Spider-Man. House Of Venom

Chapter 298: Arc Ten. Side Story. X-Over. Who Watches The Watchman

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This is an Aprils Fools chapter, and while set in the same world, has no bearing on the main story, and can be skipped.

Reed had gathered the Fantastic Four together once more for another experiment to reverse the reality damage done by Dooms machine,

“We know that the stone gave off radiation and that it's saturated our tissues. I’ve devised a means to draw off some of that power, and to use it to reverse the damage.” He explained, “but you might need constant dose to maintain your form, Ben,”

Ben nodded, he didn't care, as long as he stopped looking like this ‘Thing’ as the media had dubbed him. Even Alicia trying to reassure him he wasn't a giant monster didn't help some days. And neither did johnny.

“I need you all to attach this to your wrists, and then, it uh, might be a bit painful,” Reed said nervously, the siphon drew off the energy, but he had no idea if it would drain their powers, or damage their cells, and he needed all four to do any kind of testing.

“Right, but I don't want to lose my powers,” Johnny said. Of them all he was the most enthusiastic and often went out dealing with petty criminals, Sue had reservations about her powers, whereas Reed just saw it as another thing to utilise in his experiments, although being able to stretch was convenient at times.

“It doesn't matter. Once I have some readings I can make adjustments. Ben needs this Johhny. We are all fine, and I won't leave Ben feeling left out.”

“Yeah flame brain, see how you like being on fire all the time, that's what this is.” but even Johhny had to agree there. Of everyone, Ben’s powers were always on, and Johhny couldn’t imagine the problems it would cause always being on fire.

“Right, right, but uh, I've got a date at twelve, so can we?” Johnny explained and Reed nodded. They slid the armbands over their hands, and at the control panel, Reed flipped a switch.

It was a small tickle, like a cold sliver running through their bodies, and as reed watched the dials sue and Johhny shuffled uncomfortably in their seats.

“Right, that's enough, the stabiliser is charged.” Reed stretched over and lifted the final wristband from its holder, “Ben, take that off and try this one.”

Ben nodded, and while Johhny lit and juggled small fireballs to test he still had his powers, Ben grimaced as the stabiliser connected.


It sounded, and the face flashed red.

“Give it a moment, it needs to calibrate,” Reed explained and Ben stared at it,


It sounded again, and once more the face flashed red.

“That it? It ain't working Reed.” and Ben clenched his fists, “I'm stuck like this ain't I?” but Reed could only shake his head,

“If the damage can be done Ben, it can be undone. Maybe more power, maybe-” but Ben interrupted him,

“No, I’m a monster, an’ now you want to do more tests, do more experiments,” Ben shouted, “and this, this stupid thing” and pulling the stabiliser from his wrist he wound up and threw it, “its crap, its all carp.” and the other three watched as the stabiliser went flying from the twenty-third floor of the Baxter building,

Reed could only watch in horror as his latest invention went flying, “Ben.” but Ben shook his head

“No Reed, I'm sick of it, sick of the tests, an’ I ain't-” but Reed shook his head

“That was three million dollars and the last of our vibranium.”

Ben huffed, “well then it's a good thing I didn't shove it up my-”


New York, 5th Avenue.

“Asshole,” Marcus shouted as the flying watch smacked him in the head, and after his vision stopped swimming, he lay on the sidewalk with a fist raised, curing Reed Richards.

Everyone knew that walking past the Baxter Building was sometimes a lucky dip as to what would be flying out, and as he lay there, feeling the swelling on his head throb, and the weird sensation around his wrist tickle and tingle, a rather attractive young African American woman, holding a camera approached him,

“Oh, uh hey,” she said, and as his eyes came back into focus, he saw she had a strange diamond mark over one eye. “I got it on camera. Twenty-five per cent of the settlement and the footage is yours.”

Marcus frowned, “What?”

“I sit here, sometimes, waiting for Reed Richards to screw up, record it and help people sue him.”

Marcus sat upright and the pain in his head throbbed again, “For money?”

“Well, duh. A girls gotta eat somehow.” Marcus stared at her as she shuffled a backpack around and pulled out a form, “fill this in, I’ll hand it in and when you get your money you pay me. It’s been great, Reed even printed out a standard form, but uh, it doesn't look like you’re too badly hurt, you might only get a thousand or so,” she explained,

“Yeah don't care, going home,” Marcus said as he rubbed his eyes,

Domino huffed, “My money?”

Marcus shook his head, “A grand?” and Domino nodded, “Plus whatever Reed Richards does to get this back?” and lifting his arm he showed her the device now attached to his arm, “I think I’ll pass.”

Marcus got to his feet, letting the sensations slowly pass as his vision swam. Shaking his head and taking a deep breath he sighed, “just my lucky fucking day.” 

With his head pounding, and now this crazy weirdo hounding him, today suddenly turned into a go home and crawl back into bed day. A job wasn’t worth this crap, and he still had two months rent paid and a refrigerator full of groceries.

As he walked away Domino stared at him, flicking back through the photos she had taken, “if it's not payday then what’s up huh?” and as she stared at his back, “maybe something else, maybe I should follow him and find out.” and with a smile and a small grin, Domino decided that it might not be his lucky day, but she would make sure it was hers.


