Spider-Man. House Of Venom

Chapter 301: Arc Ten. Chapter Two-Hundred Ninety-Three. Win The War

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Peter was approached by what would be described in certain circles as a bear. A huge bearded man, with thick arms and a just as thick stomach, said, “So, I hear you are sleeping with my daughter?” he asked in a thick Russian accent, and Peter knew who this was,

“As often as I can,'' he answered glibly, Natasha had told him she cared about her father, but he was overbearing and overstepped all the time. If he did, Peter could be as embarrassing as he wanted, as long as he didn't get into great detail.

“Ha!” Alexsi replied, “And you think you are man enough?” and he took a pose and flexed his arm, “I am Red Guardian, a specimen of Russian perfection. Red Room Super-Soldier formula flows through my veins, like your Captain America, and you, you are small, like a boy, and puny, like a child.” and he jabbed Peter in the shoulder with a finger. “You are not good enough.”

Peter raised an eyebrow, as a motherly older woman rolled her eyes, “try not to hurt him too much,” and walked past him and a shorter blonde woman looked him up and down, “try not to kill him,” and she walked past as well,

“See, even my family can tell,” and Peter stifled a laugh,

“Uh I think they were talking to me,” he admitted and Alexsi scoffed

“Bah, I am in perfect condition. I even took a shield hit from Captain America and here I am, You may not like it,“ and he bent one knee and flexed once again. “But this is peak Russian performance,”

“Yeah, well, I fought Red Hulk, oh and I can do this,” Peter stepped forwards and grabbing Alexsi by the waist lifted him up and over his head before putting him down. He leaned forwards to the stunned Alexis and whispered “Nat loves it when I do that to her,” before patting him on the shoulder and moving from the doorway.

May was talking to Melina and Yelena but tutted, “Peter, he is a veteran, and you should know better,” and Peter dipped his head and nodded,

“Sorry, mom,” 

May burst out laughing and leant over and whispered to Melina, “See, I told you,” and Melina nodded,

“It just means you raised him right.” and she nodded at Natasha who rolled her eyes.

“So, Widow?”

Yelena nodded, “Yeah, that was a blast. Can I get one? Some freaky squid thing would be great on missions, and long weekends,” she added with a wink.

Peter had no response to that but Yelena just laughed and shook her head, “I thought Natasha would have been much worse. This one time, she made the boys in the neighbourhood all cry when one of them snapped her training bra, oh man it was so funny to watch an eight-year-old mph-” Natasha had leapt from sitting and covered Yelena's mouth with her hand,

“You will stop talking. You will behave, and you will not tell Peter anything about my childhood. If you comply, nod once, if you wish to find out how much I've improved since being bonded then please continue, after dinner exercise is always fun.” and Yelena nodded once. “Good,” and Natasha smiled at Peter.

“Yeah, it was pretty funny, she developed early I mean, like this,” and she held her hands in front of her to emphasise how big Natasha was at a young age. Melina had come over and gently cuffed her on the back of the head,

“Stop embarrassing your sister. Peter, it is a pleasure to meet you, and your family. It is a bit larger than I expected but it is still good.” Peter cast an eye around the warehouse.

Everyone was here, Elektra had been taking care of things with Matt and Pepper but Emma had arrived, Curt and his mom were sitting talking to Gwen and Liv, while Alexsi discussed something involving fighting if his gestures were to be followed with Felicia and Carol. MJ and Wanda were cuddled up together, as once MJ decided she did actually like women the pair had bonded in true warehouse fashion. 

At the end of the table, a confused and bemused Eddie sat drinking a beer, while Cindy was prowling the kitchen. In true wallflower sense, she was either too nervous to join in or was too afraid of angering the group. In the end, it was Friday that approached her, and the pair seemed to be making small talk at least. In all, it was good.

All that was missing was Laura, who he knew was taking a bath, one of several she liked to take during the day, and Logan, who he definitely knew was hunting Hank Pym. He had made it clear that was his goal, and not for a small chat either. Laura had taken his absence in her stride, and while she came back stinking of paint and covered in splodges of red enamel, she was happy when they spent time together at Coney Island.

“You don't mind?” Peter asked Melina who shrugged and took a swig from her beer,

“I grew up with Communism. Mistresses, lovers, wives, it was all the same. If you had rank, nobody cared or at least, nobody said anything. The pig that ran the Red Room when I was there tried to create a pheromone that made women obey him. Having a lot of company is some men’s dream, I don’t judge.”

At the mention of a pheromone, Natasha smirked and Peter just gave a small shrug. There was more to things than just that, but Peter wasn't about to explain, “So, I've got Matt working on visas, but uh,” and 

Melina sighed, “Alexsi is wanted by the US government? Yes?” Peter nodded, “how long?”

