Spider-Man. House Of Venom

Chapter 214: Arc Seven. Side Story. The Avengers. Fury’s Wrath

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This takes place before, during, and after the incident at the dam.






Maria looked at the new card, “W.R.A.T.H, seriously? You know you can just make up a team name without it having to be an acronym,” and Fury raised an eyebrow and glared at her, but after Vengeance had calmed down Maria suddenly found herself giving zero fucks as to what Fury or anyone else thought. “It's fine, better than Fist or whatever that last one was.” and she slipped the card into her uniform pocket. “So, where to first?”

“Home. Parker says he can’t help. Some other scumbag is taking up his time, but we have to try at least, and then once everyone is ready, Sokovia, and Barnes.”

“Great, freezing my ass off while staring at rocks and snow,” Maria complained,

“You can stay here, you know. I hear Phil is looking for a second in command. Nice office, comfortable seat, and Parker. All within walking distance of that deli you like,” but Maria glared back at him and finished stowing her gear on the quinjet that had been marked as destroyed during the attack but had managed to miraculously repair and move itself to a secure hanger outside Shields monitoring. 

It wasn't even one of the smaller interceptor class jets. This was Fury’s private jet, with a minibar, a small galley, a private room, and cargo space separate from the seating. He had never even used it, and it still had the plastic wrap over the seat covers, but he figured if anything ever happened at Shield, it was better to have a getaway vehicle that was comfortable, and a little stylish than not.

“Yeah that's what I thought, Once Natasha is here, it’s wheels up in five and then we collect our final pair.”

“Pair?” and Fury nodded,

“We all get to be Avengers this time.” and Maria groaned.


The flight to Sokovia was quiet, neither Steve nor Flash was willing to talk about what had happened in the control room past what had been written in his report. Flash looked tired, and Steve had been relieved of his Shield rank and been retired pending an inquiry. While faultless, it was still being examined that his reappearance after sixty years coincided with a Hydra coup to take over Shield, and while unproved that a Hydra agent matching James Barnes had been spotted. Shield and the new WSC had taken issue with Steve's refusal to condemn Bucky, and that Flash had followed his lead and stayed tight-lipped about possible Hydra leads he may have gained. As such, he was wearing a faded blue uniform, an old one taken from storage that hadn't weathered the passage of time, and wore a stylish, but still unusual for the clean-shaven man, full beard. 

“We tracked him to a safe house in Sokovia. It was easy enough once we got a list of possible Hydra targets. He’s settling scores.” and Steve had just nodded. Bucky. He never imagined that after all this time that the one person he thought was actually dead would appear, and be a world-renowned assassin working for Hydra.

“Look,” Fury said as they sat eating a small meal, “We’re not after him for revenge. If your report is accurate, then this is a snatch and grab. We get in, take out any hostiles and we get out. Questions?”

Steven leant forward and put down the spoon he had been using, “Why?” and Fury frowned, “Why are we doing this? Hydra isn’t known for its subtlety and if anyone finds out what we’re doing then it’s court-martials for us all.” Flash stopped spooning the noodle soup into his mouth and looked shocked at Fury,

“Yeah, court-martials if they find out. Bucky is officially dead Steve, and while you might have risen from the icy depths I doubt anyone would believe it twice. We have a safe house, and a few friends who’ll help, but getting a live Hydra agent, willing to turn and expose the rest is worth the risk.”

“It still won’t sit well with Shield.” Steve retorted and Fury had to laugh,

“Unless I’m mistaken, nobody here is Shield. I quit, Nat is,“ and he huffed, “busy with Parker. Only Shield agents here are you and the kid. And last I checked they benched you.”

“They won’t care, they’ll find a regulation and make it stick.”

“You can go home, you know. I invited you on this op as I figured you would want to make sure your friend was safe. The red, white, and blue spiel gets old once you know it's really all just red. Tape or blood, take your pick.”


As the pair crept along the corridor towards the apartment they knew Bucky had been seen at Steve motioned to Flash,

“In two, one,” and he turned and kicked the door open.

Bucky was sat in his boxer shorts, with half a slice of toast in his mouth as the pair burst in the room,

“Uh hi, Steve. You could've knocked you know.” and as he leant back and finished biting into the toast Steve and Flash looked at each other,

“Bucky?” and he took another bite of toast and nodded,

“Your mom should be out soon, she promised me breakfast but she’s getting on a bit in years,” and as Flash shook his head, Steve grinned,

“Well, I’d have said the same about your mom, but it takes too long to dig her up.” and Bucky laughed,

“We doing this?” but Steve shook his head,

“Rescue mission Buck. We’re not after you because of Hydra.”

Bucky nodded, “right right, cause uh I know you, and you don't let the uh bad guy go right?” but Steve stood straight and shook his head,

“And for what they did they’ll pay Buck, but we know about the collars and we know about the brainwashing. It wasn't you, and we'll make sure everyone else knows as well. Or you know, we just tell everyone you’re dead, I mean, you’re what? A hundred now? pretty difficult to pin a lot of things on an old man.”

“Not my birthday, not yet, still just ninety-nine, and still better looking than you. I mean,” and Bucky motioned to his face. “What's with the beard? being a virgin at ninety-nine doesn't make you a super wizard you know. Or too shaky to hold a razor?”

Flash looked on, embarrassed at the two old friends trying to one-up each other, “Uh, I’ll wait outside, okay?” and Steve shook his head,

“No. Bucky, this is Flash-” but Bucky raised a hand,

“Yeah, I know who he is. Webb right? Yeah, that’s uh, yeah.” and Bucky didn’t look too happy about Flash being there, and as he took a deep breath he threw the uneaten crust on his plate, “I know what you want, but I can’t. That lifes not for me Steve, not anymore.”

“Just help us Buck, and it doesn’t have to be.”


For once Parker had actually written a decent report. Fury looked it over and it was extremely detailed accounts not just of what they had found in Wilson Fisk’s files, but on what memories they could pull from Laura Kinney. It had been a slow and tortuous wait, but as he read he knew why. Hydra was seriously fucked up. Torturing kids, extracting chemicals and other ‘parts’ for experimentation, and worst of all, the MGH factories.

They then added in the intel they received from James Barnes, and after depositing him in a safe house run by Parker's allies they needed to make their next move.

And then Shaw, Fury had limited intel, only what he had heard after the incident. Natasha was fuming that some of their own got hurt, but was madder still that Peter wasn’t doing anything about it. She had snuck in and spoken to Felicia, met Emma, and taken all of the files they had on Shaw and his little project. They explained Peter was being kept out of the loop, and for once, Natasha was glad. He had enough on his plate without adding in an international drug and slave ring. She would take care of it, and he could sleep at night knowing once she was done, it would be gone.

The only lead, however, was a name, Viper. As they approached the gate, Nick knew that Charles Xavier could be a difficult man to deal with, especially when it came to mutants, and he shook his head. Augmented, he mentally corrected himself.

As Natasha and Maria were shown around the mansion by a blue-furred, very well-spoken Hank McCoy they were eventually led to a room, with Charles, and a young man with a red visor.

“Director Fury, how nice to see you,” and Charles motioned to chairs that had been laid out, “Coffee, I am afraid most of the staff drink tea, but we did manage to scrounge some from Logan.” and As the trio sat, they nodded,

“So, While I could just read your mind, it’s rude. So tell me, what can I do for you today?” Charles asked with a small smile.

“I know this is strange, but can you track an Augmented, if I give you a name and description?” Fury asked and Charles frowned.

“I’m afraid you’ll have to explain a bit more than just that director. I’m not in the habit of finding Augmented as you call us, for fun, or for the government.” and Maria coughed and hid a small grin, “Well, not again.”

“I have read that file professor, and that is why I am here. MGH, we have a lead but the person is Augmented. You know about Shaw, and Hydra, well it seems they had a backer in common, and my team and I are going to find her.”

“Her? And what exactly do you intend to do when you find her. If I might enquire?” Charles asked as he took a sip of his tea.

“What in the hell do you think I’m going to do? I have a quinjet filled with ammo, and I fully intend to make sure every Hydra agent I find gets a full collection.” Fury shook his head,

“Do you think that will work? I mean, didn’t Hydra survive all this time after the war. Are you confident you can remove them completely, or is this just a personal vendetta? I have my own sources, and I am well aware of your fallen companion.” Charles noticed Agent Hill tense, “I am sorry for your loss Miss, it is not my intention to dredge up bad memories, but I will also not help you if your goal is murder.”

“And whatever my goal is, it is my goal. I don’t need a lecture on morals and ethics from a high school science teacher. I have been in the game a lot longer and play a lot better than you do. Or would you like to talk about your own fallen companions?”

Charles sighed and set his cup down, “It is not my failings we are talking about here. I am painfully aware of how my choices have affected others, director. Are you?” and as he reached out for Nick's mind Natasha sprang forwards and he felt the cold steel of a gun pressed against his temple.

“Peter warned us, and while we aren’t as strong as him, we are strong enough to feel that. How about you stop, and we all calm down.” She asked and Charles gave a small nod before she pulled the gun away. “While Nick will be eloquent, I don’t have time for this bullshit power play. Viper, augmented power over chemicals, especially toxins, Russian, 5 ft 8, blonde. Can you track her, so we can remove one child killing scumbag from the world, or are we going to sit and drink tea while they get away with it?”

“Then no. I will not let you kill an Augmented for some sort of revenge. If she is as bad as you say, then bring her here, gather your evidence and put her on trial.” and Fury snorted,

“You know that won’t happen. Russia won’t extradite her, and if they know about her powers, which we suspect they do, they won’t give her up easily. The powers that be don’t like it when you take away their toys, and unless we go in fully prepared to fight off any resistance, we won’t be coming back. And while you don’t seem to care about MGH I really do, and Parker does as well.”

“Yes, Mr Parker isn’t here though is he. And while Logan seems to be taken with the boy, he is developing a habit of poaching my students,” and at that Fury laughed,

“Oh don’t I know it, but that is that, and this is this. Will you help or not?”

Charles shook his head. “I am sorry, but to give you the location of an Augmented, who I have no way of knowing what your real objective is, without resorting to other means, then no. I cannot help you.”

