Spider-Man. House Of Venom

Chapter 222: Arc Eight. Chapter Two Hundred Seventeen. A Teaching Moment

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The parents had already finished their talk and watched by the sidelines as Peter formally proposed to everyone. Nodding in approval May smiled and raised an eyebrow at Logan's clenched fist. As she turned, “She is your daughter, but she is old enough to make the choice herself.” and he scowled but nodded.

“Still,” and shaking his head, “an’ while you're all smiles. I get it, but one thing you ain’t good at is fightin’. Laura gets training from me, and to make sure you’re all behavin', well. I reckon that while Ororo is here teaching her math and stuff, I’ll be here teachin' you how to fight properly, not that swingin’ and hopin’ you hit somethin’ shit you got going on.”

While reluctant, Peter knew that having an Augment teacher would be a good thing. Elektra had promised to teach him but as the Black Cats were dealing with their own problems she had little time. Natasha had taken over their training but with everyone at different skill levels and power differences, it was difficult to get everyone on the same page. Logan on the other hand was perfect. His indestructible body meant that even fully powered Peter could let loose, and he nodded. “Just, you know, not here. I don't want to have to fill in concrete every time you claw something.”

Logan continued, “An’ don’t think you lots are in the clear either, we train teams. So, Pete, you need to tell me who's on your team, so we can work out how you lot’ll fight together without blowing each other up, I know Laura, an’ who else?”

“Uh, Wanda?” and she nodded, 


and she smiled, “once I’m healed. My powers are still off.” Her body had recovered. And with help from Felicia, Carol knew her body was just as tough, it was her Space Stone enhanced powers that were reduced. Her flight was much slower, and while she could survive in space, it became uncomfortable after a few hours. Her ability to travel off-world without a spaceship was gone. Maybe a few rounds with Logan would let her know if her Binary form and her photon blasts were weaker as well, without destroying the warehouse.

“Nat, but she isn't here, and yeah, Laura.”

“What's Nats powers? She got any?” and Peter looked at him,

“Uh, she’s a secret agent, and other than her symbiote, we Enhanced her.” and Logan shook his head,

“You’re too loose with that formula crap. If I'm your trainer ain’t nobody gets juiced up unless I okay it. An’ that goes for those creatures as well, they might be messin’ with you an’ you can't tell.”

Peter shook his head, “I get the need for training, but the symbiotes are a non-issue. Who I give one to is my business, and you don't get a say in that, Ever.”

Logan sighed, “An’ if you give one to someone who goes rogue, or it kills 'em? You stop an’ think of that?” and Peter nodded,

“Of course, we monitor and are right there. I get we’re young, but stop treating us like kids. We make mistakes but we’re getting good at fixing them and not doing it again.”

“Only looking out for you. Treating someone like a kid doesn't mean you think they are, just they maybe need a lesson or two on how to be a grown-up.” Logan shrugged, “while you might not like it, I can ask Charles if you can use his danger room. He ain't too bad once you get past some of the shit, kinda like you.”

Peter snorted and even Ororo shook her head, “Charles had become a different man Logan, and will he even listen to Peter before judging him again?”

Logan shook his head and sighed, “Charles had a tough time Ororo. Since Venom here showed up his power has been acting a bit screwy. You're telepathic right?” and Peter nodded, “can you feel the pain of everyone in the city?” but Peter shut his eyes and shook his head. He had learned to block out most of the noise and the Mind Stone made it easier.

“Yeah, cause Charles can. He uses a machine to extend his powers, to find new mutants and he feels it. The deaths, the ones in pain, the drugs, and the shit. He ain't perfect Roro but he ain't to blame.”

Peter knew the cause as well. Once Harry had discovered Venom had been created, Monarch had been using the stone to create and control the symbsoldiers. Without releasing it he was probably driving any powerful telepath in the New York area mad, and Charles must have suffered.

“It doesn't excuse him using his powers on people.” but Logan laughed,

“Really, cause Jean was a mess when they first brought her in, an’ I was the only one who could get near her without getting hurt. Laura was barely functional, an’ sure, we took her without askin’, an’ what if you’d fought back? What if you decided you didn't like Charles, or me? Using your powers ain't a bad thing, and erasing a few minutes of memories is okay if it’s keeping someone safe. Ain’t no different than breakin' an arm to stop a mugger.” Logan looked at Peter, “Ain’t no different than throwing someone off a building after they shot your girlfriend in the head.”

Peter shook his head, “Getting really tired of being blamed for John,” but Logan raised a hand and shook his head,

“Not John, Flash. John was an accident. We all accept that, but you did fight Flash Thompson, and you did beat that boy till he was down, and then you did throw him off that building. So don’t stand there actin’ all high an’ mighty when you’re just as bad.”

“Really Peter?” May stepped forward, “You neglected to mention that part.” and he frowned guiltily,

“We got over it?” he said with a hesitant smile, hoping to just smooth things over.

“Mr Logan, I think I now agree with you. Peter. You need proper guidance and now you can pay someone, Mr Logan will be training you, and I will be making sure that the lessons stick. You might have been busy saving the world but it seems that has gone to your head. Have you finished your GED? College? Parker Inc might be gaining headlines but I believe Miss Octavious is responsible for that, and now this. I love you but pull yourself together young man. How do you expect to support eight wives, and be responsible for anything that happens in the future if you're still acting like, like a child.” and Peter’s head hung,

“Sorry mom.”

