Spider-Man. House Of Venom

Chapter 260: Arc Nine. Chapter Two-Hundred Fifty-Three. Flat Iron

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“So, you’re from another reality?” but Peter shook his head at Captain Rogers question,

“My friends are, my alien is, but I'm really Peter Parker.” Peter paused for a moment, “I really don't understand, but they know magic and it protected them I guess,” but he still shrugged. Stephen hadn't really explained it and if Hexen tried to share any magic with him it just flashed rubies in his mind and gave him a headache.

“So, we get their help and you turn everyone back to normal right?” And Peter nodded,

“Both Hexen and Stephen said that the change was caused by a red gemstone, and if we find it we can change it back. It was only a single event that changed everything.”

“You know what seems kinda far fetched, I mean. If we turn everyone back, then what happens to everyone else?” And Peter stopped,

“Look. If you don't want to do this then why are you following me?” Peter had been badgered by Steve the whole way back to Bleecker Street. The old soldier insisted on questioning Peter about everything, from what the world was like before the change, to what he thought was going to happen after.

He is testing you. Hexen said he is seeing if your heart and tone changes if you lie.

Can’t you use the Stone again? Make him go along as well?

Hexen giggled, his mind is not his one, the redhead is dosing him, making him compliant, we would only make it worse if we did.

“Just curious Son, just curious” and Peter shook his head, at both Steve and Hexen.

“Hexen says we’re here.” And the trio sat below the sewer manhole cover, listening for any noise of fighting coming from above,

“It's quiet,” but Steve and Natasha both looked unsure.

`That's the problem, there should be people moving above us and I haven't heard anything for several blocks,” Steve stated, and as he unhooked a dull black shield with a red star on it from his back, he slowly climbed the ladder up to street level.

Motioning with his hand, Natasha put a hand on Peter's shoulder and held a finger up to her mouth,

Hexen rippled and Peter was coated in her armour, and he nodded, 

As Steve pushed up with the edge of his shield his shoulders slumped and pushed the cover the rest of the way he climbed out and into the street. A hand came down and he made a few gestures and Natasha nodded, pushing Peter in front of her. As they climbed up the ladder, Peter hoisted himself out and saw Steven kneeling, with his hands over his head. Ironmonger pointed a huge blue glowing cannon at him.

“So nice of you to join the party, a bit late though,” and as a huge hand waved around Peter looked and saw the devastation.

Bleecker Street had been decimated. 1337 was gone, and a smoking pile of rubble was all that was left, even the buildings on both sides were full of holes and if anyone had been living there, they had no home left. Not that Ironmonger cared.

“So, Peter Parker and the Rebellion. Guess your parents were right.” Tony laughed, “they sold you out to save their own asses, and your friend, that blonde, she didn't make it.”

Peter cursed, Stark was already here, and they had taken out Wanda and his backup.

No, the Sanctum cannot be harmed by non-magical means. They have destroyed the building, but the people inside are still safe,

Peter looked over at the ruined building, safe? There is nothing left of the building, they aren't safe. Doom has them. So what do we do? I know you can fight but after last time,

No, we cannot, we will resist if he kills either the captain or Natasha, but we cannot fight. He has others hidden, we would lose.

Hexen shared her senses with him, and as he closed his eyes and tried to block out the pain he felt two more hiding across the street. While he couldn't tell, Hexen felt their powers, and they glowed to her other scenes,

Like the Captain, Enhanced smell and feel different, the serum makes them more, more alive, more everything, and we can see it. The others are like him, and you are not strong enough to take them all.

Peter sighed and continued to climb out of the sewer, raising his hands above his head,

“Well, that was easy. No hidden tricks this time. I mean, Wrath was a pain in my ass but we still owe you for his death.”

“You killed my friends, screw your debt.” Peter spat at him and Tony laughed,

“Oh, I’ll enjoy breaking that attitude, and miss, my thermal imaging shows you down there, come up or I reduce these two to ash and then burn the sewers to get you.”

As Peter moved out the way Natasha came head first out of the manhole and Tony laughed

“Rogers and Romanov, Doom will definitely reward me for this. I mean, you two practically run the Rebellion and Parker. Losing Wrath doesn't matter, we got plenty more gamma beasts, but you three,“ and as Tony moved close to Natasha and lifted her chin with a gauntleted hand, “I bet Doom lets me keep you as a pet.”

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Natasha was tempted to just spit in his face, but the heavy faceplate took all the satisfaction away from it,

“All right, round them up. Power suppression collars on all three, oh and Mr Parker, if that little slime creature you've got is anything like the other one, we know about your weakness,” and as Ironmonger turned to one of the Doom Patrollers, “full charge on your pulse weapon, they don't like fire.”

You didn't mention the fire thing, Peter chastised Hexen,

Because we aren't, offspring are weak and have not adapted, we are sorry they died though, we may not be able to make another.

That got Peter feeling guilty, Sorry, I didn't know,

If it saves you it is of no matter, we had no choice to evade capture.