Nick stood, “then this conversation is over. You could have saved a lot of lives, but I’ll do this my way then.” and as he moved to leave Scott stood,

“I want to go with you,” and Charles sat up straight,

“Scott!” he exclaimed, “You can’t be serious.”

“No, he’s right professor. When we went on that mission, we failed, and we did everything right. All the training, and advice you gave us, it was wrong. Director Fury, I want to join your team. I want to learn how to be a better soldier, no, a better leader.” and he moved forwards and stepped in front of Fury, “Please.”

Fury looked over at Maria, who shrugged, and “Sure, but, what’s your power?”

“Concussive eye blasts, uh, I have a visor that allows me to control them, oh, and a uniform” Fury snorted and laughed,

“Fine, you got ten minutes, Scott.” and Fury turned back to Charles, “A word of advice professor. Playing soldier doesn’t make you one, and sometimes, thinking you know better than anyone else gets people killed.” and Charles snorted

“I am sure you talk from experience Director Fury,” he replied snidely,

Fury turned and lifted his shirt, revealing an ugly scar across his abdomen, where it looked like, not just a knife wound was present, but several bullet wounds as well, “The kind sitting at a desk doesn’t get you.” and remembering Peter told him Charles couldn’t walk “oh, uh, yeah, no offence.” but he still turned and walked away, “I know the way out, don’t get up.”

Charles leant back in his chair, “Fine, damn you, fine.” Pushing on the controls to his chair, “I will give you her location but that is all, and I must insist that you leave Scott behind. He is still blaming himself for the injuries his teammates sustained, he needs time to heal.”

Fury shook his head, “You might have a big brain professor, but people heal in different ways. If his confidence is rattled, getting back into the field is the best way to fix that, not keeping him caged.”

Charles huffed, “fine, but if anything happens to him, I will personally make you think you’re a six-year-old girl.” and he moved past him.


The team sat in the Quinjet as Natasha took the controls. If Charles was right, and Hydra had also taken over the Red Room and resurrected its sick practises, then they needed to be destroyed as well. She quietly clenched her jaw at the upcoming fight, worse, her contact in Russia was her adopted sister, and they would need to find and probably rescue the bastard they called a father as well.

As Fury sat quietly next to her, Steve, Maria, Scott, and Flash all sat in the back compartment, sharing an awkward silence. Flash’s eyes had almost popped out of his head as he saw Scott board the quinjet, but a look from Steve and another from Maria made him stay silent, but it was obvious to everyone there was some tension between the pair.

“So, uh, Parker yeah?” Flash asked Maria. Since Webb had been healed, Natasha had been giving him lessons on how to control his symbiote better, to use it to enhance and extend his senses, and how to block and control his thoughts and technopathic abilities. Peter hadn’t objected, he was slowly becoming more aware that even as their progenitor, he needed to make sure they weren’t wild and untamed. One of the things he had been taught was to recognise when another symbiote was nearby, and both Natasha and Maria were hosts.

Maria raised an eyebrow and glared at him, she was not a sociable person and she really didn’t want to talk about how or why she had a symbiote, even if Romanov had teased her about it. “Yeah, Parker. So what?” and Flash could feel the hostility,

“It’s good, it’s good. Uh, Webb, as in you know, Agent Webb.” and she scowled and shook her head,

Steve raised an eyebrow and looked at her expectantly, “Fine, fine.” she said,

“Vengeance. After.” and she shook her head, “we need every tool available to fight Hydra, so no, I did, and it was fine, but it was then and this is now.”

Scott tilted his head, “You and Parker?” and as she glared at him, “damn.”

“Problem?” and Maria turned to face him,

“No, not you, him. “And he shook his head and leaned forward, “he, he just ruins everything. I mean, Jean was happy, and it was great, and then he turns up and she goes off the rails.”

Flash nodded, “Oh yeah, I know,“ but Maria glared at him too, “yeah, he’s an ass.” and he stared at his feet.

Scott leaned back and took a deep breath, “Hey, anyone else smell that?” but both Flash and Steve shook their heads. Maria lifted an arm and sniffed but shrugged. She showered, Vengeance liked to be under the warm water and would wrap herself around Maria as she showered.

“The air con might be busted, uh let me check.” and he moved to the cockpit, glad to be away from the trio of Agents. When he had come on this mission he didn’t expect them to be so serious. The X-Men might have been young, but there was communication and team building. They were all like coiled springs, waiting under tension and it was getting on his nerves.

As he knocked then entered “Uh, air-cons busted, back compartment smells like, I dunno, flowers” and Natasha snorted and looked at him, 

“Just you?” and he nodded confused, “give me a moment.” and pushing a few buttons on the control panel, she nudged Fury who rubbed a hand over his face “take controls for a moment, got an issue”

He grunted a response and swivelled the panel over to his side, “dammit” he swore as they weren’t even halfway there.

Natasha and Scott came back to the compartment and Natasha lay a hand on Maria’s shoulder. She looked up in shock, glared at Natasha and then over at Scott, “your call, but you know how to deal with it” and Maria waved a hand at her, “And you look like you need it.”

“Fine, fine.” and she stood and motioned to Scott. “You, we need to talk.” and as Natasha grinned at him and patted him on the shoulder he swore he heard her whisper good luck, but as her mouth never moved, he must have imagined it.

As they made their way into the cramped cargo area, Maria locked the door and swung open the door to the toilet, barring anyone from entering, or leaving. 

As she turned to look at Scott, she got a good look at him for the first time. She knew the symbiotes would ramp up her sex drive but his square jaw, scruffy but not too long hair and the muscles she could see rippling under that flight suit hit every button on the way down and the adorably naive but beautiful man in front of her had to be hers.

“Right, the smell is me.” and Scott looked at her and shrugged.

“So, uh, your deodorant is nice.” and she rolled her eyes.

“It’s not a deodorant, it’s a pheromone, designed to attract a mate. As Cap and Webb can't smell it, and you can.” and it clicked,

“Oh, oh I shit, I’m sorry, no I didn’t,” Scott stammered, “I uh, yeah, I’m sorry.”

“What the hell are you apologising for?” she said sternly, “why would you apologise when I want to have sex with you?”

As he went red, his mouth opened and closed a few times, 

“Yeah. See, the symbiotes jack up your appetites, and they love it. So, want to? You're handsome enough, maybe a bit young but.”

“What, no, no. I uh, I can't’” and Scott moved back a step, “we can’t, not on a mission, isn’t that a rule.”

Maria let Vengeance slip back and stood before him with the barest of coverings and as Scott gulped and stared, he was stupefied.

“First off, we can. The quinjet is soundproof with all the armour, second, we’re not on mission yet, third, really? Five seconds, bend me over that ammo crate, choose now or I leave. Five, Four.” and Maria never made it to three before Scott unzipped his combat suit, giving Maria a full view of his chest,

Screw it, he thought, Jean never let me do anything, and after the failed mission Scott knew. Missions were dangerous, life as an Augmented was dangerous. It could end at any time, Gambit proved that, and he no longer cared. 

“Mamma like,” and as Vengeance slipped away, Scott shimmied the rest of the way out of his uniform and she cast her gaze down his muscular chest to his prominent erection, “oh mamma definitely like.”

In the front of the quinjet, Steve and Flash both stared at each other, as the rhythmic banging started. Steve sighed, “You think they forgot we’ve got powers and can hear them.” but Flash was too busy inspecting the ceiling to answer, unwilling to engage his mentor in that discussion, ever.


Natasha just smirked as Maria and Scott came from the back, “now that playtimes over, we have work to do.” and as she hit the display a fat bearded Russian man appeared on the screen.

“My adopted father. Alexei Shostakov. Currently in prison for, well being a fat useless asshole but he had eyes on Hydra and the Red Room last time we spoke. He’s our contact.”

Maria looked at the screen, “Him? He looks like he can barely remember his own name, let alone where a Hydra base is.” but Natasha shook her head.

“During the cold war, The Red Room trained and deposited sleeper agents in America, he was one of the best. Dosed with high levels of Red Room formula we suspected his drinking was to stave off the side effects.”

“We?” and Natasha nodded, 

“I gave blood to Gwen before they cleaned me and she analysed the Red Room serum. Not as toxic as the Oscorp serum but he would probably have developed shakes and other minor tremors. The alcohol would have relaxed his nervous and musculatory system enough for him to function without incident.”

Maria looked over at Nick, “Since when did she get the smarts?”

“I had them pumped into me by Peter” and while Maria laughed, the rest of the group looked and shook their heads.

“Can we please be adults? Him aside, do we have any other leads.” and Natasha clicked her pen,

“A missile silo, Stark tracked Ultron here, and we already had it marked as a possible Russian base. What Stark didn’t realise was that it was Hydra and thanks to Olivia, we got the data he collected.”

Clicking and moving her pen, Natasha dragged a series of pictures onto the screen.

“A Hydra testing facility, We suspect the Winter Soldier was created here, as were seven others. They, thanks to Ultron, are all dead but no targets matching his description were found. Four men and three women” and as Natasha scrolled through the pictures the extent of Ultrons vivisection was apparent.

“All Super Soldiers, all dead. Tony concluded that the formula used was taken during a robbery, his father’s death. While Tony is tracking possible locations of the Winter Soldier, he didn’t find him, we found him first.”

Scott raised a hand, and Natasha laughed, “just ask Scott, this isn’t high school”

As he put his hand down awkwardly, “uh yeah, why were we tracking the Winter Soldier? If he’s an enemy agent then shouldn't we be trying to I dunno, kill him?” and Natasha nodded

“Normally, but Steve?” and Steve took her place.

“Bucky Barnes.” And as he looked at the clicker Natasha had given him she held up a hand and mimed pressing the top, ”former Howling commando and US marine. Suspected of being enhanced by Hydra and given this,” as Steve pressed the pen it changed to a picture of Bucky, complete with silver arm. “Cybernetically enhanced,” and as the picture zoomed in, around his neck was a Hydra control collar. ”and mind-controlled.”

“Like Shaw used?” Scott asked and Steve nodded,

“And like the three hostiles you encountered, once free of its control they reverted back to their non-hostile personalities, well, some did.”

“So, we found him, got better intel and now we're off to Russia to act on that and find the Red Room?” and Steve nodded.