Hells Kitchen, eighth floor, apartment 80b

Marcus sighed as he saw her. She was stood, all six-foot, dark brown skin, afro hair and that damn diamond over one eye. “You followed me?”

“Of course, my power is never wrong, you're my lucky day.”

Marcus sighed again, “luck isn't a power,”

Domino laughed, ”of course it is, anything can be a power.”

“Nope, it's not, luck isn't real.”

Domino sighed and her shoulders slumped, “fine, my power is to identify and collapse probability waves culminating in a positive outcome, beneficial specifically to me.”

Marcus frowned, “so luck?”

Domino smiled, “See, that wasn't so hard was it?”

Laughing, Marcus shook his head, “so just good luck, or more?”

“More than a cameo? definitely good for me.”

A third voice interrupted them, and as the pair looked over at the speaker, Domino groaned. It was a strange sight, a man, dressed in a black and red armoured suit, with half his mask, slid over his face, and a sandwich stuffed in it as busy jiggling keys in the lock of the door,

“Deadpool.” Domino said, sighing and rubbing her forehead “sometimes it's most definitely bad.”


Inside Apartment 80B

“I guess why you followed, but uh, Deadpool right? Why are you here?” Marcus asked. Domino had followed him inside, and as he went to close the door, the strange man had just pushed past him,

“Plot,” Deadpool said, and as Marcus looked over at Domino she shrugged,

“Just ignore him, nobody at the mansion liked him, and they probably threw him out.”

Deadpool recoiled, “Aww, that's just mean, I’ll have you know Hank loves me, he had me do all these tests naked, even though I wasn’t supposed to be. He was red with joy, or well, I think he was, all that fur, he’s like a giant beanie baby.” Deadpool added wistfully.

“Hank?” Marcus asked but Domino shook her head,

“Don't ask, secret Augment stuff. But yeah, if he pissed off one of the heads, then they threw him out. What Colossus not save you this time?”

“Only in the movies,” Deadpool said, and went back to rummaging in the kitchen “hey, don't you have decent food?” he said as he unwrapped a toaster pastry and stuffed it in his mouth, “I mean, I'm poorer than Parker and I have better food.”

“Parker? You mean multi-millionaire polyandrist Peter Parker, yeah, he’s poor.”

“What the shit? Parker is always poor. Damn hack writers, spoiling his one schtick. How am I supposed to relate to him now? What? Does he think he’s Bruce Wayne or something?” Deadpool mumbled,

“Yeah, don't care. Get the fuck out.” Marcus said, he knew who Peter Parker was, his love life was in the media more than Starks, and that was saying something,

“You don't get it. We’re supposed to be together. I mean, you think this novel is risque, you should read the slash stuff.” Deadpool complained, and now Marcus was completely lost.

“Do you know what he’s talking about?” Marcus asked Domino, who looked up from the magazine she was reading.

“Nope, tuned out as soon as he opened his mouth.”

Deadpool tutted, “Well fuck you too, miss ‘my power is luck’. I’m not talking to you.” he huffed

Domino laughed, “see, it must be working. So, magic man, show us your magic.” and she pointed at the stabiliser on Marcus's wrist.

Marcus pulled back his sleeve, “I don't even know what this is, I mean, it looks like a watch but with no face.” 

As he held it up he got a good look at it. It was a thick strapped old fashioned watch, with a spin dial on the top and the face had two triangles pointing at each other, currently flashing yellow. “You don't think that's bad do you?”

“Give me your hand,” Domino asked, and held out hers. Marcus looked at it, “I can use my powers, sometimes to rub off on people.”

Deadpool snorted, “she wants to rub you off.”

“Can I stab him?” Domino asked,

Deadpool shrugged, “I charge twenty bucks for that. Forty for the face, fifty for the groin.” and both Domino and Marcus stopped and stared at him, “what? It's a tough economy.”

Marcus raised an eyebrow “anyway, I don't see how it comes off. It's one of Richard's stupid things.” and gripping the top of the watch dial it wouldn't even lift from his skin.

“Wait, Reed Richards, completely batshit insane but it's totally okay somehow Reed Richards. Punch a hole into other dimensions, piss off the locals and then act like he’s the victim Reed Richards, summon interim-”

Domino put her hand over his mouth, “yes, Reed Richards.” and she took it away quickly and wiped it on his bodysuit as he gently licked her palm.

“Okay, then, yeah, good luck with that, I'm leaving,” Deadpool said, and tried to move towards the door,

“Uh uh, you’re staying. You wanted in on this, and now you don't get a choice.” Domino said

Deadpool made a whining noise, “buutt mom, it's probably dangerous, and I don't feel like getting blown up. Again. Today.”

Domino shrugged, “don't care, my powers are kicking in when you try and move away. You’re staying, and that's final.”

Deadpool pouted and she sighed and lifted a twenty from her purse, “here, now you’ve been paid.”

Deadpool snatched the twenty “okay, but you can only stab me in the ass, ‘cause I think you're cute.”

Domino groaned, “I’ll stab you in lots of places if you're not quiet. Now Marcus, the watch.”

“I said, it's broken,” Marcus grabbed the top, which seem to at least spin, and as he did, a small holo display lit up, and several figures were lit up in bright green holograms. “Woah, that's new.”

As he flicked the dial, there seemed to be seven in total. All different.

“Well, my powers aren't going nuts, so pick on and press the face down,” Domino suggested.

