Spider-Man. House Of Venom

Chapter 309: Arc Eleven. Chapter Three-Hundred One. Bragging Rights

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Jean and Peter sat, both looking suitably guilty, as Liv and Gwen stood over them. The TV in the background was playing a recorded news segment, although they didn't have to record it as it was still a major story over all channels.

Today we all witnessed the terrifying power of these Augments. A giant bird, made of fire spread across the surface of the moon, brightening even the midday skies. We reached out to Charles Xavier for comment,

Today's incident was not us. We are fully committed to peace and such a barbaric show of power would be pointless and hamper any peace talks we are conducting. It fell to Parker Industries, which caused the disaster. 

As we reached out to Peter Parker, the CEO of Parker Industries and a leading member of Advanced Ideas Mechanics, he had this statement,

Uh, Sorry. We were doing some testing, and a potentially unstable power overloaded as we tested the uh insertion of a new rod into its system for the first time. Overwhelmed by the sheer size, the power source overloaded and the resultin-

Liv clicked the TV off.

“So, not only did you have sex on the moon, but Jeans enthusiastic first time created a massive Pheonix, which we all saw. You then thought it was a good idea to actually brag about having sex on the moon to the news. Am I correct?”

Peter looked over at Jean, who hid her face with her hands. Losing control of her powers while having sex with Peter had not been her intention, and she was bright red.

Peter shrugged, “I thought it was a good idea at the time,” was all he said and Liv tutted,

“You are getting a big head again, do you need a time out?” and Peter laughed, causing Liv to frown, “It's not a joke Peter, this caused an international incident. AIM has been swamped by lawsuits claiming-” but Peter raised a hand,

“Liv,” he stated, “I am never ever going to feel bad about having sex with anyone. Jean enjoyed herself, I make sure you all do, and I get to brag about it. I have ten of the hottest, smartest and most powerful women in the world as my hopefully soon to be wives. Who wouldn't brag about that?” and Gwen frowned but shrugged,

“He is right, you know, I mean. Even I've been approached about the whole poly marriage thing to Shuri. People are interested, and yeah jealous.”

Liv tutted and folded her arms, “And the lawsuits?”

“Send them to Pepper. Not a legal guy but acts of space aren't covered in Earth's laws. It was just a big light show, nobody got hurt, there was no damage to the moon or on Earth right? Let Charles and Pepper deal with it. I’m not apologising.” Liv tutted again, “and if Jean decides that anyone else gets moonbooty, then you’ll be just as smug.”

Liv snorted, “and does Jean agree to that?” but Jean was biting her lip, the only other reaction was to poke Peter in the side,

“I am not calling it moonbooty.” Jean said as she looked at Liv and Gwen, 

Liv smiled and shook her head, “that wasn’t what I meant dear, it’s Helios and her effect on your sexual preferences,”

“I read your report of the side effects of the symbiotes, and while Helios was a blank when she was created, I can already feel her influence. I think being naturally telepathic though she’s having less of an effect on me. The big question is do I just let her, or do I resist. It would probably take longer, as she’d be subtly changing my brain chemistry, but it will probably still happen, especially during, you know.”

Liv sat down and Peter moved to make her and Gwen coffee, 

“Well then, I guess for once it is entirely our choice. I will admit that you are rather attractive and I won't say no, and we already know Gwen’s opinion on that,” and Gwen laughed,

“Oh no, a cute and bi woman likes me,” she said mocking both Peter and Felicia, who had complaints in the past, “but, there is also Cindy.”

Jean frowned, “Cindy? Cindy Moon?” and Gwen nodded,

“She is completely homo, and unashamedly so. I did offer, but nope. A one-woman show and she does kinda have a thing for you.” While Cindy had refused Gwen's advances, she had found her easy to talk to, and found a friend at least.

“But I wouldn't be able to sleep with Peter?” and Gwen shook her head, and took a sip,

“Monogamous.” and Jean shrugged.

“Cindy was a bit-” but before she could finish Gwen laughed,

“Yeah, she was, and she also lives in that home over there. Maybe be a bit more subtle.” Jean looked down and nodded. While the group was slowly nearing thirty, with Gwen a few months away and Peter and Felicia closing in just as fast, Jean was a bit more immature. Her sheltered upbringing coupled with the psychic dampers meant she was still blunt, and shy, even if Peter said it was adorable and cute.

“Sorry Cindy,” Jean said, not knowing if Cindy would hear, “but I like Peter, and I guess, if it's a few, then I don't mind trying.” 

As Helios spread over her, the bright red symbiote rippled and Jean began to laugh. “We will taste you all,” and as Jean transformed her back to the red tracksuit she preferred she shrugged, “I uh, guess that's that then.” 

She didn't feel any different, but she knew she was. The subtle way Gwen's smile made her want to smile, the cute way Liv would scrunch up her face as she frowned and pushed her glasses up, and the way Peter had a subtle hungry look on his face as he took sly glances at all three of them. “Oh yeah, really feeling it now.” It was one thing to be told, ‘oh hey the symbiotes subtly alter your perceptions of people’ but it was nothing to being aware of the change as it happened.

“We actually do have another problem,” Liv said with a hesitant smile, “Jean was not included in the agreement with Shuri. So, as Wakanda saw the giant firebird across the night sky, Shuri just assumed that it was you doing something irresponsible. I already talked to her and explained. She will be calling this afternoon and wishes to speak to you both. We have the conference rooms set up for a video call.”