“We never leave a man behind, and he gladly helped us find those bastards,”

“Language,” Scott said, but as the group turned to him and stared, he blushed and looked down at the floor, “sorry, uh the professor, he tells us off for swearing.”

Steve laughed, “son, a soldier hears a lot worse in the field, a little swearing is probably the least of your issues.” and clicked the pen once more. “Bucky was traced to a small apartment in Moscow, but then moved to Berlin, then to a cabin in Switzerland and finally to Sokovia where we found him.” and Scott stared at the map,

“It seems random, any idea why he was moving around so much?” and it was Flash that nodded,

“Uh yeah, it was only for a few moments, but the symbiotes gain some memories and skills from anyone they bond with. He’s visiting Hydra safe houses.”

“Nat?” but she shook her head,

“Widow killed Sitwell, she didn't attempt to bond with him,” 

Steve nodded. It had been a bad day all around and he knew she had been one of the lucky ones. He continued, “As we found a lot of dead bodies at each location, we figure that being bonded, even for a few minutes, was enough to either short out or interfere with the control collar.”

Maria stared at Flash for a moment, ”off-topic, but you're a host, why don't you, get the, uh, you know?” and as Flash shook his head he undid one of the pockets on his armoured vest, and slid out a chocolate bar.

“Oh those rotten bastards.” and Natasha laughed, but Maria shook her head, “Nah, I think I prefer my way,” and as Scott went bright red, Flash shook his head and slid the bar back into its home.

“If you are quite finished.“ Fury interrupted, “We have a list, courtesy of Barnes, and while we need Alexsi to get into Russia, we know where he is.” Fury nodded his head and Steve hit the pen once more.

“The prison is easy enough, and we have intel about the collars. There is a farm, and we think that the control collars are being manufactured there. We get in, get there, take it out and rescue whoever they are holding, and get out. While this isn’t an official Shield mission, Flash and I are still on the Avengers, and as such are recognisable. We need to keep a low profile, and we need to be discreet.”

“It's fine Cap, we have some new body armour for you, and Parker donated a new shield, it's not as fancy, but it’ll get the job done. So, you need a new code name, and no I got enough crap from Parker about it, just pick a new name so we can get on with this.”

“Nomad, because of you know, not representing the United States and travelling over the world.”

Fury stared at him, “yes Cap, we understood that reference.”


The quinjet landed a few miles away from the prison, there was no need to alert the Russian authorities they were coming and as each member of the newly named ‘Wrath’ suited up Fury cast an eye over Natasha.

“Peter?” he asked as he zipped up the new armoured bodysuit she had provided,

“Yup, well Liv, but it's kinda like symbarmour, just try not to get shot too many times.”

Liv had been working on armour plates for the harness, and with Peter and Gwen's help finally formulated a liquid polymer armour based on the webbing, absorbent but still enough to take a heavy rifle round. She had fabricated several suits, all on Natashas orders before the attack at the Triskelion.

He nodded in appreciation. “Now, the plan is two teams, we create-” but Natasha shook her head,

“One team, me and Hill. Any more and you endanger everyone.”

Fury stood, and stared at her, “I don't remember you being in command. Two teams maximises our chances of getting him out in one piece, and minimizes our casualties.” but Natasha shook her head and motioned to Maria,

“You been practising?” and Maria gave her a confused look.

Widow covered Natasha in a thick layer of symbarmour, the latest design Peter had come up with, and then shimmered and vanished, leaving only a faint shimmer in the air.

Maria nodded, “yeah, Vengeance knows.” and she did the same, her armour taking on a look similar to the heavier body armour Fury and the others were wearing but she too vanished.

“We can access the prisons systems, create enough confusion, we can have the target out before anyone even notices he’s gone, one attacker, one retriever. Which do you want to be?” Widow explained as her camouflage shimmered once more and she stood before Fury once more.

“Oh, I'm attacking. Your dad, your package.” and Widow nodded. Vengeance clenched a fist and a blade slid out from the back of her forearm, “Kills? or is this a no casualties mission?”

Fury looked over at Widow who shrugged, “I would prefer if you didn’t leave a trail of bodies, but as Russia has been a pain in my ass over Stark, if you have to, then go ahead. Did we have any intel if this is a Hydra or Red Room facility?”

Widow shook her head, “Mainly cold storage for assets the government might want to use at a later date. No-one who’d be missed, probably a few mixed in but nothing that said for sure.”

“If they don’t care, then I don't care,” Fury said, “At least I can sit in a warm jet.”

Russia was always cold, and being in the middle of nowhere was even worse. The heavy wind blew snow and ice across open plains and as Maria and Natasha shrugged Widow coated her completely and she vanished, 

“Uh, give me a moment, okay?” Maria asked, and headed back into the jet.

Seeing Scott sitting looking dejected, not surprising as he had just been benched Maria made her way over to him, 

Touching him, he tensed slightly as Vengeance spoke to him,

Hey, no frown, it's normal not everyone goes in. but, in case this goes south, I enjoyed it, and if you want, maybe coffee? Or just skip that and go for a repeat?

Scott nodded, “Coffee, uh, yeah, that's good.”

You know you can just think it, and I’ll hear

Then both, I mean, coffee and you know.

I can read your thoughts, and I do know. See you when I get back.

Vengeance slipped back and Maria leant forwards and kissed Scott on the cheek, “for luck,” before she was covered completely and vanished from the jet.

As the pair ran through the snow,

So, Scott huh?

And? Nobody complained when you screwed Parker

Everyone complained when I screwed Peter, I found out a few guys even bet money on who could score with me first.

Yeah, I read the after incident report. At least you didn’t break any bones.

I figured I was in enough trouble, they deserved it though.

Yup, I heard the rumours, and even the women’s locker room talk.

Just make sure- but Maria interrupted her, 

Stop, I don't want to talk about it, I want to find the assholes responsible and make them realise the reason you're called Widow and I'm called Vengeance, but right now, we run.

Keeping silent the pair made their way across the frozen tundra of the Siberian flatlands. Natasha had been practising with Peter and Liv and had managed to tap into several new senses. She couldn't manipulate electronics like Peter, but she knew enough to fool sensors and to spot emissions coming from anything hidden in the snow.

It was Maria though who stopped them and pointed. There is a buried cable leading in that direction, and Natasha felt her motion in a direction, are you sure the prison is where you said it was?

Unless they moved it then yes, it's built into an old coal mine. Prisoners can earn some extra rations by digging. Power cable?

No, too much power, telecommunications maybe. Vengeance can’t get a good read though, too far away.

Maria on the other hand had completely adapted to her new Extremis physiology. And with Vengeance to help her technopathic powers were miles above Natasha. Silently, Widow cursed and made sure that when she got home, both she and the symbiote got the upgrade.

Think you can tap it without triggering an alarm? And Vengeance scoffed,

If I can't, I'll hang up my gun.

As the pair crept closer Vengeance began to nod, yeah it's communications, a big satellite receiver is nearby, I'm getting traffic from it and the prison. There is more here than just your father, a lot of what does he call them? Augmented are held here. Shit Nat, this isn't political prisoners anymore, it's a mutant holding facility.


We need to stay radio silent, but we need to head back. The facility is more heavily guarded than we knew. Fury and the others need to know.

Widow paused, then tell them, and it was Vengeance's turn to pause. Oh for the love of. Flash, send to Flash. Never mind.

Back at the Quinjet, Flash and Scott were talking about symbiotes and what Scott could expect from Maria, being a host. Flash leaned back and shook his head,

“Uh Natasha just contacted me, the camp is an Augmented holding facility. She wants to know if they are to proceed?”

Scott looked at him, “you can talk at this distance?” and Flash half shrugged,

“I could probably get Parker if he was paying attention. I don't like it though, it's kinda creepy hearing someone's voice in your head and wondering if it's telepathy or you've just gone crazy.”

Flash rolled his eyes, “Yeah I know. Natasha says she doesn't care if it's creepy, what are your orders?”

“Surveillance, and if the facility is more secure than they can handle, we all go in. Can you tell her that?” Fury asked and Flash nodded

“Done and done. They will report back once they get closer to the base.”

At the cable Natasha laughed, Flash, yeah, it could be worse though. At least he’s got Steve to keep an eye on him. What are you going to do about Scott?

As the pair stood and began to follow the cable to the camp,

Nothing and I don't want to talk about it, but Widow put a hand on Vengencenes shoulder,

You might not want to but we both know relationships on a team are bad. Even I don’t go hunting with Pete. Emotions make us stupid, and love makes us crazy and stupid.

Vengeance snorted, who said I love him, ten minutes in the back of a quinjet and a coffee date isn't love.

No, but it is a start. 

Vengeance sighed, you just won't let it go huh? You know you’re a hypocrite, ten minutes in a restroom and you went all gooey-eyed too

Then you should listen to me, separate it out, stay on the same team but take a command role. Fury misses fieldwork and with Enhancement, he can get out again, you need CnC and you’re the best operator there is, Widow stopped, shit. Think we can?

What was in front of the pair was still obviously an abandoned coal mine, but built into the thick steep walls were massive steel walkways, control towers with anti-aircraft guns and a lot of security guards, all wearing heavy body armour and carrying Hydra pulse weapons.

Can you see the security grid? And Widow nodded. There were pencil-thin lines surrounding certain areas, invisible to normal senses but clear as day to the pair. Then yes. I can get access to a control tower, set the guns to fire into the camp, while you go rescue your father. Not every upgrade is a great idea.

Widow knew what she meant, newer technology meant easier access for the technopathic Vengeance. If the systems were integrated enough they might not even need to disable anything, simply shut everyone out but themselves and stroll into the prison as if they owned it. Widow knew though, it was never that easy.

If this is a Hydra facility, then the Augments should be contained by their shitty collars, see if you can bypass the control system and free them all. A riot should be enough of a distraction without making too much noise.

But a lot more casualties, you okay with that?

Widow shrugged, better them than us, and I bet you anything while they might be enemies of the state, they probably aren't the greatest people either.

How are your telepathic senses? Vengeance asked Widow

Fair to none, I can sense minds, talk to other symbiotes but controlling or mind-reading isn't part of my skill set, you?

A lot better, you need to get an upgrade, and the proper way, not by draining Parker dry. I can sense at least twenty-five guards, and a few minds I'm not touching as they sense me, can you feel them, like bonfires in the dark.