“If you're sure?” Marcus said, and Domino shrugged.

As he turned the dial he spotted a large muscular man, with a long flowing cape behind him, “You’ll do,” and he pushed down and the watch clicked, and he was surrounded by a green glow.

As he came back into view, he was now floating, covered in bright red and blue body armour, with a giant red pair of triangles emblazoned on his chest over a yellow background. A large red cape flowed down his back and seemed to be flapping as if an invisible wind was gently blowing on it.

Domino had to admit that damn was he handsome. The new Marcus was at least seven feet tall, with bulging very prominent muscles under that skin-tight bodysuit. His hair was black and perfectly styled, hanging a single curl down over baby blue eyes that screamed love me, at her. She swallowed, damn, if this was her luck, then and trying to be as inconspicuous as possible she let her eyes trail down to his,

“Holy shit. Are you Amazon? ‘cause that's one massive package.” Deadpool shouted, and Marcus looked down at his now very skin-tight pants.

“Uh, yeah,” he said, pulling the cloak around him, trying to cover what was a fairly large bulge, “I feel weird though, like, I can hear everything, heartbeats, the traffic outside, and HOLY SHIT. I'm floating, I’M FLOATING!” he yelled as he struggled to gain traction in the air, “help, “

As he floated forwards he grabbed Dealpools shoulder and with a sickening crunch, felt it crumble under his grip. Deadpool screamed but was unable to dislodge himself.

Marcus stammered “sorry, sorry, I'm  strong, I didn't know, I was panicking,” and as he released his grip on Deadpool he floated backwards., “Uh, maybe a broom push me towards the couch?” 

As Deadpool gripped and reset his shoulder he looked over, “I ain't touching him, not unless you've got another twenty.”

Domino sighed, “Marcus, focus, calm your breathing and focus. Listen to my voice, hear only my voice, and just breathe, okay,”

As he closed his eyes and listened to Domino's calming voice he felt himself float down, and touch the carpet.

“Thanks, uh, how did you know that would work?”

Domino smiled, “the professor helped me when my powers were a bit more unpredictable, luck isn't always good, and sometimes bad luck hurts people.”

“Uh, thanks anyway,” Marcus said as he smiled, and there was a beeping noise from his chest and with a flash, he was back to being human. “I guess the transformation only lasts a few minutes.” and as he looked down he could see the watch face was back to being yellow once more. “Wonder how long it takes to recharge?”

As he asked the watch face beeped once more and was back to green.

“Oh, right, timer anyone? The oven has one, or a phone” Marcus asked as he turned the watch dial once more. This time he picked a smaller man, with green lightning arcing all over his body. As long as he didn't touch anyone the lightning should stay put. “Right, ready?”

Domino indeed, and the timer function on her phone started as Marcus pushed the watch face down once more.

The flash left a smaller man, in full body armour dyed a deep scarlet red standing in his palace. “Hey, this isn't so bad, no super hearing this time.” and he lifted his hands to stare at them, “don't feel any different though, the watch figure had lighting, so if that's my power, unless I do something consciously, it won't do anything?”

Domin shrugged, “could be handy, “ and she wouldn't admit it, but she preferred the other more muscular form, this one was a bit lame. “Try lifting something, if you’re still super-strong.”

Marcus nodded and as he leant forward to pick up the side of the table he darted, unseen by the other two and sped forward, tangling himself up in a throw run he had on the back of the sofa. Picking himself up off the floor he stepped to balance himself and shot forwards once more, this time into the arms of Domino, who to him, in, slow motion stared in shock at his burst of speed.

As he tried to correct his path, he tripped and spun, landing on the chair on the other side of the room, with one hand under Domino's ass, and the other gently cupping her small but springy breast.

“Uh, I did not mean to do that.” Marcus quickly stammered, but left his hands where they were, “ I don't want to move, in case I go hyper again”

Domino laughed and moved his hand away gently, and lifted herself up, “I don't know if that was your good luck or my bad luck there, but, thanks, I've met Quicksilver and high-velocity impacts are not pretty.”

Marcus imagined running at high speed into the thin apartment's walls and wondered if the wall or his flesh would have given out first, he shuddered thinking that he wouldn't be able to stop from smashing through the thin plaster walls until he knocked himself out.

“Yeah, I’m just going to sit and wait for the watch to time out,” he said, standing as still as he could.

“Look, you've got the dial face thing on your chest again. Maybe it's the off switch?” Domino suggested.

“Can’t hurt to try,” and bringing a hand up Marcus gently touched the circle and as he pressed it, there was a beeping noise and he reverted back to his normal self. “Oh thank god for that.” he looked at the torn rug and furled carpet where he had sped across the room.

“So, how many are we testing, cause I’m thinking, we could maybe go somewhere you won't kill yourself,” Domino asked,

Deadpool, on the other hand, stuffed a sandwich into his mouth, “no, let him do it here, I have renters insurance, if he trashes my place I get a free hotel stay, oh, and you're out of bread.”

Marcus looked over and the fresh loaf he bought the day before was piled high, filled with everything he had in his cupboards.

“Hey ass, that was my lunch.”

Deadpool shrugged, “the crime in this neighbourhood is terrible. I mean, I woke up one morning and there was  perfectly good TV just sitting on my coffee table, someone broke in and framed me by planting it there.”