Peter looked at Jean and then Liv, feeling a bit guilty, “Was she mad?” and Liv shook her head, 

“No, but you do have to explain. Shuri wasn't told about Jean, as things were-” and she scrunched up her mouth, adorable Jean thought, “spotty. Jean had been avoiding you, and we really had not thought to include her in the discussions as she was at the mansion most of the time, sorry dear.” but Jean shrugged.

“It wasn't great, but I will take responsibility. Marriage right?” 

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Peter nodded,

“Good. Peter Parker, you are mine, and no one is taking you away from me. Ever.”

“Well, that was tingly. Do we all get the glowy powerful Augment going all cavewoman over us, or is it just Pete?” Gwen asked jokingly, but as she was lifted and taken into Jean's embrace she melted as Jean kissed her,

“Mine, all mine,” Jean whispered in Gwen's ear, while gently nibbling on her earlobe, and Liv cleared her throat,

“While I am very much enjoying watching you turn Gwen into putty, there is also the video call.” and Gwen huffed as Jean sat her down.

“Fine, fine. I already know how to get Shuri on our side.” and Jean pulled out a small bar of metal, “Not vibranium, I practice with Adamantium. One of Dooms Augments brought it to Avalon, hoping to sabotage something, and I've been playing with it.” Peter shrugged, knowing full well the metal was almost indestructible once cooled. It was probably a good way to test her powers.

In Peter's apartment, the conference room was set up so that they could sit and chat, but as Shuri's angry face appeared they stood,

“So, Explain. We had an agreement, and while I did not expect you to break it so spectacularly, break it you did,” Shuri said as she sat on the throne. Jhalia had taken on the appearance of formal robes, and while still Shuri's normal pale brown colour, were edged with gold and snaked up into a huge headdress being her.

“I uh,” stammered Peter, but Jean put a hand on his chest.

“Peter and I had an agreement before you. You might be royalty, you might have taken certain liberties but Peter was promised to me before all that. However, I am willing to compromise.” and Jean held up the bar of metal. “I will visit, and you can test this yourself, but this is adamantium. On behalf of Avalon, I wish to discuss mineral rights as well as a new manufacturing technique for not just this, but Vibranium as well.”

Shuri leaned forwards, “Interesting, but not related to Peter at all.” and Jean smiled,

In her palm, the bar began to glow red, and melt into a ball, which Jean swirled, “Peter is non-negotiable that’s why,'' and the ball separated into two smaller balls, one the size of a pea while the other was almost the same size as the original bar. “My augment power allows me to molecularly unbond the vibranium from any impurities in the metal ore. I can telekinetically control and heat the metal to any temperature. In testing, we stopped before I melted it to fusion point.”

The balls both returned to their normal colour and Jean motioned to Peter, handing him one. “They are cooled rapidly without harming the metal, as you can see. And with the small sample Liv provided me, should increase your vibranium mining and processing by at least twenty-two per cent, depending on the quality of your facilities.”

Shuri nodded, ”But Peter?”

Jean laughed, “non-negotiable. Peter is mine, and you have no say in the matter. I'm powerful enough to just take him, and anything I want. But, he loves you so I won't. I formally request I be submitted for Royal Approval, undergoing any trial you seem fit. I will not fight with you, but you will not stop me from taking my man.”

Shuri laughed, “and his others?” and it was Jean's turn to smile,

“I accepted Helios, and she accepted me. You are beautiful, and if you agree we will have you as well.”

Shuri raised an eyebrow, “You normally do not pick someone as forcefully blunt. I think I should marry her,” and Jean laughed but Peter frowned, “oh do not use that look on me, Peter. I am immune, and while she is beautiful, she is lacking a certain part that we all enjoy, and the real thing is so much better, as Jean can agree. The fireworks over the Earth, you?” and the stern Jean blushed and went red, “See? I accept. I doubt the council will object to having such an Augment in our ranks, and we will discuss Mr Xavier's proposal. T’Challa will handle that, he has chosen a more diplomatic role in Wakanda. This means that I am to remain ruler of Wakanda, meaning,” and Shuri pointed to the boxes behind him, “You have more reading to do. I will send the other 230 scrolls concerning your Kingly duties. And Jean, as you seem to be very forceful, make sure he reads them all.”

 Peter groaned and nodded, defeated.

“Good. I will expect you both in Wakanda within a week. I will send details to Liz,” Peter blew her a kiss and she snorted and laughed as the call cut out.

Jean looked at him and smiled, 

“no sex until you finish a box,”

“Oh come on, that's not fair.”

Liv tilted her head, “Oh? Are you not in trouble for getting,” and she made quotes with her fingers, “moonbooty?” As she looked over at Jean, “I think what we should actually do, is no sex for you until you finish a box, but I think that you should know what I fully intend of having sex with Jean, and Gwen right now. And you will not be joining unless you finish that box.”

As Jean, Liv and Gwen shared a look and their clothing all rippled away Peter watched as the trio made their way into the bathhouse, and Gwen looked, waved and added the red flag, barring Peter from entering. She smiled as she gave him a sly wink, blew him a kiss and disappeared into the bathhouse, where after a few minutes he heard giggling, and then soft moaning,

“Stupid homework” he muttered, as he lifted the lid and began to pick out scrolls.


The Penultimate Arc begins!

As with all Arcs, the Arc title will be revealed at the end, and a small update on how the rest is coming along.

I still have Logan Small Game Hunter to write

Arc 12 is sat at 22 of 30 chapters written, but unedited.

I am also going to apologise.

It should only be the first five chapters, as I will have time to go over next weeks again.

But, thank you for understanding, for reading, commenting, and hitting the little heart. It is appreciated.

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