Widow shook her head, if they’re telepaths like us, they’ll feel my scan.

Fine, your father is in security block beta, along with the other Red Room rejects, I can get the guards to look the other way while you slip in, I’ve found a few Augments who really don't like their cages.

Widow gave her a two-finger affirmative and headed towards the lightly guarded areas. While enhanced by formula their powers were like hers originally, minor strength upgrades, a bit faster but nothing like Cap or Peter. The Red Room formula, as Gwen often called it, was garbage and now she had a taste of real power, she would never go back, and if there was a better option, of course she would take it,

Hmph, and you would leave us? But Natasha laughed

Widow, you know I would never give you up for the world, even if Pete can make new Extremis symbiotes, you're my partner.

Then, for all the work, back rubs and Pete, sleeps and bourbon, and lots and lots of soaking in the tub.

If you weren't in my head, I would say you were reading my mind, and you forgot, lots and lots of steaks, with sides.

Then we hunt, save the old man and go home, and make Pete pamper us.

 We hunt.

As the pair silently made their way through the deserted corridors, passing distracted guards who would conveniently stop to tie their shoelaces or open and check empty rooms, Widow easily bypassed the simple steel locks on the doors, making her way into the cellblock where her father was being held.

As she approached the tables, she saw him. He was a mess. The once muscular man she remembered had been replaced by a slob. Massive beer belly hung over prison pants and his beard was grey and untrimmed. If Santa Claus went on a whiskey and hamburger diet, he would look like that.

“So, I punch Captain America, flip him over and as I am about to deliver the killing blow his stupid metal shield ricochets off the wall and hits me in the head. A lesser man would have been decapitated but not me. I am the Red Guardian and my bones are steel.” but the group of men surrounding him just jeered and scoffed, not only had they heard the story before but each time it was embellished upon until he was fighting a hundred men and Captain America all by himself. “What, you don't like? Maybe we arm wrestle instead, maybe you want to see just how I beat him eh?” and as the men went quiet, he frowned as he felt something impact his cheek. 

Looking around he saw a hand, clad all in black beckoning him to one of the corners. “Hey, you, give me smoke. I want time to collect my thoughts,” and one of the smaller men slid a pack over to him, and grabbing it from the table he moved over to the corner and lit one.


“Those’ll kill you, you know,” Widow told him as he took a draw,

“Eh, the cold will kill me, the Red Room will kill me, everything will kill me, but nothing has so far, so why not enjoy life?” he spoke to the air,

“You’re not surprised?” she asked,

“Only disappointed you took so long. It has been ten years Natalia. Look, look at my fat belly. They feed us too much, make us soft, and keep us quiet.”

“Yeah, and nobody makes you eat it. You look like shit Alexsi. But, I need you for a mission, so, once the party starts, we’re leaving.”

“Bah, you can’t call me father just this once? or even dad. I was a good dad, you know.”

“Right until you sold me and my sister to the Red Room and then abandoned us, Can we not do this right now?”

“I have you trapped in a corner, waiting for a mystery event. If not now then when? You always deflect, always ignore me. Come now Talia, tell papa how you have been.”

Widow cursed, “Fine. I’m shacking up with an American boy, host to a super-powered alien, and right now about to break your stupid sorry ass out of jail so we can find sis, mom and then go destroy the remains of Hydra and the Red Room. Happy?”

“American? You stoop so low, why American? Even a European would be better, they are so-” but he froze as he felt the hand on the back of his neck

“Not a single word. If, and I mean if I don’t drop you the minute we’re done with you, then you get to meet him, then you get to be the indignant father in law, and then I get to watch him kick you up and down Manhattan as his powers make Cap look like a school kid, but until then quiet, smoke, and wait.”

“Ahh true love, just like your mother. So feisty and like a giant bear protecting her cubs.” and as he took a draw on the cigarette the alarm went off and the guards along the barbed wire fence all left. “I think your party has started. What did your friends do?”

“Friend and she switched off the control collars in the Augmented section.”

Alesxi's face scrunched up, “Augmented? You mean mutant right?” and he turned and swiped the air a few times before he found her, “please tell me you did not turn them all off?” and as an explosion rocked the prison, Widow shimmered and appeared, and she shrugged.

“Oh you,” and Alexsi devolved into a stream of Russian swear words. “This prison holds enemies of the state, and the mutant population are all those who would kill anyone human. You have made a mistake Talia, a huge mistake,” but she shrugged

“Not my problem. My problem is standing, arguing when we should be leaving, come on.”

Alexsi huffed and dropped the cigarette, “then let's go,” he roared, “Prison break!” and the men at the table looked around at the continuing chaos in confusion. Alexsi roared again “I said prison break you sons of bitches, MOVE!” and the men at the tables all scattered towards the gates.

“See, we make a little plan of our own.” and he grinned.

“Nice, and now the exits are blocked and we need to take out the guards coming to quell it.” and his shoulders slumped. Widow patted him on the shoulder, “Nice try though, I guess.”

As the pair moved towards the planned exit “always complaining, never good enough,” Alexsi muttered under his breath

Got the package, some minor trouble but nothing we can handle, you?

All clear here, the Augments are clearing the guards out as we speak. The Russians. Wait.

As Widow and Alexsi moved to the empty guard station Widow smashed the safety glass and hit the gate release. As the pair made their way down the empty corridors,

Nat, we have a problem. There are kids being held here.


I’m going to ignore that, we have to rescue them.

Not the mission. Russians have no qualms about using kids. We don’t know why they’re here. Maria, don’t. 

There was no answer, and Widow cursed.

“Do you know why there are kids here?” she asked Alexsi.

Alexsi scratched his beard, “if they are in the mutant section they are probably embarrassments to the government, some generals kids, or maybe just too dangerous, who knows.”

Widow sighed, “Where is the containment centre?” and he shook his head,

“Oh no, that is suicide. If Omega catches you, he will kill you and then us all.”

“Omega?” and Alexsi sighed

“The Red Room discovered your American Charles Xavier's research and used it to make their own mutant super-soldier, like you know, that claw guy. Omega. Top agent of the Red Room, enhanced using mutant formula.” and he shivered, “but now, he is a giant who sucks the life out of anyone and anything, totally crazy, and I know crazy.” he explained. “He hates them though, didn’t work,” and he laughed, “when does any of their stupid shit though eh?” and when she just frowned and raised an eyebrow he dismissed her with a wave. “We cannot go anywhere near the mutant cells. He will have taken them, and anyone going there is dead.”

Widow shrugged, “They caught him once, and you have me to protect you.”

Alexsi stopped and raised a hand to her, “See, you do care, protecting your papa. Come give me a hug.” and he lifted both arms and Widow just continued to walk, “bah, always so stubborn, just like your mother.”

Widow stopped and took a breath, “Enough, I don't need you for anything other than getting to mom. I’m saving your ass so you can lead us to the Red Room and Hydra, otherwise, I’d leave you to rot in this hellhole.”

Alexsi laughed “Hydra, those bastards, really? And I don't believe you, Yelena could tell you, she’s been tracking them for years. She sends me a Christmas card each year, sometimes even a little bottle, but you,“ and he waved a hand at her, “you get to America and you forget your roots. You are here because you come for forgiveness. I know you too well Talia, you say you don't care, but I know,” and as she shook her head he laughed, “Come then, we see if this super alien is enough to take the Omega. Better than rotting and getting fat.”

Widow shook her head, “You already got fat.”

Alexsi slapped his stomach, “this, this is to protect my organs, perfectly normal in a super-soldier.”


There were no guards as they quietly walked to the Augmented Centre, and as they approached they could what the gunfire and the screams,

“See, not good. We should just go to your friends.” but Widow ignored him. “Are we doing this again? I can talk for both of us you know,” Alexsi shook his head, “just like your mother, so stubborn,” but Widow raised a closed fist, and he was quiet.

I really hate doing this but shut the hell up. I’m not getting shot because you can’t be quiet for five minutes.

Mind reading, you do have some nice powers, but uh, don’t go looking, me and your mother were very happy in-

OOOOk-lahoma, where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain,

And the wavin' wheat can sure smell sweet, When the wind comes right behind the rain.

OOOOk-lahoma, Ev'ry night my honey lamb and I, Sit alone and talk and watch a hawk makin' lazy circles in the sky.

What the hell? You sing show tunes?

Widow shook her head, no, it's my defence against hostile telepaths, or in this case, idiots.

What? It gets boring in prison. Hey, do you know Hair? 

When the moon is in the Seventh House

And Jupiter aligns with Mars

Then peace will guide the planets

And love will steer the stars

This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius

Age of Aquarius



Oh for the love of god stop! And both Widow and Natasha realised exactly how annoying that was when the off-key Alexsi started singing one of his favourite songs in his head

You are reading story Spider-Man. House Of Venom at novel35.com

Can we eat him? Widow asked

No, junk food is bad for you

Wait, who is that?

Widow, I told you, host to a super alien, that’s her.

Wait? You weren’t kidding? I thought you were making fun of me.

Introductions later, situational awareness and not getting shot right now.

Fine fine, but we will be having a long talk about not getting pregnant with an alien baby.

I will shoot you and claim the guards did it, be quiet.

Alexsi raised his hands in surrender, and Widow crouched and stuck her head around the corridor exit. A large orange jumpsuit man with waving tentacles was busy attacking and killing guards. As they pierced through bodies she could see the corpse wither. 

Shit, can we survive that?

We do not know, but we would not like to find out.

Natasha agreed. Diplomacy?

We are not the ones who are attacking, he may listen.

Diplomacy it is then.

Standing, she motioned to Alexsi to remain where he was and raising both her arms, walked around the corner.

“Hey big guy, not here for you. Just freeing some of your friends.”

“Russian?” he asked in a thick accent and she shook her head,

“Escaped Red Room survivor, Widow Program.”

He frowned and nodded, “Who you after?” and lowering her arms Widow walked towards him,

“My partner spotted some kids in the detainment centre, them.” and the man tapped his collar,

“This you?” and she nodded, “Follow, you have escape route?”

“After we get the kids, sorry big guy but I know who you are.” and he shrugged,

“Not interested in kids or women, only revenge.”

Nat, what are you doing? Vengeance asked her. She could see the fighting on the security camera and was busy locking down as much of the prison as she could while keeping their escape route free.