Yeah a fat lot of good that did us, and as a soldier clasped Peter's arms behind his back he felt the cold settle cuffs being connected and the small but audible whine as they powered on.

Bah Hexen scoffed, these are pale imitations of the Peters CLS, you and I are not chained to this device. If you can touch the others I can free them when you wish.

“You know, I'm almost disappointed. The son of the famous Parkers went out like a little bitch. I hoped you’d fight. I mean, I wished you’d fight. Maybe” and Ironmonger's faceplate slid back and he knelt in front of Peter. “You know,” Tony whispered, ”when the blonde attacked she took out four men on her own. I had to blow off her limbs one by one just to get her to stop,” and seeing Peter's face contrast in anger he got closer, ”but it was the screams as I sprayed her with napalm. I recorded it, wanna listen?” but Peter shrugged.

“Nope, you can probably hear you jacking off to it in the background. Dirty old men aren't my thing,”

We are sorry, Hexen whispered. She had cut Peter's mind free and was now in control. You would have become dangerous once more, and your mind is too unstable.

“In fact, I bet she was only screaming because you stopped and spoke to her rather than fighting. Doom’s dick slip out your mouth long enough? I mean, your breath alone-” but Ironmonger raised a fist and punched Peter across the jaw, sending him flying.

“Nobody talks to me that way.” and as the repulsor cannons in his armour whined and powered up he levelled them at Peter.

Peter righted himself and laughed “pathetic, can't even handle a boy in cuffs, I bet you don't even get hard unless they chained up, to intimi-” and as the cannons whumped Peter was blasted back and into the ruins of the sanctum. As the building shook and clouds of dust billowed from the hole Ironmonger had blasted in the wall, Steve and Natasha both clenched their fists and gritted their teeth,

From the building, all they heard was Peter mocking Tony. “And you hit like a fucking pussy. I'm unarmed and you still missed. No wonder the Rebellion is winning if you're the best Doom has.”

As the small contingency kept their guns trained on Natasha and Steve they couldn't help but stare as the building began to glow an eerie red colour. From inside they could hear the kid’s creepy laugh echoing around.

Tony switched his comms on, “yeah creepy kid. You got him covered Warhawk?” but all he got was static before he heard a splat.

“You touch on greatness, and fumble in ignorance. But we can teach you,” and a circle of yellow energy began to spiral behind the group. Ironmonger's faceplate snapped back down and he signalled to the soldiers to be ready.

As it spun faster and faster eventually it spun and nothing happened, standing back Ironmonger wondered what the kid was playing at until the first soldier screamed.

The yellow vortex appeared quickly and silently beneath his feet and Ironmonger could see the clouds through it,

Clouds? He thought to himself, what the hell? But as he heard the screams of the men, he looked up. Two, three, more vortexes appeared and soon each soldier was dropped. One by one they impacted on the ground and Tony watched as the creature, the red and grey one he found before, stalked from the wreckage of the house. Tony knew the magic Viktor could do, but he had never seen him teleport or create portals in thin air. If he could, he would have conquered Russia years ago.

“The boy is weak, but we are not, and we will make you suffer.” 

Hexen was never really allowed to cut loose with her own powers. Wanda and Stephen both kept a wary eye on the symbiote's own magical ability. She had inherited much from Peter. Extremis ran through her armour. From Natasha, combat and tactics, and from Wanda, a small portion of her magical knowledge, and the more Stephen taught, the more she understood. 

She had shared with the others, it was their way of welcoming her into the family but she knew she was more. Wanda granted her a power greater than any of the others could understand, and she would use it to take revenge on them.

As Ironmonger raised his arms and fired she conjured more rifts and the beams blasted into his back, and taking advantage as he stumbled he sprang forwards and sliced at the bottom of each leg. As the thrusters sputtered and died, Hexen laughed, “and now we see if you can fly.”

“Oh god no, no please,” he yelled as he struggled to ignite the boots. Feeling the vortex form beneath his feet, “please, I’ll help, Your friend isn’t dead, I can give you Doom, I can-” but as the vortex grew big enough he slipped through and Hexen calmly walked forwards and slashed away the restraints on Steve and Natasha.

As Ironmonger fell, Hexen created rift after rift, stopping him from impacting the ground until she judged he wouldn't fall any faster. Creating one last rift he screamed as he fell through it and out, this time impacting against the side of the ruined building,

“No one destroys our home. No one threatens our mate, and no one hurts our friends.”

The crumbled and bloody mess of Ironmonger slid down the wall, blood and fluid leaking from the flattened front. Hexen could smell the blood leaking from the suit, and there was nothing but pulped meat inside. Even in her own reality, Tony had been a thorn in Peter's side, and this was a small victory, once she would relish sharing with the group, once they were all home.

As Steve stood and undid the cuffs around his wrist he rubbed them, “maybe start with that next time.” but as Hexen slid back and Peter was returned to consciousness he fell to one knee,

“No, We can’t-” and as he slipped into unconsciousness he felt Steve rush and grab him.

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