Marus shook his head, Hells Kitchen was bad enough without knowing he was living next to this idiot as well. “Look, we have five more transformations to go through, do you know anywhere we can try them out without hurting anyone or trashing my place?”

Deadpool, lifted a tuna fish and peanut butter jelly sandwich, “sure, Peter fought Liv in an abandoned warehouse in Chapter 57, we can use it.”

“I understood half of that sentence, but if it's abandoned who says there aren't criminals or some other-” but Marcus could see the smile on Deadpool's face, “you killed them didn't you?”

Deadpool gasped “as if I would. No, I simply stated in no uncertain terms that maybe sometimes after a few too many that I might have nursed my hangover there. And I can positively say that my gun was not involved in any way and that any blood there is purely coincidental.”

Marcus rubbed his forehead, “are all superheroes like this? I mean, I’ve seen Spider-man on TV, and that Venom guy, but uh,”

Domino grimaced and shook her head, “there are no superheroes like Deadpool, in fact, there is nobody like Deadpool.”


Olivia Octavious ArcStar Project Experiment Warehouse.

“Ta-Da,” Deadpool shouted as they broke into the rusty and abandoned building. It had been years since anyone had been in here and the remains of police tape drifted listlessly in the breeze. “Now, I know it's not much, but still, it's better than nothing.”

“No, nothing would be better. If I slam into a wall at high speed I’ll probably bring the building down, “ Marcus complained, “I mean, look at the hole.” He pointed to the giant cutaway section at the back of the building,

“Just ignore it, the giant hole,” Deadpool said, “only whiners point out giant holes in things, like walls, floors, plots. You know who I mean, uh huh yes you do, don’tcha,”

“Who are you talking to?” Domino asked. She was regretting coming, as the room was filled with pigeon droppings and the two camp beds in the corner stank and were covered in mould.

“Oh, nobody,” Deadpool said with a wink, “So, whadda ya think?”

“It's a shitheap, and that's insulting to heaps of shit. We should leave before a stiff breeze knocks it over.” Marcus said, and as he turned Deadpool grabbed the switches,

“But it's got power and everything,” he explained as the lights came on and a low humming could be heard coming from the smashed and rusted equipment. “I mean, a little dust, a little spit and polish, and we have our own secret base.”

“Uh, yeah, no,” Domino said, but as she turned to leave she felt a tug and instead headed towards the pile in the corner. Nudging it with a toe, it crumbled and underneath was a pile of various metals, shiny and unrusted metals. “Is that what I think it is?”

Marcus shrugged, if it was gold or silver he had no clue, “Secret hideout of who, Deadpool? Is this some kind of drug den?”

“Nah, Pete got the drug den for his little sex cave in Chapter 5, this is more like a secret boss room, he just didn't loot it properly.”

Marcus shook his head, maybe the longer they spent together the more sense he made. “Fine Domino, take it and see if anyone will buy it. If this is a hideout it's probably stolen and we don't need Deadpool fucking things up.”

“It's Wade. You can call me Wade. I like you.” Deadpool said, pulling off his mask, “see, I even revealed my civilian identity to you.”

Marcus resisted the urge to gag, not only did his face look like herpes growing on mouldy feet but the smell was enough that even from several feet away it was like being downwind of a skunk orgy during summer in a pit made entirely of liquid farts.

“Fine, fine, Wade. We split the money three ways though.“ Marcus might not be a crook but he wasn’t about to let free money walk out the door, considering as well that job hunting was going poorly. Since Parker Inc set itself up, and Stark Teck got taken over jobs were thin on the ground. Everyone wanted references, and Marcus had none. All he had was his G.E.D, but it wasn’t enough for anything more than waiter jobs.

Domino sighed, “fine, I've got a few contacts I can run it through, but the cut will be hefty, oh and it’s Domino, I don't have a secret identity, unlike Wade here, I just go by that name.”

“Uh, but what do dominos have to do with being lucky? Shouldn't it be rabbit or I dunno, the gambler?” Deadpool said, grinning.

“Shut up Wade.” was all she said back, “I’ll get this fenced, and why is there still power? The grid should have been shut down years ago. If this Liv abandoned the palace. You two, get some tar at least, if this is our new testing area, I don't want anyone to watch us.”

“So uh, you're staying?” Marcus asked,

“My powers go crazy around you, so yeah, I'm staying. I'm dying to see what happens next.” Domino hoisted the rucksack over her shoulder, “plus, it hasn't been this fun in ages, toddles.” and she blew Marcus a kiss while Deadpool huffed.

“I don't see my kiss?” he complained but Domino just shrugged,

“When you don't look like a ballsack with eczema covered in barf, I might think about it.”

“That's just mean.”


A week later

“Peter dear, do you remember when we met?” Liv asked,

“Uh, the time you tied me to a table or the time you tried to blow us all up?” Peter replied,

“The second one. Seems some lunatic wants to buy that warehouse, should I?”

“Uh, is there anything there still capable of blowing us up?”

“Uh, maybe some lasers, but nothing that would be incredibly destructive, maybe some gold I stole.”

“Right, so death rays and illegal loot. Sure, why not, but if I have to chase a death ray wielding maniac with a huge gold grill around though, you're in trouble.”

Liv laughed, “and as a bad girl, you should definitely spank me.”