Getting the kids, but be ready, once he knows we have a jet he might not take no for an answer. Get Fury ready, this might be a grab and dash and I don’t want to stand waiting while he gets the quinjet prepped.

Understood, most of the fighting is on the other side of the compound, your new friend already killed the guards at this entrance.

Widow could feel the hostility rolling from him in waves, but it wasn’t aimed at her. Alexsi had been right and he was angry, but she knew from experience it wouldn't take much for that anger to be directed at her and the rest, once he saw something he wanted.

“Kids are in there, hiding.” the man said, waving a hand at the compound's kitchen, “Now, you owe me. You have escape route, transport. I want to come with you.” but Widow shook her head,

“I need a guarantee you won't hurt me, them or anyone else on my team, can you do that?” and he shrugged.

“You are not Red Room, I do not care. You have my word.” but Widow shook her head,

“That doesn’t mean a lot. Once we get going You’ll let me switch that collar back on, and you trust me to switch it off once we’re gone.” and the man snorted,

“Red Room paranoia, always the same. Omega does go back on his word. I agree, but remember I am trained, just like you, and I do not need my power to hurt you if you betray me.” and he motioned to the barricaded door, “You might not like us, but we look after our own, especially from secret service.” and Widow moved forwards and tapped on the door,

“Hello, we’ve come to rescue you, can I come in?” and she could hear muffled talk,

“Who are you?”

“Shield,” she lied, as her termination notice had come in not long after she tendered her resignation.

Omega tutted but stood with his arms crossed, and she just rolled her eyes at him

“We can take you home, but I need to dismantle the barricade, please don't attack me.” and as she waited,

“Okay.” and two skinny children appeared next to her.

One was a small girl, almost the same height as Laura, with long brown hair and a cute freckled face. Natasha put her age at maybe eleven if she was looked after, but it was the other that made her step back and draw her gun,

“Nightcrawler.” and he froze, “Move away from the girl.” and the little girl grabbed on tightly to him,

“NO!” she yelled and a shimmering form appeared on her shoulder, and even Widow took a step back as a tiny purple dragon appeared and roared at her,

“Nightcrawler, let the girl go.”

As the dragon reared and spread its wings it leapt and dived into the sky before heading towards Widow,

“No vait, I am not him,” but it was too late, the dragon spewed blue fire at Widow who had flipped backwards and was raising her pistol.

“Please do not hurt her,” Nightcrawler said as he stepped in front of the little girl, “I am not who you think I am” and as Widow rolled back and raised the gun at the dragon she lifted it and nodded,

“Okay, sorry. He attacked a friend of mine, same blue skin, same power as well.”

“I know, my father. He came with another man and they told him, ‘behave or we kill him’,” and Kurt’s eyes watered, “they held a gun to my head.”

Why would I send you to rescue two kids if they attacked Parker? Get a grip, Nat. They’re like ten

Yeah yeah, but you don’t think it's a coincidence?

We can worry about that later, right now, two kids plus the big guy, get back to the jet, I’ll finish up here.

“That all the children?” Widow asked and the pair nodded, “Good, then we’re leaving. Alexsi, stop hiding and get your ass over here.”

Alexsi stuck his head around the corner “They won’t attack me right?” and Widow rolled her eyes, “of course, of course. Alexsi, I uh, am Red Guardian, and I know you. Omega, but.”

Widow interrupted him, “Introductions later. Escape now. Omega, we can take you but only if you behave. Or you can stay here if you want.”

“You are attacking Red Room?” and she nodded, “then I come with you. I know their facilities and the location of their main headquarters. But they have many collared mutants, and many of your super soldiers, and not the fat kind.”


As Widow and her now small band of rescues made their way back to the quinjet, Scott was having an issue.

“Is it always like this?” he asked as Steven and Flash played cards and Fury sat in the control chair with a cloth over his face.

Sighing as he leant forwards “No, it's never like this. Normally you have one agent, Command and Control, who monitors planted communications and coordinates the team. Normally that would be Maria, and the rest of us would be out at the prison.”

Scott frowned, “so what gives?” and Fury raised an eyebrow

“She didn't say?” and as Scott shook his head Fury sighed, “shit. Maria has issues, and more than just what you did in the back of the jet.” and as Scott opened his mouth to defend himself Fury raised a hand, “I don't care, I really don't. I get enough of that crap from Parker, and if Hill goes the same route, I really really don't care.”

“It's not like that.” Scott huffed, and Fury laughed,

“Yeah, we’re all Enhanced here, son. We could feel the vibrations through the deck plating.“ but he rubbed a hand over his face, “she’ll tell you eventually, but Maria lost her best friend, hell her only friend, and she took it hard. Lesson one. This life changes you, death and sacrifice are part of what we do, either theirs or sometimes, yours. And she took Sharon's death really hard. That was her deal with Parker, she got what she wanted and I guess so did he. But, now that's your job. Maria doesn't date, she doesn't socialise, she doesn't have friends or lovers. She had Sharon, and now she has you.” and as Fury spotted the group approaching on the back bay doors, “and she has a lot of pent up aggression aimed at a particular group. But don't talk to me about it, talk to her.”

Fury leant forward and flicked the bay door control switch and the small group waited until it was open before embarking, As he watched them he spotted there were two kids and another augmented with them and sighing he stood, “This life isn't easy, and you will lose friends, people you care about,” and as he scowled, he tapped his patch, “an eye, but we make the world a better place, and while your professor won't say this.” and he leaned forward, “sometimes that means ripping out a problem at the roots.''

As the five entered the back of the quinjet, Fury stood with his arms crossed, “the kids I get, but him?” and Omega nodded.

“Fury, it has been a while, I see you still only have the one eye.” and Fury turned to Maria

“Allowing a hostile Russian agent on the team is crossing the line Maria, what were you thinking?” but she shrugged,

“That a secret base filled with enemy combatants needs as many people as possible to take it down, that right now we need someone with knowledge of the layout of the base and what kind of resistance we can encounter, and judging by Alexsi, someone who can actually fight.”

“Hey, I am in great shape.” and as Alexsi saw Steve, he patted his stomach, “for a man my age. Hello, I am Natasha's father, are you the American she is dating?” and as Steve looked over confused at Natasha she rubbed a hand over her eyes,

“No dad, that's Steve, Steve Rogers, the one you keep telling people you beat.” and Alexsi looked confused for a moment and then burst out laughing,

“Him? No, he is not Captain America, he is too short.” and Steve now looked confused,

“Want to explain?” he asked Natasha who sighed,

“Dad. It was faked. You didn't fight Captain America, he was frozen in Antarctica. They used you for propaganda.” and Alexsi laughed and shook his head, 

“No No little Tali, I know Captain America when I see him. Where is his shield, and his uh” and he motioned to his chest, “his costume. I know you like tricks, Captain America is taller than me, with muscles that bulge like trees under his red, white, and blue uniform, and his shield with its star in the centre. Not this beardy, little man.”

Maria shook her head, “Yeah, you can explain that. Come on kids, we can get some rations heated up,” and she looked over at Scott, who was giving her a strange look, “what? Their Augments like you, and uh. I think he’s the original Nightcrawler, which means” and as she looked at the young girl, Scott clicked,

“Russian, young girl.” That was probably Colossus's little sister. Shaw probably kept them hidden as leverage. As he nodded and they moved to find something warm for them to drink, Fury placed his hand on Scott's shoulder,

“And that's the reason we do it. Two kids who we can take with us and give a better life.” and Scott nodded. Fury was right, moments like these were worth the blood you spilled. 


The kids had been fed, even if it was just reconstituted pasta and meat sauce, and were sleeping in the small bunk room while the adults talked. Alexsi was still in shock that Russia had lied to him, and that the bearded man before him was the actual Captain America.

Fury eyed Omega, who had stretched out over two seats and had drank more coffee than the rest combined, forgoing a meal. “I can feel your glaring Fury, we are allies now, once the Red Room is gone, then you can glare.”

“And that's the problem. Last time I saw you you were working for the Red Room, and you seemed pretty happy about it too.” but Omega snorted,

“Times change director, times change. The Room became more about experimentation and not crushing you capitalist pig dogs beneath our glorious red boots. And now, here we are, neither glorious nor a director. I will keep my word, but, when the deal is done, then we have this discussion again.” and as he closed his eyes Fury just shook his head.

“ETA is five minutes,” Natasha announced over the intercom, and the group started to prepare.

Alexsi stretched, “it will be good to see my wife again, it has been five years since her last visit you know. We get calls but, bah, it is not the same. You really need a good woman to get relief eh?” and while Maria gave Scott a smirk, Steve and Flash just shook their heads,

“Conjugal visits aside, what can we expect? Is this going to be a trap?” but Alexsi shook his head,

“My Melina? No. She likes her labs too much to care about what we are doing. She will help us if I ask her to, but please, do not be too hard on her, they have our other daughter.”

“Other daughter?” Steve asked, “Nat never mentioned a sister,” and Alexsi laughed,

“Oh, those two were inseparable, well until the Red Room separated them. Little Yelena never forgave any of us for that, even Nat. but little sisters eh?” and he laughed but all the only children in the group had no idea what it was like to have a sibling.

“Yes Alexsi, we know. She’ll probably try and shoot me, or you, or us both. But let's get Melina first okay?” Nat spoke over the intercom,

“Bah, would it kill you to call her mom? You can be mad at me, but not her, you’ll break her heart.” but the intercom was silent, “never have children eh, they grow up, become independent and then call, never right, and when you try to reach out, they shoot at you.” he said to Scott, who was getting glances from Maria,

“I uh, “ Scott stammered, and Maria moved over and sat in the seat next to him,

“What Scott means is we’re arriving, so buckle up.” and she glared at Alexsi how shrugged and grappled with his belt for a few moments before fastening it,


Melina checked the fences once more and the early warning system was still beeping at her, as she frowned at her tablet and worked her way through all the sensors it suddenly stopped. That was just worrying at it suddenly starting, as it meant that whatever it was had gotten at the defences of her fame. Defences she had specifically set up in case the Red Room came looking for her.

