Spider-Man. House Of Venom

Chapter 273: Arc Nine. Chapter Two-Hundred Sixty-Six. Rose Tinted Glasses

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The rest of the time with Sterns was much nicer, as Peter hit him with a full dose of fear pheromone. After taking the sample Sterns meekly followed orders and Peter left without too much trouble. Even after sending out his own telepathic probes Peter used all of his senses and Sterns wasn’t telepathic as such, it was the interference of normal brain function using his own gamma enhanced brain. He was more like a massive signal blocker, disrupting anyone’s thoughts who came near him and rendering them suggestive to his words. His intellect was enhanced though, and Peter had no doubt that Samual Sterns was a dangerous man to be kept alive. Ross made it clear though after Peter gave his report, that the decision wasn’t his and that he was not to be harmed.

After refusing a ride Peter needed some time to clear his head. Sterns made him realise that not everyone with powers would be friendly. He would have to talk to Nat and then both Ross and Coulson as to what contingency plans they could put in place if a superpowered threat emerged. He seriously doubted that either would agree to simply kill them, and proper containment and restraints needed to be developed. After he dropped the blood sample off at Gwen's lab he headed back to the warehouse, where his next powered appointment was waiting.

Maria and Scott were sat at the breakfast table while Peter made coffee,

“So, what do you want?” Scott asked gruffly. He wasn't too happy that Maria had dragged him here, but as she liked to take charge, and had promised him it would be worth it, he had reluctantly agreed.

Peter on the other hand just shook his head as he put the pot of coffee in front of them, “hey, trying to mend bridges here, but you can screw off if that's your attitude.” He’d had enough of listening to Sterns, trying futilely persuade him to let him go, and then Ross’s bullshit about there being no need for any other Enhanced now they were training the Gamma Troopers. As he laid out mugs Scott frowned,

“Mending bridges? After you made Jean and I break up? After doing exactly what the professor asked you not to? You want to make up for that?” and he shook his head as Peter stared at him,

“What? Jean didn't break up with you because of me, she broke up with you because that wasn't Jean. Jean was neutered by the professor, the real Jean is the one that called you an ass and then left, and the professor knew exactly what she would do, which is why,” and he waved a hand, “you get the picture. This is for Maria, so quit whining.”

Scott furrowed his brow, “you two?” and Maria shrugged,

“That was before you, and it wasn't really-” but Peter interrupted her,

“Important, it's not important. What is though is that Maria tested out not only a new formula but a new symbiote. And I want to thank her for that, by trying to make it up to you.” and Scott shook his head

“Dammit Parker. Do you sleep with every woman you meet? I mean, are there any women left in New York that haven't been bedded by the mighty Venom.” Scott asked accusingly.

“Oh grow up Scott,'' Maria said as she sipped her coffee, “it was barely a thing and in the past. Peter, give him the tech, and sorry.” and Peter shrugged,

“It's fine, We need to head upstairs, the lighting has been adjusted.”

Scott just looked at the pair confused but Maria leant over before Scott could stand, “you leave, I want to say something to my boyfriend.” and Peter shrugged and grabbed his mug, heading up to the lab,

“Scott, please. He and I weren't a thing, it was once for about 5 seconds,“ and as he slumped and looked dejected at his cup she took his chin and turned him towards her. “I get it, you’re worried he’s after more, and this is his way in, but it's not. He asked, he does want to fix things between you two. He’s not your enemy.” as he leant forward she kissed him gently on the lips. As he still looked upset she sighed, “fine, my ass, give him ten minutes and you can have my ass. I know you stare at it, I know you’re plucking up the courage to ask, I am telepathic remember.” and Scott went slightly red,

“That's not fair,” he whispered, “not fair at all.”

“Suck it up Cyclops. Being a member of Wrath means being fearless.”

“I am fearless, just not with you.” and Maria sighed,

“And unlike Jean, I'm not going anywhere and this insecurity is adorable for a minute or two but it gets old. Peter is supplying Wrath with tech, and he suggested an upgrade for you.”

Scott frowned, “an upgrade?” and Maria nodded, 

“Even better than the body armour you like so much.”

“Fine, fine.” and draining his cup, “but I'm holding you to that last thing, “ and Maris grinned and kissed his cheek,

As the pair made their way up to the main lab, Maria noted it had been cleared out since she was last here. Peter closed and locked the door behind them, and motioned to two stools. Peter handed a pair of glasses to Maria while his symbskin slid over him.

“We got your readings from the professor,” and as he clicked the lights the room was bathed in a painfully bright red light. “I already adapted, but it took a while. Scott, slowly lower your glasses. The light in here now matches the frequency of the lenses in your eyewear, but you know, I'd rather you didn't blow a huge hole in my home.”

Squinting, Scott slowly took off his glasses, and through slitted eyes opened them fully once the red energy he usually emitted fizzed harmlessly into the room.

Peter sighed in relief, “oh thank god for that.” and he moved over to one of the workbenches and put two boxes onto a tray table, wheeling it over. “Right, we have two pairs of new eyewear for you to test. One for combat and one for every day.”

