Spider-Man. House Of Venom

Chapter 315: Arc Eleven. Chapter Three-Hundred Seven. Cold Front

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Emma sat, lounging in an armchair in Peter's apartment while sipping a glass of champagne.

“So, is this your way of breaking my poor little heart?” she said as she waved her empty glass at him and he laughed, added more champagne to her glass, and shook his head,

“Nope, but Shuri wants assurances that it's only going so far. As she put it Mistress, not marriage.” Emma lighted her glass and shrugged, she had expected to be rejected.

“I've been called worse darling, but I want assurances that it is mistress and not whore. I had enough of that, and look where that got him. All I want is a nice happy relationship where I don't get some uppity arsehole telling me how to live my life but still treats me as if I actually exist. You fit that bill perfectly. You are the closest thing to a decent man I've found so far, so why look further?”

“Only treat you like a whore if you want me to, but you also need to know what it means. I mean, you think it's me, but there are more of us, You sleep with Liv, well, add in nine others who feel the same way. Elektra made her choice, Felicia only. And leave Cindy alone, she might have a Symbiote but she isn’t part of this.” Peter rubbed his forehead, “and Friday is, yeah. Please leave Friday alone until she’s at least,“ and Peter sighed, “older.”

Emma laughed, “And here I thought you were insatiable. I accept. Women are no issue but remember I do have my own preferences, nobody gets an invite unless I agree.” Peter shrugged,

“That's how it's always been. But uh, there is one last thing?” Emma raised an eyebrow as Peter pointed at her glass,

“Yeah, not buying that again. It was three hundred a bottle. What the hell, Emma?”

Emma drained her glass, since she had Precious it had been rather bland, but worth seeing his face. “I expect only the best darling, and you agreed. Why should I miss out just because my little boy toy is so stingy?”

“Wait boy toy? How old are you?” Peter had figured she was maybe five or six years older, the same age as Natasha.

Emma sighed, “While that is rude to ask a lady her age, I, unfortunately, need to talk to you about that. You’ll need to get Liv, and we need more alcohol.”

As the pair made their way over to the Parker building, Liv was busy finishing up work on the latest armour build when she greeted Peter and Emma in the cafeteria. It was quiet and the break time wasn't for another hour. As they sat, drinking slightly better than vending machine coffee, Emma told them about what had been discovered in the files of Bar Sinister.

Peter had sat stone-faced as he listened. He had guessed there might be more, and not Augmented, after what they had found, but it was Liv who seemed upset at her revelations. Her time at Oscorp had still left her wary of any human experimentation, especially done under the radar, and she was thinking that if Shaw wasn't dead, she would have killed him herself.

“There are two more clones of Emma Frost in the world,“ and Emma showed them the list, “I have no idea who, but there are.” Peter frowned, 

“Uh, should we be worried, I mean, your powers are pretty strong. And Psylocke and Rogue aren't exactly pushovers either.” Peter asked, concerned that another Rogue or worse was loose in the world. He would make a note to get Fury to try and track down the last two. Even if it was just to be sure where they were, and that they weren’t a danger to anyone.

“I don't really care, if they have been under the radar this long then they can stay there. I'm more worried about long term effects. Am I defective or am I going to end up like Wade?”

“Wade?” Peter asked but Emma shuddered, Wade was the singular reason Peter was given the Mind Stone back, as, in a stupid attempt to try and figure out who the other Cuckoos were, she read his mind, hoping to find out more about Shaw’s operation. After she recovered, drank herself into a coma in an attempt to rid herself of the experience, she wanted to be rid of the Stone. Not just the stone but the memories. She was even willing to let Peter or even Jean do a little housekeeping on her mind. Even now, the mention of his name sent shivers of disgust through her.

“Deadpool. Shaw had a singular mutant, and I mean that in all respects of the word, Augment is too kind. He was powerful, had multiple powers and was very very unpleasant, and not just physically.” Emma shuddered when she remembered the look Wade had given her, and the surface thought he was having about her breasts, his tongue, and a bunch of bananas, and where he wanted to stick them, and not just in her. They had immediately turned him out and sent him to the mansion. Charles was insistent on rescuing all poor and oppressed Augments, so he was welcome to him.

“Well, he sounds delightful,“ Liv said, raising an eyebrow. 

Curiosity had gotten the better of her, and no matter his issues she would still like to see exactly how his X-Gene looked. They knew it was the key to an Augments powers, and messing with it usually ended up being fatal, so how he managed to have so many different powers was intriguing, and really he couldn’t be that bad, could he?

“When you bonded with Precious we did a full check-up, there is no sign of cancer or other genetic abnormalities. As much as it might pain you to hear this but Shaw made you perfect. I expect it was intentional, and he chose only the best. Anne Marie is mentally unstable and is maybe only a quarter Emma Frost, Psylocke has very similar powers, and is more your sister than anything else.  But let's be clear, you are not clones of Emma, you are your own person. You were made from donor DNA, from several donors and not cloned from one specific person.” She continued but as she looked down at her coffee she frowned. “Peter, I hate to bring this up but do you think that Laura is one as well?”