As she moved from the driveway and into the open plan kitchen, she pulled open the cutlery drawer and reached for the pistol magnetically attached and spun. Sitting at the table was Natalia, her Natalia,

“Hey, Melina. Alexsi is outside, but he’s worried” and she raised an eyebrow at the gun pointed at her.

Melina raised an eyebrow and looking at the pistol she shrugged and returned it to its hiding place, “Your father would be upset to hear you call his name. Natalia.” but Natasha shrugged,

“It's Natasha now, Red Room.” but Melina sighed and sat across from her,

“The name doesn't matter, and the Red Room will take care of itself, given time. They go too far and push too much.” and Natasha shrugged,

“I don't care. They hurt a few of my friends, and well. '' and Melina frowned and took Natashas hand,

“You are cured? And more?” Pulling her arm over she laid a finger on her wrist and rubbed a thumb over the back of her hand, “The original? No, more, no adverse cellular damage,” and her curiosity got the better of her and taking a penlight from her pocket tilted Natasha's head and flicked it into her eyes. “Better reflexes, no neurological damage. Shield?” and Natasha shook her head, “Oh Talia, who did this.”

“No. Red Room, Yelena, and then we can talk. A line was crossed, and the Red Room needs to learn.” and as she lifted her cuff, she spoke into her mic, “yeah, everyone can come in, might as well get comfy for the debrief.” and Melina shook her head,

“I’ll make tea.”


“So, you are going to assault the Red Room, take out its leaders, shut down the production of MGH and free any of the remaining Omega and Widow test subjects, is that right?” Melina asked, holding a cup of tea while the rest of the team sat around her breakfast table.

With nothing to do Scott and Flash had bonded over a mutual dislike of Parker and were sat together, while Fury, Maria, and Natasha all sat at the other end of the table. Omega had opted to wait outside. He knew Melina and had no fondness for her or her experiments, and Alexsi was sitting holding her hand while they went over their plans.

“Sounds about right, we’d just nuke the site from orbit, just to be sure, but the UN frowns on that kind of thing these days, so we’ve got the next best thing.” and Natasha motioned over at Scott.

“Mutant with concussive eye blast. We know about Summers, your brother was similar?” but Scott frowned, 

“Brother?” and Melina hmphed and shrugged,

“Not important. Your plan is stupid and will not work. The Red Room has a lot of collared guards, and a lot of mutants too. You are walking into a death trap, no matter who you bring.” and she motioned to Omega outside, staring off into the distance.

“It's Augments, not mutants, and we’ll be fine. We just need a location, and if Yelena is there.”

“Your sister?” Steve asked, “Is that a problem?”

Natasha shook her head, “If the Red Room is still using the same formula and training, then she isn't an issue.” but Alexsi scoffed,

“You look down on us too much Tali. The Red Room did more during the cold war than you know, and is more dangerous than you give it credit for.”

It was Natasha's turn to shake her head, “Stacey, Parker, Webb, not just us but more, you have files on us all?” but he gave Melina a confused look.

“I do not understand. Captain, yes, Shield yes, and experiments done by Howard Stark and Bruce Banner. We know all that.”

Natasha stood and let Widow cover her, slipping her maw and dosing the room with fear. Every agent stood and had weapons drawn pointing at her, except Maria who scoffed and drank her tea.

“We are Widow, and you know nothing.”

As the room calmed down, Melina lowered the pistol she had been hiding under the kitchen table, “are you all?” but they shook their heads, except Flash and Maria, “So, some kind of bio armour, with a new formula? It is still not enough.” and Widow laughed and a tendril stretched out and grabbed her cup, and as the armoured form drained the scalding hot liquid Natasha shrank back down,

“I have more powers, but those are secret” as she caught Furys disapproving look, “The Red Room will fall, and I will save my sister.”

Melina shook her head, “You know she is Black Widow now?” and Natasha shrugged,

“Wait? Aren't you?” Steve asked but Natasha sighed,

“It's a code name for the project, there were at least twenty different Widows when I defected.”

“The count is now in the hundreds. The Red Room saw you as something to aspire to, to try and copy.” Melina poured more tea from the pot into her cup “Yelena saw you as something to aspire to, even if it was to kill you. Can you? She will not back down, and the Red Room has its ways of making sure she obeys.”

Natasha sighed, “the collars, the chips and the bracelets. We can disable them, if they work from a central point, probably all at once. The tech isn’t too far away from something else we’ve seen. Peter,” but then she paused, as Alexsi and looked at his wife knowingly,

“So, his name is Peter. Your American?” and Milena frowned

“You have a boyfriend?” and Natasha stared at her cup but nodded.

Fury interrupted them, “Natashas love life aside, can we please stick to the plan?” and as Natasha gave Fury a small smile and a nod he continued, “We have more than enough firepower to take out the base. We don't have the intel on the location. That's why we’re here.”

Melina waved a hand, “I cannot tell you. I am still under their directives. Even if I wanted and believe me I do, I still cannot. The chips they use are my design, and who do you think they tested it on eh?” and as Natasha frowned she moved behind Melina and lifted the back of her hair, revealing a scar along the nape of her neck.

Snorting Natasha placed a hand on the scar “this might, no just don't move” and Melia gasped and her eyes bulged as Natasha let Widow extend into the scar tissue and connect with the device,

See, told you

Mom, new mom, you are more open than Peter's mom. We like her, can we take her home?

No Widow, she is staying here

Widow, you can talk to your armour?

Natasha sighed, it's not armour Melina, it's a symbiote, and yes,

Do we start singing? Or is mom allowed to see our thoughts?

What? Melina!

What? I was curious, and you are very lucky, even your father is not

Natasha pulled her hand away after Widow had connected to and deactivated the control chip, “If you finish that sentence, I will shoot you,” and Melina laughed and took her hand, gently rubbing it,

“Thank you, it is good to be able to think again. Right, now that is over, we have a plan to make. Talia dear, the armoury is in the pantry, the keycode is 97764535. And yes, Widow. We are coming back to America with you. I want to meet the boy who took my daughter, and I am not taking no for an answer.”


First, you have to actually find the Room. Nobody can pinpoint its exact location as it constantly moves.

With Fury at the controls, finding the massive flying super structure wasn’t as hard as they imagined. It was a flying fortress, and Fury had imagined having one of his own to house Shield at one point but the cost was too much and the WSC had vetoed his plans. Feeling a slight twinge of jealousy he manoeuvred the quinjet into a follow pattern, right at the edge of their radar's limit. They could follow, and hopefully not be detected.

Then, the Room has active scanners that operate to not just detect incoming threats but monitor for civilian aircraft and keep the Room out of everyone's way. Your quinjet should be able to skirt the edge of them but approaching will give away your position immediately. You need to be ready for a rough flight in,

Each member of the strike team was ready, and while it would sting, so was Fury. The best option was to simply jet straight into the hangar, taking out any resistance with the crash and then assault the Room directly. Nobody was expecting this to be a quiet mission, and everyone expected a lot of casualties.

We have our own jet, not as sturdy as yours but we can wait for your signal, and then come collect you and whoever you rescue, oh and the kids are staying here.

“Okay people, burn in five, four, three,” and as he silently finished the countdown, he hit the afterburners on the quinjets engines and they shot towards the fortress at subsonic speeds.

Even as they approached rapidly, primed and ready turrets spun and fired, but Maria was ready. Connected to the quinjet, her knowledge of its systems allowed her to connect and anti emplacement missiles streaked towards the turrets and they exploded. Fury had already banked the jet, and as they hit the landing pad with a screech of metal on metal, he swung the jet round and back ended the hangar doors.

Metal crumpled and was blown inwards as the red hot engines of the quinjet blasted into the, sending razor-sharp debris everywhere. Soldiers, ready and waiting in position to fire on the incoming intruders, screamed as the red hot shrapnel reduced them to a pulp.

Cyclops and the rest unbuckled themselves and as he touched his visor the bright red beam whummed from his visor and the back of the jet evaporated under its concussive force.

“Everyone out. You have your orders.” Fury shouted into their comms and the teams separated and split, each with their own mission to fulfil.

We need more than one team, a team to secure the command deck, a team to search for mutant, sorry, augmented prisoners, a team to delay the security teams, and a team to deal with Yelena and Madame Hydra, who you know as Viper.

Each team separated, wary of incoming soldiers, and as they nodded one last time to each other they headed into the complex.

Command and Control is on the top deck, five floors above the main hangar. You will face Augment guards, but they won't be too destructive, nobody wants to blow up a vital system when fighting off a defender.

So much for non-destructive, Fury thought to himself as the hulking Augment ripped off a wall panel and swung it down the corridor at the pair. Small arms fire simply bounced off its thick gelatinous skin. This ‘blob’ wasn’t strong, he simply was. Large enough to block the corridor the pair were trapped as he threw whatever came to hand at them.

“What do we do?” Fury asked as he slid another clip into his pistol, wishing he had taken one of those pulse pistols Hydra used.

“I could see if a kick in the nuts works?” Maria replied glibly, and as he thought about it she shook her head, “I’ll do much better.” and as she screamed Vengeance covered her and her hands became thick bladed axes. “Bacon for breakfast” she screeched before diving out into the corridor

In the lower decks, the Hydra agents will have short-range pulse pistols, they are lower energy than the rifles and won't damage the superstructure. You however must deal with them and the Augments soldiers they send. We trained tough and strong, no blaster types like your friend here.

Damn phoney intel, Webb cursed as he dived away from another blast. A large tattooed black man with a strange energy rifle was being fired at by the soldiers behind him and with each pulse, he glowed a red colour and the rifle he carried charged and fired.

“Webb, can you vanish?” Nomad asked as he took another hit to his arrow-shaped shield. If he had his proper one he could have ricocheted it around the strange Augment to get to the ones powering him up, but this was just a shield.

“I can try, but I think those blasts are wide enough it’ll catch me.” and Nomad held his hand to his chest and pointed at the roof. Nodding Webb shimmered and as the mutant recharged, he leapt straight up and onto the ceiling.

The prisoners are being held over the facility, some are in the medical wings, for implantation of the chips before they are allowed to use their powers. Samples are taken of useful powers and useless ones are taken for MGH production. You will have to make your way across several floors to get to them all.

