Spider-Man. House Of Venom

Chapter 336: Arc Eleven. Chapter Three-Hundred Twenty Eight. Meeting Of Minds

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Once Peter was home, he sighed in relief. It was close, and he had not enjoyed spending any time with any of those people. Charles was fine, but even calling it paranoia Peter was afraid that one day Charles would notice the Mind Stone, and be adamant he was taking it.

It would take a day for Bruce to arrive, and then Tony, Liv and Bruce would all head to the mountain where the Ark was. Wanda had been adamant this time as Tony was rich enough to charter a private jet.

Peter was glad this time that energy wasn’t his speciality, as having Stark ask incessant questions, over and over, and move knot the next topic before Optimus could finish. 

Peter kinda got that though. He’d spend all his life wanting robots to be real, and there they were, in the flesh so to speak. 

It was only when Optiums promised to allow him to do an in-depth scan of a fallen Decepticon that Tony quietened down. Peter knew it was an open invite, as he had already discussed it with Bruce and Liv. 

To make Energon they would need to know how the unique energy was formed and how it interacted with their systems. A few Decepticon chassis were not being used and had already been taken apart by Ratchet for parts. Letting the three completely mad scientists ruin one further wasn’t as big of an issue as it would be if the remains were human.

Although he had spent most of yesterday in the bathhouse, he decided to spend today there as well. Floating in the pool was relaxing, and as he lay back and just drifted, he heard Liv and Friday slip into the bathhouse with him.

“You dont mind do you, dear?” Liv asked. She was perceptive to his moods and knew he was just looking for some peace. He waved a hand at them and went back to floating.

“I can put some pants on if you’d prefer?” he asked Friday but she stripped out of her own clothes and settled into the pool with him.

“Peter, That thing we talked about, I now agree,” Friday said. “When I was at the tower, Jocasta brought it up, and uh.” he ignored the pause, he already knew what she was going to say, “Maya broke a vase over Jocasta's head.” and he had to resist the urge to laugh.

Liv floated next to him and entwined her fingers with his. He lifted her hand and kissed the back of it, “That's fine Friday, and that was the point. It’s up to you, and whoever you pick to decide when you’re ready.”

“I uh, still want it to be you though. Tony isn’t my thing, and Vision is a bit,” and she paused, “purple for my liking.” and she paused again, “just uh, warn me if anyone wants to hit me with a vase, okay?” and at that Peter laughed.

“I think you’re safe. More likely they hit me with the vase,” he admitted. It would be like everyone else, Discussed and decided upon, but as he could already feel the curiosity and the interest rising from Liv, he thought it wouldn't really be a problem.

“You guys are weird. I mean, Why do you all seem so happy when Maya gets upset at Jocasta?” Friday asked,

Peter sighed and continued to float, “Only a few people are polyamorous Friday. I guess we’re just the exception. Everyone here loves each other, and if they don’t it's no big deal. We’re a family, and it works for us.”

Friday nodded, and floated over to him, “And if I didn’t want to join?” 

Peter turned and looked at her, “then don’t. It’s always been about respect and permission Friday, nobody forces anyone to do anything they're uncomfortable with.”

“You won’t reject me? Or make me move?” she asked hesitantly. “Or if I decide to only date you, and nobody else?”

“Maybe next door, where there are more rules, like, swimsuits and set times in the pool. But no, you don’t seem to mind being naked, and we don’t have sex while someone isn’t invited.” Peter replied. “We have two others that don’t engage but still like the freedom.” 

Nakia and Yelena were both still living happily in the main warehouse but both had clearly stated their intentions. Yelena was still single, and not looking to date anyone, and he had spotted Ororo a few times and was sure that Nakia was dating her. It was her life though, and if she didn’t want to share, then nobody was going to pry.

“Yeah,” and Friday turned and floated on her back as well, “I’m happy just to float for now,” and she did reach over and take his hand, “and maybe this?”

Peter lifted her hand and kissed it as well, “nobody minds holding hands.”

The trio floated, Liv holding herself closer to Peter than Friday was but they just listened to the pipes gurgle and drain as the water filtered through the warehouse. Someone else was up, and the shower usage was registering through the plumbing.

“Guess it's that time,” Peter said. He knew instinctively what the time was, and it was getting close to seven. A few of the more routine orientated women would be up, and it was normal for Peter to start and make breakfast for everyone. “So, now I have a stupid question. Do you want breakfast, and if so, what would you like.” As he let go of the pair he found the bottom and stood, running a hand through his wet hair.

“Sausage,” Friday said, subconsciously looking straight at Peter's groin, and immediately Liv laughed and for once, Friday went red.

“Liv,” Peter scolded her. It was all fun teasing someone but if they were uncomfortable, or upset it was immediately stopped. Gwen had been scolded on several occasions after a few jokes aimed at Wanda might have been funny to their Wanda, but the reality swapped version was not amused.

