Spider-Man. House Of Venom

Chapter 277: Arc Nine. Chapter Two-Hundred Seventy. An Error In Judgement

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Peter and everyone were sitting waiting for the president's speech. The vote had been done in secret, and it had been agreed that the result would be announced by the president himself.

Of all the changes this was the second-worst, right after Dooms alteration of Sokovia. The New York Accords had been hailed as a disaster, and newer more stringent laws had been drafted and discussed since the attack on the Triskelion by Hydra. After several years, court orders, and legal injunctions, the new law was now being voted on.

President Ellis stood at the podium, and Peter could see the worry and regret written all over his face. The vote had gone badly, and he feared the worst.

“My fellow Americans. I stand before you today with a solemn task. To announce the results of a vote. A vote that decides the fate of what we think could be up to a million Americans. No matter the result, no matter the effect I will make sure that those citizens are still American.”

The president paused and took a sip of water, and Peter saw his hands shaking.

“The Augmented Registration and Control Act is designed to allow those who have powers to freely seek justice in the law, if they suffer discrimination, but also to allow those who suffer from any misdeeds done by those with powers to seek compensation within the law. We are all painfully aware of what powered individuals can do, and how they will affect our lives in the years to come.”

President Ellis sighed,

“Across party lines, the vote was passed 65 to 35. And as of today, all Augmented Americans must report to a processing centre for registration.”

President Ellis leaned both hands on the podium, and looked down, Peter didn't need powers to know the man was torn over this. The US government had just legalized discrimination against those with powers.

“A program to ensure that those unable to present themselves for testing, or those too afraid to present themselves has been passed by the Senate. Starting this week, the Sentinel program will begin. A series of drones, held and controlled by the military will provide support and assistance to any non-powered individual under duress. These state of the art drones, supplied by Traks Industries have been in production since the ’50s and are 100 per cent secure. They have been rigorously tested again and again, so I have been assured.”

As the camera pulled back a huge giant robot. With humanoid features strode into view. The main body of the Sentinel was a huge plexiglass dome and must have been some kind of carbon fibre shell, housing an arc reactor, which Peter raised an eyebrow at Liv but she shrugged and pointed back at the screen. The arms and legs were thick and banded and looked strong enough to cope with even his super strength, and the whole thing was covered in thick purple armour. While it was supposed to be a peacekeeping drone, to Peter it looked more like a combat drone, for killing not capturing.

“I Am A Sentinel. Do Not Be Alarmed. I Am Programmed To Assist Any Citizen. Commencing Scan.”

As the Sentinel raised its arm, a light shone on the president. “No Mutant Gene Detected. Subject Is Homo Sapien.”

The President cleared his throat, “As you can see, the Sentinel is safe and non-hostile. Only an Augmented using their powers will be given a warning, and activate the defensive protocols.”

A nervous-looking woman was ushered onto the stage, and prompted by an aide.

The Sentinel raised its arm, “Scanning. Mutant Gene Detected. Citizen, Please Display Your Registration Card For Identification.”

The woman froze. “I don't have one,” and in a panic tried to leave the stage. As two guards reached for their guns, she froze one more.

“Unregistered Mutant Detected. Citizen. Please Report To The Nearest Registration Office.” as the Sentinel raised its arm, a wire shot out of its hand and wrapped around the woman's chest. As she struggled to remove it, “Mutant Neutralised. The Local Law Enforcement Office Has Been Contacted And Supplied With Your Description. Please Citizen. Have A Nice Day.” and the Sentinel stood back next to the podium.

“Safe and contained, with no harm done to either the person or the surroundings. The Sentinels will provide protection to all our citizens.”

As the cameras clicked and the reporters began to ask their questions President Ellis raised a hand,

“That was the prepared speech I was handed before coming here. But, that's not what I want to say. As my last act as President. I refuse to allow my legacy to be this rotten pile of bullshit, that America has sunk so low to allow such blatant discriminatio-” and the camera cut off, replaced by a presidential logo and a please standby sign.

Peter shook his head and looked over at Wanda and Laura.

“I am not registering with that office Peter, I have already submitted my powers to Shield, why should I have to?” Wanda started and Laura agreed.

“Like Shaw,” was all Laura said and for once Peter agreed. His phone buzzed and after checking it, he read the report Coulson had sent him, and his worst fears were realised.

Augmented had been split into power categories, from Alpha being the least dangerous all the way up to Omega, with world-altering powers. He knew Charles, Erik, and Wanda all fitted into the Omega category, and if Jean pushed herself and used the Phoenix so would she. Omega level mutants were to be contained, confined and controlled. No private citizen would be allowed to walk free with a power that was the equivalent of a nuclear bomb. It was either work for the government or have a permanent power suppressor fitted. 

As Peter read through the file further, Coulson had included the specs for the dampner and Peter recognized a bastardised version of his CLS, Starks Iron Halo and the control collar used by Hydra, all signed off by a Senator Gideon Malik, a one-time member of the WSC, and a very good friend of Alexander Pierce.

Peter swore, they knew Malik was Hydra and this was another bullshit attempt to start one of their take over schemes, but as the WSC and the Senate had cleared him, he had no proof.

He couldn't even sue for patent infringement as this was the US government, they would just slap him silly in court and laugh their asses off. If he didn’t end up in jail himself. Fury had been shielding him from several agencies, but with the ARCA in place they would be coming for him, and knowing Sword, coming from them all.

“Nobody’s going anywhere. We need to see what the changes to the New York accords are,” and sharing the file, they all stared at their phones, Peter laughing though, as Lauras was playing one of her mobile games. She wasn't interested in laws or reading but knew to stay quiet until everyone else finished.