“It feels good to stretch!” Alexsi shouted as he batted another soldier with his crude shield. Melina had maintained his armour and copy of Captains disc, and while it had been a struggle to get the armour over his now much larger gut it still fitted. His aim of throwing the shield had taken a little getting used to, but once he had hefted the weapon a few times it was once more a deadly instrument in his hands.

Cyclops shook his head, he had expected this to be more of a coordinated team effort, but his first lesson had been simple

No plan survives contact with the enemy,

And right now, as he focused his blasts into the narrowest beam he could, he understood that. Kitty should have attacked Gambit and then moved away. Once they realised his powers were touch-based she shouldn't have been anywhere near him until he was contained. 

Even the fat supposedly useless Alexsi was showing him more in this fight than the professor ever had. Contain, neutralise, and then move on, if they have a gun, you stay in cover, if they have a knife, you use a gun. Logan was a great combat instructor, but he was being held back by the professor's constant nitpicking over treatment of the enemy. As Cyclops blasted another soldier, making sure they were down and zip-tying their hands and feet together, he knew this was the right choice.

Madame Hydra’s control room is in the centre of the fortress. She likes to think of herself as a spider, sitting in its web. Yelena is there with her, take care though, She is more than you remember, even after the Widow treatment she was different to the others.

“So good of you to join us,” Madame Hydra spoke, softly as if she was happy to see them. The petite blonde haired woman sat in a jade green throne, holding a glass of red wine in one hand and a remote control in the other, “And while your friends are proving troublesome, I at least get to enjoy the show.” as she clicked the remote control Natasha's little sister, Yelena walked forwards. Her white body armour, with red undersuit highlighted just how pale she was, and the light blonde hair framing her face did nothing to hide the blank but serious look on her face.

“The traitors return to find me, so I save the best for you. Your sister, Say hello White Widow, or maybe Omega Widow, We haven't thought of a good name yet.”

Drawing a sword from her back, Yelena took an aggressive stance and Madame Hydra stepped down from her throne she pressed an injector gun to Yelena’s neck, letting the orange MGH formula spread through her system.

“Kill them.”


“I thought this was supposed to be easy,” Fury shouted as Blob ducked under another blow. The huge man was surprisingly nimble and even as Vengeance carved off another slice he ignored her and it regenerated.

“You ain’t getting past me,” Blob shouted as Vengeance sliced at a meaty arm, dancing away from his swing, “Stay still and let me squash you.” Fighting in the corridor was as much of a hindrance to the large man as it was to Vengeance and Fury, but as the symbiote began to cackle it just made Blob angrier. 

As he dived forwards to grab her in a bear hug she jumped back and slashed at the floor, Under his weight the deck plate buckled as he fell, causing the compartment to shake as he thudded. One stab into the back of his head, a lot of webbing, and the large man lay loudly snoring as Vengeance stood over him, covering the rest of his bulk in webbing.

“I heard you should turn fat people on their sides, in case he suffocates,” Fury said as she worked but as she ignored him he tutted, “just saying you know.”

Across the facility, Nomad and Webb were encountering a similar problem. Shaw had been busy and as Nomad slammed his shield into the gut of another silver armoured soldier he huffed. Even with super strength and endurance fighting, multiple opponents was tiring. Webb seemed to be having fun though, and as he webbed the larger man's feet together he whipped another line out, copying a move he had seen Poison do, but rather than explosives it was simply a heavy weight, clubbing anyone stupid enough to come close.

As the whip swung by Nomad he heard Webb shout, “on your left,” and as Nomad dodged to the right, the soldier trying to sneak up on him received the cudgel of webbing in the face and Nomad slammed his shield into his chin dropping the man like a stone. Taking a breath, “I could do this all day,” Nomad muttered, “I don't want to, but I could.”

As guards pulled away to deal with the incursion Alexsi and Cyclops carefully made their way into the detention centre. It was rows of cages, all stacked against a clinically white wall, housing one but no more than two people. Attached to drips Scott could see the resignation on the faces of the captives and the thick collars around their necks. Peter had provided Charles with intel on the original design they had found in Sokovia.

“We need to free these people and get them out of here” and Alexsi tutted,

“Too many, we cannot free them all, and once the defences are in place we will be joining them. But Cyclops shook his head,

“I can free them, but it's risky and will draw attention to us.” 

Alexsi shrugged, “once we crashed into the hanger we drew attention, do it.” and Cyclops moved until he was eye level with the bars on each cage, 

“Move back” he shouted and as everyone moved away from the bars he blasted down the line, obliterating every lock in the row, and the end wall of the lab,

“Are you crazy, you said draw attention, not blow us all up.” and he pointed to some gas tanks Cyclops had failed to notice, “actually if guards come, blow them up eh,” and he laughed while Cyclops moved to the other side and repeated the process. “All right, we are here to liberate you from the Room, once you can move, get free, if you need help, just yell and our handsome young friend here will help you.” and as Cyclops frowned, “I will guard you yes? And,” as Alexsi motioned to his red and white armour, with the hammer and sickle emblem on his shield, “maybe wearing my old armour was not such a good idea.” as he noticed the hesitant, and sometimes angry stares he was getting from the prisoners.

While Cyclops and Alexsi were trying to organise their escape, Widow and Omega were fighting for their lives. 

Omega was done on one knee, panting heavily as a mist of gas sprayed by Madame Hydra enveloped and choked him. 

Yelena hadn’t changed, the MGH running through her system had altered her, and Widow could see the subtle changes in the way she stood. Whatever the Red Room had done to her was effective, and as she swung the short sword at Widow, brought her own symbblade up to parry it, she was caught with a kick across her abdomen and sent flying,

What the hell? We need to put her down, stop slowing me down,

She is family, and Peter taught us how important family is, we will not lose another, the pain was too much

Pain? Oh shit,

Widow ducked under a swung and as Yelena stepped to kick her again Widow jabbed her thigh and rolled back,

You mean me, you don't want to kill her as she’s my sister, and you couldn't bear the pain of me losing her.

Widow fired off two taser blasts and Yelena brushed them aside with her sword.

You know we’ll have to, if she’s got one of those chips in her head we can't hold her long enough to short it out.

We have a plan.

Great, then stop stalling

Promise us you will not die again, promise.

Fine, I didn't plan on dying the first time, do your thing.

As Widow brought her sword around and as Yelena caught it with her own they were face to face. Widow peeled back from Natasha and she spread forwards and enveloped the woman in front of her.

“Shit, I did not expect that.”


“Communications are tapped, and we have full control,” Maria stated with her hand held over the main control panel of the control room.

“Get eyes on everyone else, see if they have speakers we can use to communicate,” and Maria's eye flicked over to the screens as they changed to the various members Fury nodded, “good.”

They had left Blob and the other command crew stunned but secured. Maria may have been overboard on making sure they were incapacitated but so far she hasn't killed anyone,

“Everyone is on target, and we have eyes on a ride home. “ maria flicked one monitor over to a secondary hanger, with smaller but fancier jets in it, “Probably used by the Hydra Elites.” and Fury nodded,

“Any hostile activity?” and as a monitor changed Maria saw the garrison troop banging on a locked and secured door,

“They’re trying, but won't get far. I put the station on fire alert. All doors and exits are sealed to prevent it spreading.” but Fury frowned, 

“And our people?” Maria snorted at the implication she had trapped them

“I cleared a route, emergency unlocks for fire control teams, and really?” but he shrugged,

“How do they get out?” but she shook her head,

“Don’t work for murdering scumbags and you won’t get to be trapped in a room with the oxygen switched off,” she said nonchalantly.

As Maria's security measures came into effect, Nomad and Webb noted the subtle change in the whine the air conditioning made. They knew that either Maria had taken the control room, or

That was me, you’re running on emergency air now, I’ll open rooms you need access too but everything else is on lockdown. I’ll update you if the situation changes.

Webb winced as she broke off contact, “Still weird huh?” Nomad asked him and he nodded with a scowl,

“I don't think I’ll ever get used to talking that way, it's,” and he paused, ”it's too personal.” He really needed to speak to Peter. He knew that Maria was as unused to speaking telepathically as he was. It was a good way to speak, no comms that could be jammed as far as he knew but the emotion behind each message, and the unspoken surface thoughts were too much. He now knew more about Maria and Scott than he really wanted to. Even if being single sucked, being single while everyone else with a symbiote seemed to be falling over willing partners sucked even more,

We are waiting for the right one. We know you need someone, you are too closed off. Maybe ask Peter if he knows someone, or maybe even-

No, and we will never have this conversation again. It's not, it's not that easy.

We know Flash, we feel it too.

With MJ and then his shrink, Flash didn’t want to take things lightly, and a relationship was-

“Hey, head in the game.” Nomad chastised him, “There are still hostiles.”

“Right, sorry.” and as more soldiers began to fire, Nomad and Webb once more began to work.

As the pair began to wear down the main force of the Red Room, Alexsi and Cyclops were staring at a thing of beauty. With two unknown and heavily armed Augments taking apart their heavy hitter, the guards had abandoned what was being called a non-critical system. Alexsi had picked up an earpiece from a fallen guard and was monitoring communications. As they made their way quietly through the fortress the lights on the floor, the fire warning strip began to blink and following it they found themselves in the secondary hangar.

The jet before them was a pale cream colour, beautifully sleek with swept-back wings, reminding Scott of the Lockheed he had seen in the professor's hangar but on a much smaller scale,

“I say we steal that one.” Alexsi said as he pointed to it and as he pried open its hatch he stuck his head inside and whistled, “Maybe not though, as uh,” and as Scott took his own curious look he almost choked,

It was a pair of seats and a bed, whoever used this jet used it for one thing, and ferrying escaped and mistreated prisoners was not going to work. “That one?” Scott said, motioning over to a small passenger plane. “Take them to that one, and I’ll see if anything else can be used. You can fly a plane right?” and Alexsi batted his chest with a fist, 

“Of course. It has been a few years but yes I can still fly.” and Scott frowned, not believing a word.

“Get them settled, scrounge in the back compartments and see if there is food.” Scott didn't care, bed or not the plane looked like it had weapons and a quick look under the wings showed pop up compartments that Scott figured might have hidden guns. If everyone fitted in the second plane, then he could take his one.