“It's fine,” Friday said, “I need to grow a thick skin, as before I didn’t need one.” but Friday grinned as she pushed herself away from Peter and stood, “of course, some of us are a bit thicker than others, so maybe I don’t,” she said casting an eye over Livs smaller chest, “maybe two fried eggs instead.”

That was Peter's cue to leave, as the women often teased and subsequently fought with each other over small, or in this case small and large things, and he stayed well out of it. The argument of “what do you prefer?” was not something he enjoyed, especially as “I don’t care” never seemed to satisfy anyone.

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“I will have sausage later dear, for now though, I think I’m going to carve myself a nice rump steak, the heifer certainly seems large enough in that department.” Liv retorted and Peter hastily made his exit.

He never minded making breakfast for everyone. Parker Inc was still a one-man operation, with his design work on a fairly flexible schedule when inspiration took him.

He started with eggs, laid out bacon on several sheet trays while he chopped various vegetables to make omelettes, grabbed two loaves of bread and set them toasting in several toasters all set to different degrees of brown as everyone had their own idea of what toast should be.

Wanda was first up, as she was normally at the Sanctum before nine, “I can hear them from my home. What is going on?” she asked as she grabbed coffee.

“Well, Friday suggested Liv has small boobs, and Liv suggested Friday has a fat ass, and it went from there,” he explained, as he added onion, pepper and sausage to the pan he was making. Wanda preferred cheese, cold cut sausage and a more eastern European breakfast, while eggs were uncommon, she shook her head as Peter made the first batch.

“Ah, that will do it. Liv is very self-conscious.” and she knew exactly why. Of everyone she was the smallest in that department, even Laura was slightly bigger, and that, and mention of her age was never a good idea.

As the smell of cooking bacon and eggs wafted through the homes, soon bleary eyes and sleepy housemates emerged. Laura dived into her favourite chair, Peters and sat expectantly. Peter piled several slices of bacon on her plate, toast and two scoops of eggs, knowing full well, that she would eat that and want more.

Gwen and Carol emerged together and Carol sat on Gwen's lap as she buttered and ate toast while Gwen nursed a coffee, “So, is that it?” and Peter shrugged.

“Just the Stone, and then yup, all done, no more evil monsters to slay or,” there was a loud splash, a cry of victory, and then a lot of giggling coming from the bathhouse, “yeah, back to normal I think.”

Gwen raised her mug, as Jean and Natasha emerged from Jean's home, “So Friday?” The pair kissed, and then separated, Natasha helping herself to eggs, while Jean grabbed coffee, and a plate floated over and pilled itself with bacon, eggs and dry toast.

Peter lifted his head and sniffed, “looks like Liv got there first.” and the others nodded,

“Revenge for Arcee?” Carol said from behind her cup, but Peter mixed more eggs and shrugged.

“She was kinda mad at you,” Natasha said, grinning,

“No, she was mad at you, as you spent time with her, and didn’t invite anyone else. She understands I have barely any blood flow above waist level, she expected better from you.” Peter said, adding bacon and a folded omelette to his plate. He chuckled as Natasha shook her head at him, unamused at his comment.

He set it down, grabbed two slices of toast and turned all the hot plates off. There was still plenty left for Liv, but if the past was anything to go by, they would be in there for a while.

“So, Jean. The Stone?” and she finished her spoon of eggs,

“I have,” but he held up a hand.

“Honestly, dont say anything. The more we know the easier it might be for us to break whatever you’re going to do. Don’t say a word, don’t tell anyone unless you ask Emma for help.” 

He rubbed a hand over his mouth, “here,” and he handed the bright yellow gem to her, “Get used to how it affects your powers, and then once your ready, Jean you're the most amazingly wonderful woman in the world and I love you more than anyone else.” Peter raised an eyebrow, “okay okay, so you know how to use it, and I’m actually a giant chicken who lays eggs while everyone is sleeping.”

Peter huffed and raised an eyebrow as he looked unamused.

Jean giggled as the Stone glowed in her hand, “Should I swallow it like you did?” and Peter just raised an eyebrow, “fine, fine.”

“No, I only did that, because I like hard things in my mouth.” and while everyone else burst out laughing Peter was not finding it as funny. “Please, Jean.” and she laughed and nodded, “I only did that to hide it. I already have a vibranium box I was going to use for the Reality Stone.”

Jean nodded and taking out her phone sent Emma a message. Jean knew she was powerful enough to do this on her own, but with Emma’s help, it would be much easier to deal with everyone who knew about the Stone, and themselves.

“Okay, I have a plan, but nobody will know until I actually implement it, so,” and Jean handed the Stone back to Peter, “keep that until I ask you to bend me over the breakfast table and ram me with that massive horse cock.” and Jean went bright red, “that's not fair, you giant stud, I only begged you to take me until I scream your name.”

Peter looked at her and laughed, “you still have the Stone, that wasn't me.”

Jean frowned and looked down at her hand, which was empty.

Peter laughed and held it up, “made you look though,” and popped the Stone back into his mouth before enveloping it back into its symbskin pouch.

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