarters”
“Knight Barracks”
“Yormford City, Almeda Kingdom”

After months of preparation, knight recruiting, and city fortifications, Lieutenant General Staniek exhaustingly heads inside of his quarters.

There, he saw a letter on his table and he opened it.

It's a letter from his wife, telling him that his wife and Aida will be visiting him tomorrow.

This made his tiredness fade away and prepares for tomorrow and sleeps.

... ... …

In the middle of the night, Lieutenant General Staniek wakes up from his sleep to go to the bathroom.

... ...

But then, Lieutenant General Staniek hears a sudden faint voice of a woman outside of the building.


He decides to check it out by a window.

Outside, he saw two other knights, apprehending a defenseless poor woman.

Because of this, he then went outside to check what was happening.

... ...

But, as soon as he gets outside, the two knights and the poor woman are gone outside the barracks.

He then quietly follows them.

... ...

Then, after a while, Lieutenant General Staniek is shocked that they are heading inside the Archives Building.

He is also confused as to why the guards of the Archives Building casually permitted the two knights with the poor woman to go inside of the building.

They shouldn't have gone inside. It's strictly off-limits to any military personnel and civilians. Maybe it was Lord Mayor Karen's order to bring the poor woman and the knights in. Lieutenant General Staniek thought.

He is stumped. He then decides to investigate this later and heads back to the barracks and sleeps.

... ... ...


"Month 08"
“1800 hrs.”
“Lieutenant General Staniek’s Quarters”
“Knight Barracks”
“Yormford City, Almeda Kingdom”

Inside his quarters, Lieutenant General Staniek is frustratingly waiting for his wife and Aida. They should've arrived by now as stated in their letter.


After a while then, his patience has now changed to worry.

He heads outside of the barracks to check what happened to his family alone.

... ...

As he heads into the city,


Lieutenant General Staniek heard a crying girl in a certain alleyway.

He then checks it out.


As soon as he saw the crying girl, he went to her to help.

[ Lieutenant General Staniek ] : " Hey. Are you alright? Where are your parents?"

The crying girl then looked at Lieutenant General Staniek.

Then, Lieutenant General Staniek's eyes widened with shock and horror as he immediately recognized the crying girl.









- it's his daughter - Aida.





NOTICE: Information below is STATUS: Inoperable as [ FLASHBACK ] logs are in effect. ]

Soul Count:

[ 112 ]


Spawn Count: ( excluding vehicle crews )

[ 2,055 ]

2,005 Infantry Units

= 50 Special Forces




- 2 McDonnell Douglas AV-8B Harrier II

- 2 General Atomics MQ-9

- 4 AH-64D Longbow Apaches

- 1 MH-60A Blackhawk

- 2 MH-47 Chinook






Chapter 35 - The Innocent Defector


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