Spider-Man. House Of Venom

Chapter 211: Arc Seven. Chapter Two Hundred Eight. Damming Evidence

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As they waited for the X-Jet to return, Peter took Jean to one side.

“Are you okay?” and she tilted her head, “Seriously, not joking here. I can’t let a volatile symbiote host run riot on the public.” and as she stepped back, her clothing morphed from the red and gold bodysuit into a normal red tracksuit with a white t-shirt.

“I’m fine Peter. Helios is calmer than we thought. I think, I think Apocalypse, whatever he did, drained my powers enough she isn’t going to rampage.” and he sighed, and collapsed back onto the ground,

“Thank god for that.” He really didn’t want to have to fight, not with just the Mind Stone. Jean, now complete with a full array of Extremis fueled powers, would probably have taken a few seconds to turn him into paste.

“But, uh, I thought they got memories and stuff. I mean, Helios is just, you know, Helios.” and as she sat next to him, Peter lay back on the ground.

“Yeah, I figured that maybe transferring all my desires and thoughts to a new host might not be a great thing. So I worked on making a symbiote a blank, just a baby. Knowledge is fine, but no memories or emotions.” He had been thoroughly chastised after fixing Webb and had been working on the problem ever since.

“So uh, I don’t feel this way because of the symbiote?” and Peter supported himself on one arm, and looked at her confused, realising that what she was feeling was admitting some really personal things she just frowned, “I don’t really want to talk about it,” but Peter knew what she meant.

“I guess, maybe that’s just you. I mean, you did say the professor lobotomised you. Maybe the real Jean is excited and a whole bunch of other things she doesn’t want to talk about, or at least not with me.” Peter lifted himself back up and more of his powers returned, the jumpsuit vanished under a set of regular clothing, “maybe talk to Scott about it. I don’t do the cheating bit, Jean. Not now, not ever.” and she sighed and nodded.

She really didn’t want to talk to Scott though, she didn’t even want to talk to Peter. She wanted to push him down and straddle him and have him do to her everything she had seen him do to everyone else. She didn’t care about Scott. 

He was part of the professor's plans to keep her contained, controlled, and she resented him. He was water to her fire. Slow and studious, always wanting to do the right thing, never taking any chances, never taking any risks and she was tired of it. She wanted Peter, she wanted that raw animal to pound her until she screamed his name, but the stupid ass had developed a moral compass, and a part of her resented him for it.

As he lay back on the grass, and his powers returned, Peter began to feel better. It wasn’t just Jean but Apocalypse that had been leeching his powers and even with the Stone he was vulnerable. His idea of a harness was even more necessary as each encounter seemed to poke holes in his powerset, and having them forcibly taken away by an ally hadn’t even registered as something an Augmented could do until he met Selene, and now apparently Jean, and Rogue.

The flight back had been quiet, with Logan eventually waking up and the second jet the professor sent touched down with Ororo at the helm. As the last of the explosions rocked the dam, and water gushed into its interior, they lifted off silently and headed back to New York.

Gwen had already begun their treatment, infusing symbcells from herself and Liv into all three, while biogel was applied to Erik’s eyes.

“This was supposed to be a small operation, Peter. What the hell happened?” Charles asked bluntly, the anger was rolling from him like a storm,

“Shaw’s operation was much worse,” and he shook his head, “I,” and he took a breath, “I can’t Charles, I need time to process.” and taking a deep breath, “this once, just this once,” and he sought a connection to Charles.

“Well, I’m glad everything went smoothly, now excuse me.” and Charles wheeled himself over to his desk and took out a quarter bottle, pouring half into his teacup and offering the bottle to Peter who raised an eyebrow at the man offering him a drink. “I don’t care.” and Peter took it and gratefully took a swig, Charles taking a long drink of his own.

“No wonder,” was all he could say as he looked at the amber liquid in his cup, and he let out a breath.

Hank knocked at the door, “It might be a bad time but, they are awake. And he raised an eyebrow at the bottle in Peter's hands. “And there is never a good time for that,” he said, holding out a hand and motioning for the bottle.

Peter laughed sharply and shook his head, “It was bad,” but he still handed over the bottle, “and this one is bigger than most.” before heading down into the bowels of the mansion.

Finding Gwen and Liv standing over Carol, and two unknown men, Peter hugged them both, “How is she?” and Liv sighed and looked at Gwen.