As the group read, and occasionally tutted, they could hear the news reporting on the Television,

“JJ here. Today marks a great day for peace-loving Americans. You wouldn't let your child carry a gun, and we shouldn't let potentially dangerous mutants free with powers that could harm us either. But, never let it be said that JJ didn't put his money where his mouth is, and so. As the Sentinel program rolls out across the country I'm going to volunteer.”

On-screen, JJ stood outside the Daily Bugle offices, and a crowd of Humanity First waved banners and cheered as a purple Sentinel landed. Peter noted the thruster design and wondered if Stark had finally agreed to share his Iron Legion technology.

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“And now, ladies and-” but Jonah was interrupted,

“Scan Completed. Unregistered Mutant Detected” and as the Sentinel raised its arm, a silver lasso shot out and wrapped itself around JJ. The crowd went quiet as the man blustered.

“Now see here, I was tested, I'm not a mutant you stupid tin can. Scan me again” he yelled. As the Sentinel raised its arm, the pale light covered JJ.

“Mutant Gene Variant Detected. Chance Of Offspring With Mutation Is Fifty-Seven Per Cent. Possibility Of Mutant Offspring Above Tolerance Levels. Capture And Detainment Advised”

“Offspring? Offspring! You defective vending machine. I'm not a mutant, NOT A MUTANT” and as the crowd began to jeer and yell at the machine it turned. 

“Unregistered Mutations Detected In Congregation. Sentinel Outnumbered. Calling Additional Support,” and as the crowd continued to jeer and shout at the machine several more landed.

“Unregistered Mutations Detected, Crowd Control Unsuitable. Beginning Low-Level Apprehension. Non-Mutants. Please Evacuate The Area,” and as they raised their arms and began to fire a stunning blast, the crowd screamed and began to flee.

Peter put down his phone, “Guys, it doesn't matter, we need to help.” and as the group's symbarmour slid over them they heard the heavy footfalls outside the building.

“Peter Parker. Unregistered Mutants Detected At This Location. Please Be Advised That The New York Accords Have Been Suspended And That All Mutants Must Register Under The ARCA. Please Do Not Resist.”

Peter swore. He hadn’t expected them to be so quick. “You two, suit up and hide. Let me deal with this,” and Laura and Wanda both nodded and as Hexen and Talon covered them they shimmered and vanished.

As Peter opened the warehouse door and saw the three sentinels standing there he knew this was going to end badly.

“This is private property. Scan me and then leave. The ARCA does not allow you to harass private citizens. Augments that may or may not be here will report at an appropriate time.” Peter had learned enough dealing with bureaucrats at Sword, and he was learning to bullshit with the best of them.

“Unacceptable. Augments At The Location Designated Laura Kinney And Wanda Maximov Have Been Reported As Hostile By Sword Authorities. Their Presence Is Required.” intoned a Sentinel and Peter swore.

“There is no part of the ARCA that allows that, plus, they aren't here,” and as Peter reached for his phone a Sentinel raised its arm and the light scanned him.

“Non-Human Dna Detected. Please Surrender To Us. We Will Ensure That No Harm Comes To You.”

“Yeah, illegal detainment is also not allowed, so how about. No.”

“The Sentinel Program Is Designed To Update And Designate A New Protocol If The Original Is Deemed To Be Insufficient. Alien DNA Was Detected. Alien DNA Is A Mutant Form Of Dna, Therefore Alien Dna Must Be Contained, Our Protocols All For The Containment Of All Non-Human DNA. You Will Surrender.”

“Overstepping the mark there botbrain. You are not a law enforcement drone, only a shepherd,” and then it struck him, he was arguing with a drone. Someone had to be piloting it. The US government, right after Ultron and Modok weren't stupid enough to run an independent AI were they? Peter sighed, of course they were.

Raising his hands and trying to appear as non-threatening as possible he walked towards the Sentinel. “I need to check something big guy, hold still for a moment,” and as Peter walked up he rested a hand on the Sentinel and in an instant bored a hole into its casing and into the circuitry.

Just remain calm, this won't hurt he thought as he zipped around its neural network, oh those idiots.

The Sentinel was a basic AI, not like Ultron but most certainly like Modok. It had a learning matrix and would be able to make spot judgements on any scenario it encountered. He tilted his head, and as his technopathic powers touched the Sentinels control program his normal telepathic powers flared as well. It wasn't an Ultron copy, but there was a living system embedded within the Sentinel.

As his mind touched the living component he felt it snarl at him and the Sentinels eye glowed for a moment before it backhanded him across the parking lot in front of the warehouse.

“Hostile Actions Detected. Peter Parker Is Now Wanted For Tampering With Official Government Equipment. All Others Within The Domicile Will Exit And Be Scanned For Illegal Mutant DNA.”

As Peter picked himself up and thanked the stars he missed the warehouse. He stood, dusted himself off, and shook his head, “No see. I was playing nice, but your systems are suspiciously like the ones Hydra uses, and so is your AI. How about you stand down and I call someone much higher up to deal with this.”

“Refusal Of Orders. Peter Parker Is Now A Wanted Fugitive. Containment Protocol Engaged. Peter Parker Is A Registered Enhanced Human With Unknown Alien DNA. Individual Is Compromised. Individual Has No Rights Under The Terms Of The ARCA. Lethal Force Authorized.”

As the hand blasters of the Sentinel whined to power up, all three pointed their hands at Peter, he tutted.

“Yeah, that's not a good idea,” and as his symbarmour slid over him, the Sentinels looked up and saw five Symbiote covered women staring down at them, “In fact, it's probably the worst idea ever.”


Dun Dun Duuuuun. Sentinels, oh my!

Thank you for reading,

Arc Nine. Certain Doom.

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