“Five to ten. I can maybe get him a reduced sentence if he agrees to a few conditions. The charges are old, and really should be out of date, but fleeing arrest and child endangerment stick for a lot longer. Nat and Yelena were kids, and Matt argued that you were innocent. You still need a visa but with your qualifications, it won't be too difficult to get one.”

Melina scrunched up her face, confused, “Yelena too?”

Peter nodded and took a drink from his own bottle, “Private security. Nat’s our head and can hire and fire who she likes. Sure she’s tied to us for a while, but no criminal record, no problems. Just Alexsi.”

“I will persuade him. If you can promise he will be safe in prison. He thinks he has a lot of enemies. But what about me? I know what Yelena wants to do, and I have heard from Natasha that you have work for me, but am I to be taken?”

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Peter frowned, “taken?” and Melina pointed to the group around her, 

“Bedded, to become one of your women, to pay for all this kindness?”

It was Peter's turn to choke on his cider, “What? No! We have a lab. Gwen works with biotech, or if you prefer mechanical Liv, we even have someone you might know? Ivan Vanko.” He glanced over at Nat, who was hiding her laughter with a hand. He knew she had put her mother up to this, and he would make sure he got her back later.

“Ivan works for you? Damn rat. No wonder the Red Room couldn't find him. He is a very bad man Peter, you should be careful.” Melina warned him,

Peter laughed, “Ivan helped with our reactors, I think we’re going to split him off into his own company soon and add clean energy to AIM’s list of achievements. So uh, Gwen? I mean, she makes around ninety per cent of our money right now, and an extra set of hands would be good right?”

“I don't see why not Pete. I mean, as long as it's not those damn helmets or anything super illegal, then sure.” 

Gwen sat up, and listing things on her fingers she began a list, “Pharmatech, cosmetics, and foodstuffs. We’re making a lot of different things,”

“Natasha tried to explain but science was never her strong suit, she takes after her father.” and Natasha pulled a face at Melina, “definitely like her father.”

Peter laughed, “It can wait until after dinner, but it does lead me to my next question,” and he motioned to Yelena to come over, “I know about the Red Room formula, and while Gwen is the best one to talk to, Do you want it removed?”

Yelena looked over at Alexsi, who was losing at arm wrestling with Felicia while Laura, now out of the bath, egged her on, and she sighed, “Dad, yes, His nerves are shot and he drinks, but we can see him shake. For me? I would want a new formula. I need it in my line of work.” 

At that thought Peter nodded and took out a card, handing it to Yelena. “I have ‘friends’,” Peter said, making quotes, “who are very interested in meeting you.”

She looked at the card and frowned, “Wrath? Are they new?” and she pouted, “never heard of them.”

“Uh, not new. When Shield went down, Fury got a new job.” and Yelena stared wide-eyed at the card,

“Nick Fury?” to which Peter nodded, “Wrath is his team now?” 

Melina rolled her eyes, “Go ahead,” and she shook her head “Fury was one of the ones hunting her father. She grew up with anti-hero worship I suppose.”

“Nick Fury was the greatest spy ever. With that long black coat and the eye patch. Man, he’s so cool.” Yelena said wistfully,

Peter could hear Natasha choking on her beer in the background. “Yeah, cool,” he said, trying to sound as sincere as possible. 

Yelena flicked him with the card, “you are just jealous. I am calling right now,”

Peter motioned to the door, “Security stops you from dialling out,” 

Yelena tutted and headed out, furiously entering a new contact while walking.

Peter and Melina both shared a smile and made their way back to the table. Peter had already started the meal, and it was finishing up in the oven.

There were massive german wieners broiling, pasta with various sauces, Steaks that were still in the oven after being cooked to perfection and a huge selection of sides, mainly potatoes of every sort, jacket, roast and mashed, and as Peter and his mom began to set out plates for everyone they had a quiet talk,

“Curt is upset, Peter, and no, not with you. He thought that once Oscorp was over with all this would be behind us,” May said, sadly, and Peter had to agree

“I'm really sorry mom. I never thought they would go after you two, you don't work for anyone, your just my mom.'' In fact, the driving force behind all of Peter's retaliation was his mom. Plans being made were centred around the fact that his identity was known by so many people, and while he couldn't get them all, he would make sure everyone, forced or not was made to pay.

“I know, but please. I also know you had trouble with your powers in the past and made some decisions you might regret.” May rested a hand on his arm, “but please, don't go too far on my behalf. I am okay, a little shaken but okay. I only want you to be safe.” and 

Peter stopped to put down some plates and pulled May into a hug, “Love you, mom.”

Alexsi looked at the pair and clapped, “See Natasha. That is the love of a child for his mother. Come give papa a hug” and he grinned and held out both his arms, “come on, come to papa.”

Natasha reluctantly gave him a hug, while Alexsi wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up to spin her around while laughing. “See, Melina, I told you she was not mad at me.” Natasha stared at him as he suddenly stopped, frozen in place.

“I think I just put my back out.”

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