“Coma, and a complete removal of most of her bioelectrical energy and synaptical charge.” Liv raised an eyebrow and looked over at the young woman, sitting with a cuff and several cannulas sticking in her, as tissue and blood were drawn. “Her ability is to connect and siphon off that power, a powered person loses their abilities, and apparently she also gains their memories and skills.”

“Anne Marie will be staying with us for the moment until she can get a grip of her powers.” Charles stated as he wheeled himself into the medical bay, “and before you start, she is not Rogue. Emma told me she stripped her of Shaw’s conditioning and left her stable.” but Peter shrugged,

“Liv tried to blow up New York, and well,” and he motioned to her, and she tutted and went back to her work. “Still huffy though,” and he moved over and kissed her on the cheek. “Love you,” and she shook her head, while Gwen tutted, and as he kissed her cheek too, she quietly whispered, “suck up,” and he snorted a quiet laugh.

“Carol is fine, and we think that allowing Ravage to rebond with her will actually speed up her healing. Her powers have been affected but until she wakes up we won’t know to what extent. The other two were not as badly drained and with some rest and food be up and about in a day or so.”

Peter looked over and the smaller man, Gambit, just looked like he was sleeping while Colossus was definitely looking a lot older and his hair was grey at the temples. “And what do we do with them?” and Charles cleared his throat,

“You do nothing. We will take them in, or Selene will take care of them until we are sure that Shaw’s conditioning is truly gone. After that then if they wish to leave then they can. Now is the time to heal Peter, not to fight.” but Peter shook his head.

“Sorry Professor. There is actually one last fight we need to have.”

As she slid off the examination table, Emma nodded, “Bar Sinister” and Peter sighed,

“We left a mess there, and there is still Psylocke and Nightcrawler to find and deal with.”

“Are your powers back?” and Peter nodded,

“Whatever Jean did was no worse than anything I’ve done before, so I can go with you.” and Emma nodded,

“Now that Shaw has gone, the rest should be easy, but we still have Nightcralwer and Psylocke to find and deal with. Are you coming?” and Peter nodded,

“We should get Felicia. If the businesses are going to be a joint effort, then she needs to make an appearance.”

Emma paused, “That’s actually a good idea, do you have her number?” and as Peter frowned, “Azazel dropped me in the middle of that fucking lake, it’s ruined along with a completely good outfit.” she explained and he looked away to hide the small grin he had, “yes yes, laugh it up darling, once this is all over, you will be getting the bill.” and Charles coughed politely.

“Can you please have this discussion somewhere else, this is a medical ward.” and Peter smiled and shrugged, and he and Emma left to find out where Felicia was.

“So,” Emma asked with a small smile on her face, “How exactly do you want to replay me for all my help?” and Peter laughed,

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“Isn’t that what I should be asking you” and he saw them small mischievous smile on her face,

“Oh I already know what I want darling, and the Black Cats are only a small part of that.” and as she walked away she gave him a small wink. “Your job is to figure that out, and to make me happy.” and Peter noticed a particular swing to her hips, as he shook his head and followed her,  he sent a text to Felicia to meet them at Bar Sinister.

The normally busy bar, even during the day when it served nouveau chic lunches, was closed. Emma frowned and looked at Peter who could only shrug, even if he was familiar with the place he had no idea either. Felicia was only ten minutes away when they sent her the message and soon she ducked out of an alley,

“So, just us three?” and Peter nodded,

“Not a mission, we’re here to clean up. Even if Psylocke and Nightcrawler are here, it’s not a fight we’re after.” and Emma agreed,

Taking a set of keys out of her bag, and punching in the code they entered the eerily quiet bar. Whatever had happened had happened quickly. Half filled glasses littered tables and doors were left open. Lights were off and as Emma flicked them on she could see the extent of the damage that had been left.

Peter nodded at Felicia and, thanking his maker that Jean hadn’t screwed his powers, slipped into the black Dusk armour and shimmered before vanishing. Huntress stood next to Emma as she surveyed the mess before them.

A dozen bodies lined the dance floor. Each had been bound, knelt and then had their throat cut. Moving over Emma tilted her head, “senator.” and as she moved down the line, each of the bodies was a rich, very powerful man, and someone had lined them up and executed them all.

“If this is Shaw’s doing then you’re in shit Emma,” Huntress sighed. “There’s no way we can dispose of any of this, even being here puts a huge target on our backs.”