Another week later

“So, what's up his butt?” Marcus asked as he helped Domino clean more of the warehouse. It was just old, and unused, and once they scrubbed the whole palace clean it smelt and looked a lot better. The walkways above them were rusted and unsafe but everything else, barring the big hole in the side, was actually not too bad. A lick of paint and the place would be a perfect training area,

“She stole my money,”  Wade huffed. He was sitting in stripey pyjamas, with a cloth cap on, holding a teddy bear, while curled up under a blanket, “and she only got me a stuffed bear, I specifically requested a stuffed giraffe.”

Domino rolled her eyes, “I bought the place, figured it was safe enough I could live here.”

Marcus frowned, “You bought it, with the gold you sold?” 

Domino shook her head, “I found a lotto ticket, won a hundred grand, so I figured why not?”

“Because this is a shithole, that's why.” he replied, “and him? Really?”

“I didn't steal shit. The gold wasn't pure, and the metal was just nickel, worthless. The gold went for a grand, once he took his cut it was two twenty each, I gave Wade his cut and took the rest as rent.” Domino explained

“He’s living here too?” Marcus asked,

“I'm a squatter,” Wade shouted back,

“Don't ask, I think he’s lonely. I mean, they did throw him out of the mansion.”

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“Okay, him I get, but you?”

Domino shrugged, “My powers aren't great, and I can hurt a lot of people.”

“By being lucky?” Marcus asked.

Domino nodded, “my good luck is bad luck for a lot of others. Look, someone tried to mug me, and on the twelfth floor above me an old lady nudged a potted plant and boom, instant headshot.”

Wade laughed, “Oh the old flower pot through the skull bit, I love it.”

“While he’s laughing that mugger died. I don't know if he had kids or a family. Hell, what if that was a dog or someone's kid that got pushed? What if a car tire blows out and saves me but causes a car wreck? Luck isn't always good, and so I want somewhere to stay, out of the way.”

Marcus had no idea, “So, uh, your one of those, Augments?”

Domino nodded, “him too, but we’re fine. JJ-”

Marcus interrupted her, “yeah, don't care. If the real news is right then you guys have been around for decades, if not longer and nobody said diddly. As long as their no weird hinky mind stuff, I don't care. I'm figuring out the watch, and then going back to my place.”

“Uh, about that,” Wade said, as he pulled the blanket up higher, “I got you evicted.”

“What the shit,” Marcus yelled, “how did you get me evicted!”

“Coke, a fuck lot of coke. I mean, if Dommie here dint jinky up the place it’d be jail or worse,” and Wade sighed, “that was a lot of coke,”

“Domino. What does he mean?” Marcus asked.

“Uh, Deadpool is a mercenary, he kills people,”

“For fun and money!” Wade yelled

“Yeah, and he also robs them after. So when a drug lord got taken out by Venom, Wade here, went in and cleaned the place out afterwards.”

Marcus rubbed a hand over his forehead, “and you hid it in my apartment, you asshole!”

“It's fine, the coke is gone, and your landlord agreed to forget everything, but I also had to give him five hundred bucks and flushed the drugs in front of him,”

“Traitor!” Wade yelled, “I woulda just killed him, and then we could have had coke and money but noooo, someone got to have a conscience, someone’s got to-”

“Wade, want to see my tits?” Domino asked,

Wade nodded and as she slowly undid her zip, the metal clasp broke and as she said “oh well,” the wind rattle the building, dislodging one of the rusty walkway struts, which swung down and clobbered Wade in the face. “Bad luck Wade, maybe teach you some manners.”

“Dat wos not fair,” he complained through smashed teeth, as he spat them out. “I’ll be twakin fwunny fow a phew days.”

“Yeah, then stop being a dick,“ and Domino sighed, “sorry, that's what happens.”

Marcus looked up, “uh, maybe Wade and I should go get some camping gear while you make sure it doesn't happen. He heals. That little stunt would have killed me.”

Domino looked guilty for a second, “sorry. Uh, yeah, blankets, a few tents if you can afford them, and camping heaters and stoves. Check out the army supply stores. Wade knows a few, he sells his crap to them.”

“And gwo out wike this/” Wade said as he pulled at the blood lips and grabbed his nose with his thumbs reset it, “I’ll be a waffing stock.”

Domino snorted, “no comment, here's a couple of hundred, no icebox so tinned stuff, chicken, veg, oh, or they sell old rations, get those, expensive but easy to store.”

Marcus took the money, “and beer,” he sighed, “maybe something stronger.”

Domino patted him on the shoulder, “Yeah,” and she handed him another hundred, “maybe a lot of both.”


Another week later.

“Why do you get to sleep next to the sexy babe, while I get the fish turds and river stink?” Wade complained.

The tents had been set up, away from the hole that had been torn in the river end of the warehouse. It had been a docked warehouse at one point, but the previous owner had built a platform over it and used the water underneath as a cooling system. When the platform collapsed, it tore the rusted doors from their hinges and destroyed the dock, leaving the warehouse open to the elements.

“Because, it's cold at the other end, even with the tarps, and you stink,” Marcus said. He had no complaints about sleeping next to Dominos tenet, and he wondered if the brief silhouettes he saw sometimes were an invitation or a mistake. Nah, not that lucky, he thought to himself while ignoring Wade's whining.