“Laura is a clone?” Emma asked and Peter nodded,

“Of Logan, but we never thought to check the donor mother. It might be one of our missing Emmas.” and Emma leaned back

“Well that could have been embarrassing, I took a bath with her and we almost,” and she smiled and winked. “So, no doing the young miss Wolverine then, well not until we know.”

“I'd be more worried if she is. Laura grew up in a lab and family is a huge thing for her, I mean, a really huge thing.”

Laura had been the most receptive to everything happening so far. She had accepted Peter having more than one lover, had accepted the multiple marriages, had been happily sharing a bed with everyone, and had been the most active in seeking out new things to do with everyone. 

Peter had put it down to their pheromones, but really it was being part of a loving group. She took to Logan like a duckling, bugging him and following him around, finally finding the family she was after. Finding out that Emma was her sister would probably cause her to explode with joy, and Peter knew that while Laura would love it, Emma was a bit more composed.

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“We need to do the testing then.” Peter sighed, “but we shouldn't tell her until we find out for sure.”

Liv nodded, “It won't be hard, I have samples of everyone to make sure the symbiotes aren't causing issues. I take them when I do the six-monthly physical, or in your case, twice daily.” and Peter laughed

“We can run all the tests you like. We have counsellors on staff as a lot of the things we deal with can be a bit, dangerous. Pepper insisted as a licenced doctor as well, but for more in house things, I am pretty confident in my own abilities, even if I'm not board certified. It's just a small blood sample, plus any physical issue you want to talk about, but for that dear, I'm afraid you can wait outside. We might be open, but there are things you don't discuss with anyone other than your doctor.”

Pere nodded, patted Emma on the hand, give Liv a kiss on the cheek, and made his way home while they did their thing.

Emma had long headed back to the warehouse, and Liv looked up from the analyser and checked the results. She made sure by running them twice and then emailed herself the file.

Back at the warehouse, Peter was drawing up plans to add in more homes, and as Liv came into his workspace he nodded and called Emma and Laura.

“So Laura, we have some news. We checked your donor father, and as we suspected it was Logan, but your mother was always an unknown. Until now. Laura, Emma Frost was the donor, and Emma here is your sister.”

Emma looked hesitantly at the young-looking mutant, who in her opinion looked nothing like her. Laura wasn't even five feet tall, with thin wiry muscles and no cleavage of any kind, her hair was thick and brown, and if anything she reminded Emma of Selene more than any of the others.

Laura looked confused, “Emma is my mom but my sister as well?” and Peter laughed but shook his head,

“Sorry, Emma here is also a clone. Emma Frost Senior died,” and as he looked over at Emma, “and we made sure. It was announced in the Times, and her grave is in New York Marble Cemetary.”

Laura blinked a few times, “Mom died? But sis is her clone? Like me?” and Peter nodded. Laura wiped her eyes a few times before looking over at Emma,

“Glad I didn't fuck you then,” and Liv burst out laughing, Peter shook his head

“Logan might be upset to hear you talk like that” but she pulled a face and shrugged.

“He’s not here, so I can be as unladylike as I like, so nya” and she stuck her tongue at him,

Moving over he kissed her, “keep doing that and I’ll find a use for that.” so she stuck it out again and he kissed it tip before french kissing her

Emma cleared her throat, “Do you mind, this is supposed to be a family moment here, not a sex orgy. I mean, family, I actually have a family, and you’re hitting on her, right in front of me. I should be surprised but I am not.” Peter laughed,

Laura wrapped her arms around Peter's neck, “lighten up, like Dad, angry and grumpy. Be a frosty shake, not a frosty bitch” and Peter snorted,

“Okay, I am not getting into that one.” and he lifted Laura off his lap and kissed her cheek, “Be nice, she didn't know.”

Laura hmphed. “Got a family, don't need a new one.” 

Emma frowned, “That does seem like Logan to me. I think I got all the best bits in the deal, maybe being me isn't so bad after all.” and Laura growled,

“Talon cutest one there is!” she yelled mimicking Hulk, and Emma laughed,

“Shortest one there is more like. I mean, did they forget to put you in a bigger grow bag or was the genetic sample dropped?”

Laura growled and as her blades sprang from her hands Emma tutted and lifted her up, “As if that would ever work.” 

As Laura floated over, a surprised Peter and Liv watched as Emma wrapped her arms around her, “but you are my dearest sister, and I will come to tolerate you very much”

“Uh Emma, Don’t you mean love?” Peter asked,

“You never had siblings darling. Tolerate is the best I can do.” and while Laura huffed she did cuddle closer,

“Love you too. I want to tell dad though, he hates surprises,” Laura said as she squished her head between Emma's breasts.

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