Yelena froze as the symbiote covered her and Natasha drew her backup pistol. As Widow began to laugh she stepped back and raised the pistol, “You are such a slut Natasha. You? Really, in this, with that boy? And I was worried, I was sick, I let them experiment on me to try and be as good as you and all this time, you are,“ and as Widow shrank back Yelena stared at her sister, “I should be angry to see you, I should stab you at least once, but this? Aliens and boys, and quitting your job, Are you Natasha or did someone finally tame you, no I already know somebody already tamed you.” but Natasha shook her head and pointed the gun over her shoulder.

Omega had Madame Hydra wrapped in a cybernetic tentacle that had sprouted from his wrist and Nat could see the energy pulsing along it. The woman's skin greyed and wrinkled and Omega laughed.

“While I like to hear how you debase yourselves. You should leave now. I will deal with the Room and everything else.” and Omega pulled Madame Hydra close to him, “and we have so very much work to do.” and as she feebly hissed at him he laughed and threw her back at her throne where she landed with a sickening crunch. She contorted and twisted as whatever was broken stabbed into her. “I will not give you a second chance, and you cannot win against me.” as the thick tentacles wound their way out of both of his arms he laughed. 

With her sister free and most of the Red Room destroyed, Natasha knew that while they would eventually win against Omega, it would be a battle and there was no guarantee both of them would come away unscathed. Remembering her promise to Widow she nodded and kept her gun trained on him, the pair backed away and out of the room. 

“Now, give her back.”

“She says no. Wait, what do you mean I am dying? I taste funny? There should be no tasting of anything.” and Yelena sighed, “The MGH was fatal, and she is busy cleaning it from my system, so no I guess.” and as Natasha tutted, she modded the small smile on her sister's face. She really wanted to find out more about this Peter, and what her sister had been doing.

Back in the control room, Maria said as she pulled the headset free and disconnected from the system, and Fury looked over, “That's all. Setting the self-destruct now.”

“Really, it has a self-destruct?” and she snorted,

“No, but once you switch off the cooling for those huge thrusters it's pretty much the same thing.”

Fury sighed, “How long? We still have to make our way to the jets.”

“Oh at least an hour, the system won't just suddenly overheat and explode, this isn’t a movie Nick.”

“Fine, then we leave, and them?” he pointed to the bound support crew and Blob,

“Fuck ‘em. Nobody working here gets any sympathy. Sharon never got any.” and as she moved through the door, Fury took a breath in through his nose but they didn't have time and he wasn't about to argue and stay behind.

Throughout the fortress, an alarm began to sound and as the horrified crews banged on locked doors they began to panic and try to escape. Maria had locked out every system, doors, windows and vents were all shut and as each group moved towards the secondary hanger they each took one of the planes. Scott being disappointed as Maria shook her herald and sat in the pilot's seat,

“Sorry lover boy, no flight time until we check your licence.”

Putting on the headset she shook her head, “yeah, asshole, let Fury fly.” and after a few moments, “Better, take them back to the US if you have fuel while we stall any incoming fire. Is that us all?” and she swore as not only the alarm cut off but the hanger doors closed, “Good pick Scott” and as she flicked switches at the controls panel she thumbed the craft's main guns and simply blew the hanger doors off. “Wheels up, hang on.” and as the two jets picked up speed, they flew from the flying Red Room fortress.


The foursome sat in the back of the jet as they headed to America. Natasha had called ahead and Felicia had arranged a safe house for her parents and sister to live in while they sorted out some less than legal immigration documents. Alexsi and Melina were both resting their heads against each other as they slept on the flight, while Yelena sat, grinning at her sister.

“So, do we talk about it, or do we sit and stare awkwardly at each other?” Yelena asked. Widow had cleared her system of the Red Room MGH and she was now back with Natasha, who was busy trying to write down as much as possible for the follow-up mission Wrath would be doing alone.

“Do I want to discuss my intimate love life with my sister?” Natasha said, without looking up, “No, we never ever tell Peter that you know, Ever.”

Yelena shrugged, “I was only asking, he does seem like a nice guy. A little short for me, do you think that Webb is single?” and Natasha rolled her eyes as Yelena smirked at her.


They opted to take the escapees to the farm instead of the US, the fuel in the two jets was only enough for short hops but they figured syphoning fuel from one to the other would get them home, at least most of the way. Scott made a call and the professor agreed to meet them halfway with fuel they could use.

Fury was not in a good mood, however. Omega’s refusal to kill Madame Hydra and his dismissal of Natasha was a thorn in his side he knew would come back to stab him later. Shaking his head, he knew he shouldn't have trusted the psychotic bastard and just shot him when he had the chance.

As they grabbed their gear from the passenger jet he saw Scott, heading towards the second jet, right after Maria had headed in. Grabbing his gear he shouted over before Scott could climb the stairs in.

Fury walked over, and Scott waited, nervously glazing up the stairs. “You asked if it's always like this?” as he looked at the dejected and angry Scott, “Well, yeah. Sometimes the bad guys win, sometimes we come home missing people, and sometimes it goes sideways in a way you never expected.” and as he stood and patted the young man on the shoulder, “But you did good, if you take anything away from this mission, you did good.” and Fury reached into his jacket pocket as his phone buzzed, “yeah, I need to take this.”

Scott leaned back, while the Red Room was still in existence they had saved a lot of Augments from becoming MGH factories. They lost the war but won several significant battles, yeah, we did good.

As he climbed into the jet, Scott looked hesitantly at Maria, as she grabbed her duffle bag from the back of the stolen Russian jet,

“Don't give me that look, Scott. We had fun, we did a mission. What more do you want?” and as she slung the bag over her shoulder, he paused, unsure of what to say.

Maria’s shoulders sagged, “Well? What more do you want? It's not a hard question. I want a repeat, dinner, a movie, coffee, then more repeats. What do you want?”

“Oh?” Scott stammered, he had thought this would be goodbye, “yeah, repeats, uh I mean, coffee, yeah coffee.” and Maria shook her head,

“Come on then.” and as she walked towards Fury’s waiting car Scott followed behind her, unsure if she normally swung her hips that provocatively or not, but really not caring.


As Fury sat down at the large office desk he smiled at Coulson, “You know, its strange being on this side of the desk.” and Coulson snorted,

“I’m not giving up my office,” and Fury laughed, 

“Yeah, I figured that. So, what does the new head of Shield want with me?” and Phil slid a folder over to Fury.

“The fallout from this is big, and not just in Russia.”

Russia had filed several international incident reports with not just the American government but the UN and Shield. Omega had blamed everything on an American strike force retaliating against an illegal drug operation, without consulting the government. It glossed over Omega’s involvement and there was no mention of either Hydra or the Red Room,

“So, am I under arrest?” but Coulson shook his head,

“No, they were nice enough to leave names out of the report, but it gets worse.” and as he slid over another file, this one marked Confidential, for Shield Director Only” Fury raised an eyebrow,

“This could land you in a lot of trouble,” but he still lifted the file and frowned as he read.

Omega, now calling himself Omega Red, had taken over the Red Room. A cleaner and safer MGH was being hailed as a miracle drug, cheap to produce and safe to use. A rival for both Extremis and the Stacey formula. The Russian government was touting it as a superior Super Soldier program and had already begun to assimilate the Augmented population into its military and police forces. That was the official report anyway. 

The harsh truth was that Russia was still using mutants, the ones with less than desirable powers were harvested to make the drug. MGH was still unstable and the failures were being covered up, but the file had several photographs of hugely mutated soldiers being shot and burned.

Shaking his head, Fury lay the file down, “So, what does that mean here?” and Coulson frowned and poured out two glasses of scotch and added ice to Fury’s

“Ellis is trying his best to limit the damage, but when the Bugle is spewing anti-mutant propaganda twenty-four seven it's hard to win public support. Gideon Malik, who’s now a Senator, is pushing for an amendment to the New York accords, extending it to cover Augments as well. It's messy and not looking good.”

“Malik? Security Council Malik?” and Coulson nodded, “Didn’t we find out he was Hydra?” but Coulson shook his head,

“Didn't stick.” another file appeared and this time Fury swore. Hydra had several viruses embedded in the Shield databases, and once their coup failed they wiped every Shield facility clean, almost every file on every Shield employee was gone, and with them evidence of who was a Hydra agent and who wasn't. “Malik used the tragedy as an excuse to get out of the WSC and into politics. Making waves too. Rumours are he’ll run for President next election.”

“That's not great but Presidents come and go. As long as the players are fair, the game can only be rigged so far.”

“They don’t need to rig the game. Public opinion on Augments is at an all-time low. Once the scandal about Shaw broke, and the fact that several high ranking Senators and government officials were all found dead at one of his establishments, nobody cared about the dead girls, only that mutants were at the centre of it.”

Fury rubbed his forehead, “I thought Shield would cover that up.” but Coulson shook his head again and spun his glass.

“We did, but someone else is playing games. An anonymous leak spilled it all, from Shaw all the way up. They want this to go through, we don't know why yet, but they are making sure it does,”

“And if it does?”

“Civil War. You don't round up close to a million Augmented citizens without one of them getting trigger happy. Lines are being drawn Nick, and it won't matter whose side you're on. Nobody will win that fight.”

“I’ll warn Parker, you know he won’t stay quiet about this.”

Coulson snorted, “Parker? Warn them all.”


Xavier put down his phone, and the call from Fury had not been a pleasant one. The two new students were settling in, Illiana had proven to be Piotr's little sister, and Kurt was the original son of Azazel and one of another unknown Augment. Psylocke had cried when she saw him and much to the amusement of the other students, but not to Kurt, had rushed and almost crushed him in a hug.

It was the report about the new Augment restrictions that had Charles worried though, and he started to make plans. If the US was becoming hostile to their kind, then perhaps a new state, similar to Genosha but more independent, was in order. Somewhere Augments could live freely.


This story almost ended up like Huntress. Devils due (which got so long it became Arc 3).

I really enjoyed writing from another teams perspective and honestly, if I had more time to add in chapters with Peter, this would have been Arc 8.

This is also my longest side story yet, coming in at 17,525 words.

You can find story with these keywords: Spider-Man. House Of Venom, Read Spider-Man. House Of Venom, Spider-Man. House Of Venom novel, Spider-Man. House Of Venom book, Spider-Man. House Of Venom story, Spider-Man. House Of Venom full, Spider-Man. House Of Venom Latest Chapter

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