It wasn't bad living in the warehouse, they had a decent supply of gas, powering not just a few heaters but kitchen stove, battery-operated radios, and well, Wade's ever-amusing attempts to fight Domino, whose luck power just made him look even more like a fool. 

What he hadn't been attempted was using the watch. The last super speed hero he turned into, who Wade christened Speedo, was an indication that these were some kind of either stored Augment genetic templates or Enhanced, and without some kind of training, he might kill himself, or worse, somebody else.

“Well, I say, stop being a pussy and use it.” Wade said, “I mean, I'm pretty sure I’m immortal, plus, use it or lose it.” as he pointed at the watch, whose face seemed to be growing dimmer.

“While I hate to agree with Wade, he does have a point. Things are getting worse, and there is that speech coming up. We might need you. So, I’ll make a deal with you, try out the last five powers, “ and she leaned in and whispered in his ear, “and we can see how lucky you can get.”

Marcus gulped. He had never had someone who smelt so good so close before, and truth be told, Domino was all kinds of stupid hot. Wearing tight leather didn't help, and taking a deep breath. Marcus agreed.

“Fine, fine.” He had felt the watch growing heavier, and he wondered if in not using it, it was slowly winding down, or even if that was possible.

“Right, so,” and he turned to figure four, who was wearing a bodysuit but this time had a face mask on, just covering his eyes. Which seemed kinda stupid, it was only covering his eyes.

The face of the watch sprang up and Marcus pushed it back down, disappearing in a flash of light.

Standing there was a muscular man, wearing a tight black bodysuit, with green stripes down either side, covering his face, like tight sunglasses was a green face mask, this time though, on his chest he did have a circle with the two triangles in it, but the watch had changed into a ring.

Deadpool scrambled back, “no, no, you can't make me, you can't,” and he began to scheme.

“What the fuck Wade?” Domino asked as he shuffled into his tent and zipped it from the inside, “no animated super suit, no animated super suit,” he mumbled over and over again.

“Well that was weird,” Marcus said, and the ring on his finger changed from a green colour to yellow, “And fucking rude. I mean, what's his problem.”

Domino shrugged, “dunno, seems freaked out.”

“Freaked out? Freaked out, I’ll give him something to freak out about, fucking pussy.” the ring changed yellow and as Marcus pointed it at the tent, a figure shot out,

It was a yellow rendition of a handsome man, with perfect hair and teeth, “g’day mate, ole Hugh here, off to see my good mate, Ryan. Hey, Ryan you fuckin’ loser, wanna sing some show tunes?” 

As the man taunted Deadpool, he screamed in his tent, Domino could only look on in confusion.

“Does he look like Wolverine to you?”

Marcus shook his head. He had seen the Augment on Wade's phone, “Nah, Wolverines only what? five-foot two? That guy’s over six-foot tall. He’s more like some huge jacked man.”

Marcus pulled his hand back and the figure disappeared, and the ring turned back to green, “uh, that was weird. Think he’s okay?” As Marcus spoke, the ring turned blue, and his outfit changed to match.

“I think you should quit that one, rainbow rings powers are really strange,” Domino said

Marcus nodded and touched the symbol on his chest, but this time he failed to turn back, “what the hell? He yelled and his ring turned red, “fucking piece of shit, turn me back, fuck.” and he smashed a hand into the other, crushing the ring into his palm.

As the transformation ended, he shook his head, “that hurt. So ring guy is a no as well.”

“Yeah, hey Wade, it's gone now, scary Australian man isn't here anymore.” Domino shouted, “Maybe wait to do the last four yeah?”

Marcus shrugged, “the dial is almost empty, might as well do them.”

Flicking the watch face, he selected a tall man, who seemed to be wearing a trenchcoat, “here goes nothing.”

Pressing the dial back down, he changed and was a tall suave looking gentleman, with slicked-back hair, a fedora and a long trenchcoat. “Uh, detective guy?”

“I think you look quite handsome,” Domino said,

Deadpool stuck his head out of his tent, “Hey, how come you get to be all the hotties. Leave some for the rest of us.

Marcus was about to argue when looking at Wade he felt something shift, and Wade gasped, “You change back right now.”

Marcus looked confused and Domino retched, “You look like Wade,”

Marcus stared at his hands, and saw they were the blister covered scab ridden weird finger claws Wade had, the ones the Domino forbade him from touching anything of hers without gloves on, “Uh, little help?” Marcus asked, he did not want to be stuck as Wade.

“Oh, try her?” Wade suggested,

Marcus stared at Domino and felt himself shift again, and was greeted by the soft sensation of thigh leather against two things that definitely had not been there before.

“Oh yeah, momma.” Wade said, “now uh, Dommy baby. Uh, why don't you leave me and Morph here to fully investigate this new power of his, maybe ten minutes, five, oh nope, I’m done. Never mind.”

“Sorry,” Marcus said, and trying his hardest he closed his eyes and thought normal please just normal.

He heard Domino gasp and Wade laugh and as he opened his eyes he saw his hands were green, oh shit, not the Hulk, but he wasn't massive. Instead, he was a large green blad man, with the same watch face on his chest and a tight pair of trousers and bare top, where he could see a chiselled set of abs, in a very catching emerald green colour,

“I feel weird,” he said, “and I can hear a few things.” he could hear whispering as if someone was next to him,

“Someone is telling me I am a sexy beast, and another is saying something about the jolly green giant, and if my genitals are green as well.”