Laura stood and raised her fist “GO MOM!” and Peter smiled, 

“Yeah. Best superpower there is.” and he moved over and hugged her, “I promise I’ll be better, okay?” and she looked up at him,

“Oh, I know you will be, and you lot.” May cast a critical eye over the assembled group. “Remember now, that Curt and I are now your parents in law, as is Mr Logan here. You all now have parents, and you will behave yourselves as well. Even if Shuri is being troublesome we decided that a warehouse full of irresponsible young adults is nothing but trouble asking to happen. You will all behave, and yes even you Olivia. You might be older but Curt has explained your circumstances. I would expect a little rebellion after what happened but Peter needs a firm hand, not an accomplice.” and as Liv gave Curt a pained look May raised an eyebrow and stared over at him, “oh don’t think he got away with anything, isn’t that right?” and as she crossed her arms he looked squarely at him, “tell her.”

Curt sighed and lifted a sleeve, “Ten days now” and Liv saw the nicotine patch. “Coffee makes Lizard anxious, so we switched to decaf, and I had to quit.” and May came over and ran a hand down his arm,

“And I am very proud of you.” She stretched on her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek, “Don't think I don't know what happens here, and don't think I approve.” and Peter looked around at the rest, frowning worriedly,

“Oh, not that. The still, and the smoking,” and Gwen looked guilty,

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“We don't smoke, Mrs Parker, and the still is mine,” she admitted. May raised an eyebrow, 

“Really?” and she sighed, “and I thought you were the responsible one Gwen. I am glad to hear none of you smokes” and Laura nodded,

“It's stinky.” and Peter had to agree.

“Okay, the still, we can’t drink. Not that we tried but our powers, and I mean all our powers mean that we could drink gasoline and not be harmed, plus, uh, it's kinda legal, as we got a licence to distil alcohol for experimentation for Parker Inc.”

Logan laughed, “A few of the kids tried that at the mansion, but Charles shot ‘em down,” and as he patted May on the shoulder, “it’s fine, powers mean a lot of weird stuff. I mean, we got one kid that can't eat vegetables, only protein. Her stomach won't digest ‘em.”

May looked at him, and shook her head, “I still don't have to like it Mr Logan, and I still disapprove.” and Logan laughed,

“May, if you’re tellin’ these kids we’re all in-laws now, then it's James. I’ve seen the setup and it ain’t worth much, enough for maybe a good party a week, an’ so far, I think it's only been once. He might be a horndog, but he’s alright.” and Laura nodded,

May sighed, “I suppose.” but she narrowed her eyes and glared at Peter, “but you still need to come round and fix the guttering.” and as Peter laughed the adults rejoined the group and Peter started on breakfast.

A second table had been set up, so that everyone could sit and eat, and while it was a simple folding camping table it was big enough,

“So, with all the excitement, what are you planning on telling Shuri?” Gwen asked, passing the butter and toast over to Carol.

“Right now,” Peter said as he passed a preserve to Felicia, “We’ll be working on her studies at Parker Inc. She’s donated a large chunk of vibranium ore, the machinery required to refine it, and will be helping us to process it.”

Carol nodded, “that's great Pete, but what about Shuri, and no deflecting.”

Peter took a breath and sighed, “I've met her once, she’s attractive, smart and funny, but anything else, I'm not going to discuss it with my mom here.”

“I am eating my breakfast, and then I believe there is a bathhouse that I was not told about,” May stated while holding a slice of toast,

“Yeah, If you use it, remember the red flag on the outside. If it's there, it means a female guest is using the bath, and Curt, Logan, that means stay out. I’ll get another flag if you guys are in there, but red means women only. Don't care who you are, no means no.” and the pair nodded, “other than that, feel free, I mean, it's big enough.” and as Peter looked at the pair, “I’ll also add another flag if you and Curt are in there, mom. Couples only. We do have some rules,” and May smiled at Curt, and Logan laughed.

“So, we are really doing this?” Felicia asked and Peter nodded,

“I mean, it's a bit earlier than I think we wanted but yeah. We all share a connection, we all live in the same building. I’m happy to have you guys as my family, even if it does get bigger at times. If you’re happy then I’m happy. We’re making a life together, this just seems, I dunno, right.”

“What about MJ? and Nat.” She asked as she buttered more toast, sliding a slice onto Gwen's plate, and then one for Peter.

“We ask when we can. Nat seems to be happy, it’s MJ I’m worried about.” and May sighed

“She’s famous.” and Peter nodded,

“MJ?” Logan asked,

“Mary Jane Watson, the movie star.” and he frowned,

“You know, wait, you’re datin’ MJ Watson. Isn't she with Stark?” and as Gwen coughed he stared, “what?”

“Uh, He accosted her at a movie thing. If you want unresolved issues, her and Flash, and her and Tony Stark are way worse than Peter throwing Flash off a roof.”

“Can you explain, or?” and she nodded,

“Let me.” and Peter sighed, “Flash bullied me, made my life hell, and yeah, after his dad got me semi expelled, and tried to ruin my life I had issues. But Flash dated MJ, and after school we found out it wasn't exactly her choice. She grew up in a bad situation and she was pressured into dating the rich kid. Then uh, Tony had some of the cream we make, and tried to use it on her before it got released, so she had to hide from him.” and he only stopped as Logan's knuckles were going white from tension.

“You’re still gettin' trainin’, but I can see why you threw him off that roof, an' why Venom went after Stark.”

Gwen laughed and coughed, “no, that was because Pete slept with Pepper.” and May put down her toast and stared at him,

“Peter, really.” but he shook his head,

“Thanks, Gwen” and she stuck a tongue out at him, “Pepper wanted to get Tony off her back as well, so she came here and uh.”

“You know that doesn’t sound any better. I thought I raised you better than to sleep with a married woman.” but Peter frowned,

“They weren't even dating, that was why she came here. Tony was bugging her, and she needed something” but she raised her hand,

“I don't need to know anymore, poor woman. I had thought those stories in the magazines were all lies to sully his reputation but,” and she sighed, “now I am beginning to see why you get in so much trouble.”

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