Emma paused, “no, we need to check the rest of the bar and then call the police. You’re quite right, but why go to all this trouble if trouble isn’t your goal.”

“You know I can’t be found here,” Dusk stated. “Any kind of trouble and Sword is up my ass, and probably a whole bunch of things about Venom come out and Mom is understanding right now, but being hounded-” but Emma put up a hand.

“Don’t worry. I’m the co-owner, and with Shaw missing, I can deal with it.” and he nodded and they moved into the VIP section.

Normally the rooms would be sealed but the doors had been destroyed in each room and the same scene on the dance floor was repeated here. An occupant, hands bound and throat slit, but these rooms were different. Drugs, money and other personal items were all here as if the assailant had simply bound them, killed them, and then moved on.

“Some really hated this place,” Huntress said and then came the executive suites. These were behind electronic locks and security guards, but all the trio found was more destruction, dead bodies, and at the last scene Emma’s eyes went wide with shock.

Four girls, all with needle marks and bruises were laid out, neatly as if the killer had taken care not to disturb them as much as they could. They were covered in a white sheet and if you didn’t notice the lack of breathing, it appeared they were sleeping.

Dusk looked over and saw the look on Emma’s face, “Emma, deal later, we need to find the killer.” but hearing movement the trio adopted fighting stances,

“You don’t need to,” and Psylocke walked out from the shadows, carrying a bloody sword, her face covered in streaked mascara and smeared lipstick. “Miss Frost, or mom, mistress,” and Psylock laughed, “whatever you want me to call you, it doesn’t matter,” and she sniffed. “I tried to save them, “ and she swung a hand, a head, with blue fur covering it, thudded on the floor in front of them. “He went mad when Azazel died, some kind of conditioning I bet.” and she collapsed and burst into tears, “I tried, I tried,” and sobbing she wrapped her arms around herself.

Peter nodded, and carefully moved forwards. “Hey, can I?” and she nodded,

The world spun and he saw. 

Find them and fucking kill them, Shaw shouted at the pair who bowed and as Nightcrawler touched her shoulder they vanished,

Fader is becoming more erratic, to let one escape is not good.

She shook her head, doesn’t matter, we get her back and he’ll reward us brother.

He smiled at her and they vanished once more.

Peter saw the fight at Shield Academy, the pair trying their best to contain Laura and Wanda but failing miserably.

In a room, she was strung up, Shaw had stripped her and hung her from a chain attached to the ceiling. As he whipped her, he yelled Fucking useless cunt, I should make you replace her, and tears fell from closed eyes as the punishment continued. Shaw taking great delight in breaking her flesh.

If they betray us, find that bitch they team up with and kill her. He commanded, his voice full of disappointment for the pair, and once more they vanished,

Do not disappoint him again mine kinder, Azazel said and as he ran a hand over the pair, he grabbed them by the necks, or you vill suffer more zan a vipping. 

As he vanished she looked at her brother and he nodded, fader is most angry, we should not fail ziz time.

They had waited, watching Felicia and her partner, Elektra but no order had come from either Shaw or Azazel, and as they left their posts at the allotted time they returned to Bar Sinister to find it empty. 

Nightcrawler pointed at the empty control cuff box and he smiled, fader must have been successful but as he suddenly grabbed his head she saw the bright yellow energy coat his head and huffing he fell to his knees.

Brother? But as he looked at her, his eyes glowing yellow, she knew her brother was gone.

He vanished and the blade struck her from behind before he vanished again and the blade pierced her lung, she grabbed him with her powers and as he teleported once more she struck out in a sphere with thin telekinetic blades and he stared at her in shock before crumpling. As she held her side she pushed the skin back together with her powers and cried out as she knitted the flesh back together, and huffing in anger she lashed out, taking his head from his shoulders.

As she sat in his chair, holding back the pain and the anger she wanted to know, and turning on his computer, began to read.

It had been a slaughter, unaugmented against someone with telekinetic and telepathic powers was never going to be anything less, but as she found the girls, devoid of life and bleeding from parts too young to be exposed to such perversion, her mind blanked and she killed them all.

Peter rubbed a hand over her shoulder, and shook his head, “Emma,” but as he looked over she was sat on her knees gently stroking the face of one of the girls, 

“They're me, aren't they?” and he nodded. “Take her and leave, I’ll blame it on one of the vigilantes. Nobody will care, not when it's little girls, not if I tell them they were my sisters,” and she broke down and wept.

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