Domino coughed and Wade laughed, “What, who doesn't want to know what an alien dong looks like? Asgardians are so boring. The one I asked just punched me.”

As Marcus stretched and examined his hands he changed shape once more, back to what he thought he should look like.

“Shapeshifter, that one’ll be popular with the ladies, right Dommy,” and Wade did an over-exaggerated wink at her,

The form timed out and while he flashed for a second, Marcus had managed to get close to his original form, “that one could be okay, I felt stronger but the shapeshifting means I still look normal.”

“Okay, three to go.” Domino said, pulling over a camp chair and opening a can of coke, “might as well, looks like it's out of charge.”

Staring at the face Marcus nodded and the next was a large muscular man, similar to the first but with no cape. Spinning the dial and pushing it down, once more he changed.

The new form was indeed a large muscular man, with tight green shimmering pants and a tight golden top, goddamit, Marcus thought, what’s with spandex and these guys, can nobody wear normal pants. And as he moved, he didn't feel any different, “No superpowers, uh, just into shiny stuff.”

“Boring!” Wade shouted, while Domino just smiled,

“Right, two more.” and Marcus flipped to another cape wearer, this one had a huge cowl on, and as he changed, 

This time he was standing in thick body armour, and around his waist, he could feel a variety of different gadgets, each one high tech and very specific, “This one I like.”

Wade and Domino both nodded, “Very fancy, nice armour too. How's his aim with that gun?” Domino asked

Marcus unclipped the gun from his belt, “it's not a gun, looks like a grapple or something?” and as he pointed it up it hooked onto one of the warehouse roof's support struts and pulled himself up using the gas-powered line retractor.

As he hunched over, sat on one of the iron girders, hef elt at home up here, like a giant bird roosting over his prey, “This is kinda cool, like some kind of Nightman”

“What, say that again, “ Domino asked

“Nightman!” Marcus said, “I am Nightman.”

“Hey, how are you doing that with your voice?”

“No idea, it only does it when I saw Nightman!”

“Yeah, that's weird, now come down, you look stupid sat up there.”

Marcus nodded and as he fell he spread out his cape like a giant pair of wings and glided right down to the ground, landing on one knee and supporting himself with a hand,

“Hey, superhero landing, nailed it” Wade shouted, “Still a crappy name though.”

“It's not crappy, I am vengeance, I am the night,” Marcus replied

“Wow, issues much, get therapy, night man.” Wade replied “next!”

Marcus touched the yellow dial symbol on his chest, and switched back, coughing a few times, “yeah, that's murder on the throat.” as he turned the dial the last figure appeared, and he sighed, “Uh Wade, can I have some privacy with this one.” Marcus already knew what was about to happen, and an audience would just make it worse.

“What, no way, You've seen my unmentionables, so I get to see yours.”

Marcus sighed, “fine, but if you say a single word, I will have Domino shoot you.” and he  hit the dial on the last figure, instantly shooting up in size in both directions

“Holy mother of chesties.” Wade explained, “I'm in love, fifteen, Domino, oh nope, I’m good. Never mind.”

The larger chested woman, standing at least 7 feet tall flexed an impressive bicep. She had on red body armour, covering her chest enough there was no jiggle but leaving her shoulder and arms free. Her armour travelled down, covering her thighs in thick plates and thick heavy greeves protected her legs. The mini skirt felt weird, and Marcus tilted his head and pulled a sword and shield from his, no, her back. 

She grinned as they felt familiar and powerful in her hands.

“This I like. Oh yeah. Eat your heart out, I'm an Amazon.” She said as she grinned and spun the sword in her hand, “oh, Wade, what did I say about opening your mouth. I can last fifteen, let’s see if your healing can keep up.”

With a grin, Marcus/Amazon advanced on Wade who screamed and ran.

“That nice, but uh, any other powers?” Domino asked,

“Just this,” and Marcus pulled off a golden lasso from her belt, “it's not a weapon though,” and he spun it and whirled it over Domino, “I think it's for containment.”

Domino raised an eyebrow and lifted her arm, with the golden rope hanging from it, “Doesn't seem very effective.”

Marcus sighed, “I guess it's another lame power. So now what?”

Domino looked at him, “Well, I'm going to think about that hunk with the black hair when I rub one out later but first, how about you change back so I can cut that watch off your wrist.”

“Uh, what?” Marcus said, confused,

“Yeah, I have a buyer for Reed’s tech, and Wade and I are going to kill you and dump your body in the river.” she calmly explained,

“Uh Dommy Baby, you said the quiet part out loud.”

Domino looked down at the lasso, “Oh you mother fucker,” Grabbing the rope she tugged on it, but the large woman just shrugged,

“I didn't know. Wait, fuck you.” Gripping the rope tighter Marcus/Amazon tugged on it and Domino went flying towards her. “You were gonna kill me?” she shouted and as Domino flew towards her he whipped out a fist and smashed it into Domino’s face.

“Oooo, that looked nasty,“ Deadpool said with a grimace, “Cue the techno music, gunfight time.”