Opening the box it was a banded single slit visor, similar to the one that he normally wore as part of his X-Men uniform. This one was black with familiar red ruby lenses embedded into the frame.

“This is for combat. It's self-adjusting so all you need to do is slide it on.” Peter explained but before he could finish Scott grabbed it, gave it a once over and slipped it over his head.

Wincing in pain, “what the hell?” and as the burning sensation at his temples grew he searched for the normal switch on the side to allow him to see out. Gritting his teeth he felt Peter lift his head.

“Ass. I was about to warn you, here.” and pressing a switch the pain faded and Scott heard a voice,

Visor Operating System enabled. Select mode.

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“Hear that?” Peter asked and he nodded, “good, it's the Visors neural bridge. Liv set one up for you. You can set up different patterns in the visors aperture, for whatever beam strength you need, or manually control it. It takes some practice but you’ll get used to it, uh just not in here, “ and Scott nodded.

He was more than used to not being able to test his powers fully. Even at fifty per cent, he had blown a hole in a rock mountainside and after quickly evacuating, saw the authorities rushing to the scene.

“It just slides on and off, the neural bridge is a small electrode in your temple, but if you want it removed just think ‘remove’ and it disengages completely and resets itself. Otherwise, it's just like a normal visor.”

Scott nodded, “I'll test it later, so I guess the other box is the same but a bit more fashionable.” but Peter grinned and shook his head,

“Oh no, these we worked on especially to order, and while they are a test pair, if they work, we’ll be selling them to other augments with similar problems.” As Peter lifted the second box, Scott saw a pair of contact lenses.

“Lenses? I’ll blast right through them,” and Peter laughed.

“So little faith, take that one off and try them.” Scott simply shook his head and unhooked the normal visor, leaning back he dipped a finger in and pressed each lens to his eye.

“Good, now look at me,” and as Scott looked over at Peter he shone a light in his eye. “And the other,” and Scott blinked a few times before letting Peter shine the light in his other eye.

Leaning back, Peter put down the penlight. “Now, this time I need to activate them before you can use them. The light bonded them to your pupil, you don't need to take them off and unless I use the laser again they won't ever come out, okay?”

“What the hell? Did you perform surgery on me? asshole.” but Maria squeezed his hand. “Fine, do it.” and Peter lifted a small instrument with a soft tip and holding Scott's eye open touched it to the lens, repeating the process for the second,

Initialising, he heard, and then a countdown,

“I got a warning at least,” and as it reached zero he felt a slight pain in his eye socket and face fading after a moment. “So, what do they do?”

Close your eyes, and as Scott shut his eyes, he heard Peter move, “are they on? Think self-check test.”

Self-check test.

Self-check test initiated. Fully functional

“Yeah. They’re on,” and as he heard the click he opened his eyes to make sure Peter wasn't up to anything.

“Well, I would have said slowly, but that works.” and Scott stared at him. “Thanks for not blasting me into next week.” Peter knew from the scans and from experience that Scott's optic blast was painful and more of a directed concussive force than a laser. “So, how do they feel?”

Scott was confused, “They feel fine I guess, but, what?” and he gave Peter a confused look until he realised the lights were normal bulbs and the room wasn't red.

Maria smiled and held his chin with one of her hands, “you have beautiful blue eyes,” and as he took her hand, he kissed it.

“The lenses are more than just an aperture. Normal lenses would be too thin to keep the energy contained, plus we had no idea if it would damage your eyes, so uh, we turned your powers off. The lenses contain a miniature power dampner, running on your own bioelectric energy.” but Scott stood and angrily marched at Peter,

“You what?” and as he lined up a punch Peter simply pushed him back into Maria's arms, before flicking the switch to turn on the red lights once more.

“Calm down, simply think ‘resume operation’ and they switch off. Shit, I thought you’d be happy not to have to wear your glasses, ever. Maria seemed to think so too.” and as Scott looked at her she was looking hesitantly at him,

“Sorry, I,” and she sighed “I talked to Jean, and she told me you always wished you didn't have to wear a visor or glasses. So I asked Peter to make something to let you use your powers but still be free of them.” and Scott shook his head and cradled her cheek with a hand,

“You're amazing,” and as he leant forwards to give her a kiss Peter cleared his throat,

“Yeah, still here.” but Scott ignored him and kissed her anyway.

“Still a dick,” and Peter laughed, 

“Yeah, that too. Test them, if you get headaches or sensitivity to light or noise come back and we can adjust them. Keep the glasses and visor for now. You need time to adjust, and for us to make sure they can handle your powers.”

Scott stood, and after giving Maria a look he sighed, “thank you Peter. I guess. Losing Jean wasn't easy, I thought-” but Peter shook his head,

“My powers affect a lot of people, Scott, it's fine. Jean made her choice, and you got Maria out of it. I learned life’s like that.“ and Peter waved a hand “one door closes, yadda yadda,” and as he moved away and stood at the door, “but uh, once you’ve had your moment, no sex in my lab, please. I do have exceptionally good hearing.”

Scott snorted, “Ass.” and Peter shrugged

“Yup, that's what she said.”

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