Deadpool rolled backwards and slipped a hand into his tent grabbed one of his guns, “Bang bang,” he shouted as he fired at the altered Marcus,

“Yeah, bullets don't work,” she said as lifting her bracers they harmlessly bounced off them, “We are strong,” and looking down at Domino who was busy cradling her nose, she grinned and grabbed her by the scruff of her neck. “Have your teammate back,” and lifting her, threw her at Deadpool,

“Why do women always throw themselves at me,” he shouted as he rolled along the ground to avoid the prone form flying at him, “bang bang,” he shouted again as he fired, “bang bang bang,”

The raven-haired woman just deflected them, “bullets don't work,”

“I know, but I've got lots of them and nothing else.” he shouted back, “and once your stupid watch runs out, they’ll work fine.”

Domino had landed and rolled across the floor, one hand landing in Deapools tent, As she moaned after having her nose broken her hand landed on something sticky and shuddering at the mental picture, she grabbed it and threw whatever it was away, landing her hand on something small. Small, round and hard, with a small rectangle at the top,

Deadpool gasped, “not my fourth of July special,” but Domino shrugged, pulled the pin and tossed it at the woman.

Crossing both her arms in front of her, the explosion lifted her from her feet and through the tarp and into the Bay. She coughed and spluttered as the plastic sheeting wrapped around her, stopping her from moving, but letting water in.

Emergency detected, deploying suitable form. She heard and in a flash of light, was now back to the long-haired gold and green wearing muscle man,

“Not helping,” came bubbling out of his mouth, “oh hey, I can breathe.” he laughed, as he sank. Letting himself sink to the bottom of the bay, she shuddered as he saw the remains of a giant machine, whatever it had been looked ominously in the dark, and he did however recognise the skeletal remains that poked out from under a rock nearby. Whatever had happened here had killed someone, and the river’s denizens had taken care of the rest. “Right, don't care, do I go back and take them both, or do I run? He thought to himself as he worked the plastic wrap free.

As he stared down at the dial on the fish guy’s chest, he remembered that the forms didn’t last forever, and there was the recharge. Right, probably die against the two well-armed and well-trained bounty hunters, so run it is.

As the last of the plastic came away he turned as with surprising speed glided through the water to the other side of the bay.

“Well, fuck,” Domino said as she held a tissue to her nose. Her powers had failed, or whatever the watch did affected them, and while he was Marcus she had an advantage but his other forms negated her powers. If they wanted the watch back, they would need to be careful, or as he hadn’t surfaced, take a swim in the river.

“Roshambo you for it?” Deadpool asked.

Domino stared at him, and clicked back the hammer on the gun she was currently holding,

“That's cheating, gun beats everything.”


A month later.

“Well, that sucked, but hey, we got a cool warehouse out of it. Parker can suck it.” Deadpool said as he lifted another can of beans from the small ration heater.

Domino sighed, Her luck had finally run out and with Marcus’s escape, the big score had fallen through and now they owed for failing a contract. As she was about to pull her mess tin of food closer a breeze brushed by.

A red blur filled the warehouse, removing everything., All the camping equipment was gone, the tents, the stove, and the heaters were all removed. On one wall, in very hastily smeared letters were, “Suck it losers!” daubed in white paint.

As Domino snarled at the mural she felt a slight chill and two scaly and unpleasantly cold ‘things’ touched her. 

She screamed as he looked down and not only had her top been removed but Deadpools hands had been positioned over both her breasts, with his face pressed in between them.

She swung down and clobbered Deadpool on the back of the head, and even after lifting her top and zipping back up he was face down in the dirt,

Holding one hand up, he gave her a thumbs-up, “totally worth it.”

She would have shot him, but Marcus had stolen all their guns as well.

The End?

A figure stood on top of the Empire States building, watching the city lights as the people below were unaware of the newest hero to walk the streets of New York.

I am Hope, Justice, and Liberty. I am Gun Show

I am the fear that hunts in the dark, I am the Knightmare

No man escapes the Sage-shifter

No wilting flower, I am Girl Power!

Thank God New York is on the coast, I am Sea-King

I am possibly the fastest man alive, I am Takyon

Through brightest day

Through greatest fight

I’ll crush your spine

And take what mine

I’ll heal with love

And bring you hope

With colours true

And power great

I am Rainbow Ring

I am all of them, and maybe more. I am Marcus Webber, but you can call me.

The Watchman.


Is this canon? (is that even a thing in fanfiction?)

No, no it isn't.

It's just a fun poke at other fanfics with unlikely crossovers between universes and was originally conceived as an idea from arc nine.

Arc nine was originally based on the DC/Marvel Amalgam Universe, but I changed it and went for a pure Marvel story instead.

So, you missed out on

Black Scarab (Venom/BlueBeetle, hosted by Jaime Parker)

Night Fury (Nick Fury/Batman)

The American Marvel (Superman/Captain Marvel)

Boson a.k.a Barry Banner (The Flash/Hulk)

I-Borg a.k.a Victor Stark (Cyborg/Iron Man)

but honestly, it sucked so I scrapped it.

The only thing I kept was Talon, Laura's symbiote, looks like Dark Claw (Batman/Wolverine)


For those unfamiliar with the event.

You can find story with these keywords: Spider-Man. House Of Venom, Read Spider-Man. House Of Venom, Spider-Man. House Of Venom novel, Spider-Man. House Of Venom book, Spider-Man. House Of Venom story, Spider-Man. House Of Venom full, Spider-Man. House Of Venom Latest Chapter

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